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Meredith Bell's picture
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I was thinking we need some Forum Games like we have on LABN. Anyway, here is my contribution, the ABC games works like this: we choose a topic say, Movies or Books or Actors, and then each entry runs from A-Z. (For Example: Films - Armageddon to Zoolander.)

So lets start, the first catagory is, funnily enough, Superheroes/Villans (from anywhere, TV, comics, Cinema...)

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

I don't believe we've done comic book villains yet, so here goes...


The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Balberith From Ghosts of Albion e-comic

The ABC Game

Logan's picture

Count Vertigo

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Dr. Doom. hehe

The ABC Game

MrDave's picture

Evilynn - From Masters of the Universe

Okay there were better ones but this was just too nostalgic to let slide.

The ABC Game

Mike's picture

Freeze, Mr.

Batman villains rule! :twisted:

(BTW, did anybody ever see the Gotham Girls web toon? During the third season, they created a mystery, where sombody had used a Mr. Freeze machine to make all the men in Gotham dissapear... okay GG might not be known for its great writing... but anyway, it turned out the person who did this was Dora, a secretery for commissioner Gordon. But the *shocking* part was that she was Nora Freis's sister, and she hated Mr. Freeze becasue she beleived her sister had been frozen for all those years becasue of him!)

The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Green Goblin *yawn* No points for originality I'm afraid!

The ABC Game

Logan's picture

(im just piggybacking off Lou Lol)

The ABC Game

Mike's picture


(Just keepin with my theme of frosty bad guys :D )

The ABC Game

Heather's picture


The ABC Game

Kieran's picture


u picked juggernaught over joker?!?!?!?!?!

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Lex Luthor.

Yes, because Joker is so obvious... But I couldn't think of any other 'L' names, so I had to go for a boringly obvious one here. :(

The ABC Game

MrDave's picture

Molecule Man,
Molecule Man,
He's as small as
a molecule, man.

can control all matter
with a wave of his hand.
Powerful man,
Molecule Man.

(with sincere apologies to TMBG)

The ABC Game

Kieran's picture


...Nightwing villain

The ABC Game

Mike's picture

Octopus, Doctor

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Poison Ivy

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Quakerjack (I think DW actually had a comic!)

The ABC Game

Heather's picture


The ABC Game

Kieran's picture

Batman and Azrael villain

The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Um, what happened to 'S' Ric? :P

The ABC Game

MrDave's picture

the Serpent Society took it so they could go SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

The ABC Game

Kieran's picture

hehe, my bad, im not an english major lou :P

The ABC Game

Logan's picture


(Very cool Avengers Villain

The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Venom Btw Ric, since when did you need an English degree to know the alphabet!? :lol:

The ABC Game

Mike's picture

Weather Wizard

I believe that ones a Flash villain

The ABC Game

Kieran's picture


'New X-Men' villain

The ABC Game

Mike's picture

Yellow Jacket II

Not I, but II. I have no idea who this really is, but you can find her bio here:


At the marvel directory: The place where all DC comic fanboys should go when they want to laugh at the idiocy of the inferior Marvel Comics. :lol:

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Ok, to finish this thing off, I cheated and used Mike's link there to find a Zed villain...

Zzzax is apparently some funky energy being thingy that was taken over by some other bad guy who wants to kill Bruce Banner.

And since this is a post about evil things, I thought it only fitting that it be in the colour of evil - FUSCHIA!!

Tremble before my vibrant evilness. :)

The ABC Game

Mike's picture

And since this is a post about evil things, I thought it only fitting that it be in the colour of evil - FUSCHIA!!

Stop it Heather your scareing me with your intense evil power :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Well, I'm plumb out of ideas, so anyone else want to start another ABC?

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

How about... Philosophers! Any period, fist or last name. Though I think we have to skip x and y. :) One restriction: any particular philosopher should ideally be used only once. (i.e. Bertrand Russel can count for either B or R, but not both).

Marcus Aurelius

The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

I think someone has an unfair advantage in this topic... :P

Jean Baudrillard

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Rudolph Carnap

I :P back in your general direction!

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

René Descartes

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture


The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Foucault - can't tell you how much we used to laugh trying to pronounce this guy's name in Contemporary Literary Theory Class :lol:

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Gorgias (one of the Sophists)

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Yay, we're up to H. I know one for H. :)

Heidegger (please don't ask me what his first name is. :? )

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

St. Irenas

The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Jean-Paul Satre

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Immanuel Kant

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Lucius Seneca the Younger

The ABC Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Karl Marx

The ABC Game

MrDave's picture

Friedrich Nietzsche

The ABC Game

Firefly's picture

Rudolf Otto

The ABC Game

MrDave's picture


The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Willard van Orman Quine

The ABC Game

Heather's picture

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The ABC Game

Kaarin's picture

Soren Kirkegaard

The ABC Game

MrDave's picture

Damn you I wanted 'S' so I could put in my favorite Philosopher/Theologian Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher but you posted while I was driving home from work...

So I get 'T', eh?

St. Thomas Aquinas

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