Submitted by Soulless Zombie on Wed, 10/02/2002 - 12:30
Posted in
I did well on the not smoking thing, but now I'm back. Like anyone expected me to quit. So here's my plea:
If you're on the board and you've read everything and you still want something to do, PM me. Please! In the message, tell me not to smoke! I need the extra boost.
Think of it this way, if I die from smoking, I won't get to bother any of you anymore. (Please don't take that as an incentive NOT to dissuade me.)
A personal Plea
Thanks for all the PMs! (Not P.M.S., :lol: I mean Private Messages concerning not smoking. But I feel like I have P.M.S.)
I've spent the last three days sleeping since I'm not feeding my body nicotine--okay, I woke up once to have sex--but that's three days no smokie!
I appreciate the help.
A personal Plea
:D Way to go! Keep up the good work. And the sex... it'll help keep your mind off the lack of nicotine... :wink:
A personal Plea
Wow, surprise responce from Heather there... ;)
And, GO SID! Keep it up... the not smoking that is, - Don't SAY ANYTHING Heather! :P
A personal Plea
8O Now, what would I possibly say??? *blinks innocently*
But yes, keeping it up is definitely a good idea, Sid. :wink:
A personal Plea
yeah Sid, don't make me get out the big red font again.... Anyhoo, keep going this way and maybe you won't get breast cancer after all! :wink:
A personal Plea
GO SID, wait a go, hope you continue on not smoking, my very best wishes are with you! The very best of luck :D!!!!
A personal Plea
*throws pompoms into the air and turns a couple of cartwheels* go sid! u can do this! think of all the money u'll save! hell, at this rate, u'll be able to fly out to asia for a visit next year! hahahah!
A personal Plea
I could have said something nice and encouraging, but I wont, all I'll say is what I've just written and if you take up smoking again... I'll personly come over there and wup your ass for being weak DO YOU HEAR ME! :twisted:
A personal Plea
I appreciate that, Greg.
Tell you what, if you start writing for Stalker again, I'll promise to live long enough to read your posts. I'm repeating myself (as I often do), but you were the first person to "face-to-face" (ala MSN) welcome me to LABN, so I hold a fondness for you. I want to see more Stalker--current stuff, not stuff I run across while digging through season one.
A personal Plea
Hear, hear!!! Stalker has been WAY too quiet this season. The last we saw him was way back in mid-season. C'mon Greg - unplug that writer's block and jump back in. We miss you.
A personal Plea
I'm reading a book about Brainstorming ideas to get rid of that self-imposed writer's block. I should start coaching Greg. I would, too...if I wasn't afraid he'd turn to the dark side of the Force.
My Excuse
Okay here's a little thing I call My Excuse
I really reallllly want to get back into the whole writting reading and having a real labn experience BUT (yes there is always a but in the way of what a bloke really wants) unfortunatly real LIFE has somehow seized me in its dirty paw and wants to drag me down into the depth of its giant murderous belly I am trying to resist but it has a real strong grip and real sharp claws to boot.
really though work is hell at the moment (hmmf when wasnt it hell) these past few months have been full of 14 hour exhausting work days.
hmm I know that's not a good enough excuse so I'll continue... I am in a choir (a bloody good one I must say) and it requires alot of practice which takes up at least one night of my time up a week but that also has been turned up to at least 2 nights a week due to the fact of which we are going to Ireland and France in August next year touring (yay)
now your probably saying thats a fairly good excuse but hey that means he's still got 4 nights of the week to join us here a LABN but I'm not finished yet. A nice friend of mine introduced me to acting and the theater group I am with for some reason thinks it would be a good idea to practise 2 times a week.
now after all that I've got 2 nights a week and sunday left but of course you have to cut out saterday night coz thats piss drinkin night (mmm beer)
and most of sunday getting over the residual hangover.
but whenever I get a break, from the claws in my back slowly dragging me down into the depth of a giant murderous belly that is life, I come to this little place because I like it here
now if none of this makes sense it coz I'm overworked and tired and slightly drunk coz this is my free night of the week:)
A personal Plea
oh yeah just remembered I've got 2 weeks off work soon so you may see stalker rising from the ashes yet :twisted:
but then again thoughs two weeks holiday may be revoked yet :( I work in a small boneing room with abt 30 people and 11 people said the magical words this week (I Quit) and I'm not exagerating, add to that 4 people are on holidays, and that the increased work load may force more to quit I might not ever get any bloody holidays
aww bloody hell I've just got meself all upset :evil:
A personal Plea
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's saved you, dear Stalker (now those are two words I never thought I'd use together), is that you sing. I'm impressed that your choir's good enough to tour. Actually, I'm jealous and envious. I sing with a 4 woman a capella group and we go nowhere -- at least outside of LA.
So, if you must tour in France and Ireland (instead of visiting beautiful Reseda), I guess it's okay.
Acting'll break your heart. Writing's so much more rewarding. But that's just me.
And I have that "you were one of the first to MSN me, so I'm a soft touch for ya" thing happening too. So write.
P.S. And believe me, I'm scared to ask -- what the hell's a boning room?
A personal Plea
I wish you hadn't asked but I shall answer a boning room is the place where you cut up dead animals for a living but alas it is how I survive
It has just come to me that this i a perfect place to post this in the personal pleas area
here is my plea anyone with a cool million cash or a job for me that would supply me this million dollars or even jost a job beter than the job that supplies me the measly dollars I earn please tell me of this and thus save me from the hole that I am rotting in...
you think I'm not serious I bloody well am!!! anyone that one can save me from the hole that is life please apply here
ps good on you for singing that is the only thing that is saving my sanity at the moment
A personal Plea
ok, I know we all love Jem, and she has become a sort of odd job baddy around here. I am just writing to request that no one kills her in the near future because:
A) She's funny/useful! when in need if a bitch/whore/slapper/femme fatale/hurricane/mass destroyer, who else would you call?
B) I need her! In the interest of future semi-planned story lines, Jem would be very useful.
SO this is a bit of a personal plea to say please don't kill of the Queen Sabakaryness.
thank you for your time
A personal Plea
*sigh* OK, I'll try to keep Tash under control. Having killed Chris she'll be happy for a while on the 'get back at Jem' front, at least. :)
A personal Plea
I know you are having a rough time quitting (wrap all the butts into a ball?) and I really sympathise. Heather is deathly allergic to cigarette smoke and I am (recovering) a smoker.
It wasn't the nicotene they have substitutes for that. It was that warm feeling and pleasant taste and odor of the cig as you inhaled it. Ah...
God I'll miss that. But the patch, the gum, ther tapes, the 1-step group none of it was enough. And I am embarrassed to admit...neither was my love for Heather. I have admitted I have a serious problem.
SO I finally went to my doctor. She has prescribed Wellbutrin...a drug the use to treat depression to control my urges to smoke. Heather has never been addicted to anything (except sex, but I am the LAST one to discourage that). SHe s having a hard time understanding addiction.
But I do. And I am there for you while you suffer. Call your doctor maybe they can help you too. And in June while we are sitting in Sherlynn's back porch wanting a smoke we can sigh in unison and chew another piece of gum.
A personal Plea
I've been so self-absorbed, I haven't taken the time to say
I support your quitting.
Here's a story for Saadia's embarrassing moments:
I was at a party last week with some friends. We were hanging out in their smoking room. Everyone was smoking but me (by the way, I just completed 120 hours without a smoke!). But I love the oral movement of cigarette to mouth--I know what you mean, Dave. So I grabbed the straw from my bloody mary and started sucking on it.
Can you guess? The next thing, I was trying to suck second hand smoke out of the air! Talk about pathetic. It made us all laugh, though. :oops:
No cigarettes and no oral fix make Homer go something something.
A personal Plea
According to Freudian psychoanalysis the urge to smoke is as much an oral fixation as anything else - the same as people who have to eat, it's rooted in early childhood what is called the 'oral period' of development. People who obsessively put things in their mouths (try saying this without laughing) have never got past this oral period.
Didn't you say you were never breast fed Sid? ;)
A personal Plea
I did say that. And if you really care, Louisa, you'll let me suck on your breasts. Nothing personal. Just to prove that you aren't full of smoke. If you don't fly out here and let me suck on your breasts, that will be like saying, "Sid, I want you to smoke instead of finding an oral substitution." The ball's in your court, Lou. It is in your court. Your court.
P.S. In the meantime, while i'm waiting for pigs to fly, Freud can take his theory and suck my d**k with it.
A personal Plea
Gosh, non-smoke-dom has made me both horny and ornery.
A personal Plea
Okay, I just ordered two pizzas. I don't know why. I just did.
this is day #6 no smoke.
A personal Plea
Does that mean you don't want my breasts anymore? Oh well, nevermind, I'm sure I can find some use for them ;)
A personal Plea
If that was an offer, yes I want them.
If not, no. Get away from me, you slut. :wink:
You are all witnesses to how Lou just hit on me! Slut! Slut alert!
A personal Plea
That was an offer - in your dreams Sid ;)
A personal Plea
Okay...This is out of hand. I have locked this thread and will bury it in the archive untill archaeologists come along and dig it up again