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The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture
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person 1 = jonathan, person 2 = andrew, from the episode "grave".

person 1: it's nice to watch you be happy. for them, even. i don't see it a lot. you glow.
person 2: that's because the dress is radioactive.

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Hehehe, love that scene, that was Spike in 'No Place like Home' season 5

Person 1: "It's not what you think!"
Person 2: "You like to look at the semi-nude engravings?"
Person 1: "Oh, well, I guess it is what you think."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Mantheana's picture

person one is xander person two is willow. in wellcome to the hell mouth? or "witch" or something.. oh the confusion

is that right?

person1: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
person2: We attack the Mayor with hummus.
person1: I stand corrected.
person2: Just keeping things in perspective.
person1: Thank you.

i'm sure person2 says "the advantage is he wouldn't expect it" but it wasn't on the quotes page. i love that bit.
update: late on, soem one re-referrs to he humus and person1 says "They'll never see it coming." ha! i'm not crazy......

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Person 1 is Cordelia, Person 2 is Oz in Graduation Day(Gods, was it Part One or Part Two.... Hang on, I'm going to have to look that up....)

OK, it was Part Two. :)

"Look. I'm sorry that your honey was a demon, but most girls don't hop a Greyhound over boy troubles."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Xander in 'Dead Man's Party' - I hate it when they all gang up on buffy! :(

Person 1: "Well, it's been so nice talking to you."
Person 2: "We were fighting."
Person 1: "Must do it again sometime. Bye now."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Person 1 is Giles
Person 2 is Jenny Calendar
The episode is "I Robot - You Jane"

"You call those jokes? My jockey shorts are made out of better material. And they're edible."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Ooooh Heather you sneak :D that was actually Sid the ventro's dummy in "The Puppet Show"

"Wake up and smell the seduction. It's the oldest trick in the book."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Xander in "Angel".

Person 1: "Aha! I got it! Here's our villain right here. (pause) What?"
Person 2: "That's a D & D manual, sweetie."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Soulless Zombie's picture

OH OH OH! This is one with an episode name I know :D Person 1 is Xander, Person 2 is Anya in Smashed!

Person 1: "Well, I think we have ____ factoids."
Person 2: "Like that's enough to fight the Dark Master. (pause) Bator."


Evalyn Toussaint's picture

sorry that was me! my damn computer logged me out, but i was really proud that i had finally got one of these! (sorry! but i usually dont know the episode names and therefor don't get them) so yes it was me!

you can delete this message if you wish! i just wanted to let people know :oops:

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Person 1 is Willow, Person 2 is Xander in "Buffy vs Dracula".

"Nobody deserves mime..."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Oz in 'Living Conditions'

"You know, I always say that a day without an autopsy is like a day without sunshine."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Buffy in "Bad Eggs".

"I think we deserve a night of fun, don't you think? I mean, it breaks up the nights of death and mayhem."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Feeling a bit neglected here in the trivia and quotes quizzes.... what gives, guys? Don't wanna play no more???

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

OK, obviously this one was way too tough for you guys.

It was Doyle in the Angel episode "Lonely Hearts". (I still miss Doyle.)

To make it easier on your poor, tired brains, this one will be from Buffy.

Person One: "Son of a bitch!"
Person Two: "Butt wipe!"
Person One: "I wasn't talking to you."
Person Two: "Oh. Reflex."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Person 1 is Spike, Person 2 is Buffy in "Hells Bells"

Okay, okay I admit it! I've been reading spoilers! :( But then again you shouldn't used season 6 quotes unless you want to try and reel us poor deprived Englanders without Sky in... :P

"Our man Angel here likes to talk, but he's not much for action. All hat and no cat."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Spike in "I Only Have Eyes For You".

Hehe, here's one for Louisa... :)

Person 1: "Oh, balls. You didn't say he was a Glarghle Guhl Kashma'nik."
Person 2: "'Cause I can't say Glarba--"

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Oh Har Har, "I haven't laughed so much since i was a little girl thank-you!" :P

Oh and thanks for the season 6 quotes, you're just forcing me on with the spoilerage! Grrr!

Person 1 was Spike, Person 2 was Xander in 'Normal Again'

Dead easy one for you here then...

"Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes... They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway? Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunnies!"

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Jessica Travers's picture

Anya in "Once More With Feeling."

"I'm not stealing. I'm just taking things without paying for them. In what twisted dictionary is that stealing?"

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Willow in 'Triangle'

Person 1: "Why don't I just put a stake through her heart?"
Person 2: "She's not a vampire."
Person 1: "Well, you'd be surprised how many things that'll kill."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Person 1 is Alternate Reality Buffy
Person 2 is Alternate Reality Giles
from 'The Wish'.

...and to keep you happy, Lou, this one's not from Season 6. :P

Person 1: "So, are you more, uh ... relaxed?"
Person 2: "No."
Person 1: "No? I mean, it sounded like you, uh ... arrived."
Person 2: "No. Yes. Um, I had the pleasure moment, and the blissful calm that comes right after it. But that only lasted a couple of seconds, and now I'm terrified again."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

MrDave's picture

That was Anya and Xander in the basement of The Magic Box in The Gift

In the same vein...
P1: I feel different, you know. I-I guess that makes sense. Do you feel different. Oh, no, you've already, probably, no big change for you. It was nice. Was it nice? Should this be a quiet moment?
P2: I know exactly what you mean.
P1: Which part?
P2: Everything from 'it's different'.

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

P1 = Willow, P2 = Oz in "Graduation Day Part One".

"... It lies in all of us. Sleeping. Waiting. And though unwanted - unbidden - it will stir, open its jaws, and howl."


Jadyn's picture

angel, "passion".

person 1: "what are you vixens up to?"
person 2: "just sitting here, watching our barren lives pass us by. oh look, a cockroach."
person 1: "let's stop this crazy whirligig of fun. i'm dizzy."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Well, to be technical, it was really Angelus in "Passion". :)

To answer yours, Person 1 is Willow and Person 2 is Xander from the episode "Angel".

Person 1: "You're evil."
Person 2: "And that excites you?"
Person 1: "It excites me, it terrifies me. I try so hard to resist you and I can't."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Jessica Travers's picture

Person 1 = Buffybot, Person 2 = Spike in "Intervention".

"Great, so we just ask him to lie down quietly while we do some exploratory surgery."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Xander in "Primaeval". (Except, being an American show they've spelled the damn title 'primeval'. :?)

"I realize this is a bit of a shock but I can explain... take it easy, okay, get it out of your system... good, you'll have to breathe some time... Good lord, shut up woman!! It's not like I have hands to cover my ears here, ya know."


Jadyn's picture

the host's head, from the angel series, in the episode "there's no place like plrtz glrb". (very sneaky heather! *bish* i spent ages looking for that one!) :?

"no. no! this is not mata hari. this is tutus and guys with their big-ass packages jumping up and down. this is just… i will never trust you again. the trust is gone."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Gunn in 'Waiting in the Wings' from Angel *has tantrum from being forced to read all these spoilers!!*

Person 1: "You can't imagine the price of true evil."
Person 2: "Yeah? I hope evil takes MasterCard."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Jessica Travers's picture

Person 1 = Angel, Person 2 = Faith in "Consequences"

"Great. Now I'm going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day."


Jadyn's picture

cordelia, "beauty and the beasts".

"if this about the baby formula i snagged from the fridge last night, sorry. i was feeling a little peckish, and it was that or a glass of pig’s blood. and by the way, baby formula and kahlua, not as bad as it sounds."

(i just HAD to annoy lou even more... *grins @ louisa* if u don't wanna read the spoilers woman, don't answer the damn quiz! *grins again*) :P

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

SHAZAM!! - for those in a state of confusion that was the sound of me slapping April upside the head. :D

Cheeky Mare! Try to kick me out of the game will you? The game *I* started! I don't think so... *Gets the red mist infront of eyes again* :twisted:

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Lorne in "Provider".

Despite Lou's protests, I notice she didn't actually answer the question...

Person 1: "You feel smothered. Trapped like an animal. Pure in its ferocity, unable to actualise the feelings within. Clinging to one truth, like a flame, struggling to burn within an enclosed glass. That a beast this powerful cannot be contained. Inevitably, it will break free and savage the land again. I will make you whole again, make you savage."
Person 2: "Wow."


Jadyn's picture

person 1 is adam, person 2 is spike.

person 1: to every generation is born one who must run the annual talentless show. you cannot escape your destiny.
person 2: if you had any shred of decency, you would have participated, or at least helped.
person 1: nah! i think i'll take on your traditional role, and watch.
person 3: and mock.
person 4: and laugh.

heather - yeah, i brought that up with lou too... she said she couldn't be bothered. heh heh... :roll:

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Person 1 = Buffy
Person 2 = Giles
Person 3 = Xander
Person 4 = Willow
In "The Puppet Show".

Person 1: "Let me guess; not your type? What does a girl have to do to impress you?"
Person 2: "Well, it involves a feathered boa and the theme to 'A Summer Place'. I can't discuss it here."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Person 1 is Devon, Person 2 is Oz in Inca Mummy Girl

"Great. Now I'm going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Jessica Travers's picture

Cordelia in "Beauty And The Beasts"

"You don't hide! You're bait! Go act baity."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Xander in "Anne".

"Tell you what. I'll torture you for a few unbelievably long hours, and you can tell me if this is the lifestyle for you."


Jadyn's picture

angelus, "eternity".

person 1: what happens to the slayer when these soldiers come?
person 2: what happens to all mortal beings, albeit sooner for her?
person 1: she'll die.

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Person 1 is Angel - person 2 is, urm a random woman :? from Angel in 'I will remember you'

Person 1: "I'm just not used to this automatic transmission. I-I loathe this just sitting here, not contributing. No, no, no, it's not working out."
Person 2: "Giles, are you breaking up with your car?"
Person 1: "Well, it did seduce me, all red and sporty."
Person 2: "Little two-door tramp!"


Jadyn's picture

actually lou... person 2 is known as an oracle... :P

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Person 1 is Giles,
Person 2 is Buffy
in "Real Me".

"I've gotta say something, 'cause I don't think I've made it clear. I'm in love with you. Powerfully, painfully in love. The things you do, the way you think, the way you move... I get excited every time I'm about to see you. You make me feel like I've never felt before in my life. Like a man. I just thought you might wanna know."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Tarix Conny's picture

It's Xander in "Into the woods"

"I mean, people are perfectly happy getting along, and then
vampires come, and they run around and they kill people, and they take
over your whole house, they start making these stupid little mini
pizzas, and everyone's like, 'I like your mini pizzas,' but I'm telling
you, I am..."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Buffy in 'Ted'

"See, that's my secret to attracting men. You know, it's simple, really. You slap 'em around a bit, you torture 'em, you make their lives a living hell, and-- sure, the nice guys, they'll run away, but every now and then you'll come across a real prince of a guy like Spike who gets off on it."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Buffy in "I Was Made to Love You".

"You know, there are quite a few American beers that are highly underrated. This, unfortunately, is not one of them."


Jadyn's picture

spike, "fool for love".

"that guy's been looking at me. i think he wants to make me his butt-monkey."

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

Jonathan in "Villains".

"I'm the embarrassing mom who tries too hard. When did this happen?"


Jadyn's picture

buffy, in "entropy".

person 1: what happened to xander?
person 2: he kept poking me with his hook. i sent him over to charmed objects. with any luck, he'll poke the wrong one and end up in an alternative dimension inhabited by a 50-foot giles that squishes annoying, teeny pirates.

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Heather's picture

1 = Buffy, 2 = Giles in "All the Way".

"Well, I don't accept this. You cannot tell me that wasn't perfect. Not only have I been around for four hundred years, I used to do this professionally and that was perfect!"


Jadyn's picture

darla, in "epiphany".

person 1: i had to sing barry manilow.
person 2: you're kidding.
person 1: in front of people.
person 2: and here i am, talking about my petty little problems.
person 1: just wanted to give you a little perspective.
person 2: "copacabana?"
person 1: "mandy." i don't wanna dwell on it.
person 2: the road to redemption is a rocky path.
person 1: that it is.
person 2: think we might make it?
person 1: we might.

The Great Quotation Quiz!!!

Meredith Bell's picture

Person 1 is Angel, Person 2 is Faith in 'Judgment'

'Well, this is new territory for me. I mean, my valentines are usually met with heartfelt restraining orders.'

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