Race: Demon
Sex: Male
Real Name: Talhu
Nickname: Pravus Veneficus
Birth Date and Location: Circa 216 BC – Rome, Italy
Last Seen: 22nd February, 2005 – Area 51, Nevada (Read About It)
Position: NONE
Group Affiliation: NONE
Talhu is odd for a demon in that his appearance is distinctly human. The reason for this is that his natural form would be non-corporeal, but he is now trapped in a human body as a result of the spell used to summon him. He usually dresses to fit in with society, and has currently taken to dressing in a black suit and tie, white shirt, and sunglasses.
(Talhu is played by Andrew Divoff)
It was 216 BC when he was summoned by a group of desperate Roman mages after Hannibal's victory at Cannae. He was supposed to be the saviour of Rome, but it was soon discovered that the demon had no interest in human politics except as far as it affected his food supply. The mages were killed by Rome and the activity covered up, but Talhu managed to escape. Rumours of his power immediately began to circulate, and he was quickly dubbed ‘Pravus Veneficus’ or ‘Evil Wizard’ by the locals.
For several centuries, Talhu attempted to find a spell that would undo the summoning. In 117 AD he learned that the spell could be undone - but only by those who had cast the spell. Talhu eventually adjusted to the fact that he was going to live the rest of his life in human form, although he did not fully adjust until a failed attempt to destroy the world.
This attempt culminated in 452 AD, when a Slayer prevented him from completing a ritual that would have torn down the barriers between dimensions. Talhu's hope was that the release of energy could allow him to gather the power to undo his summoning (a distant hope at best), but the only result was a great deal of pain. His only reason for surviving was feeding on the Slayer. The rest of Talhu's time has been spent wandering and learning about magical power. It is his eventual hope to be left alone, but he has been forced to move from place to place constantly. In LA, Talhu hopes to finally be able to settle down and stay. He has killed only the one slayer in 452.
Talhu and Victor travelled together briefly in the 16th century, coming to America together and cutting a swath of destruction across the New World. They split in the 17th century when Victor returned to Europe.
In 1909 Talhu learned of the Nether Arch and realised it could provide him with a path home. He pursued the arch to Tunguska but was too late to prevent the Sundering of the Cloch Cosan. Seeking revenge he tracked Tempest across Russia and confronted him but the encounter ended in a draw with Talhu wounded.
In 1981 Talhu again encountered the Cloch Cosan in Paris, and very nearly was able to open the Nether Arch, but was defeated by Matthias Perrett and the trio of Tempest, Victor, and Janus Hallow who were each seeking the Cloch Cosan for themselves.
Talhu has followed the trail of the Cloch Cosan to Los Angeles where he has been approached by the Order of Valor to be an agent for them in this latest opening of the Cloch Cosan.
At the end of season one Talhu once more tried to harness the powers of the Nether Arch in one last desperate attempt to return home. However he wasn't the only demon with this motive in mind. Talhu entered through the Arch following the demons of Beazor.
It is not known for certain if Talhu survived the power of the Cloch Cosan, however, soon after passing through a man fitting his description was picked up in the Nevada Desert by a group of Majestic 12 agents. He has not been heard from since.
Talhu has excellent spellcraft skills, but does not keep much reserve power for his spells. Intense spellcasting drains him appreciably. Talhu's human form is very durable able to withstand horrific force. He also posses enough strength to lift heavy objects and to hurl humans with little effort.
He survives by draining the life energy of creatures by physical contact a side effect of this feeding is that the victim's blood turns into a russet-coloured powder. However, employing any of his power takes energy. The more his power is used, the more he must feed. On average, Talhu must consume at least one human a week to keep his power. The more magic or mind reading he does, the more he must feed. Humans that know his true name are immune to his power.
Sheer longevity has also provided him with a broad, non-specific base of knowledge about demons, magic, and the like.
The clothes on his back. In terms of weapons, all Talhu carries on him are a pair of daggers.
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