Submitted by mrdave2176 on Fri, 01/07/2011 - 14:59
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Since things got very quiet the last few days I thought I'd stimulate some conversation.
- Heather and I have a collab set 2021-05-10 19:30 (or so)
- Shaun, Ally and I have a collab set for 2021-05-11 22:26 that is due to go up pretty soon.
- Heather, Shaun, Ally and I have a collab set 2021-05-11 22:40 (or so) planned.
- I have a Carmine post planned for 2021-05-11 16:30-ish
- I have another Carmine post (and the debut of the first Revenant) on 2021-05-12 at 06:06
You have any plans to post soon?
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For me, it's always a
For me, it's always a question of what to post when. I have ideas; I'm going to sit down over the weekend and likely hammer out some personal arc notes for where I want to go with the character. Rough, current plans:
And, I've got the idea I half-mentioned in chat last night. I'm just going to go ahead and post it here in spoiler tags, since it is something I can run with solo. But, at the same time, also has possibilities to be used to meet some of the other characters she hasn't already.
Right, so. The idea for this small group of posts comes from the fact that a vampire is a predator, albeit inherently evil. No matter how smart or subtle, still a predator. So I've got the idea, for a couple of connected posts, where some random vamp passing through decides to feed in Graveyard.
Naturally, the owner is going to take offense to this. It strikes me as the kind of thing that, given the potential nature of what happens, someone talks. Say, body is found in there, or even just the victim sent to the hospital. Cops might get called, and given the nature of the club, press coverage might be generated. And to anyone with knowledge of the supernatural, it screams that something happened.
Alternatively: I'm considering doing this with a Revenant, just to make things that much more annoying for Jasmin, who now has to deal with the fact that something obviously supernatural just killed someone on her turf.
I fixed your spoiler in the
I fixed your spoiler in the source-code to avoid the run-on. Useful tip. Spoiler tag. Blank line, text, blank line, /Spoiler
Interesting idea of using a Revenant. But you can feed on a revenant until he is WHITE and he won't die.
Thanks for the tip. This
Thanks for the tip. This works much better. :)
Yeah. Which is why I'm still toying with how that one would work - though if you think about it, it hits the weirdness quotient even more. Since you now have someone who is walking around, bleeding at the neck, and if examined, may well have no blood at all. Thinking about it, I actually like that idea more, if you want to work with it.
It gives a "WTF" moment that there is something going on - and quite likely with the ideas that we have, just another confirmation of "yes, these things can't die." And in keeping with my history of torturing my PCs, puts me in an awkward-as-fuck position.
Spoiler: Highlight to
On top of that "killing" a vampire for a revenant counts for nil. They have to kill humans. So if a revenant was caught by a bunch of vamps they could drain it dry and there would be nothing it could do about it but as soon as it saw a cop it would try to kill the cop (aka Human) to fulfill its quota.
I can't be quite so specific
I can't be quite so specific I'm afraid. I have collabs lined up with both Ally and Shaun (when he can find time lol) but I've no idea when they want them to take place. I have a solo almost ready to go up, but until I know when those other collabs are to take place I won't know what time stamp to put on that.
Not exactly a secret but the only up and coming story I have is Meredith's pending transformation. I've a few ideas for how I want this to play out including a death and a confused (and very naked) Meredith waking in Central Park. Looking forward to that one
Needless to say, I'm open to any ideas for getting Meredith to meet other characters!
Not sure when I can swing it,
Could always try to do some
Could always try to do some kind of story on Jasmin, for the aspiring journalist thing - she's meant to be an at least partly public figure, anyway.
I think I will wait for those
I think I will wait for those collabs to be written and go up before posting anything solo... Cadee doesn't have much time margin to do anything else by herself, anyway, since she's doing so much with the rest of you!
Probably that post with Kaa, if we got the time, but that would be Anne, anyway.
Logan timeline
Well, I'm involved in all the colabs above.
Plus, after that, I will be trying to work in getting some solo posts up which may lead to a bit more of his background. People will learn more about his past as the season goes on!
Ally and I also have a short
Ally and I also have a short collab planned to slot in just before the 22:40-ish one where Dave, Shaun, Ally, and I will participate. Basically, it's our hlaf of the lead-up to that 4-way collab.
And since everyone else seemed to be whispering, I figured I'd join in. Though I'm not sure why we're whispering about Revenants in Graveyard. :)
Because I know you hate
Because I know you hate spoilers, Heather. So I did it for you. :)
Well, I hate spoilers for
Well, I hate spoilers for things that I'm going to go see. Things that I'm going to help write, it does kind of help if I know what's going on. :)