\ Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles? | unlimitedi.net
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Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Oh, yummy! When can I meet him?
75% (6 votes)
Ick. He makes my stomach turn.
0% (0 votes)
Well.... kinda.... but I wish he was a bit different somehow...
13% (1 vote)
Purple elephants are flying.
13% (1 vote)
Total votes: 8

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Hunter's picture

The ones I usually have is either yellow or green.

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Disposable_Hero's picture

No...mine were definately purple...

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Kaarin's picture

I must fervently disagree with and oppose these purple elephants. They are supposed to be pink. :)

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Disposable_Hero's picture

My comment on purple elephants notwithstanding, I like (plus agree with everything else that's been said)

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Kaarin's picture

Actually it comes from studying magic with Allen Stairs, I think that's a varient in the spelling that he used, probably some practioners of Hermetic as well.

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Meredith Bell's picture

That's CABBALA or Cabala, or even Kabbala (as in cabbalistic, cabbalism) where did this 'Q' come from? I think someone's been reading too much Harry Potter and it's showing ;) hehe

I'm sorry but it was just that third time that ignited the English graduate in me. :lol:

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Kaarin's picture

Another interesting things:

He's a Qabbalist. Which raises a question. Is he following Hermetic Qabbalah or Traditional Qabbalah? While you have to be Jewish to practice the later, you can easily be Jewish and practice Hermetic.

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Allyana's picture

What's the problem with actors from the Tiger Beat magazine, Meg? :wink:

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

What is to be said that hasn't been said? I like the character, a lot. Exorcist idea... mad awesome. But the sole surviving thing? Eh, if we accept him, we'll confront him aboot (haha... "aboot") it. AND, even though he picked an actor already used, at least he didn't use an actor who would be on the cover of Tiger Beat magazine or some shit like that.

Overall, two thumbs up :D

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Hunter's picture

Really nice description, well thought out and seems to be able to become a comitted player.
No real objections.
*Gives thums up.*

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Allyana's picture

I like him too. :D

Just a question, would Sam (Simon) hunt every demon he finds? :roll:

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Heather's picture

Well, Dave's comments are kind of a gestalt of his and mine, since he found this submission this morning and we both read it over breakfast.

Essentially, it's a great character idea and I like the thought of an exorcist around the place. The only major issues are bookkeeping only: Sam is already used as a character name - I think there's nothing wrong with him keeping Simon and just changing his surname. And Ian may not have been around much lately, but he's still very much alive and still available in the NPC pool - and he's already being played by Paul Bettany. I'm afraid a new actor will have to be found - sorry about that.

And yes, being the sole surviving member is just a touch cheesy... perhaps there are a handful scattered around the globe, but not enough to keep the organisation going.

Apart from that, I give it a big thumbs up. :)

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Logan's picture

Ignoring Matts chemically induced ramblings, I would like to voice my opinion.

I really like it. Barring the minor McCheesiness of him being the last one (and hey, we're all allowed a certain amount of that) I think its a really really really good proposal.

Reasons why: Very cool concept. He isnt overly powerful, yet still immerged into the occult and stuff. Very unique

Also, the guy is older, so maybe he wont be like 99% of new players we get who dissapear after their first post (if they even make one)

Finally, the guy writes well, very reminiscent (Is that spelt right?) of a certain Maude Merdle...*shudders* lets just hope he has alittle more of a sense of humor....

If by some randomness you are reading this Maude *Hehehe I love you............ :lol:

Ok, so I give a big fat yes, provided he changes actors (Someone cute would be better :D

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

Disposable_Hero's picture

Hehe purple elephants are definately flying

Is Sam (Simon) Hedge fit to live in our Los Angeles?

MrDave's picture

I like him. I would have preferred his name were still Simon rather than Sam and Paul Bettany is already being used as an actor.

There is a lot of background here (good crunchy background) although being the last of his kind does make it smell slightly of cheese. Perhaps he's the last one he knows of

An exorcist could be an interesting addition to the mix, don't you think?

Sam Hedge [Accepted]

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(saintgulik@myway.com) on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 at 19:43:01

charname: Sam Hedge (Born Simon Mozek)
race: Exorcist Private Eye
gender: Male
bdate: 1-10-1978
group: Benandanti/Dobrytampesky
position: Last living member
descript: Sam is every inch the blonde lucifer-- he has wide,questioning, grey-blue eyes the shape of fat almonds; thin lips red as apples, and a kind of brand-new-silly putty complexion with a consistent days growth of rough along his jaw line, chin, and lip. His is dark blond and perpetually and unintentionally spiked in random directions. His body is slim without being skinny or particularly well developed. His hands narrow, with long and narrow fingers and to-the-quick-bitten fingernails.
history: Simon Mozek was born in Prague's Jewish Section with his birth caul (fetal sac) still intact around his head. To his family, this marked him as being called to a life of war. To the Benandanti (Czech, Dobrytampesky), those born with a caul are born to answer a call. They are the Good Walkers, the Wolves of God. They are talented exorcists, magus, and astral projectors. They use their abilities to defend the people from the forces of evil in the world. Benandanti are taught the ways of demon and ghost hunting, and usually live out their lives in villages near hellmouths and other supernatural hotspots. They are known within their communities, and given the same respect and station as clergy. The Benandanti belive themselves to be agents of God, and are therefore very pious people. (the most common bands follow variations of either Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, or Jewish. Mozek's line is Jewish)

Simon's extended family defended the Jewish Quarter of Prague, and are the only known Benandanti/Dobrytampesky group to work from within a major city. The area is notoriously plagued by dybbuks and other malicous spirits. Simon spent his first 17 years working exclusively in Prague, ghost hunting and controlling the local vampire population. On the 6th of March, 1987, a general call to all Bendandanti and Dobrytampesky came from a small village in Turkey, on the coast of the Black Sea. A portal had opened, and it looked like an army of astral demons were gearing up to enter our realm. The local Benandanti cadre had already fallen barring the demons' advance scouts.

Simon's camp immediately performed a ritual allowing them to astrally project themselves to the village. (In this form, they appear as huge dire wolves. The ritual involves the rejuvinating of the birth caul by drawing blood onto it with the practicioner's personal dobrynuz (good knife) and placing the now pliable caul over the face.) The battle turned for the worse, and Simon's mother forced him back to his body. The remaining Benandanti sacrificed themselves to close the portal. In just a few seconds, Simon Mozek became the last Benandanti in the world.

He emmigrated to America, leaving the defense of Prague to the very adept rabis and priests of the city. He changed his name to Sam Hedge, and lived in San Francisco. It took him just under a year to become fluent in english, and another two for his accent to fade. His time as Bendandanti earned him fluency in Czech, Hebrew, and Spainish. He started night classes, and became a liscenced private detective in just under two years. Afterward, he took up his old job as a protector, taking cases that appeared to be supernaturally related. In 2001, he travelled to LA while working on a case, and opened a satelite office. In 2004, he closed the Frisco office and moved to LA full time.
items: Dobry Nuz(Good Knife), stakes, holy water, silver Seal of Solomon, ritual gear, white ash stakes, leather bag holding his caul on a thong around his neck.
He typically wears one of a handful of worn, silk suits; black shoes; and occasional wool overcoat. He habitually smokes Upland Days pipe tobacco, has a year-old PC at his office, and an Ipod.

Knife Pic: http://store6.yimg.com/I/greatsword_1793_2121794

Pipe Pic: http://www.novelli.it/pipes.asp?go=2&id_pipe=1021

Sam Pics: http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/1406/PaulBettan_DeGui_398627_400.jpg...
powers: As a Dobrytampesky, Sam is a powerful exorcist, using folkish variations on Hebrew rituals. As long as he has his caul, he can see (and only see) into the astral realm with concentration and closed eyes. He also has a firm grasp on Kabbalah magic, and demon hunting. Provided he has his caul, ritual knife, and a safe room, he can project himself as a spectral dire wolf. In this form, he cannot affect or be affected by physical objects, but is the equal of most standard demons and spirits. He must return to his body before sunset or sunrise (which ever comes first) or he will be trapped on the astral plane for a full lunar cycle.

His dobrynuz is more a ritual tool than weapon. He can use it as a kind of wand in exorcisms and magic, and requires it for the projection ritual, but cannot use it as a weapon against physical enemies (it does exist on both planes, and can harm astral creatures). It was forged in a ritual involving wolvesbane and a piece of his birth caul. Were he to loose either the blade or his caul, he would be bound to the physical plane, but would retain his magical skills.
played_by: Paul Bettany
player: I'm a 26 year-old philosophy/english student and barista (read: coffee whore). I've been roleplaying for the last 20 years.
Food is ready, so I'm going to go ahead and send this, if you want more info, just let me know.
age: over13

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