Race: Human
Sex: Female
Real Name: Unknown
Nickname: Wisewoman
Birth Date and Location: 29th January, 1953 – Canada, Toronto
Last Seen: 13th February, 2005 – Los Angeles (Read About It)
Position: Elder, Network Head
Group Affiliation: The Wisewomen's Guild
Wisewoman is a human witch and psychic, 52 years old. She is 5' 11' and lean, with long black hair streaked with grey and blue eyes. She dresses entirely in black, usually jeans, T-shirt, boots and long black duster-type coat that has many pockets for carrying various spell casting ingredients. She has multiple piercings in her ears and a pierced nose. She wears only silver jewellery. She has many tattoos, most of which are hidden by her clothes. There are visible pentacle tattoos on the palms of both her hands. The right hand one is green and the left is black.
Born in Toronto to an Italian mother and an Irish father. Exhibited psychic abilities at a young age, which alarmed both parents, who had to struggled and overcome the stigma of "strange" relatives in their families. Sent alternately to live with her mother's grandmother, Strega Nona, an Italian witch, and her father's sister, Auntie Siobhan, a Celtic witch. Wisewoman understandably developed an early facility for languages-she is fluent in English, Italian, and Irish Gaelic, as well as having a working knowledge of French, Spanish, German, and Latin. She was initiated into both the Strega witchcraft tradition and the Gardnerian Wicca tradition by the time she was 16.
While at university in Vancouver, Canada, studying anthropology and history, she was recruited by The Wisewomen's Guild, a highly secret international organisation of witches whose main aim is to "balance" the forces of light and darkness, so that the various human and demon races on Earth can live, as far as possible, in harmony. This requires the close scrutiny of various groups with the potential to tip the balance one way or the other.
As an example, the Council of Watchers, in their quest to rid the world of vampires, are a constant threat to tipping the balance too far to the light. Member of the Guild initially are tasked with studying only one side of the equation, until they become elders and are granted the knowledge and power to balance either side. Wisewoman has spent most of her life fighting for the dark side, gathering powerful vampire and demon allies along the way.
Now, as an Elder, she must try to forget that bias, ignore the ties she has forged, and objectively decide when it is necessary to "remove" major players or groups on the light or the dark side, for the sake of the balance. Understandably, this makes many of her long-time allies very nervous. She has travelled all over North America and Europe; in 2005 she was assigned to Los Angeles, and became the Head of the Guild Network for that city.
However, the Wisewoman did not stay long in LA, after a series of disturbing incidents that occurred practically on her doorstep she decided to go against the Guild's orders and departed the city. Her current whereabouts are unknown...
Staff ~
6 foot in length, carved and made out of oak with large quartz crystal embedded in the upper end. The lower end is narrower and while not pointed can be pressed into service as a stake. The staff also serves as a wand for ritual use.
Block Flute ~
Used to distract opponents and lull them into a semi-trance state, but also to summon her familiar, an urban coyote.
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