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Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Yeah, sure. So long as we don't kill each other we might be able to do some good this time.
86% (6 votes)
No way. I don't care if it was an evil virus, I can't forget what happened.
0% (0 votes)
Um, maybe not right away. Perhaps we should let the dust settle first.
14% (1 vote)
Total votes: 7

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Firefly's picture

I agree with what's been said here, and considering what I've done to poor Daye this season, I know that things are going to be incredibly awkward when they try to get things back together, and I'm not sure Daye will even be made welcome again...but she will be determined to fight the good fight...although perhaps not in the same way she once did...

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

MrDave's picture

Not being an 'official' White Hat I can still see the WH movement resuming after the fallout. Everyone concerned knows the importance of working together, and everyone knows how vital pooling resources is.

But just as it has been all of those negative things in the personal lives of the Hatters that have killed it. It will be those same negative things that will make it very hard to reform. Everyone will be guarded, businesslike, and less 'chummy' for a while, but they will still work it out.

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Kaarin's picture

More seriously, I can see the WH getting back together, but not entirely on an all too happy note; and it will take a while. It's more a communications breakdown that caused the initial breakup in the first place, after all.

I can see much apologising going on for this, though, and a fair amount of work needed - probably also some odd things going on that will stand in the way of a final reformation. ;)

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Kaarin's picture

Steamed lobster, actually :)

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

MrDave's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
...besides it was Sorrow's legacy and one that, in my mind should be preserved.

So Victor was just chopped liver?

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Meredith Bell's picture

I think things will be awkward for most people, even those who haven't had their noses put out of joint might have to cope with their own behaviour under the influence of the virus etc.

I don't know how people are envisioning the finale, but I'm guessing people are going to have to put their petty concerns aside for a short while if they are going to defeat Ambrose and his army of demonic hybrids from taking over Los Angeles, so either way, a slight reprive is going to have to be called at some time towards the end of season which should at least pave the way for the reformation of the White Hats.

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

yeah :) i agree. the group should definately get back together, but there'd probs be a little dust settling at first. i know that reah especially is going to be a tough one to just happily walk right back in and take a seat like nothing happened, but she will. she's not one to turn her back on the team :D evil if they did go all evil and she had to put up with their crap, hehe. she might even... not seperate herself from the group so much as stay indepentant for a while, training herself and what not and just liasoning with them until she's more comfortable.

but who knows! given time, over the course of the season, things might be different and she'll jump straight back in no hesitations, parading her WH scarf, beeni, and flag like a kid at the footy :D

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Logan's picture

I concur

Does the White Hats group deserve another shot at life?

Meredith Bell's picture

In my opinion it should be resurrected once Delancre and the Hyde virus have been defeated.

In my mind The White Hats as an organised group are symbolic as our 'Scooby Gang' - most of the members are friends rather than mere mercinaries and I doubt true friends would turn their backs on one another in times of need. These are still people who want to fight against evil and it is still better that they do that together as one whole group rather than sporadically as single individuals.

In Buffy the Scoobies have faced similar attempts to rench the group apart and have survived, besides it was Sorrow's legacy and one that, in my mind should be preserved.

So yeah, lets all eat some humble pie and keep it together. :D

RIP White Hats... ?

Heather's picture

Well, after the 22nd March that's pretty much it for the White Hats... at least until after the Hyde virus is cleared from everyone's system.

Whether or not we try to resurrect the group at the end of Season 4 (or start of MidSeason 4) is up to you guys. Shall we give the White Hats another go around the block, or declare it DOA?

I think even if we were to choose to resurrect it, Tash would be taking it very carefully at first, approaching the PCs one at a time to gauge their opinion on the matter and only suggesting to restart if enough of them were willing to try to make an organised 'good guys' group again.

So, vote on the poll and put any comments in here - shall we fly the flag of the good guys again, or all just go and do our own thing?

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