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MrDave's picture
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In the US Cigarettes are sold in packs of 20 not 24. I corrected the error in Kate's post so if anyone else noticed the error, Its been fixed.

I know all you smokers noticed it, didn't you?

Just curious

Firefly's picture

As long as we're at it, I have a question. In Reah's post, she refuses to sell a knife to a customer because he needs a license. Maybe I'm not too up on this stuff (I've never purchased weaponry in this country myself), but there aren't to my knowledge any laws to stop anyone from purchasing anything other than firearms here. The problem as I see it, is that there would be nowhere to go to get the aforementioned license. What does everyone else think?

Slight Correction

Kaarin's picture

That's a good point, though the interesting technicality might be that you could still have to be over 18. California (hereafter affectionatly refered to as "the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts" :) ) has some of the more restrictive gun laws, and will confess to not knowing a lot about California law. Would imagine that at least the age restrictions are in place at the standard 18 for rifles/shotguns, 21 for handguns level. Background check required for purchase, that sort of thing.

To the best of my knowledge, registration was only required for certain so-called assault rifles (getting uber-technical, all true assault rifles - in the military definition - are liscensed and registered under the 1934 National Firearms Act). Liscenses would only be needed for firearms capable of fully automatic fire.

Oh, and concealed carry is banned. Period. California has neither "shall issue" nor "discresionary" concealed carry laws.

Just mentioning all of this in case it proves usefull at some point. Definatly been debating gun control far too long. :?

Slight Correction

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

On this topic of licenses and what not, the guy reah served was under 18...although i don't think i mentioned it beyond him only being a teenager and reah handled him as one...but down here i think we need licenses for certain things as far as i know, but they are basically, i think, just to prove that you are mentally healthy enough to own one...but then again i could be wrong (i don't go out buying many weapons you see :wink: SUPRISE SUPRISE!!! :D )

But anyone who can help me with the specifics, by the by thanks adam :D , it would be much appreciated, especially with the bladed weapons.

Reah's from down under originally, as you know, and was possably thinking in terms of how things worked back home. Although i was pretty sure that the whole under 18 thing would much be the same, we can't sell knives to anyone under that...at least one of the stores i went to said that...but i also know that like the driving age and drinking age, they all vary depending on where you are.

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