![Jadyn's picture Jadyn's picture](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d30e61a62a0687610175335a8e931ff2.jpg?d=monsterid&s=128&r=PG)
Submitted by Jadyn on Sat, 05/03/2003 - 05:13
Posted in
hi all... just thought i'd let u guys know that my internet connection @ home is screwed... i have no idea why and i'm in the midst of getting it fixed. *tears out hair* :?
i'm not sure when i'll be able to get online outside the office. *bangs head on the keyboard* the good thing is, my boss isn't in the office this week so i should be able to chat during work. *evil grin*
i'll be in the msn chat room - la by night - pop in if you're looking for me ok? *lotsa huggies*
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Players' Comings & Goings
As of Tuesday the 23rd of August, after 8 AM, Sam Aubrey has gone missing. Perhaps he was last seen running naked down Poplar screaming his head off. Anyone in the hall of 1318 would have definately seen this. Anyone in his or her kitchen might have heard it.
Reah...hold down the fort.
Victor...try not to fire him just yet.
Tash...this was all your fault. :twisted:
Player announcement: My work schedule is screwed up through December. Collabs are possible, but won't be easy. Right now I have a collab that must be done with Kristen, since Mother Mariah will always have access to Sam. But otherwise Sam is out of the picture for a bit.
Brinkley is going to come a-knockin', so there's a possible collab there.
That's it. For those of you who are affected by Sam's disappearance, thanks for your time.
Players' Comings & Goings
Thusday Night it is going to rain. Not a sprinkle either its big ploppy raindrops.
Tash and Victor are missing from Tuesday night to Friday afternoon sometime. No-one will know where they are either.
Blame it on the weather.
I am coming back. I swear.
I am very concerned by this disappearance by Mr Aubrey. I need him. He is vital to my current storyline. I need to do the collab with you, Jeff. Pm or e-mail me, as I have been promised my computer will be back this weekend. I will be back next week. Sorry to be gone so long. And, I hope Sam will be available for me to use and abuse as Mariah's plans come to fruition. I promise to write like a mad woman when I get back on next week. Talk to you all soon. Bye for now.
Players' Comings & Goings
Part of it is what Tash did to Sam. Part of it is that I hadn't heard from you, Kris. And part of it is my own schedule is weird, making collabs difficult. I started noticing how poor Amanda has to write things like, "Reah peeked in the room and saw Sam was asleep." Because I've been so tough to schedule, she's had to write around me. Therefore, Sam had to duck down and out for a day or a week. It's not permanent. Currently, I have collabs that need to be done with Amanda, Adam, Heather, April, and, most importantly at the moment, you, Kristen.
I will do my best to work with you. I don't have my weekends off for the next few weeks. I will get off work on Saturday morning about 8 AM. We could collab at 8:30 if you want. Or Sunday at the same time. Maybe Sunday night?
If not Sunday night, then maybe....HEY, AMANDA!!!!! You free Sunday?
Anyway, Kris, if you need the physical Sam, I can rewrite it that way. If you only need him in dream, even better. But I've made it clear to all that I'm your puppet and will collab with you first until that evil, evil Mariah has been brought to justice. Afterward, I'll be free to pursue other collabs.
And might I say thanks for the Mariah thing. It's been fun working that witch into Sam's life. It's affected him greatly. (For the worse :wink: )
To others: You know, I am not against emailing or PMing story bits back and forth if you want to collab that way. In many ways, it's easier. I just don't have the time to sit down to a six hour collab right now. :(
But I miss everyone.
movements monoteny changes improvments why?
I'm about to start writing about my movements over the last week or so.
about a week back maybe more I decided to make a minor upgrade to my computer (USB Ports) so I could use scanners webcams printers etc..
so I took it down to a bloke who would do it for me he said he'd have it done in an hour and to come back then I did and it wasn't done so I hung around there for another few hours while he did it.
he finally got it done and installed the drivers he restarted the comp and the computer said he had deleted some vital system files I hung around for a while and after about a hour watching him bugger around trying to figure out what he had done wrong I decided to go home before I left he asked me to give him the ok to wipe the drive and reinstall windows.
I had to think, 2 years I've had this computer and never backed up anything.
I gave him the ok.
I went home went to bed woke up the next morning went to work came home then went back to the store.
He didn't wipe the drive he just reinstalled windows over the top of it I'm not sure of wether I really would have worried if I had lost everything.
now I have a webcam and my computer and web conection isnt fast enough for it.
a day later I was talking to my mother on the telephone whilst sitting beside my computer drinking beer (I seem to be increasingly drinking more and more lately) I hopped up quickly to get some forms about passports to read out to my mother and in doing so knocked over my full beer. Beer went everywhere all over my monitor all over my keyboard.
nothing seemed to happen.
I cursed a few times and then continued on with my chat to my mother.
I finished talking and hung up.
I turned to my computer.
the screen started rolling.
it went fuzzy then it went zap.
there was no picture.
what was I to do?
I turned off the computer and turned it back on. still no picture but now the computer was making the noise that you get when you continually press a key on the keyboard, I wasnt touching any keys.
I curse and used fowl language.
I picked up the computer.
Did I throw it at the wall? No
Was I going to? Yes
I put it back down and picked up the monitor
I placed it on the floor and got out a screwdriver.
it didnt fit the screws
I threw it at the wall and got another scewdriver this one fit I undid all the scews I could find. I pulled at the casing it didnt come apart.
I stood up and punched the wall
I went back and put the screws back in.
I put the monitor back on the table.
I didn't touch the computer for a few days.
when I did it was okay the beer had dried and it was no longer shorting out
wenever I press the letter W now I get W3 for some reason but I dont care I just backspace and continue
days past and I didn't touch the computer
after work I watched a different new release video every day for a week.
I drank beer a fair bit
I still didn't touch the computer
we had out christmas piss up for work yesterday night and I got drunk.
I went to the pub afterwards and continued to get drunk I met a man who was crying
he was arabic and was new to australia his english isn't to good
he was crying because he was new to the country and alone noone had time for him noone listened
So I sat I listened I talked to him
It was hard his english wasnt good and my words were slurred but we communicated he is thirty six years old and was crying about his father who died in seria when he was ten he feels he is alone
I feel the same way I told him but you've got to be happy is that not what your father would have wanted.
I was drunk I spoke to him for about an hour we drank and talked and smoked he was hapyer his name is ahmed.
I left Ahmed and went to the dancefloor I danced I was drunk
the pub closed and I left I was drunk
I walked to a bridge and lay down on some pipes underneath it the pipes were cool on my face and I was drunk
I came back to reality from dozing about ten minutes later and joined up with some partygoers who were passing over the bridge I walk with them for a while I was still drunk
my mother drove past in her truck I broke from the group and followed the truck to a petrol station I asked her to drive me back to my place she did and I got out of the truck and went on inside
I turned on the computer I went to were I always go when I am on the computer I came here I read for a bit I canot remember what I read because I was still drunk
I turned off the computer and went to bed
I woke and decided to go back to sleep several times my nose was bleeding
I finally woke a few hours back I watched a movie
when it finished I came here I started writing and titled the post Life? what I wrote is how I feel
what I'm writting now is what I've done and am doing
I have finished writting now and have posted this message
you are reading it
make of it whatever you like I am not going to edit this post
at the moment of posting this post I am not drunk
Players' Comings & Goings
P.S at work on thursday morning I had a bit of a run in with the boss a few harsh words were passed. all the other workers were there and it was all said in front of them.
he told me he no longer held any respect for me and he told me if I didn't like it there I could always leave
I called him a dickhead and put to him that he should fire me.
He told me he couldn't (I knew that)
he told me from now on he was going to make life alot harder for me
I said something along the lines of "GO GET FUCKED"
so far nothing has happened
I wonder if anything will
all the other employees look up to me one said "Greg your the only person I've ever seen stand up to that prick"
Players' Comings & Goings
Bear with me while i spin out my...thingies
1st. Well crap on the sucky availability situation :(
3rd. i'm guessing yours considering im on mine now and you're not here :P
4th. Well! Don't want to worry Reah at all now, DO-WE-SID :evil:
5th. hehe
6th. sorry i haven't been available lately, i've been in Sydney. But i'm back now :mrgreen: you may begin basking in my brilliance again
7th. sorry sorry sorry again about the being away and posting a seriously late couple of posts :puppydogeyes:
8th. k, i agree, i'm not so brilliant now after that stunt :blush:
9th. hi, sorry! there is no 9, i just wanted to get to 10.
10th. i'm done now :D
Players' Comings & Goings
Bear with me while i spin out my...thingies
I'm bearing, baby. I'm bearing...
1st. Well crap on the sucky availability situation
Yeah. But that's life.
My Sunday night. I know this will come as a shock to you all, but I'm quite self-centered. Self-indulged, in fact. Ever see one of those cartoons where the ghost rolls up into a ball so tight it disappears? Yep. That's your ol' pal Sid. That's how I'm leaving this world.
3rd. i'm guessing yours considering im on mine now and you're not here
I'm here now. Except now it's mine, not yours, and mine is Sunday, and yours is Monday. So how about tonight at, oh shall we say 6-ish? Hmm? 10-ish then? For you that would be--oh Jeez, let's see...15 hours ahead--11 AM Monday...or 3 PM Monday. Let me know by PM or carrier pigeon.
4th. Well! Don't want to worry Reah at all now, DO-WE-SID
I don't know what you mean. I'm drunk. Maybe when I read your posts I'll know better. (Hey, psst! Amanda. Tash has gone crazy. Did you read the one where she boinked Sam?)
5th. hehe
6th. sorry i haven't been available lately, i've been in Sydney. But i'm back now you may begin basking in my brilliance again
Consider me basked.
7th. sorry sorry sorry again about the being away and posting a seriously late couple of posts
Are you talking to me or everyone? I'll assume me. You know, that self-centered thing.
8th. k, i agree, i'm not so brilliant now after that stunt :blush:
You're brilliant.
9th. hi, sorry! there is no 9, i just wanted to get to 10.
I see a 9. It's right above me. There it is. Now on to 10...
10th. i'm done now
Me too.
Cleanin' Up the Town
So, isn't it about time we got rid of Logan and Zayn? They don't seem to be posting, but they're still in the members list. Are we keeping their chairs warm or what? (I'm in no way against their posting, but how long will it take?)
I still have HIGH hopes for Stalker (Greg, are you ears burning?), so I've not included him in this list.
And Derek Park...or is it Zack?... Well, uh...I don't know what to think about these guys. I say: use it or lose it.
Am I the only one feeling this way regarding non-player players? I guess I'm being anal, but I get tired of seeing them listed as members. Maybe I'm just being anal retentive. I like feeling tidy.
Players' Comings & Goings
I agree that definately Neil who applied with his character Logan should be removed from the member list as I know nobody has heard from him in months - as a vampire hunter it might not even add anything else to our game but I'd still like to see Logan retained at NPC status, at least for the time being.
I don't know if other people have heard from Drew or Heather (the other Heather that is) about what they are doing. Drew seemed interested in using a new character (Zack) but hasn't really done anything about it. Maybe a message should be sent to him, that if he really wants to keep playing he needs to post IN GAME some time soon (set like a time limit or something). I still don't know if anyone has heard from Heather regarding her desire to re-join the game but since she hasn't posted anything at all maybe Zayn should be relocated back to the NPC zone.
I don't like the idea of kicking people out of the game just because they haven't posted anything In Game for a while - as in Greg's case maybe they've just become super busy with the real world or are having problems coming up with plot ideas. However Greg still contributes largely to the game forums unlike Drew, Neil or Heather - (the OTHER Heather) :D
Don't worry Sid, I'm also obsessive when it comes to cleaning out the 'dead wood'.
Players' Comings & Goings
Okay I have already mentioned to Drew that if he has not made a game post by the end of the season then he's out. Sorry Drew, we have to make room for people who produce.
Zayn and Logan are as good as gone.
I have been waiting until it comes time to recruit for next season before cleaning them out. I will ask them if indeed they intend to play this time...and I will need some serious assurances that they will.
But thats why, once deleted they are irretrievable, and it seemed that the end of season was the best time to do that.
Players' Comings & Goings
Thank you both for backing me up and adding your opinions. I get nervous when I start talking loudly with a big stick. But I felt it had to be said. I agree with both of your responses ENTIRELY.
Players' Comings & Goings
ummm, i just wanted to ask, these people like Zayn (other heather) and Logan (Neil), i read their profiles and they seemed to be soo much in the game, what happened? :( i mean, i am also a busy critter, and i am sure they are others even more busy, with a job (i don't do), friends, family, other stuff, we all get time, find time, I mean LABN is sort of my life now, so what ever happened to those who feel too busy?
Players' Comings & Goings
That was a long, mouthful of a sentence. Are you saying you're worried about not often posting yourself? Are you simply wondering what happened to these phantom players?
In the first case, as long as we know you exist and you're being somewhat active, you're not going anyplace. I remember reading the rule when I first came to LABN that stated you needed to post at least once every two weeks. Dave and Co. have been much more gracious than that. And you, Saadia, are clearly part of this website. i wouldn't worry.
As for where Neil and the others went, on the other hand...??????
Guess they lost interest.
Players' Comings & Goings
Neil submitted a profile for Logan while we were still in midseason, he said he wanted to wait until season 2 to make his character's entrance, then he never showed up. He never posted anything on LABN other than his character profile.
The other Heather who played Zayn (in season one) had to withdraw because she had too much other stuff going on in her life, then I think Dave got an e-mail saying she would like to come back, maybe playing with Zayn, or perhaps with a new character. Dave reactivated her account, and again, nothing happened. She disappeared into the void...
Can my luck get any worse?
Ok, as you may have noticed, I went AWOL again last week. My computer once again had a major meltdown and I was without access. I just got it back the other day and I haven't had time to sit down and do a damn thing. I will be taking a couple of hours to do some serious writing and reading this weekend. I just wanted to drop a line to say, Hi, yes I am alive and kicking. Talk to you all soon ( I hope.)
Players' Comings & Goings
It's the Holidays. We're all busy. Your meltdown came at a good time. I'm feeling a little melted myself.
Players' Comings & Goings
And on the topic of cleaning up, wasn't there supposed to be someone in charge of cleaning up the archives.... someone who would get rid of redundant thread topics.... hmm? hmmm?
I've had a look around and I can see about a page of things that could be chucked straight away!
*Prods April with twig* :D
Should he stay or should he go?
I hate to do this, but it is important that it goes to the group. Andrew has been with our group since Midseason One. He has been an active member in the nongame sections of the board, but his game participation has been spotty at best.
I hate to say it, but I feel he is not making the commitment to the game that is needed to continue.
To put this into perspective...John came into the game in October a week before Halloween and has made 7 posts to the game board (out of 21 total posts)
Andrew has made 3 (out of 185) since he joined the 13th of July. This is not including the 2 or 3 posts I wrote for his character.
I am not trying to compare quality or talent. I think Andrew has some wonderful ideas, but we are trying to make room for new players and it at some point we need to set some standards.
This isn't about his character Derek Park...this is about Andrew as a player. Please vote on this poll. Even if you don't post an opinion please vote. I will abide by the group decision.
Players' Comings & Goings
I have to agree...Someone has been sleeping on the job. However, I didn't give anyone any tutilage or training to moderate. Perhaps she needs some help. Need help April? I'd be glad to help.
Players' Comings & Goings
oops... ok, i'll get started. :oops:
Players' Comings & Goings
ok, i agree he has an interesting character and that it could go a lot of places...only he has to try.
Writting story for characters is not easy, it needs concentration and time but he knows this game soo well. If only he would post...
Players' Comings & Goings
Ah. Damn it. Oh well. I did make this character thinking, "Maybe, I could write a mystery involving supernatural in it." But, I guess I didn't think about it at all.
Because of this, I feel like Derek should go (or start over), but not me. (It's just me...)
I guess I can blame my laziness, but I want to create a new character which I could believe that I can write a story with... Including, whatever the arc would be for LA by Night...
Anyways, if I go, does it mean no more contact w/ you guys????
Hm, I... don't... feel good...
Players' Comings & Goings
Hmmm what do I say to this as of late I am as bad if not worse.
Personally I think this is something Andrew should answer himself, Does he feel he has the time/inclination to continue on with the game.
How easy is it to get into a story when everyone else is so obsessed and plans so far ahead? Buggered if I know.
I was talking to Nick a while back (the origional creator of labn) and I asked him if he would ever consider rejoining our small group. His reply was a hearty "hell no!" aside from the fact that he feels cheated of his idea, he said "everybody here is way to obsessed with the game".
I agree everyone is obsessed (is that such a bad thing?)
For Andrew or I to continue on in the game we must both ask ourselves, are we obsessed enough?
Players' Comings & Goings
I actually disagree I think that as a character Derek Park had enormous potential and I can see (from Dave's posts on his behalf) that he COULD have been an integral part of this season's storyline.
And I don't necessarily think you have to be obsessed to make a worth while contribution, after all Kris has taken a lot of time out due to computer problems and she is still able to play a major role in what happens - the same with April. Even other players such as Alice and Hannah don't post all the time but they are still able to maintian interesting and well developed characters by posting now and then.
I think the real question should be, do you CARE enough to put yourself out now and again to get together with other people and get your character INVOLVED in current story lines. Even if you can't meet up for a collaboration in real time you can do it by e-mail. And even if you can't get involved with other characters the least you can do is post solo posts now and again (at least this way you are developing your character).
The point I want to make is this. The reason we all met in the first place was a desire to be a part of this game. Being a part of this game means that we have to WORK at coming up with new story lines and plot hooks as ways to develop our characters. Now if your character is stuck in a rut and you need help then all you have to do is ask, but if the real answer is that you can't be bothered to write anymore then there isn't much that we can help with.
Players' Comings & Goings
One other thing, I think Dave has a point that we have to make room for new players too, and just because someone isn't a Member anymore it doesn't mean that they can't continue to read the gameboard and post in the forums as a Guest.
Players' Comings & Goings
well if all you say is so, why not just keep it the way it is?
how is having more names in the member list a problem?
is there problems with server space?
is if no posts are happening nothing changes it does not take up anyone elses space
being a guest is just that being a guest
if I were to be a lowered to the status as a guest I 'd say "fuck it I'm not wanted here" and leave but as a member I would feel more of inclination to stay be friendly and maybe pick up later on when my head is more together and into it. (as I have recently done)
Guests are friends that are around for a short time
members are friends that stay.
what message is to be sent?
is the question?
ditch Derek Park and add member Andrew
ditch Derek Park and fuck off Andrew until you can think of something beter and join in more
*the hair on the back or gregs neck stands up*
Players' Comings & Goings
My comments above are mainly vested in my own best interests as I love this place and don't want to see anyone who also loves it denied of it or myself for that mater
A few questions to Andrew.
Do you LOVE this place?
You turn on the computer! ist this the first place you come?
Are you a friend?
Do you treat others as friends?
Do you trust us?
Do you think you can participate?
Will you participate?
Will you accept help from others?
Do you trust others enough to let them guide you in your writting?
Do you enjoy being a member?
Would you like to step back for a while and be a guest until you can cope with the writting styles of others and meshing your stories with others?
what do you feel?
I have not yet voted and will not until I can see whether YOU Andrew really want this.
I've never really had any contact with you so I cannot gauge this fairly.
I would love the chance to try and help you write something to fit into the storyline. Even if it is just a finale post because you no longer wish to participate. Get in contact with me!
Players' Comings & Goings
I would have to say that participation in the major storyline is irrelivant. I am useless at this, as my character is v. antisocial.
The last thing I want to do is be hypocritical. Derek could go places, all you need to do is give him his own storyline. I have one lined up for manthy. It could incorporate other characters, then again it may not.
I think you need to feel comfortable with your own character. THis means that even if they were locked in a small cardboard box (say, like a shoo box), that because you know them well enough, you could write a post aoubt them being stuck in a shoo box. I know that I could. I know what Mantheana's responses would be to being stuck in a small cardboard box. Can you (or any other LABN member for that matter) know that you could?
WEll then. Do. Write it up on the Writing Process thread make it a bonding session between you and derek. If you feel that you can't then I suggest you think about either creating a new character, or waiting around and observing quietly for a while.
well that was my say. If I sounded mean at anytime, then sorry. If I sounded big headed, then sorry. But there ya go.
Players' Comings & Goings
Frankly I don't care if you run around and post your own story line within the world and never encounter the other characters at all. Thats not the way I'd do it, but that's a way to do it nonetheless.
I don't care if you say "I can't do this right now becasue I am too busy" I understand too busy and thats fine too.
But if you say "I am a part of this" and then don't participate in the main thing...then I have to ask are you really participating.
Greg...I like you and I see where you are coming from. You've been here pretty much since the beginning. And lately your participation has been less than it was. But you still contribute...even if it is in discussion of the plot, ideas, and characters, and the rest. That is critical too.
Players' Comings & Goings
Just for comparison I did this little chart:
Character...........game/posts..ratio.......#days Alicenoko.................7/21........33%...........83
Jessica Travers........14/59........24%........283**
Derek Park.............3/185.........2%..........186
Reanna Kossinton...31/197........16%........186
Tarix Conny...........13/459.........3%.........136
* Lost posts in one of the "great purges"
** Changed Characters sometime after Season One
These are the 10 PCs with the least number of total board posts. I can sort of see why this discussion is of such concern to Greg. Even counting the posts he lost in the purge...is game posting alone going to be a criteria for staying a member of this community.
I think its an important discussion. For this question I'd like to hear some input from folks (its detached).
[/][/]Players' Comings & Goings
Greg posted some interesting questions....
Limit the number of players?
Well yes and no. Currently there is no way to prevent access to any of the boards to a SINGLE member. However there can be a limit on a group of members.
If we split cities thats exactly what I am going to do. There will be an LA group of members and a {insert other city} group of Members too.
If I can do that I can have a group of "I ain't got a home" members too. These would be Non-game players. Maia and Derek would be examples of that group.
If they had something to write they could submit it to an Admin and if it worked...it would go in as a game post. But the ability to post freely would be blocked.
Just a thought.
Players' Comings & Goings
The short answer is I don't really know. The only thought I'd like to add it this. When a person applies to join this game we rigerously critique each application for things that might hinder a player joining the GAME, not the forum based discussion the GAME. The priority of LABN has always been (in my mind) the Gameboard and the planning and execution of plots and sub plots and character development. In addition we have a high amount of forum activities that can take up just as much time, but I have always thought of these as 'perks' or something to kick back and enjoy when we're not writing for the gameboard.
The point is, if we're going to say that posting to the gameboard doesn't really matter and that you can be a member of LABN or Mythic etc without getting involved in the game. Then why bother asking for a character submission in the first place? The thing is this isn't a discussion board that happens to contain an RPG, it's an RPG that also includes lots of discussion.
Players' Comings & Goings
I don't feel qualified to vote on this right now, because lately my life has sort of intruded on my love affair with this game. The truth is, I am going to make damn certain I get on here at least once a week, but I can't gaurantee more than that. What would be the swing vote for me, is Andrew how do you feel about not posting very often? I ask because when I was not making any posts at all, I felt like crap. I was guilty and upset, and I was worried when I got back on I would have been voted off the board. The fact is there was a clearly defined expectation in the beginning that each character would have to make a post once every two weeks I believe. That is what I've tried to use as a guideline. So, if it helps at all, that's my two cents worth.
Frustration and Appologies
Justm to say I'[m sorry for my absence over that past few days. (not that any one would really notice) I have been busy with GCSE coursework and social lives etc.
Also, I have lost my CD that has ALL my pre-written posts on it. Or rather, the un-re-writable one that had all my pre-written posts on them has suddenly decided that it holds none of that information and has been a blank CD from the start. As you can imagine, this is FRUSTRATING. I am now picking up remains for what I have sent to alice and toher friends, although these are not my most recent drafts and therefore need more work.
I am intensely irriated with myself and my CD as I was just about to put some interesting stuff on the board. Looks like you guys will have to wait alittle longer (woe is you I'm sure).
Frustration and Appologies.
Players' Comings & Goings
Wish you the best in the coursework.
Sid leaving us :(?
Ok, why is Sid leaving? I didn't know that he was leaving until i read his post in the guest book.....what happened?
I just thought his disappearance was like taking a mid season break or something......
Players' Comings & Goings
That's a hard question to answer. He had a long post that basically said why. But if you're like me, you're wondering what the REAL reason is.
I can't presume to know Siddy's mind and heart as to why he's leaving (my imagined REAL reason). I can only make a guess. I can even make an educated guess. That's not really fair, though. He said why.
But I'm so choked up over the whole thing. I'm sure everyone who had one of those freewheeling mindbendingly hilarious MSN Messenger late night conversations (with cocktails) with him is choked up as well. I'll miss his posts, his offbeat yet astute observations, his humor and his talent beyond the telling of it. He made me laugh when all I felt like doing was to hide under the covers and feel old and mediocre. I've saturated his shoulders with salty crocodile tears on more than one occasion. I want to reciprocate now and hold his hand so much it hurts.
But each has to captain his own course. I'm saying a prayer that his will lead him back to us.
OK -- I'm bawling my eyes out and I'm at work.
Players' Comings & Goings
Sherl, I have to add a salty tear or two to that myself.
But he ain't dead, he's hiding. Whatever has started this cascade of doubt and misery that has lead to his cutting us off isn't our fault (I don't think). It comes down to his own decision.
I can hope that his girlfriend is helping him through it since he has not allowed us to do the same. His email address is still in the member's directory if you take a moment to write him a goodbye letter telling him why you will miss him, I can hope he will read it and be uplifted.
I can also hope he'll come back to us. I miss him already. In Sid's World there is no room for mutual admiration societies. There isn't a place where you can believe what someone else tells you even if you don't believe it yourself. Ultimately Sid decided his contribution was unworthy despite all of our comments to the contrary.
I wish I could make him hear what people are saying about his absence although I think he would wave a hand dismissively and say "No, I don't deserve all this." I can understand it becasue I was like that not all that long ago.
Sometimes, one of the hardest things to do is accept praise. we look around and say "I could not do it without you" or dismiss it as "nothing". It isn't nothing otherwise no-one would take the time to comment on it. It isn't a group effort; if you lead the way and others follow it is your accomplishment.
I take pride in what I do. Sometimes I get cockey about it too. Sid doesn't despite what we want. Until he does, he will likely stay away. I hope he realizes that what we love about him isn't what we can take from him...but what he gives to us.
Going away...
Boojy asked me to post on the board to let you guys know she's going on holiday so she won't be around for a while. (Yay! I don't have to live in the shoe box for a whole week! :))
Players' Comings & Goings