When I was rewriting Cadee's profile, I got to the point to decide in which part of Manhattan she lived and worked and I got stuck, so I just went to "a cop's bar near Central Park", but Central Park is veeeery big. Any idea of which neighborhood we will be using? Like Alhambra in LA?
Kaarin mentioned Hell's Kitchen in a discussion the other day. We can have a neighborhood that is its equivalent for magical and supernatural beings, or not.
Any idea of where in the city the "Spook squad" could function, Dave? I'd like to make the bar near that, gives our chars a bigger chance to meet.
Also, can I use the general description of the "Slainté" (the bar you created for LAbn2) and move it to New York?
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This might help: A map of the
And the SCU (unofficially "Spook Squad" officially the Special Crimes Unit or Supernatural Crimes Unit) hasn't been placed yet. All of the 300(yes 300!) units of the NYPD have their own offices. Many of them are located at 1 Police Plaza Downtown. I was thinking that the Spook Squad would be located in the old police building which was converted to Condos in the 70's. My thought is that they'd have kept some of the space as storage and that that storage space was cleaned out and given to the SCU in the early 80s as everything went digital and the records were reduced to scans and such.
But as you can see it is nowhere near Central Park.
But it is right at the junction of Little Italy, Chinatown and the Bowery. Which is, I think, a MUCH better location than Central Park for chasing the supernatural.
It is within a couple of blocks of Greenwich Village (considered the most haunted area in NYC) and SoHo which is a great place for musician to live.
It is a taxi-ride from The finaincial district and Midtown and it is a quick subway ride to the park. Becasue the building is all condos it could be where quite a few of the characters live (mid to high end though).
Rent in NYC is expensive for a tiny apartment. A 1BR efficiency (in SoHo/The Village) runs around $2500-$3500 a month: http://newyork.craigslist.org/aap/ for ideas. A lot of people either live in a rent-controlled apartment or share.
The areas around Central Park are some of the most expensive places to live in NYC ($3500-$4500/mo for 1BR)
Cool. I like that point,
Cool. I like that point, and I love the old police building, Cadee's bar could be close by, a great place for a cop's bar. Too bad the condo's at that building are luxurious, no way she could afford one, however, Cadee's roommate will be an actress, so Greenwich Village is perfect. And close.
What about the 'Slainté'?
Go right ahead. Heck, bring
Go right ahead. Heck, bring Angus McAfee along as an NPC too if you want.