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Okee dokee...we are having an elf-centric storyline this time around...which suits me fine. But we need to set some ground rules.
What are the Fey/Fae/Sidhe and what can they do?
Some definitions first:
Fae is the collective name for races that predate mankind but come after the age of demons including Sidhe/Elves, Leprechans, Gnomes (and a few splinter races like Goblins and Redcaps) and the nature spirits (Sylphs, Dryads, Undine and Brownies)
Fey refers to things that are "of the Fae". The Fae races would use fey magic. Fae is the noun, Fey is the adjective. The word Fae is not like the word Human (both noun and adjective)...it is more like Bear which is only a noun (Ursine is the matching adjective). Fae is the word for the fey races.
Sidhe are the Fae that most resemble humans. They are the most powerful of the Fae and they rule over the other races (with a few exceptions like the wild spirits of nature: Brownies (Earth), Dryads(plants), Undine(water) or Sylphs (air)). Sidhe are sometimes called 'Elves" but that is a misnomer.
Elves are Sidhe who are 'cast out' of the Sidhe community and live in the mortal realms of humans. They can never go back. They are sometimes called "Dark Elves" or "Dark Sidhe" - especially if they seek to do great mischief among the humans.
The Sidhe are ruled by the immortal 'Lords of the Fae" This royal court decides the fate of those who are to become Elves, Dark Elves, or who are demoted from the ranks of the Sidhe to become lesser races. Names like Oberon, Titania, Puck and others from myth and legend will be familiar here.
The Fae all come from a demi-place known as "The Forest of Youth" (Tir na N-Og) - it borders our reality but time flows there subjective to the individual (so no two people age the same while there - imagine Peter Pan compared to Rip Van Winkle). While there no Fae need ever die. While here, they do age, but very slowly. Nature spirits carry bits of the Forest of Youth within themselves and so they will never age as long as their habitat is not destroyed (which is why they are prized as sources for potions of immortality).
The Fey magic is also known as 'wild magic' and it taps into power at a much more primitive level than humans do. Very often a fae has no idea what sort of effect he wants to achieve, but summons power from a ley (or earthly) source and unleashes it...often times as startled by the results as his target. It is very unpredictable and sometimes as dangerous to the individual using it as the victim. It is a lot like using a Tesla coil instead of a taser for instance - even though they can achieve the same results.
Long ago - back when the demons had left but the Fae still lived alongside humans much of the time, the Shidh taught some chosen humans how to perform magic. They taught them how to tap into the wild places and draw forth power. But humans have a need for order so they began to formalize the wild magic creating mazes of words and symbols of power that refined the wild magic and forced it to bend to their will.
Many of the Sidhe bristled at this and so they build the Cloch Cosan to regulate the flow of energies between their world and the mortal realm. They hid behind their portal and would only let through the chosen ones.
But one of the clever humans figured out how to open the Cloch Cosan into Tir na N-Og and began to impose human order on things wild and chaotic. He was known then (as now) as the Huntsman. The Huntsman tamed the wild things and bent them to his will. He was defeated (but not killed) by the highest expression of the wild magic - a Green Man.
Green Men are powerful natural creatures that rampage until brought low by the forces of magic. They are Unnatural creatures in that they are spawned by impurities introduced into natural places. Much like pearls are spawned by irritants in oysters. Green Men are spawned by irritating nature.
The appearance of a Green Man was made possible by an artifact of Human design. The device was a magical torc known as the Caithranigh (pronounced kat-rey-nah). The Caithranigh will purifiy the essence of the bearer and made him (or her) more of what they were. More Fae, more Human, more magical, more chaotic, more ordered...whatever impurities they have will be distilled out. These impurities are stored in a place called a nemeton (grove or sacturary) where the turbulence of the living creates a "Green Man". A Green Man is a force of fey magic made manifest.
However, the Caithranigh must be keyed to a specifically prepared nemeton for this process to work or else the impurities are tranferred into the very ley sources of magic that it can connect to - poisoning the wild magic and contaminating all the Fae who tap into those sources. (Imagine the effect of unfiltered sewage pouring into a stream as opposed to running it through a treatment plant - or nemeton - to give you a good idea of how this works).
Poisoned ley lines will eventually destroy all magic (to put this into perspective) but the Fae feel it first because they are closer to the source. And the effect of using 'tainted' wild magic will be sort of like eating contaminated food, I suppose. You can eat it, metabolise and process it. But you won't like it. And if you eat too much of it it will eventually kill you.
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The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
By The way...all of the above isn't canon (yet)...it is open to discussion. And a lot of it will depend on how we feel about using this in the plotline.
I envision the season moving along something like this: The Lords of the Fae send Matthias to retrieve the Caithranigh and he may or may not enlist some help.
Eventually he may feel like his only recorse (if he can't find it) is to ground it to a nameton and then use the resulting Green Man to hunt down the Caithranigh like a mystical bloodhound.
This may drive Aidan and the device back to the cave where the device is laid to rest.
As a follow through however, we may find that the device was put there by the Huntsman who had been hoping that it would summon a Green Man and thereby free him from his prison in the cave so that he can finally subjugate the Lords of the Fae and make himself their King. (Cue Season 2)
Or is that TOO Sidhe-centric a storyline?
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Maybe just a tad... :)
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Good source of Gaelic words: http://www.clanmacrae.org/documents/
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Some more stuff about the fae mythology that was introduced in some of my posts in various seasons which should maybe considered....
The fae races are divided as such: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Dark and Light. Each 'house' has a ruling family, and the leader of this family sits as representative on a ruling council.
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Oh other stuff I remembered....I had to go searching through season 3 to find the exact reference, but Evexus states at one point that he was/is one of the 9 princes of the fae realm, meaning there are well 9 princes ( I guess to be mixed within the 6 houses).
Side note, if Erin's mom was a dark fae princess, and Evexus was a dark fae prince....do the math, leaves Darian being Erin's quasi uncle :P
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Wow Dave... sometimes I tremble at the amount of creativity that spews out of your hatch! :P
Oh, and Erin's mom is a dark fae Queen, not Princess. I guess that would make Evexus, Erin's brother 8O
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
They may not be organized symmetrically. Just as a for-instance:
Assume (pretty easy) that there are 6 "princes" (some of them may be actually 'princesses') - one for each house.
And Three "others' would be King, Queen, and 'Puck'. Someone like Evexis would never admit that the King, Queen or Puck were his superior, but he also would never question their right to rule...so they may be called 'princes' from his perspective.
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
thats true, so would the King, Queen and Puck be independant of the elements? If so, where did they come from, and what are there powers?
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
A sort of Fae Cheat-sheet
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Oberon, Titania and Puck go way back in Mythology. They are much like human rulers...they rule because they are Royal. Thy have their own house and are (presumably) better than the other Fae.
Think of them as Avatars of the Fae...Oberon embodies the "male" Elements (Earth, Light, and Fire) while Titania embodies the Female ones (Water, Darkness, and Air). Puck is the wild child who represents all of the nature spirits of animals, plants, fertility, and chaos. The Trio encompase "Knowledge" where the others only cover the world...
And Knowledge will always master the world.
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Oh very cool, however, small little edit: Evexus would not have been a ruler ever. He would have been a son of Nox (so like lets say 1 of 7 children) making him a prince by blood, but never a ruler.
Also, dark fae's, though 'dark' dont have to be evil, they are just the darker side of nature. Evexus however was evil, hence why he had been on the mortal plane causing trouble before he was banished by that priest (go back to season 3, Chance's flashback if you wanna read it).
Also, in a post with Liala (who was an Undine, which are water spirits), i mentioned the King of the water element being Niska. Maybe we should incorporate that....
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Also, another thing I thought of, dont forget the Fae of War. Remember there were like 6, created by the 6 houses by instilling some of their essence into a single fae to make them super powerful monsters of war. Of course they all gave up their power after the great war, (except for Kronor, who died in Midseason 4)...but just something to remember
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
One minor nitpick. Technically, Efrit are Djinn. Though not all Djinn are Efrit. The other two are Sila and Ghul.
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Ok, recomended changes, to stick the Djinn as a race in there:
Ghul under the Royals (and Puck in specific)
Ifrit / Efrit under Fire
Sila under... where? They're only described as shapeshifters (as opposed to being malevolent like the Efrit, and tricksters like Ghuls).
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
You're doing it in purpose, arent you? :roll:
The World of the Fae/Fey/Sidhe
Shapeshifters are generally associated with water. Although Marids also fill that role. There is no reason both Marids and Sila can't be under water.
(get it? under water? hyuk!) The Sila could also be considered 'wild'
So give me a list of names and I can incorporate it into the 'cheat sheet' Make 'em up if ya gotta...but if you can find mythological references (Tiamat was associated with Air for instance) then by all means use them.
I never suggested that they are. Nox comes from the Incarantions of immortality series and represents the feminine night as well as chaos...but not evil. Orcs (triditionally) as well as Redcaps and Grue cannot tolorate Sunlight and can be useful as well as chummy - if tempermental. Think of somone with a 'dark' personality: Brooding, tempermental, secretive...these are the qualities of the Dark Fae - but someone (like Darian for instance) can be all of these things and not evil.
Niska may be Sulis' mate, but I'd rather keep Sulis for nostalgic reasons. Sulis is the goddess of the spring at Bath England...and having been there it gives me a warm place to consider it. Liala is an undine - and I'm not sure if they are considered 'wild' or not (you will note their absence on the list). If they ARE wild, they don't recognise the authority of the Lords of the Fae and may have their own king.