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This is an internet shrine. It must be preserved for all eternity in a never ending state due to the fact that I cannot bear to
11% (1 vote)
I could care less. I never come here any more. I never answer the polls. I never do anything except read the occasional quiz
0% (0 votes)
I'll miss it, but I understand the need to move on. If it can be kept around I'll keep coming every week or so but I've really
11% (1 vote)
I am new here and I don't know what is going on.
0% (0 votes)
We need to change it! Make something newer and better! I want to grow the games until we have hundreds of members!
11% (1 vote)
I can't let go. We should write out the ends of these stories and close the books on them. We can look for newer ideas that wi
67% (6 votes)
Total votes: 9
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What do we do about LABN/LNG?
[Sob!] Meeee toooo, K.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Is it all about time? For me...I work so much I think I rarely do anything else. I'm managing the kids and holding myself together as best I can with Robin thousands of miles away again, and this time of year has never been good for me timewise. I want to write. I miss all of you so much. But...when I'm around, I'm invariably alone. My schedule does not mesh with anyone elses. I see Shaun from time to time, but that is literally it. No one else. My MSN messenger is a sad, lonely place.
I don't have answers to this. I feel like LABN is home, and even though I'm rarely there, I cherish knowing I can always go back. I don't want to lose touch with everyone. This site literally changed my life. I owe this group more than I can ever, ever hope to repay. Whatever you all decide to do, I will never forget the wonderful community I was a part of here.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
That, Dave, remains to be seen. I just get stuck when writing for Adam and Changer most times...
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Even though there is no such thing as writer's block. ;)
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
I'm fine with doing whatever. Between RL and all the other various things I've had to do, coupled with almost-crippling writer's block for my long-form games, I just haven't gotten around to this recently. But, rest assured, my lunatic sense of writing and humor will be back for this, no matter what form it takes.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Was considering FL, but that's not a bad idea. I only have a half dozen different ones. So think it's hard to tell for you? Try me. :)
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
I, personally, am waiting for November 1. Becasue that is when the NaNoWriMo thingy starts...and per the rules I cannot write diddly befoer that date.
However about 2 weeks prior to that I'll be re-reading back through the last dozen or so pages of posts to reacquaint myself as to where everyone is...and to make notes about where they are going.
I think Adam is considering something similar for the SW:T board. (or not...hard to tell with Adam)
But if you want to write..please go ahead.
I am not stopping you.
I am writing on another board to flex those writing muscles.
And I am already getting a backlog of SerenityRPG adventures I want to synopsise for this board here
So I am writing...and I'll be writing here soon enough.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Now, taking into account that a big number of us (I know, only 6, but since only 9 answered... it is a big number of us) consider that We can't let go. We should write out the ends of these stories and close the books on them. We can look for newer ideas that will excite our creative juices and get us writing again... and even there’s one of us who considers that Labn is an internet shrine. It must be preserved for all eternity in a never ending state due to the fact that I cannot bear to live in a universe without it... I say, what are we waiting for?
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
I miss the game...:(
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Just FYI - I've culled the user lists...106 members with a postcount of 0 - most of which had not even activated their accounts.
If you have friends who just want to read...they MUST make a post within the first couple of weeks or else they too will get the axe. Even if it is in the WAG or something.
Post-count of 0 = death from now on.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Think I've got a clue, now that I'm awake.
BBS - That'll be what you're reading now. :)
Wiki - Think of
wikitrashwikipedia for this. Basically, people can create, cross-link, and edit articles. Memory Alpha is a good example of one.Everything else is fairly obvious, I think, though having a built-in chat client might not work so great. Personally, I like sticking with NSM since we've done that for a while.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
:D :D :D Hahaha, I wouldnt have said it better, Shaun. I didn't understand a word he wrote, but I was really impressed nevertheless.
I'm sure your new design will be great Dave, I'm not diminishing what you thought, but no matter how, I'll love LAbn in any form, and I'm more than willing to start writing again, either in our old Buffyverse or Star Wars or anything you feel like writing. Hell, I'd even write about Tom & Jerry if it meant our group is writing again. I'd just love to recover the feeling I had for the fabulous years we were working together.
(Besides, remember you made an investment in buying me a new PC so you wouldn't lose me... I say you should start working for your money! :D )
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
wow that sounded very nice....i didnt understand anything he said about his vision of the new LNG but it sounded cool indeed :)
I dont think LABN's problem was that it was old, or that the Buffy world held no more interest, I think its that people stopped writing, and as one person lulled it dominoed. Then, when there was 4 of us writing, and maybe 6 people reading, I guess we figured that it wasnt worth it...Personally, if everyone started writing again, so would I, so I hope you can breath life back into it!
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
I am open to suggestions. I think the biggest hurdle is actually LABN itself.
Like a load that you it gets heavier and heavier the harder it is to move. I think this is what has happened to LABN.
Heather has actually begun writing again on the Ravenblack Roleplaying boards. Myself, I am going to tackle the 30 day Novel challenge (using LABN as the springboard).
I think we have novelists and writers in us I just think we have passed our initial infatuation with Buffy/Angel and are moving on. This isn't a bad thing.
LABN will go on in some form or another. I'd like to set up a new board and archive this one. I just don't have anywhere that is free to do it. If I get a new Mac I might be able to do it at home...I know HOW, I just lack the serious hardware to do it. I also lack the money to do it.
Hosting isn't expensive but it is a burden that must be maintained. There are excellent hosting companies that will do that are as low as $7.95 a month...but that is almost $100 a year AND a three-year commitment. I love you all, but I can talk to you for free...for $100 a year I'd rather let LABN go. (also a three-year commitment would buy me a new Mac anyways...I'd rather have the new computer then a three-year commitment to a board that may or may not continue)
I was told that LABN was going bye-bye and it didn't. Don't know why. And frankly, I am too afraid to ask. I keep making backups, but they've killed my access so I can't make any changes or upgrades.
So it lingers on for now. Just for the record, it takes about 4GB of space to store LABN (with all of the pics and such) and it trickles out to the net at a mere 700MB a month. So it isn't a huge amount of space. Frankly, I think most of that is from Spambots and scrapers.
So the fate of LABN?
It needs a new host. It needs new board software. It needs a new face.
It needs new ideas. It needs new life.
I say let it die...and like a phoenix rise again in a new form: Mk. II
I am envisioning something with a BBS for posting, a Wiki for world-building, a Gallery for Pictures, a File-Upload area for sharing and a built-in chat client OR collaborative editor for talking/writing (or both?)
Registered members only for the wiki, gallery, editor/chat, files and open BBS (with CAPTCHA for posts to foil bots). Sign-up/Log-in from the front page and one skin for the board (that is MY idea anyhow).
We'd have 'Gamemasters' who'd have admin rights to edit the WorldWikis and galleries and gameboards. An integrated one-time-login would be cool too.
If you want to Mock up designs and post them, feel free. Right now this is just dreams and ideas...since without hosting it means nothing. But don't worry about losing anything if the site disappears. I have it all saved (well most of it saved) and it'll be restorable when (or if) LNG comes back.
PS: This would be a good time to finish editing those "Huge-mungus Season-Long" compilations and timelines.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Noooo!!! I can see we've all reached a point where due to one thing or another we never seem to write anymore, but I can't bear to think that LNG will be gone. Surely there must be a way.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Memories! Sweet memories!
LABN was my true initiation to the net, the place I grew from, I would hate to see it go.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
I really couldn't bear a world without LABN. Yeah, I know. I haven't had a word of mine here in years. But I couldn't bear it.
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
Bet you can guess what my answer was! *Grabs hold of LABN and clings onto it for dear life* Noooo I can never let you gooooooo! :evil: :evil:
What do we do about LABN/LNG?
I really don't like the sound of 'the final fate of LAbn'... but I was never a good person to face reality. I think the poll is a good idea Dave. Hope people come visit the page within 90 days so they'll get to answer it. :?
What do we do about LNG/LABN?
I am curious how people feel about the final fate of Late Night Games. After the Poll is over I'll share my thoughts. This is a 90 day poll which should give everyone a chance to answer it.