I edited most of Gillian to work him better, and tried to explain him as best I can, as well as Alissa's spells, demeanor, and Etc.
Character Name: Doctor Gillian Grey, Professor Regent at Columbia
Other Names: None
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Birthday / Location: Unknown. According to his birth certificate, however, he was born on December 20, 1986, in East Sussex. Even the casual observer would find several inconsistencies right there. How Gillian has managed to both accept this and work past it in his professional life are also currently unknown.
Group Affiliation: Unknown at this time/ Historian at the American Museum of American History, and Regents Professor of the History Department at Columbia University.
Position: Professor
Description played by MacKenzie Foy and Nicholas Cage
Height: 6’8
Weight: 176lbs
Aesthetics and Dress: For a respected academic, Gillian sure doesn't dress the part. In fact, when he's not at school, he usually looks like he needs to comb his hair, shave, and bathe, and not necessarily in that order, either. When not in the sweater-vests and scratchy khakis he wears about campus, he prefers a hat and long coat of thick, oiled leather, good for keeping warm on those night time jaunts of questionable legality as well as dramatic entrances.
He has no identifying marks or scars, though he is occasionally seen sporting a pair of vintage bifocals, though whether or not this is just an affectation he has never said.
Gillian got his teaching degree as well as his masters in European and American history at Cambridge University. Graduating on December 21, 1932. From there he decided to travel, staying in Italy, then Austria for a short time. Then in 1939 when the Germans invade Poland, he made his way to France to find a way to American. When he finally arrived to France it was April. Little did he realize that in May 1940, Germany would enter France, and the city he was living in. They sealed of ports making any travel a hard process.
Having little money he worked for a man named Professor Didier Tiquet teaching English to German Soldiers. As the occupation of France grew worse Gillian noticed little things about the Professor. Like that he only ever read in the mornings while standing on a special rug, that when Didier was finished his tea the man tended to stare at it for long periods of time, and the strangest of all was the sounds of chants that sometimes echoed through the dark corridors of the dortoir on the nights that the air raids were worse then ever.
Then one night Gillian awoke to the sound of some one in his room. Frantic he sat up, looked about. There packing Gillian’s personal effects was Didier. Looking a tad baffled, Gillian calmly spoke, “Professor.. Why are you looking in my things?…”
Didier looked to him, and spoke frantically. “Must pack, must escape. They are looking. ”
“Who are looking?”, Gillian asked his head tilting, voice grumbled, and tired.
Bringing a candle closer to his face, Didier leaned in, and spoke in German. “Zauberei.”
Gillian blinked. “Witches?…” He sat up. “Professor, I think that you.. Need to relax…” Nodding slightly, then standing he gestured partly to the door. “Lets just get you back in…” But his words were cut off, as Professor whirled around, shooting a blue glowing bolt from his hands, targeting a being trying to enter the window of Gillian’s room.
“WHOA! WHAT!” Gillian screamed as he fell huddled next to his bed, before grasping his head, then pointing. “What the HELL was that?”
Didier threw clothes to Gillian. “Dress! There isn’t much time.. They are coming.. More of them.. I found out their secret.. We have to leave NOW… Get dressed and hurry!” Doing as he was told, Gillian sped through getting dressed, and ran.. No stumbled falling back on his rump, and sliding some of the way. Just as he reached the Professor’s study another blast shot through a window.
“WOULD YOU STOP DOING THAT?!” Gillian shouted shakily.
Didier spoke quickly then. “You have shown much promise.. These last months my boy, and its time we be off from here.“ Pointing to a near by map he continued, “There she is… America.. Fresh.. Free..” Then with a nod, he held his walking cane towards Gillian to take hold. As Gillian did so, there was a rush of papers, lights, and sounds. As it all settled, and the blurs became visible. He was in New York City… In American.
“HOW did.. You.. We..what?! … WHAT ARE YOU?!” Gillian said frantically as he backed away from Didier. The Professor smiled then. “Isn’t it obvious my boy?… I am a Zauberei, or a Witch if you prefer.. Though the proper term is a Warlock.” He nods. Looking to Gillian. “I know it seems odd now..but in time you will see.. It isn’t so bad.”
Gillian stood there slightly dumbfounded, before finally saying. “Wh..what?.. Why were they after you?…”
“Because.. I am a hunter of sorts.. Be it witches, or ghouls.. I find the bad ones.. And … remove their nascence’s from humanity. As it was past down to me by my mentor, I shall teach you.” Gillian unsure of what else to say, and totally overwhelmed by the situation as a whole simplely said. “May I have a day to consider.” Didier nodded.
A day then two.. Before he finally agreed to become an assistant to Didier… A student. Year after year, Didier and Gillian, worked their way through small sections of the world, searching slowly for witches that preferred to do harm, enslave, and summon evil to hurt innocents.. Taking them out, either with Bindings, or outright ending their existences.
During their travels, Didier continued to teach Gillian many things, secrets of magic and men both wondrous and terrible. Some of these spells forever altered the way Gillian saw and experienced the world. One of these changed the way the world experienced Gillian -- on the night of May 12, 1955, Didier helped Gillian work the final preparations of a forbidden ritual that he himself had learned from his master many, many years ago, Rite de l'Ombre Respirante. The Ritual of the Breathing Shadow. This ritual irrevocably altered Gillian's life forever. That May night, Gillian breathed his last breath as a natural man, a mortal man. He could still meet his end, but they were now on his terms, not those of his father's god. Fire could end his life, grievous injury or poison would kill him just as easily as they would any other, but, barring accident or design, Gillian was effectively an immortal.
Then in December of 1986, they were hunting a rather nasty witch in Haiti. They fought her tooth, and nail. In the end.. Both she, and Didier were dead. Gillian stood alone. He was unsure as to where to go from there.. He had always had a partner. Someone he could trust depend on.
Taking a break, Gillian moved to Mississippi in June of 2002. There he met Mierisol Reynaud , an 18 year old Creole~American Indian mix, and instantly fell in love with her. They dated for 10 years before finally getting married. A short time after that the tragedy happened. The cab driver was no ordinary cab driver. He was sent there to send a warning to Gillian. They had hoped that they had killed both the wife, and the child.. But they were wrong. Though the Mierisol died… Alissa had lived. And with her.. Gillian’s hatred was born.
Whether working at the Museum, or at the College… He is always looking for wickedness. Looking for those witches that mean himself, or other innocents harm. He will find them..
Doctor Grey is a multifaceted individual, presenting different aspects of himself to different people.
In his public life, Doctor Grey is a well known, almost infamous figure in his social and academic circles as a boisterous, gregarious entertainer and host, known both for his easy laugh and his warm, welcoming manner to both students and colleagues, and his door, as is said, is always open.
In his private life, that door is closed. Outside of the classroom, outside of the charity events and the parties and the life of, well, Doctor Gillian Grey, there is both and less to the man than he allows others to see. The joke at the college is that Gillian is a recluse, and this isn't far wrong. Gillian is rarely spotted outside of his modest, Victorian-styled rowhouse, seemingly preferring the company of his daughter and his books to anyone else, and this suits him just fine. The occasional rumored liaison is the talk of the college paper and staff room for months.
Lifestyle: Their lifestyle though seeming grand from an outside point is more simplistic then anything. Gillian believes that with great wealth comes a greater responsibility. He and his daughter tend to travel, picking up artifacts, and other items for the Museums. On occasion, Gillian will date, but tends to end it rather abruptly then what would be the norm.
Background: From the first word that Alissa could speak he has taught her all he knew. Arabic, Latin, German, French, Babylonian- for good measure. Taught her the proper regents for the spells that she showed prowess in. Gillian worked day, and night doing all he could to train her for anything that may attempt to harm her.
The day Alissa was born, was the day they lost her mother. Waiting for an ambulance, bleeding to death in the back of a taxi on her way to work. Gillian took time off of work.. 6 years to be exact to care for his child. To mold her… to the ‘right’ way of thinking. On her seventh birthday they threw a grand party at her house. Though it consisted of Alissa, her daddy, and his new girlfriend. Sadly though… they didn’t ever see her again.. BUT Alissa did get a brand new porcelain Vanity doll… that she happily put into the case in her room with the other 12... Well 13 now.
Items: A ladder which moves on its own in his library for when he puts away books. He also has in his possession a satchel that contains three moulding tomes, filled with Gillian's spells and secrets.
Gillian's every thought is bent on destroying evil wheresoever he finds it. His possessions, his life, all are bent towards locating and destroying these evil creatures in human form. To that end, he has a fairly sizable repertoire of offensive and binding spells to use in hunts. His particular favorites include reverse witches spell, Energy bolt, Quick illusion, Solidify spirit, and Restoring.
Character Names: Alissa V. Grey
Other names: Bumblebee
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Birthday / Location: December 20, 2012/ Bronx Parkway exit to Connect to Boston Street in the back of a Taxi.
Group Affiliation: Unknown at this time
Position: Cute child with FLUFFY toy!
Description played by MacKenzie Foy
Height: 4’8
Weight: 72lbs
Alissa is a lively, cheerful child when encountered on her own, always clutching her stuffed lion, always asking certain questions, patterned questions, but they always end with… Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Always in the most guiless, smiling manner, but one would do well not to joking say "no."
That cutely smiling laugh, however, disappears quickly when she scents a witch on the prowl. A flash of dimples that a moment before would have seemed innocently saccharine hang heavy in the air. There is no hesitation in her manner, no pity or fear. Just a quick, cold laugh, rising high over the battlefield as she dances, slinging spells and gleeful taunts with equal amounts of enjoyment.
Lifestyle: Alissa's lifestyle, though seeming grand from an outside point is more simplistic then anything. Gillian believes that with great wealth comes a greater responsibility. He and his daughter tend to travel, picking up artifacts, and other items for the Museums. On occasion, Gillian will date, but tends to end it rather abruptly then what would be the norm.
Background: From the first word that Alissa could speak he has taught her all he knew. Arabic, Latin, German, French, Babylonian- for good measure. Taught her the proper regents for the spells that she showed prowess in. Gillian worked day, and night doing all he could to train her for anything that may attempt to harm her.
The day Alissa was born, was the day they lost her mother. Waiting for an ambulance, bleeding to death in the back of a taxi on her way to work. Gillian took time off of work.. 6 years to be exact to care for his child. To mold her… to the ‘right’ way of thinking. On her seventh birthday they threw a grand party at her house. Though it consisted of Alissa, her daddy, and his new girlfriend. Sadly though… they didn’t ever see her again.. BUT Alissa did get a brand new porcelain Vanity doll… that she happily put into the case in her room with the other 12... Well 13 now.
Items: Carries with her at ALL times, even in school, a stuffed lion that covers also as a ‘bag’. She keeps a little journal, some reagents, and a picture of her mommy within.
Powers: Alissa is incredibly focused for her age. Instead of the usual toys and cantrips, her spellbook is filled to bursting with spells of binding, whether it is to an object, a binding cask, or… in Alissa’s case… her dolls. As of this writing, Alissa has thirteen babushka nesting dolls nestled in special shelving in her room, with room for plenty more. These dolls were originally Gillian's idea --during their courtship with her mother, he would give these "dolls" to her mother as gifts from his travels, and Alissa has enthusiastically taken up the tradition herself, as a way to keep both her mother and enemies close.
Alissa is able to cast a single attack spell as well as finding and binding. Like her daddy. Alissa can also cast light, making a little ball of light available. When she does cast her attack spell, the spell shoots out a jet of fire.
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