Race: Demon
Sex: Male
Real Name: Gnarook Yaakin
Nickname: Gnarook
Birthdate and Location: August, Circa 1988 - Gnamma
Postion: N/A
Group Affiliation: N/A
Gnarook is human in appearance (this is only an effect of camouflage). Gnarook's actual appearance is that of a thin, 6 foot tall blue demon with two small one-inch horns on his head (these horns are useless for fighting as they would snap of but they do change colour to show his moods). He weighs only about 85 lbs. because of his light exoskeleton.
Gnarook comes from a very dangerous dimension where every creature is a predator. Gnarook's people, the Gnamma, are the exception as millions of years have evolved them to survive through camouflage, speed and intelligence definitely not their strength as they are very light and weak creatures (although tall).
Gnarook was one of many the Gnamma to migrate to a new area in the mountain plateaus of his home world, the migration was to make it harder for ground dwelling predators to attack. The migration went as planned and the Gnamma were finally able to relax a little, a new feeling fell over the group of Gnamma this was the feeling of freedom, freedom from the constant fear of predators.
With this newfound freedom the Gnamma found themselves with more time on their hands. The Great Elder Gnamoso, their leader, knew though that this newfound freedom wouldn't last, the ground dwelling predators would eventually find their way to climb the great ascent of the plateau. The Great Elder Gnamoso, the group’s leader and mage, made training and research a priority and after a few year's had found many magical and mystical ways to fend off any small attacks from the predators.
Secretly though the Great Elder Gnamoso had also come across another thing for which he had been searching, a way to for the Gnamma to leave their wretched dimension a way to for once and for all be free from the hellish creatures that lived there. The Great Elder Gnamoso had found, through divine sight, a portal.
This area however was far from within their reach it was over 40 miles from their current home and they would have to pass through Gnatacrta Territory a notoriously dangerous creature. The Gnamma, at their current skill level, would be very lucky to make it through Gnatacrta Territory alive as the Gnatacrta were incredibly strong, fast and cunning wolf-like demons. The Great Elder Gnamoso decided that he would get his people there but first he had to train them in the art of magic and that would take time, a thing of which the Great Elder Gnamoso knew they didn't have much of. The Great Elder Gnamoso tried to teach his people the magics he had learned but very few could work them.
Gnarook was one of the Gnamma that had managed to learn some of the magics but his magic was limited only by the fact that he was declared to be too young to learn magic. Gnarook learnt what he could from listening at the entrance of the cave while the Great Elder Gnamoso tried to teach his students.
The day came when the predators started to arrive; they had found many ways up the plateau and were now arriving in droves. It was then the Great Elder Gnamoso decided, it was time to leave...
The Great Elder Gnamoso told his people of what he had found and all but a few decided not to go deciding the journey too dangerous. The Great Elder Gnamoso made a departing speech to his people telling them that he would, once through the portal, strive to find a way to get his people there too. Gnarook was one of fourteen that decided to join the Great Elder Gnamoso on his quest. They left on the night of the 3 full moons their journey would be a hard one 40 miles through Gnatacrta Territory
The journey was very dangerous and after only 20 miles the fifteen strong group had been reduced to six. The Gnatacrta had cunningly attacked, picking them off one by one in the night and had managed to kill the least skilled of the group. The small group could no longer avoid the Gnatacrta, they now knew where they were, so the group decided on using their speed and try to get to the portal as soon as possible to avoid a big confrontation
They had been following their great leader for days through the thick undergrowth of the Gnatacrta forests their fifteen strong group reduced to six and the Gnatacrta were still behind them slowly picking them off one by one. Gnarook could sense them; there were only few but that few Gnatacrta could kill them all in seconds.
Their only chance was to get to the portal before the Gnatacrta had killed them all, the Great Elder Gnamoso was sure it was not far ahead but he had been saying that for hours, and even Gnarook was beginning to loose faith in their great leader.
Then came the wall, well not a wall exactly but more of a cliff face, it was totally smooth there was no way up or around it. Their hearts sank they looked to their great leader but he was already seated with his head in his hands muttering something to himself.
"Where now?" Gnarook asked but there was no answer, the Great Elder Gnamoso just sat and kept mumbling to himself. Gnarook reached down and lifted the old demon to his feet, threw him to the wall and held him there, no one tried to stop him. "WHERE NOW?" Gnarook shouted
The old demon looked up "I don't know"
"What do you mean you don't know? Just a few minutes ago you were so confident" Gnarook said in disbelief
"It should be here! All the power leads here!" the old demon said with a look of confusion on his face
There was noise from the undergrowth
"They're coming what do we do? Where do we go?" Gnarook looked toward the old demon pleadingly.
The old demon looked up the cliff "you can levitate objects can you not?"
"Yes but only objects, not myself and not that high"
"Well none of the others can levitate things but I can, we can do it together, we may not be able to save ourselves but maybe we can save the others and they can go forward safely"
Gnarook was shocked today would be the day he died and he knew no way to stop it. They proceeded to levitate the other four members of their small party, one by one, up the cliff. The sound was getting louder from the undergrowth and Gnarook could now smell the Gnatacrta making their way toward him and the Great Elder Gnamoso.
The Great Elder Gnamoso looked toward Gnarook and spoke "you know I can not lift you up to the rest of the group" Gnarook nodded, the Great Elder Gnamoso continued "maybe a few days ago before all this happened but the past few days have drained me..."
"I know" Gnarook said just as the first of many Gnatacrta burst out from the undergrowth
The Gnatacrta jumped toward Gnarook but the Great Elder Gnamoso jumped at the Gnatacrta saving Gnarook. Gnarook instinctively turned invisible. The Gnatacrta tore into the Great Elder Gnamoso a squirt of blood hit the wall. The ground shook and upon the face of the wall a portal began to form. Gnarook stood in front of the portal and watched as more of the Gnatacrta leapt onto the Great Elder Gnamoso.
*What can I do?* Gnarook hesitated and started toward the Great Elder Gnamoso *I have to help him I have to get him through the portal with me!*
The Great Elder Gnamoso looked up toward Gnarook "GO NOW! Don't look back! Find a way to save our people from this wretched dimensio..." The old demon’s words were cut short by the fact that one of the Gnatacrta tore his throat out.
There was nothing Gnarook could do he jumped through the portal and moments later just as one of the Gnatacrta was about to follow him through the portal closed.
Gnarook can make himself invisible whenever needed. Gnarook can travel at incredible speeds to escape capture. Gnarook can camouflage himself as other types of creatures which maybe scary enough to stop a predator from attacking him but as a lot of predators go by smell this didn't always work in his own dimension. However on earth it completely fools humans into thinking that he is one of them.
Gnarook also has a small amount of magic ability, which can help him levitate heavier objects as his strength is somewhat pathetic. Gnarook posses a strong will and will stop at nothing to save his people from the hell which is his home dimension. Gnarook is extremely patient and fairly naive.
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