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Once More With Feeling - The CD

MrDave's picture
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Yep, It was relased today. I went right out nad bought one too, and after listening to the MP3s from the show it is amazing how much detail you miss from those...

Suddenly you can hear nuances in the performances, and little touches in the music, and well....It's wonderful

There are some things you might miss from the MP3s...Dawn doesn't do any speaking parts during Sweet's song, just her singing ones...also no taps (awww...wish they had kept them). Spike's performance of Rest in Peace is less heart wrenching without hearing him grunt as he gestures and beats himself up (you can hear it on the MP3s) but it is also a lot better with the reverb (which you can hear on the CD) and no sound effects.

There are actually endings to these songs! Because of the fast cuts in the show, you don't get to hear them, so they never made it into the MP3s. There is also a script book (with sheet music!) being published in November (according to the insert in my CD).

There are a few bonus tracks as well. Nerf Herder's Buffy Theme (which is longer than you think). The musical suite from "Restless", the Musical Suite from "Hush", A track from "The Gift" called Sacrifice, and Joss Whedon's wife singing a demo track of "Something to Sing About"

The CD also comes with a nice booklet with words to all the songs and extensive liner notes by (and about) Joss Whedon. I was puzzeld to find this little refrain in the "Walk Through the Fire" lyrics:

So one by one they come to me
The distant redness as their guide
But what they'll find
Ain't what they have in mind
It's what they have inside

I don't remember that verse, nor is it on the CD. Hm...

So run right out and buy this. It is well worth the paltry amount of cash they are charging for it. If you can't find it you can order it online from http://www.rounder.com or http://www.towerrecords.com

Once More With Feeling - The CD

Soulless Zombie's picture

A quick question. A bonus track? I bought one today too. But never noticed a bonus track.....

Tell me more info!!!!!!!!!

Once More With Feeling - The CD

Soulless Zombie's picture

Let me enlighten you, Drew. The bonus track is amazing. It rips off the tune to Billy Joel's Uptown Girl, but hey! So what? It goes:

Buffy Girl
She's in my town and slayin' up a whirl
Wind flying quick right through her short-cropped hair
She's married now to Freddy but who cares?
Won't last a year

And when she's slayin'
I'm sayin'
"Oh my-why-yi?"
And Willow's castin'
All her spells
Upon my mind


Buffy girl
I want you so much I feel I could hurl
But that would only make you want me less
Why don't you come around, but I digress
And smile my best

And when you're slayin'
I'm sayin'
"Oh my-why-yi?"
Aren't you here playin'
Upon my mind

You rule my time...

Once More With Feeling - The CD

Soulless Zombie's picture

Where is Nerf Herder's Buffy theme? I can't find it... Is it hidden? Or are you talking about the special musical opening credit???

Once More With Feeling - The CD

MrDave's picture

The CD says its by Nerf Herder, and I was kidding about it being longer than you think...its 26 seconds long.

I didn't know if they were referring to the writing credits or to the performing ones.

Once More With Feeling - The CD

Soulless Zombie's picture

I was enthusiastic about nothing then :(

Once More With Feeling - The CD

Soulless Zombie's picture

To early.

Once More With Feeling - The CD

MrDave's picture

Vinwewbat wrote:
To early.

Looks like spam. Smells like spam...{nibbles]...tastes like spam.

Must be spam.

Once More With Feeling - The CD

Heather's picture

MrDave wrote:
Vinwewbat wrote:
To early.

Looks like spam. Smells like spam...{nibbles]...tastes like spam.

Must be spam.

*deletes signature with spammy link*

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