I am posting this here becasue I am recommending Porn. A specialized kind of porn that I think might be of interest (and not an unhealthy sick-o-weird kind of interest, but a genuine writerish interest). The site is http://pod-porn.com/Audio/Audioindex.htm and if you are the kind of person who does 'podcasts' they have an excellent one that is built from these stories.
Thats right, stories. Personal erotic tales told by the people who lived them. maybe. It isn't important. What is important is that once you get past the cheesy (really cheesy) adverts and the idea that it is porn (if that is a problem for you) these are really entertaining stories. They are well told (except for the occasional 'theatrical' element) and are filled with the sorts of details and perspective that makes the stories feel very real.
Most of the stories are around 40 minutes to an hour. It is an entertaining way to pass the time while driving or sitting on a bus or walking roor really doing anything that might take about 40 minutes (working out? wink-wink!). Listen to the way the narrator gives you details about what attracts them to the other person. Listen to the emphasis on certain details of the encounter - mannerisms, patterns of speech, and surroundings - and listen as the tales build from detail to detail to climax and then end satisfyingly not with some limp-dick (pardon the pun) finish but with a well-rounded ending.
These are not some budget-porn lame-o plots either. These are real (feeling) real-life encounters between men and women. And they happen to be erotic too. Check them out.
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