\ How do I format my posts? | unlimitedi.net
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MrDave's picture

The rules are simple:
1) Date your post. What day in game time did it take place. Times are helpful but not neccesary

2) Write in the third person and in the past tense.

Example wrote:
I step forward and attack the vampire by running him through with a stake.

She stepped forward in her attack and ran the vampire through with a stake.

3) Use basic grammer rules of your particular brand of English. Americans use American English, British and Australian use Imperial English, and so forth. Generally if its a toss-up opt for the Imperial English.

4) Thoughs are punctuated with surrounding asterisks *like so* use them as you would quotes and you'll be fine.

5) Be consistent with color. Generally speaking, your character determines the use of color. But every time you write for that character use the same colors for the same things (flashbacks, internal dialog, dreams, visions, etc.)

6) If you need to break or indicate a passage of time use "*****" as the seperator. Five asterisks are plenty. Equal sign ("=") are good too. But five is all you need.

7) Separate your paragraphs with a blank space.

8) Write like your life depends on it. Sometimes thats the only way to get through it.

Thats it.

How do I format my posts?

MrDave's picture

Some experimentation with graphics has yielded the following results:

Most of us have a screen resolution no higher than 768 x 1024. At this resolution, any posted images (anything using the [img] tag) greater than 640 pixels wide cause the screen to 'fatten out', obscuring some of the text and forcing the reader to scroll sideways in order to read the post.

Now, for non-game posts we can live with this, but for game posts it becomes somewhat irritating and so the following advisory is in effect:

Please ensure that any pictures posted on the game board have a combined width no greater than 640 pixels (ie, two pictures posted side by side should have a width of 640 or less when added together).

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