Full Name: Evie Yasenia
Nickname: Nanny, Evie
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Coruscant
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 8/3
Age: 54
Evie is played by Miriam Margolyes
Aesthetics and Dress:
Standing at a rather short 4’9”, Evie is a generously proportioned and curvaceous middle-aged woman in her early fifties. She has a crop of neatly styled red curls with just the early beginnings of grey appearing at the front, and dark brown eyes. In accordance with her position within the house, Evie generally wears rather plain and unassuming apparel that obscures her womanly figure much to her distaste. When she has the opportunity though, Evie likes to wear flamboyant, colourful clothes and owns a bright scarlet petticoat which she often wears beneath her uniform.
Though she comes across as exceedingly strict and often quite severe, Evie is anything but. Her softer side is evident, especially in the company of her charge Arica Odari-Mosora whom she looks upon as her own daughter. Evie can be bubbly and excitable, with the sort of enthusiasm usually credited to young teenage girls rather than a middle-aged woman. And she is incredibly indulgent with Arica, feeling a need to overcompensate for the strict and quite frequently puritanical parental style of her father, Morden. Because of her close relationship with her charge, Evie is also terribly protective of the girl and is always looking out for her best interests.
Evie lives the relatively simple life of a house servant, residing in basic quarters situated not far from her charge. Even though she is constantly surrounded by riches and ostentatious frivolity she is never envious… well, maybe sometimes, but she has seen the price that such wealth entails and is more than happy with her lot in life.
Born and raised on Coruscant, Evie comes from a family deeply-rooted in the art of Service, her mother, Naimai Yasenia, being amongst the most highly esteemed. A well-educated and respected woman, Naimai was governess to many families within the Galactic Senate, teaching their children a variety of subjects but most of all, tutoring them in the ways of deportment, protocol and proper etiquette.
Upon giving birth to a child of her own, Naimai took a step down and became wet-nurse to another newly born infant whose own mother died during labour. Thus Evie spent the majority of her formative years surrounded by the young nobility of Coruscant, her mother’s charges, and enjoyed many of the same benefits such as a good education. Yet Evie was still only the daughter of a servant and despite her intellect was ushered into that role of family aide, nurse and governess.
At the age of thirty-four, Evie and her mother went to work for a small family heralding from the Bakura System - Morden Odari-Mosora and his newly born daughter Arica. Since the young baby was without mother, Morden employed the two women to act as nurse to his child, seeing to the daily toil and complications of raising an infant. The Yasenia’s did so for eight years, until Naimai, now at the ripe age of sixty-three and unable to maintain the energy needed to look after such a young child, eventually retired. Naturally, owing to her familiarity with the Odari-Mosora’s and her close relationship with the young daughter, Evie took her mother’s place in becoming Arica’s full time nurse.
Now, ten years later, Evie is still with the Odari-Mosora’s, retaining her position as Arica’s nursemaid and now residing with the noble Bertrayn family on Vorgrell.
Evie is a proficient and skilled nursemaid with a vast knowledge of bringing up children and dealing with all sorts of problems from a skinned knee to a broken heart. She can mend a torn petticoat or fix a loose button in a matter of seconds and is also an excellent cook, especially when it comes to baking where anything sweet, sticky and yummy is her speciality.
Evie has all the general belongings of a woman of her years. But amongst her possessions her most prized are her collections of miniature wimmel’s, which she has amassed throughout her life and are displayed upon any available surface in her private quarters.
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