\ PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02) | unlimitedi.net
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PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Jadyn's picture
Posted in

I just copy and paste what I get for you folks to consider. I am guessing he wants to be a villain.

From (finkleaa@bellsouth.net) on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 22:33:57
charname: dark prince
gender: male
race: demon
bdate: 5/14/1939
position: gang leader
group: black knights
descript: wheres a long coat.very mean.bad guy.killed 200000 humans in life time.came here to make more vampires
history: can fly. jump really high. make fire with his eyes. shoot fire balls with his hands. blow winds up to 100 miles per hour.
items: all 200000 heads of the people killed
player: 18/burgerking/first game i played

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

I see what you mean, Drew, when you said that you didn't want me killing off God...hehehe....as if I could do that. This brings up an interesting question. How does God fit into Zack Nole's life if I've already started writing about my own version of the Almighty Force? I say God's an Idea. Therefore, Zack's "gift from God" was a gift from___________? Drew, I'm assuming when you PMed me about this, you wanted to make sure our storylines don't crash into each other. I'm glad you said something.

I knew that trouble could arise when I started writing the Dread Idea story. After all, aren't I making massive decisions about the nature of existence, decisions that other players might not agree with? Yes, I am. But I think the various aspects of life can co-exist in the LABN universe.

There's the old lesson about God being a tree. If you look at Its trunk, you say, “God is a trunk.” If you look at Its branches, you say, “God is branches.” If you smell God, you say, “God is fresh pine on a winter night.” And God is either brown or green. But at Christmas time God is sparkly red with a lot of presents on the ground.

All I've done is take one view of God and run with it. I have all but stated that The Creator began as no more than an idea, an idea that grew in complexity as it expanded in all directions, searching, thinking, and we are like synapses working together to form Its thought process. We, by existing and going to work and having children and making computers and being human day-after-day-after-day, are helping God to solve the most burning mysteries about the chaos that surrounds it. God is scared of the dark, but God is brave. It ventures out at the speed of thought, leaving galaxies in Its wake.

God is ignorant, valiant, and questing. God is a child looking for truth. It is a paradigm for our existence. We were born in God’s image, and God is justified by how we choose to live.

But you don’t have to agree with me, Drew. My take on God shouldn’t affect Zack’s tale at all. For instance, what if Drew saw God as a force that watches over us, a parental figure living beyond the clouds? Sounds good to me. (In my opinion, The Idea is malleable anyway--God can be anything.) I’m looking at the trunk, Drew, while you're looking at the branches. It's all good.

Thanks for the PM.

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Meredith Bell's picture

Sam Aubrey wrote:
All I've done is take one view of God and run with it.

That's the point isn't it? After all who's to say that either person has the 'correct' all powerful connection to 'god'? I mean who says that the god that Drew writes about is the 'real' god compared to the 'god' that Sid writes about.

I myself make referance to several gods and goddesses that Kate worships. Then there is Zayn who is an ex-member of The Powers That Be.

The thing is no one knows who or what god really is. Is it merely an idea or an omnipotent being watching over humanity or a group of all powerful beings? Where does Glory fit into all this?

The point I want to make is that we are surrounded by many myths and ideas about 'God'. If only one of these is the 'right' god then what are the others? In the Buffyverse these tend to be a series of very powerful beings/demons/spirits who assume a god like role.

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

Right, Lou. I agree.

The point of contention, which lead to my writing on this subject, came about because I've been talking about THE God, the reason we ALL came into being. You, me, Buffy, Joss Whedon, everyone. In a fictional sense, that is. So...is my God THE God above all others?

Yes. No. Not exactly. But yes. :)

I'm certainly not writing about a lesser god or goddess, not a Zeus or his ilk. To the naked eye, my posts seem to displace all other theories of divinity. One might mistakenly think I'm saying, "This is God and you have to deal with it." What I wanted to assure Drew is that, though my mythos is truth (because I wrote it, natch), it is not the only truth.

I'm taking the standpoint that promises this: I'm not trying to exlude other visions of the ALMIGHTY...a power much mightier than Glory, by the way, since you brought her up. My version of God is that of a malleable idea, The Idea. Which means what I have to say about God is true even if you belive in Creationism. Which means what I have to say about God is true even if you belive in Evolution. Which means what I have to say about God is true even if you believe that the universe was created when God sneezed...and now we're all waiting for The Big Wipe.

Mostly these posts?? were for Drew, Louisa???? who PMed me with his usual concerns? :? :? :? So I've taken my usual 500,000 words to say something simple:

Drew, write whatever you want about the nature of God. You don't have to ask me what I'm doing. We won't butt heads.

I really need to learn brevity.

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Parasol's picture


PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

Cute answer. :lol:

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

I could've made my own god, but I am sticking w/ the "Christian" God. And, for the ability, I am gonna have to change that thing later. I just wanted Zack to have a monthly gift where he gets certain magic every month...

I think I am speechless for now...

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

A man of few words. I should take note.

Okay, so your character is influenced by the Christian God, represented by one of his many interpretations. I'm with you on that. But what do you mean when you say Zack gets a magic gift every month? God has chosen him for a flavor of the month sort of deal? This version of God sounds pretty darn cool; tell me where to sign up. Consider me a born-again Christian, man! Hallelujah! God is a faithful king!

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Mantheana's picture

... Fascinating as all this talk on God is, The real problem anyone has with bringing 'THE Christian God' into things as a total and undenialbe existance, is that, (generally speaking, as I have some close friends who are very enthusiastic christians, and I am using them and my RS lessons to base my point here) modern Christianity denounces a very high percentage of all things witchy, paganistic/occult, demonic, etc, or that contradicts Christianity, saying that they either don't exist (eg: spells, vampires) or that they come from the devil (eg: all the other anti-christ things).

Which then means that you have to accept that the route of all evil in LABN is due to the devil. Given that there a hell of a lot of other things that influence evil on LABN (which you COULD POSSIBLEY trace back to the Devil) I think that it wouldnt work. I personally have a problem with accepting the whole God/Devil, in the real world and any other, but ofcourse this is only my personal view. However, I hope you will take this into account when thinging about who exactly the 'God' in question is.

OK, I'm done blahing.


PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Meredith Bell's picture

The point *I'd* like to make is that, generally magic is not associated with Christianity, sure Jesus was supposed to be able to perform miracles but as I understand it certain magics are only supposed to be held by God himself and not by mortals - which is why when Drusilla was human she concidered her gift of prophecy to be a curse from the Devil.

Based on this I can't see how or why God would give Zack magical powers.

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

Taking all of this into consideration, maybe Drew would be better off calling God by name--"God"--without Zack ever specifically saying, "I am Zack, and i represent the god of the Hebrews, Eh-heh-yeh!" The nice thing about Buffy, as Lou mentioned, is that it accommodates a plethora or deitites, baddies, and magic thingie-jiggies. It's sort of a free-for-all for fans of horror and fantasy. I don't have a problem with the "magic once a month" idea. But, once again, if it is the Christian dude doing it, don't tell us so...or make it a brand of Buffy-funny that i can sink my teeth into. Sometimes we forget Buffy is as much funny as it is dramatic, as it is horrific.

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

MrDave's picture

God as a concept is a big one. It is very broad and as Sid has pointed out leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Many christians have a narrow cosmology. God and {everything else}. If it isn't from God it is Evil (with the capital 'E'). The buffyverse is fond of pointing out to us that things aren't always so binary. Absolutes like black and white, Good and Evil, Right and Wrong are inflexible. And rigidity, like Buffy's stakes, is a weapon.

But the problem with weapons is that while they may be used in a just cause, they aren't always friendly and almost always someone gets hurt.

A more fluid cosmology gives one the ability to accept differences, and learn instead of judge from the new things.

The people I see with the most fluid cosmologies are the very learned and the ones who have an unshakable faith. An unshakeable faith is not bothered by a barrage of evidence. It isn't bothered by differing viewpoints. Only someone who has doubts could ever get upset by someone questioning their belief (not faith...even I'd get upset if someone questioned my faith)...but beliefs are something that cannot change easily.

So...(and those of you who read the Admin corner know this is where I get to the point of the sermon, brothers and sisters). I see Zack as having an unshakable Faith in the source of his salvation. He choses to call this source "God" becasue that is how it feels to him.

What we, as players, believe is irrelevant. Only Zack's belief...for the purposes of this fiction....are important. If Zack is presented with evidence of other dimensions, realities, gods (small 'g'), and demons then it is the writer's task to share his belief with us. It then becomes our task to either get rigid in defense...or accept that view for what it is...different from our own (same thing goes for the characters in the game).

===debate the second...

The Lord God (for that is how he feels to me personally) can seem like magic when his love courses through you. Magic is a thing not a belief system. How it is parceled, utilized, manifested, or imbued has nothing to do with ones faith or beleif. It is or it isn't there.

I might as well wonder if the source of electricity in my home depends on whether I am a practicing Jew or if the pagans who live across the street use the same kind of juice as me. Whether the power that goes to my TV is different from the recharger for my toothbrush.

Silliness. Its magic. Thats enough. If God gives me magic that allows me to fly upside down then damnit he must want me to do that. I am not going to question whether it is seemly for me to be doing it (Whatever will the neighbors think?).

Nor am I going to question that it was the Hand of God Himself (the same one that penned every page in the bible! :wink:) that gave me that power. If I were to ask something ELSE for that power then that goes against my belief. I wouldn't entreat the Frog God to remove my warts, but I might pray to God about them. God is my source...pretty simple.

In the power analogy God is my electricity provider (Baltimore Gas and Electric), I wouldn't ask ConEd to give me electricity. But then again I don't think their electricity is inferior in any way to the electricity I am getting. I just don't subscribe to them.

To extend this metaphor to the breaking point...almost everyone knows that electricity is a strange thing. The US is all connected together by wires. There are wires that connect power plants. And those wires are connected to other plants. That means that the power that BG&E does not use might wind up in someone else's home. Even someone who uses ConEd. So, like magic, everything is connected.

well boys and girls Uncle Dave has a brain cramp now so he is going to lie down after drinking a fifth of his "special" medicine, and remember not to touch the puddle of drool from his lower lip...it might be contageous.

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Soulless Zombie's picture

I think I will stay with "Christian" God.

I've revised the abilities. It looks better than the last one...

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Mantheana's picture

I think probably the best way you could ride with the whole 'the christian god is the real god' theme with out undermining all the other slighly more antichristiness of alot of manythings BTVS is by saying that zack was touched by someone 'he felt was the Christian God' and this is who he is recieving the gifts from. THis way, Zack and Drew get their christian God, and nothing BtVS is comprimised.

just an idea

PC Submissions & Proposals (Jun 02 - Dec 02)

Jadyn's picture


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