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Meredith Bell's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(photofreak521@hotmail.com) on Sunday, June 8, 2003 at 23:21:42

charname: Andelu Greenleaf
race: Elf
gender: female
group: elf group?
position: HERO
Height: 5'8
Weight: 115
Demeanor: pleasent - moody - angry when invoked
Attitude: pleasent - moody - angry when invoked
Lifestyle: simple - average you know. . .elf like. . . live in the woods, fend
for yourself and help out others. . . you know. . .the elf way. . . live of the
land and love nature
Costume: Elf gear . . .tunic, pants, occasional skirt, etc, arrow bag, sheath
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.) Skin glows, eyes grow cloudy

Before you got your powers: Lived in the woods
How you got your powers: While scouting in the woods I found out I had the power
to become invisible as I was being chased by some hungry Orcs, hidding behind a
tree and wishing to become invisible. . .I did.
After you got your powers: Life's still about the same. I do the Elf thing. . .
but now I'm vertually undetectible while scouting and in some cases while I'm

villain Name: Bingly Wickham
Powers: Can create fire and use it against people
Why is this person your enemy?: He killed my father

Ability: Can turn invisible
Limit: can be seen when there is mist or rain because it shows shape of body
Stunt: Can use it to hide
Stunt: Can use it to suprise attack
Stunt: Can do it instantly

Own: swords, arrows, arrow bag, sheath, bows, knives, belt with a pouch, arrows
with poision on the tips,
Always carry: arrow bag, pleanty of arrows, bow, a knife in my boot, belt with
a pouch that usually has stuff to make a fire in it.
Built Myself: arrows and arrows with poison tips
Weapons: arrows, swords, bow, kinves

ITEM: All weapons
-- Powers of Items: pierce skin, kill, cause sever or minor injury

ITEM: Poison arrows
- Powers of Items: kill

Games I've played: Intercity
Where I live: Florida
What my hobbies are: Photography
What comics I like: The ones my friend draws and X-Men

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(blah@aol.com) on Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 14:24:46

charname: Kronos
race: Superhuman
gender: Male
group: Vega City Liberation Group
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Height: about 6'1"
Weight:bout 185 lbs.
Demeanor: stoic
Lifestyle:billionaire, got by inheritance from real estate lawyer parents died
Special Effects:n/a
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:I lived a normal life, got powers at age 14.
How you got your powers:Discovered at school when i got in a fight. I wished to stop time and bam, everoyne was frozen, I turned the kid to face the wall and unfroze time by thinking about it.

After you got your powers: I used them to complete homework during tv commercials, to get out of fights, to go in girls' locker room. I trained every day and can now leave time forzen for a long time.

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Rocky
Powers:Turns to stone is strong
Why is this person your enemy?:He is the kid thatytried to punch me in school, he punched a chem beaker one day and some stone and turned to rock.

powers: Suggestions....
Time manipulation:
Limit: the length I can manipulatetime
Stunt: Freeze time
Stunt: Slow time
Stunt: speed up time
Stunt: go back in time
Limit to above: cannot go back before time i got powers
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:
Built Myself:
-- Powers of Item:

played_by: No
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:
Where I live:
What my hobbies are:
What comics I like:

Another winning entry. And even if we did accept it, blah@aol.com doesn't look like a real email address.

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(anarchist_republic@yahoo.com) on Monday, May 16, 2005 at 20:42:26

charname: Fuckface
race: Enhanced Human
gender: Male
group: n/a
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Weight:195 lbs
Costume:Black trench coat black boots skull plate mask and sword holder on back
Special Effects:a shadow follows everywhere

history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:He was a bum with nowhere to go.
How you got your powers: Killed and sold my soul for a chance to get revenge.
After you got your powers:Went searching for the scum bag who took my life. I got amunition and clothing to aid in my search. After following a long trail of bullshit I now know who did it. Now I just need to get close enough to rip that faggots spine out.

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Kurt Jacobsen
Powers:he owns the mob and several other gang lords.
Why is this person your enemy?:Well for starters he the muthafucker who took my life. To top that off the shitbag is a wanted man. I don't hunt for fame I'm doing this for revenge, and to make sure nobody else has to live through what I had to live through ever again.

powers: I can travel throgh the shadows, I heal with time for(heavy wounds it may take longer), I can see within an hour into the future, I can spawn hell creatures under my control, and finally I can take other peoples souls.
items: Suggestions....
Own:A 1976 Harly black
Always carry:a crusaders sword and bullets for my huge ass gun.
Built Myself:A base not to high tech... well to be honest, its a piece of shit.
Weapons:A crusaders sword, a machine gun, two sawed off twelve gauge shotguns, about fifty grenades and every other weapon avalible on the black market.
ITEM:A bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey.
-- Powers of Item:makes me feel like a butterfly.

played_by: no
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:Spank me daddy!
Where I live:Nonya
What my hobbies are:SHiting on old people and shiting on my girlfriend.
What comics I like:Spawn, Punisher, Bridgate, and last but not least frog fuckers revenge(a mini series)


What is it with this form? Why do people feel it neccessary to put bullshit into this form in particular?

Rejected Character Proposals

Meredith Bell's picture

I dunno Dave, maybe there's an arsehole magnet written somewhere in the HTML coding? :evil:

Really? Why do they even expend the energy filling out the form - surely it's only distracting them from throwing rocks at seagulls and eating in to valuable nose-picking time.

Rejected Character Proposals

Disposable_Hero's picture

At last! A worthy e-mail address to pass on to hackers, spammers and hate e-mailers!

The twat.

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Slickkrock@aol.com) on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 13:52:59

charname: Black Bolt
race: Mutant
gender: male
group: Supreme Six
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Attitude:bad attitude
Lifestyle:bad childhood
Costume:a black thunder bolt sign, dark blue tights,and dark blue undershirt
Special Effects:electric aurora
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:I had no family
How you got your powers:I sneaked into a high tech lab
After you got your powers:I dedicated my life to be protecter

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Magician
Why is this person your enemy?:he was my best friend till he turned his back on me

items: Suggestions....
Own:a company
Always carry:belt
Built Myself:a high tech motorcycle

played_by: Samual L. Jackson
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:spiderman 1 and 2
Where I live:virginia beach, virginia
What my hobbies are:skateboard, read comics, and draw
What comics I like:spiderman


Rejected Character Proposals

earwigfleshfactory's picture

Costume:a black thunder bolt sign, dark blue tights,and dark blue undershirt

Ok, so, I'm seeing this dude in spandex, a dark blue Fruit-o-the-Loom undershirt and a sandwich board bearing totally wicked black thunderbolt!

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(luke734@hotmail.com) on Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 18:22:37

charname: luke734
race: ALIEN
gender: MALE
group: A group of Aliens looking to take over planet Earth
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Costume:surrounded by fire
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)

history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers: I was just a normal alien
How you got your powers:a bunch of green gloop wich turned out to be mutant-oxide
After you got your powers:I began forming an alien squad and hunting anything not alien

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Luke Skywallker
Powers:The Force
Why is this person your enemy?:Cause he is good...

powers: Suggestions....
Electrical Generation: Wink at the enemy and CRACK lightning comes and constantly hits the enemy for 30 seconds
Limit: can throw an arch of electricity
Stunt: Can Stun opponents using lower voltage
Stunt: Can Kill by stopping the heart of opponants.
Stunt: Can ignite flamable materials.
Stunt: resistant to high-voltage

items: Suggestions....
Own:plasma gun
Always carry:lightning plasma gun
Built Myself:Yes
Weapons:flaming knives,lightnig plasma gun,flame throw,AK-47
-- Powers of Item:

played_by: 50 Cent
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:lots...
Where I live:Canada
What my hobbies are:Skateboarding and hanging with my gf lol
What comics I like:KISS and ya...tales from the crypt

His enemy is Luke Skywalker...riiiiight.

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(jackm3w@swbell.net) on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 21:57:02

charname: DR.Evil
race: technoid
gender: male
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)

history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:pro baseball player
How you got your powers:toxic waste
After you got your powers:turned bad

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name: Mr.Wonderfull
Powers:super streangth and fire throughing
Why is this person your enemy?: he stoll my invinton before i came a pro baseball player and beat me up

powers: powers:can turn in to a rock guy and shoot fire out of my hands stunts:can destroy any thing and kill people
items: Suggestions....
Own: lion
Always carry:a gun
Built Myself:a fast plane
-- Powers of Item:

played_by: Jonny Depp
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:fantastic 4
Where I live:texas
What my hobbies are: playeimg baseball
What comics I like:super man

Dr. Evil played by Johnny Depp. Um....no.

Rejected Character Proposals

Heather's picture

I still live in the vain hope that one day, maybe, someone will submit a character proposal that isn't just a bunch of one-word answers to the suggested questions. Is it TOO much to ask for a hint of originality and evidence of some thought put into these?

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Lightningfire@hotmail.com) on Friday, July 29, 2005 at 05:50:26

charname: James
race: Super human
gender: male
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Weight:11stones 2pounds
Attitude:Bad ass
Costume:blue and yellow
Special Effects:leaves a trail of fire behind him when he runs

history: Suggestions....
How you got your powers:He was born with them cause his parents were super heros
After you got your powers:he kicked bad guy butt

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Dr.lightningstrike
Powers:shoots lightning bolts and he can control and make lightning
Why is this person your enemy?:because he killed James' parents

powers: power:fires fire balls
Power:speeds of upto 500mph
power:can do both of the above at the same time
Power:controll and make fire
power:Amazingly good knowledge
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:minute smoke bombs in a wrist watch
Built Myself:smoke bombs
Weapons:smoke bombs
ITEM:smoke bombs
-- Powers of Item:generates smoke once smashed on floor

played_by: Ronaldo
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:FOOTBALL, hockey,cricket,basketballand rounders
Where I live:In a house
What my hobbies are:Football ,reading comics and playing starwars
What comics I like:Simpsons and beano


Not bad per se. but needs some fleshing out. I got the fire thing, but I need more.

Rejected Character Proposals

Meredith Bell's picture

Yeah I agree, there isn't much here by way of character background or even what the character is like. Bad ass attitude? What does that really mean anyway? And why is he like that? And a 'perfect lifestyle' doesn't tell me anything at all.

The son of superheroes is a cool idea, but I would have liked to have heard more about what kind of life that was, and what superheroes his parents were.

Plus we have a major character called James - so at any rate the character name would have to be changed.

Rejected Character Proposals

Logan's picture

Lou, didnt you know, since Mortal-Ass kicking boots are so rare these days, you HAVE to have a bad ass attitude to acquire them. I guess this cool guy is on the up and up about that!

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(daflow@rogers.com) on Sunday, August 7, 2005 at 13:41:10

charname: Fire Bird
race: Mutant
gender: Male
group: Angel Wings
position: HERO
descript: Height: 6 feet
Weight: 165 pounds
Attitude: Bold
Lifestyle: Brags
Costume: Red Spandex
Special Effects: Burns a Bright red

history: Was born with Ability to create fire. Studied Karate for 20 years before venturing off on my own. Loves to Brag about his abilities.
enemy: villain Name: Chocolate Thunder
Powers:Electrical Generation
Why is this person your enemy?: Is My half Brother.

powers: Able to create fire.
Limit: Cannot Manipulate Fire from surroundings.
Stunt: Can Burn through any material
Stunt: Ammune to fire
Stunt: able to use fire as a shield
Stunt: Nearly industructible
items: Does not have any
played_by: Jackie Chan
player: Where I live: Canada
What my hobbies are:Sports
What comics I like: X men


Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(squash_12@hotmail.com) on Monday, August 8, 2005 at 01:43:54

charname: Night Shade
race: Super Human
gender: Male
group: ?
position: VILLAIN
descript: Suggestions....
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)when power is on he goes completly black like a shadow

history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:was a theif
How you got your powers:a mysterious gypsie
After you got your powers:became evil

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Lightning Man
Powers:Controlls lightning from the sky
Why is this person your enemy?:He has always ruined my schemes to become rich. His light overcomes my darkness for quick seconds

Shadow forming.: forms into a shadow and can lurk around very quickly
Limits:light immediatley puts him to normal
stunt. stay in the shadow and move so quick so the enemy can not hit him but he can hit the enemy
stunt: stay as the form of shadow so though he cant hit the enemy..he also cant be hit.
Limit. can not hold ne thing while being a shadow
items: Suggestions....
Own:dark clothes
Always carry:
Built Myself:
-- Powers of Item:

played_by: no
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:lots
Where I live:ham
What my hobbies are:bball
What comics I like:x men


Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(johnrojas2000@hotmail.com) on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 23:11:25

charname: Silverman
race: MUTANT
gender: MALE
group: justice league
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)

history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers: I was a dumb person
How you got your powers: by a experimental accident
After you got your powers:i saved New York City

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:
Why is this person your enemy?:

powers: super strenght, fly, silver starbolts
items: Suggestions....
Always carry:my custom
Built Myself:
-- Powers of Item:

played_by: no
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:
Where I live:
What my hobbies are:
What comics I like:


Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Posted three in the same post. What more is there to say about them?

Rejected Character Proposals

Heather's picture

We see so many submissions like these. Are these people really serious about wanting to join the game when they write them? God, I hope not, 'cause that would be just too sad.

Surely if someone was actually serious about wanting to join any of these games, they'd check out the basic requirements we're looking for first instead of just putting down a few half-arsed lines.

Rejected Character Proposals

TwistedStranger's picture

Just a question, because I probably had a hand in starting this...
Why is it always katanas? I mean, can't people find another bladed implement to give their characters? F'rinstance, no one uses a scythe anymore.

Rejected Character Proposals

CryingKnight's picture

Why Katanas? Because they're kewl of course.

Seriously though when I chose a sword for my first Character I also chose a Katana though for 'logical' reasons. If you're playing a modern character using a medieval weapon then the Katana is by far the easiest way o go.

There are people teaching the use of the Katana both in America and Japan (I won't comment on the quality of the education mind) and while it's true you can find people who've recreated western techniques for the broadsword etc. Those people are much, much rarer.

And there is also the factor that modern culture considers the Katana the epitome of the sword. It's not really true any number of other smithing centres both in the west and the middle east could match japanese swordsmiths for quality not to mention modern metallurgy can surpass it (Go look up Ferium C69) but that doesn't change the fact that if you say "sword" to most young people they'll think Katana.

One final note Can you imagine trying to carry a scythe through downtown L.A.?

(And that was far too serious a post for such a trivial topic)

Rejected Character Proposals

Kaarin's picture

Actually, I can, but the issue of concealment is another one - a pistol is easy enough to carry around, so are daggers. A sword is more difficult, as it usually has a blade length of several feet. It's akin to trying to conceal a shotgun, without the added benefit of being able to cut down the stock.

A staff is easier of a longer weapon - for that, you can at least pass it off as a walking stick of some kind.

But yeah, I can understand the problem. It was a dilemma that faced me with Nik's trip to the temple: I wanted to give him something different to use (a Scythe was mentioned in some discussions, but one, they're damned unwieldy; two, I have no clue at all how they might be used to effectively write using one; and three, I couldn't think of that without thinking of the switchblade scythe Piers Anthony gave Death), and eventually settled on his double-bladed sword. That then gave rise to the new problem of concealment.

Hence the wierd, semi-mystical construction: it gets me around the problem of concealment, while still giving me a weapon which is more difficult to use. I'm dreading writing my first serious fight scene with it.

Amusing as the thought of a Scythe is, it faces that same problem, but certainly wouldn't be a problem for the week or two before Oct 31 if you also wore a black robe. ;)

In all honesty, though, I've never understood the idea of Katanas as the epitome of swordsmanship. Always found the rapier to be a more impressive weapon.

Rejected Character Proposals

earwigfleshfactory's picture

What's wrong with a couple carambits every now and then? Or hell, even a ballisong. Maybe I'm stuck in the early nineties, but why don't we see any butterfly knives?

Rejected Character Proposals

Meredith Bell's picture

Maybe something to do with the name... "He strode into battle with his trusty Butterfly Knife..." hardly strikes fear into the heart. :lol:

Rejected Character Proposals

TwistedStranger's picture

Oh. Okay. Just wondering. Actually, I found a weapon in a book called Snow Crash -- A knife made out of the glass from airplane windows-- that works really well for characters. It can cut through most things and goes through metal detectors, too.

Rejected Character Proposals

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(vhtilldeath@optonline.net) on Saturday, March 4, 2006 at 15:08:01

charname: Night flyer
race: mutant
gender: male
group: vega
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Weight:195 lbs
Attitude:tough as nails
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
can fly
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:regular thug
How you got your powers:pushed into acid bycharles williams
After you got your powers:fights crime

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:Megaton
Powers:superhuman strenght shoots acid
Why is this person your enemy?:because he works for charles williams and he was my friend

items: Suggestions....
Always carry:a sword or knife
Built Myself:
Weapons:axe knife and sword
-- Powers of Item:kills you

played_by: wesley snipes
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played:
Where I live:
What my hobbies are:read comics
What comics I like:x-men the classics you know

Rejected Character Proposals

TwistedStranger's picture

Okay...now that's just not trying. Though I'll be the first to admit, I'd like to see anyone's superhuman strength shoot acid. I mean, it'd look gross, but it'd amuse the hell out of me.

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