\ Wrapping up Season Two | unlimitedi.net
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Jadyn's picture
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20 days to the official end of the season folks. Start thinking about how it is all gonna end.

Start wrapping up those story lines. Start tying off those loose ends and above all talk to each other so we can bring it to as neat an end as possible.

Remember that holidays are going to eat up a lot of your free time in the next 3 weeks and you may only get 7 posts (I seem to average 3 game posts per week through collabs and such...but thats me) until the end of the season.

So plan carefully. It would appear that we aren't going to make the October 31 date we aimed for...ah well, I have an idea for timehopping that may work better for the group next season. I'll talk about it elsewhere.

20 days and counting folks. Remember that we don't have to end exactly on Jan 6 but thats the target date. THe game board will remain unlocked for at least a month after.

The Midseason 2 starts Jan 6th (just after I get back from Australia) on the dot and runs until July 6th. Why so long? So that we can have a powwow in June at Sherl's house of course...or if you prefer we can do the normal schedule. MS2 Jan6 - Mar6 then S3 Mar6 to Jul6. In which case the June Cast party becomes a wrap party for S3 as well.

Start warming up your recruiting engines too folks...new players coming in. And at the end of S3 there may be a spinoff for LABN. again I'll talk about that later.

Let me know.

Wrapping up Season Two

Soulless Zombie's picture

A spinoff!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Excuse my Kristen-esque exclamation points. :wink: to Kristen)


How neat. And I'm in on the ground floor with that!

Wrapping up Season Two

Tarix Conny's picture

Ok, question, right now, i am really really slow at my game posts (sorry), with exams mocks and SATS coming, but i'll do me best.

The question is, i am not interacting with any of the characters, do i need to wrap up Tarix's story or can i carry it onto mid season and s3? By the wrap up, i mean her getting her memory back? I really thought i could move her story faster then this, but i guess its taking me time....

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

The main thing is that we resolve the season big bad - which in this instance is The Evil Entity and the Doppleganger problem.

Concidering what little time we have left it seems doubtful, no, impossible that we could solve all our little subplots BEFORE the end of season 2. But, Hey that isn't a problem, and it's quite appropriate to bring season 2 sub plots to a close in the midseason, as was done last time.

The major concideration will probably be, who will be involved in the fight against the DG's and the EE? And if you want in, then now would be the time to move your character into place in order to make that happen. (BTW not ALL characters need to be a part of the season finale, if you want to be a part of it you could always play an NPC character or the like.)

Right now there must be at least half a dozen subplots up in the air such as -

Daye and - Mariah/Crimson Brotherhood plot
Galen/Kate and - Majestic 12
Jade and - Valerian
Sorrow and - The Society of Ulle/Xavier/Subject 21
Parasol and - The Cadre
Tarix and - The Order of Valor
Sam and - The Idea

And probably a whole load more that I've forgotten :?

Wrapping up Season Two

Kaarin's picture

There are two potential ones you may have missed, both involving Tash: the whole thing with Oheneweena's memories (however you spell her name; I SWEAR, one day, the demon Simonaseveticor Terrenissquareinthikalicus will make an appearance :twisted: ) and the other having something to do with Deon.

Reah - the whole thing with Paul also comes to mind.

As a note to everyone else, the decision was made a while ago to push the completion of the MJ12 back to the midseason. At this point, I would not be averse to finishing it off in Season 3 sometime.

There are plans for the Cadre already in place, if I remember correctly from Sher. However, I cannot say more than that. :)

Saadia, to answer your question, yes, you can carry it over into season 3 if you need to, or even finish it off in the midseason. That should not be a problem; personally, I like seeing multi-season threads occur, since that gives a further sense of connectedness between the charecters rather than "well, it's been six months, time for someone to destroy the world again."

The Mariah stuff I know started in the midseason. Valerien and Subject 21 both show up briefly in Season One ("Luke, I am your father!" hehehehehe), and there were hints as to the basement monster.

Wrapping up Season Two

Firefly's picture

With time so short, I will be wrapping up Mariah in mid season. As a matter of fact, since we aren't going to make it to All Hallow's Eve in season 2, will we be covering that in midseason. It would be the best possible time for Mariah to work her big magic. Thanks.

Wrapping up Season Two

Soulless Zombie's picture

And I'm with you, Kristen. Mariah has become a major part of Sam's life. The magic she taught him to bring her back into the world are a part of his daily ways at this point. I don't see that her story has to be resolved right now.


I don't want to ignore the issue. I'm constantly mentioning her, hoping to make it believeable how much he is willing to bring her into existence. And Sam still must meet with Daye.

As always, I defer to your wisdom here.

Wrapping up Season Two

Heather's picture

Well, the thing with Ohenewaa's memories got sorted out with the whole Vicasha thing (tut, tut, Adam, you must read the game posts more carefully :wink:), and Deon has had to take a bit of a sideline. I originally intended him to be more active in Season Two, but Ohenewaa and then the DG thing took over. Deon may well become a Mid-Season plotline, I suspect. :)

Wrapping up Season Two

MrDave's picture

While a multi-season plotline is fine and dandy, don't use that as an excuse to not try to finish the plotline within the season. If the only plotline we finish in the season is the DG/EE one then something isn't working right.

Try. Please. Don't get lazy and let the season 2 slop into midseason becasue you can. Work to tie it up.

Wrapping up Season Two

Soulless Zombie's picture

Well, since you went out of your way to say that, I must respond. I will work with Kristen to finish the Mariah storyline with alacrity, but Sam's OVERALL story is broken down into five acts. The Idea is in him to stay for awhile. I can't resolve its epic nature in 20 posts.

Hope you understand. I will try to get to the second act, however, if that will please.

Wrapping up Season Two

MrDave's picture

If ya can't finish ya can't finish. QED. But if you look at it and see that you can get 10 more posts in between now and the end of the season ...and you can DO it all in 10 posts, them please try.

If you planned for it to run throuh Midseason then sure...by all means do that. If you are rambling directionless and have no idea where you are going?...

Clamp it down and tie it off. And anyone you ask in this will be sure to help.

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

Anyway Sid, Kris already said she wouldn't have time to finish off the Mariah sub-plot by the end of season two anyway, and since my character also has an important role in that plot, I'm glad. There's no way I could get all those collabs done in the next few weeks, I've just got too much uni work to do, and in the end, that takes a severe priority (sorry guys)

Also I had a plan to interweave Kate's involvement with Mariah and Majestic, (which of course I COULD change, but it seems to work well for me) I'd like to keep it that way - NOT compromisng story for the sake of time.

And besides, at least in midseason we aren't all hanging around waiting for people to catch up. I think the possibility of finishing even half of all the subplots before midseason would seem farcical anyway and ruin alot of people's hard work.

Wrapping up Season Two

Firefly's picture

I have to go with Lou here. I had planned on ending the Mariah thing in this season before my 4 week hiatus from the game. Now, if I try to close it up, it's going to seem rushed and messy. There's too much going on with Sam and Kate right now as it is. Daye however will not be participating in any of this end of season stuff with the DG. I have not made her a real part of that story. I have a plan to end things at a good point for my storyline for the season. Then, when midseason starts, I can pick back up and bring it to fruition. Thanks.

Wrapping up Season Two

Soulless Zombie's picture

My apologies, Lou, for not being clear. I know that Kris had already stated she wouldn't finish till midseason. My goal was only to declare my willingness to work with her if she changes her mind or finds the time. And to explain to Dave that I am not able to speed things along in other areas. It just ain't gonna happen.

Wrapping up Season Two

MrDave's picture

I don't want anyone to compromise a planned storyline for the sake of my deadline anxiety. Please don't.

I am just "urging" people to wrap up what they can IF they can. I don't want to have a lot of loose ends hanging out.

And as always I don't make the rules or set the parameters, I just sort of enforce the rules we agree on and I am easily swayed to any other ideas.

And so I take advantage of that (becasue I am petty and mean spirited...NOT) to espouse my own ideas. I (personally) want to minimise the idea of a plotline that spans seasons. But thats me. I can't make you cut them short and frankly may be pissing everyone off by saying this.

But thats all I am doing. Saying it. Not enforcing it. Not ramming it down folks throats. Thats why this is OUR game. Not MY game.

OMG Already?!

MrDave's picture

Finale! It is time to finish up the EE once and for all....the problem is, you can't finish it off, its a universe sized god basically. It does not matter hat you throw at it it, it laughs at the insignificance of it.

and, to top things off, we have no idea that is going to happen. So we wwill prepare as we always do, for the big bad at the end, bringing steel and spell to bear on the source of evil in the basement...

Lots of lights, fireworks and hullabaloo. Special effects budget all gets spent on this one folks. I want to see light displays, and incantations, barricades and seals and arcane symbols. Victor will be happy to build a brick wall if thats what it will take.

Problem is, that will all result in naught. The EE can still push out huge creatures. So what if they only last an hour...imagine a T-Rex erupting into the basement....thats the kind of thing we are dealing with.

The Basement Monster is, however, our salvation. It is positioned in such a way that it can capture any Doppelgangers (of any size) that the EE can create. If it can't eat them (it was having problems eating Victor) it can hold them in place for long enough for them to go insubstantial (as long as 24 hours or longer if needed).

So that is how I see this playing out...lots of furious activity with no result, the EE squeezes out some huge terror to fight us and the Basement Monster eats it and saves us the trouble...

Still trying to figure out a date to stage this...And in the meantime we need to figure out how to convince the BM to eat ALL of the DGs that come out of the EE from now to forever.

A telepath might be useful...or someone who wants to train it. Either way it needs love too ;)

Wrapping up Season Two

Heather's picture

Basically what we need now is an indication of who wants to be involved in the season finale, if anyone has any ideas they'd like to throw into the mix, and we need to establish what game date all this hoo-hah will be happening. If you want to be in on the action, post a reply - and if you have any ideas relating to the finale, stick 'em here too. :)

Poor Poplar Avenue... I hope we don't destroy it again.

Wrapping up Season Two

Tarix Conny's picture

i would like Tarix to be in the finale, but the thing is i haven't quite put her in the entire LABN storyline. I just had this mini collab with of Tarix with Daye, ad that's it....

i still don't know how to fit her in....any ideas?

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

I'd love to be a part of the season finale, they're always a load of fun. Saying that I realise that Adam and I went a little crazy lately (posting on the gameboard that is, not our usual insanity). I understand if that puts us way too far ahead of the action but we both felt it was something that needed to be posted before the end of season, plus we already had it written out (waiting for all you guys to reappear after xmas, lol) and we didn't want to waste all our hard work.

If something could be worked out so that Kate could be involved in the big show down I'd appreciate it, if not I understand, I'll be sad, but I'd understand.

As for a way to get through all this... 8O . Can't we just fight, I don't know, a mutant dog next season? :D

Okay, well, since the EE is sooo ancient that pretty much rules out research of any kind, but what about the Basement Monster?

The Basement Monster seems very awake, but, what? Do we have to convince it to eat the DG's? Is that the problem that we have here?

I've heard a few ideas floating around, and since I can't remember who said them first I'll just put them here. I remember something about maybe when everyone starts trying to do something to awaken the BM the EE recalls all the DG's to protect it. Yes, I realise that nothing we do can ultimately hurt the EE, but by waking the BM we will be detroying the EE's source of power, the DG's. Once the DG's are all gone, I assume, the theory is that the EE will lose it's awareness in this world (even though it is still a physical entity). Effectively the EE will return to its slumber.

Oh well that's the only thought I have at the moment. And yes Heather, I thinik exploding the Basement is probably a BAD idea concidering it holds the rest of the building UP! (And we don't really want to die do we? with no Matthias to save us hehe)

Wrapping up Season Two

Kaarin's picture

For obvious reasons, Galen will not be around - which will be clear to anyone who has read our insanity. (As a point of clarification, our last post was on Thursday, not Tuesday, and I have since corrected the time stamping to reflect this).

MJ12's involvement will happen mostly off-camera, and will take care of any clones still out there who can be identified. They have the John Doe bodies at least as a starting point.

As another note, yes, our subplot is done. Finished. Kaputski. No more posts regarding it to be made, the power struggle will take place off-camera.

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

That's not to say that Majestic won't still rear their ugly heads in the future :?

Kate is free from Thursday morning - she will return to Poplar Avenue directly after leaving Galen.

Wrapping up Season Two

Mantheana's picture

a bit like Saadia, I would love for Manthy to be in the season finale, But I can think of no obscure or feesable feeson why se might be either involved or vaguely useful. I saving up for midseason. Thats when I know where I'm going.

Wrapping up Season Two

Heather's picture

Lou, the timing for the finale isn't set yet... so I can see a way around getting Kate involved. Hell, we're going to want as much magic ability as we can muster. We just take an extra day or two to sort our shit out, and have the actual big battle on the Thursday, or even the Friday.

So please, sign up for fun times in the basement. :)

Wrapping up Season Two

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

Reah would be glad to take part, Wouldn't you Reah?

*Cowers* Yes'm

:mrgreen: See!

She's also easily in ready position to get there. She's most likely going to be confining herself to her apartment, to which she most likely hear a lot of racket going on and go to check out whats going on.

Wrapping up Season Two

Soulless Zombie's picture

Count Sam out of the finale.

Wrapping up Season Two

Parasol's picture

Me too, though I would like to eavesdrop while you guys are writing it. May I?

Wrapping up Season Two

Kaarin's picture

After much prodding from Lou, Galen will show up. Just have to find a way to slip him out of the hospital. :)

Wrapping up Season Two

Mantheana's picture

Alice would like u all to know that she would like to be in on the finale, but she wont be online until firday, as her internet connection is broked, and friday is when the fixy peeps are coming.

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

And with the end of season... that reminds me! Time to shuffle off those dead bodies to the morgue!

Bit of a heads up to Dave when he get's the time, I'll be amending the NPC profiles of the characters that have died so far... so, off the top of my head, Henna Moore and Anthony Constillias...

I'll get the bodies ready if you dig the graves.... how's that for team work? ;)

Wrapping up Season Two

MrDave's picture

I see you are of the "Men dig the graves, women have the babies" school like Buffy.

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

Damn Straight! :D

You wanna swap?? :oops:

Wrapping up Season Two

MrDave's picture

No. I can stop digging a grave any time...having babies is a little different

Scheduling the finale

Heather's picture

Ok, guys, the time has come. Time to sort out WHEN we can all get together to do a big, messy scene in the basement at Poplar.

Looking at time zones, this would seem to be a reasonable time for all - the English people will be staying up late, I'm afraid... sucks to live on GMT, guys. :wink:

This will be for NEXT weekend, so the dates are 25th and 26th of January.

The time I'm proposing is 22:00 GMT (10pm)

That makes it:

14:00 Sat 25th Jan for Kris (and Jeff and Sherl if they're either participating or watching)

17:00 Sat 25th Jan for Dave, John and Adam

22:00 Sat 25th Jan for Robin, Louisa, Alice and Boojy

06:00 Sun 26th Jan for April (ouch! Sorry, darling for making you get up so early)

09:00 Sun 26th Jan for me and Amanda

That gives us a week to do the final tidying of posts (*ahem, Robin*) and for our characters to do any finale-leadups that may be necessary (such as Tash contacting Daye and via her, Jess).

Game time, the finale will be set for Friday or Saturday, depending on how much prep work is needed on Friday... so probably Saturday game time will be best. :)

Wrapping up Season Two

Meredith Bell's picture

That is fine by me, must remember to get my caffine IV hooked up :D

Wrapping up Season Two

Parasol's picture

I think I'll eavesdrop.

Wrapping up Season Two

Jadyn's picture


Wrapping up Season Two

Kaarin's picture

I promise not to go to bed at 7:30 this time. :D

Wrapping up Season Two

MrDave's picture

Kris says no-go. She will be out of town.

I am good with it. Can do.

Wrapping up Season Two

Jessica Travers's picture

I now hate NTL even more...*wrinkles nose @ NTL* oh well, hopefully next season... :)

Today is the day

MrDave's picture

and in case you didn't notice Season 2 has "officially" crossed the finish line a few posts longer than season one.

Season one 375 posts...
Season two 380 posts (and a few more left to wrap it up)

Lets plan on having it closed off and locked by Jan 31st.

Wrapping up Season Two

Jadyn's picture

hey guys, sorry i didn't make the finale. if u've done anything for jade, i'd be happy to leave it as such. if u've found some way to explain why she wasn't there, fine by me too.

Wrapping up Season Two

Jadyn's picture


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