\ Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz | unlimitedi.net
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Meredith Bell's picture

Okay this game is simiar to the one on LABN, someone has to ask a trivia question based on the Fantastic Legends game, characters, mythos etc. Then the person who gets it right asks another question and so on. To start things off, I'll go first -

How did Sydney earn the nickname 'Ricochet'?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Firefly's picture

The wolf's name is Waya, which is the Cherokee word for "wolf".

What is the name of Sundance's horse...and for bonus points, what is the name of Ela's?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Meredith Bell's picture

Sol's horse is called *deep breath* Alfredd Bluecastle De Lancer - or Blue for short (gee I wonder why she'd want to shorten such a simple name hehe) Ela's horse is called Flame.

Uh, now I'm gonna have to think of a new question... :?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

CryingKnight's picture

Um, Lou?

New question?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Allyana's picture

Um, Lou?

New question?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Meredith Bell's picture

Geez, repeat much, just cos a girl takes a few er... months to think of a question :wink:

Okay, off the top of my head...

What are the names of the OFFICIAL members of the VCLG?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Meredith Bell's picture

Pft! Typical! Everyone pesters for a new question then nobody answers! :roll:

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Kaarin's picture

James Gates, Ben Carson, Jerry Weinburg, Matilda Bruce, Scarlet Jones, Max Jones.

On Feb 1, a woman visited Donny. What did he make for her?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Allyana's picture

A power suit?

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Kaarin's picture

Uh... good enough for me, since it was that fancy light focusing thingy :)

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Allyana's picture

Great, :D
I'll think of another question, then. (I 'll have to do some rereading :oops: )

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Meredith Bell's picture

Hmm, new question Ally? ;)

Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz

Allyana's picture

Oops, sorry. :oops:

Where did Sydney suddenly had a 'revelation' about food, and real life in general?

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