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MrDave's picture
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Did anyone else see this show? I remember the original show WAAAAY back in the 70s and I remembered how it never really answered any of the questions for the main character. Oh, the viewer knew what was going on...but the character Carl Kolchack never really had enough information to know the real truth. But he had a pretty good grasp on what was going on...just no proof.

I was glad to see that they maintained that idea in this version. I was also surprised to see a digital "ghost" of Darren McGavin placed into one seen as they panned across the newsroom. Nice Homage.

Night Stalker airs on Thursday nights at 9pm on ABC tv in the states.

The Night Stalker

TwistedStranger's picture

I missed it. She Who Must Be Obeyed wanted to watch CSI. Gonna catch next week's, though. I liked the original well enough.

The Night Stalker

Kent's picture

I saw this with my dad! It's really quite cool. I've seen the old episodes on Sci-Fi Channel, and I always thought that the idea of it was cool. I like Kolchak's reasoning for doing what he does at the end -- the opposite type of thinking from, say, the folks on The Chronicle. I also like the many references they have to other supernatural goings-on and the brief visuals for each. Very stylish :)

The Night Stalker

MrDave's picture

Note to Television executives:
If you have a show that you think will appeal to a marginal audience (Sci-Fi, Religious, Political, or Ethnic) Don't do this...
1) Don't skip the pilot.
2) Don't Kill the show after only six episodes
3) Don't put the show in a timeslot opposite two broad appeal shows (cop drama, reality TV)
4) Don't cancel the program after only airing one episode of a two-part story.
5) Don't promote the show as something it isn't (Horror or supernatural vs mystery thriller)


Alas, Kolchak the Night Stalker is dead. God I hate TV executives. This is exactly what happened to Firefly.

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