Race: Half Sidhe, Half Human
Sex: Male
Real Name: Oillill
Nickname: Matthias Perrett
Birth Date and Location: Winter, 1228 - Ireland
Last Seen: 16 October, 2006 (Read About It)
Position: Special Assignment
Group Affiliation: Sidhe
As Matthias Perrett he appeared to be a fit man, around 5'11'', with pale red hair and clear blue eyes. However, Oillill is a master of the Sidhe art of glamour, so can change his appearance at will.
(Matthias is played by James Spader)
The Early Years ~
Oillill was born to an Irish peasant woman during the middle of winter in the year 1228. A male Sidhe had taken a fancy to her in the spring, and seduced her. Deeply ashamed, she knew she should kill the child, but could not bear to once he was born. She named him Oillill, meaning 'elf' in the Gaelic tongue, and pretended to her husband that the child was his.
Oillill matured quickly, but once he reached around 20 years he seemed not to age any more. His contemporaries began to grow old, but he was still a strong, fit young man. The Sidhe reclaimed him, taught him their ways and how to tap into the fae magick he possessed.
The Sidhe had a task for him that would occupy Oillill for many centuries. He was to live among humans, searching for the nine crystals of the Cloch Cosan. The original whole had been shattered and the pieces lost throughout the world. Oillill was to find them, and prevent their coming together by whatever means necessary. Oillill was diligent at his task for centuries, living amongst the humans but never really becoming part of humanity. He changed form when he needed to, and travelled the world many times over, searching. Not sure how many shards were to be found, he nevertheless managed to locate one. Then, for the first time, humanity touched him.
He had been watching a lair of vampires, sure one of them had a clue as to the whereabouts of another shard. He felt the pain of the girl before he even saw her. She was walking down the street towards the lair with the detached calm of someone who had see Hell and was prepared to embrace it. Ordinarily he wouldn't interfere in whatever destruction humans visited on themselves, but this time he was moved to act. Quickly changing his form to that of a man in his late twenties, he rescued the young Natasha Brookes from the fate that awaited her in that place.
He took on the persona of a vampire hunter, and for the next eleven years he forgot his quest for the shards as he raised the girl as his own daughter and taught her how to fight the vampires. He knew she would never rest until every vampire in the world was gone, and he didn't want to see her hurt. Knowing he'd be unable to sway her from her path, he prepared her as best he could. She had some remarkable psychic potential, which he also helped her to develop. But he could never reveal his true nature to her - his quest must remain secret.
Then, the day came when the Sidhe demanded he return to them and explain himself. Oillill grieved, but as Matthias he had done all he could. He had a standing arrangement for funds to be banked to Natasha's account, so she could spend her time fighting the cause she had chosen. She was as prepared as she would ever be.
Season One ~
In Season One, Oillill’s trail led him to Los Angeles where Natasha eventually tracked him down after almost two years apart. As Matthias, Oillill aided the various forces in LA that were struggling to keep the Cloch Cosan from falling into the wrong hands. The end of Season One saw Matthias shatter the crystals of the Cloch Cosan into millions of fragments with the aid of a device he'd been given by the Sidhe.
His recall by the Sidhe was almost instantaneous, denying him the chance to say goodbye to anybody in LA. However, he managed to find a way to buy himself a handful of hours in the Earth realm, where he was able to say his farewells to Tash.
Season Three ~
Season Three saw Matthias return, albeit for a short while, to help with the rebinding of the dark fae, Evexus. He later returned and has not been heard from since.
Nothing of interest.
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