I'm getting the feeling that not everyone's on the same page with regard to what's going on.
The book launch party is on the second floor of Graveyard. The revenants are in the ground floor club, downstairs. The revenants are staying downstairs, because they're the distraction for Drago (he's the one who brought them) while he goes upstairs to the party to confront Romano. They've been given strict orders by Drago to STAY downstairs and cause as much chaos as possible. He doesn't want them upstairs where he is.
So there wouldn't be any revenants in the same room as our characters unless you actually go downstairs.
At this point, Pablo and Alison were out on the balcony when the fracas in the alleyway erupted. Pablo has taken the 'quick' way down to the alley and is entering the club at the ground floor level from the back - the same way that Chiedra and Niall used. Prior to any gunshots being heard, Alison was already heading for the stairs to go down and keep an eye on Pablo - the gunshots will happen at about the time she's starting to go down (our post stopped just at that point).
Evalyn and Jasmin are near the top of the stairs when they hear the gunshots, and Alison had to pass them by on her way. Evalyn convinced Jasmin that going downstairs wouldn't be a good idea in case she erupted into game face.
So far, so good.
The other post that's up so far with Logan, Cadee and Anne has a bit of an issue, because it has the revenants bursting in on the party. But the revenants are downstairs. When the first sounds of gunfire and screaming come from below, then those characters could react - but only to the sounds. The only new arrival upstairs is Drago, who will walk in a few minutes after the gunfire starts, and he'll head straight to Balty. Just so there's no doubt, Drago is not a revenant. He's the coward who hid behind the van earlier and pissed himself (the bowling alley post). He's still quite human. He's just got his 3 revenant buddies to help make a distraction for him while he deals with Balty to find out where Carmine is.
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Hi, to avoid rewriting a whole bunch of stuff, i think it's easier if we just mentioned in the Cadee Logan post that they went downstairs to check out the scene there. In situations like this, it's not uncommon for people to leave the "VIP" section to go in the other sections of a club. Is everyone cool with this?
Actually, we didn't mention
Actually, we didn't mention any ravenants, just firing men, then the sounds of bullets and screaming, and later Logan leaving to help his boss.
If we delete the men with guns, and make them react to the sounds and the chaos instead -which is stated in the post with Drago- it should work.
EDITED: I already introduced some changes to adapt our bit to the situation, and pm'ed Shaun about it, I'm waiting for his OK to edit the post.
Yeah, sure. However it works
Yeah, sure. However it works is fine. We just can't have it looking like there is a big gun battle going on at the upstairs party, because there isn't. :)
Though isn't it a bit remiss of Logan to abandon his duty? I thought he was supposed to be guarding Balty.
I rewrote it so the battle
I rewrote it so the battle is downstairs. :)
Balty didnt want him around so he could chase pretty girls. Logan leaves Cadee and Anne and goes back to him when the bullets start sounding.
Logan is not with Bathazar,
Logan is not with Bathazar, as Ally mentioned, because Balthazar told him to scoot so he could pick up girls. The meeting with Cadee and Logan kinda needs to be on the lower level because of a post I wrote afterwards. Like I said, I dont think it's unheard of for them to have checked out the lower level while the other party is going on upstairs :). We can add something so it's clear that they arent on the upper floor.
Ok, so we have to get
Ok, so we have to get together for that change?
Yeah, like I said, that's no
Yeah, like I said, that's no worries. It just read as though they were still at the party, especially with the mention of the blood bags, which were only at the upstairs party. If you write in that they've gone downstairs that'll be fine. :)
Ok, i fixed the initial
Ok, i fixed the initial Cadee/Logan post to reference that he went downstairs to see if it were less crowded and that's where he runs into Cadee. Ally, you will need to change the 2nd post to remove reference to the blood bags and everything will be good :)
Done :)
Done :)
Sorry for being a pain about
Sorry for being a pain about this, but continuity is important. :) That reads much better now. Cheers. It also gives Alison someone else to worry about when she gets to the bottom of the stairs. :)
Annoying planning questions
Annoying planning questions from Kaarin:
What all have we left for the end of this? I assume a collab to finish off the revenant attack proper; I'm debating and figured out what Jasmin is doing for the duration, so in a day or two, I'll have a solo post ready to go up (basically: she's locking herself in her office, pulling up security feeds, and dialing 911 - so police and parademics should be arriving).
Then: aftermath, what do we need collab-wise? Dave, I assume Pablo is going to want to talk to Jasmin at least?
It's been fun, but hoping to make sure we're all on the same page with wrapping so that we don't go creating more accidental confusion again, so that we can all move off of Saturday Night. :)
good idea
Ok, so on my end, Logan is going to try and stop the revenants probably along with Pablo. When the revenants are dealt with, he'll be meeting up with Balthazar and making a hasty get away.
Essentially I've written
Essentially I've written everything that Alison is doing for the duration. She's going to be staying right where she is and getting it all on video. I figure since it's 2021 the top of the range iPhones should have good HD video. :) Hell, phone video is already fairly decent right now.
If anyone comes up or down the stairs they'll have to go right by her, so you may want to bear that in mind and tap me for a brief insert collab if needed. I daresay Connie and Sven are hiding somewhere upstairs and waiting for the whole thing to be over.
Drago wants to get out. He
Drago wants to get out. He will signal his men to leave and they will try to escape. I intend to have Pablo grab one of them and hold him down if necessary and have him carted to a holding cell in the SCU.
If Logan grabs the other one for Balthazar that's fine, or if Jasmin's security get the other one (Zoran/"Headless"?) and get him out of sight before authorities arrive. Or Zoran could escape with Drago.
Logan and Pablo are flanking the two. I think they could signal each other to distract and take down these guys.
In the aftermath there will be ... let's say around a dozen dead. Of those only a small percentage (about 25%) will come back, but not until sunrise.
Zoran and Kosta will live tomorrow, but if detained and prevented from killing will turn to ash (like Tony) the following morning (Monday).
At this point, Balthazar
At this point, Balthazar probably has put enough together to not need one. Once the Revenants are detained, dealt with, Logan is going to make a hasty exit with B. So maybe 1 gets away and Pablo detains the other.
From my end, I don't have
From my end, I don't have anything left to write - except maybe Gail and Meredith meeting back up and slipping out before the 'real' cops arrive (no offensive Dave lol) since they have to be at work later that night.
Heather: I changed the
Heather: I changed the single shot from Pablo to two shots to match the upcoming Logan/Pablo post.
Louisa: I was thinking of adding a tag-on to your post with Meredith overhearing Balthazar and Drago by having Balthazar see you hiding behind the bar and actually hitting on you (does the man have no shame...). Have time to collab that little bit at some point soon? You can just tack it on the end of your post.
Ally/Kristen: Are either of you going to get into the combat action downstairs? If you want to follow Drago and Zoran out of the club that might be a good place to start. Their "delivery van" is parked just down the street.
Kaarin: I have depicted your security guys as "big burly men" but are they vampires? Inquiring minds want to know...
Shaun: Ping - Check your messages.
Amanda: Is Yves the kind of cat who would hide in the underside of a vehicle in order to find out where it is going?
LOL - sure Dave, if he
LOL - sure Dave, if he doesn't mind a punch in the nose! (If Meredith's still feeling feisty after hearing all that). Drop me a line whenever :)
Ping, check your inbox.
Ping, check your inbox.
Kaarin: I have depicted your
Kaarin: I have depicted your security guys as "big burly men" but are they vampires? Inquiring minds want to know...
Probably not. As I see it, where the club is concerned, Jasmin's number one rule is "blend and draw no attention." It's why there is no blood served at the bar, and why while she'll put up with other vampires picking up someone there, her first instinct to anyone feeding in club is at least kick the shit out of them. Jasmin knows that if metaphorical lightning strikes, it's going to hit her.
She's probably got a human-looking demon or two in there. Actual vamps would be a no - they tend to go game face when the violence starts (Which isn't to say that there might not be a patron or two who sees the chance to break heads).
Next question, how many
Next question, how many security would she reasonably have on any given night. I figure with VIPs you maybe have 5 or 6 tonight. 1 at the door, 2 bouncers downstairs, 1 gatekeeper upstairs and 1 bouncer upstairs just in case.
Is that about right?
Sounds about right. I can't
Sounds about right. I can't see her having more than that on hand. Probably 6, with the upstairs one as his main job being, "Ok, if anyone gets into a drunken brawl, break it up."
Edit: Remind me to grab you when I get home; I leave in about 10 or 15 minutes, and have an interesting NPC idea I want to bounce off you.
Party over
So I believe most of the party posts are up and done with (I think maybe Dave has one more to put, not sure).
Can we go ahead and start posting post party things?
Oh, I didn't realise we had
Oh, I didn't realise we had to actually say it - anyway, if it wasn't already apparent, my last post is up. Meredith is off to find Gail and go start their late shift at the Grindhouse. :D
My last is, at last, up.
My last is, at last, up. :)
Yves would hide in the
Yves would hide in the underside of a vehicle to find out where it's going only if it directly concerns him (for instance, if they hurt Evalyn, stole something of his, if Evalyn (and consequently himself) were hired for some purpose related to them, etc.).
Since he knows nothing of what's really going on, other than there's some really tough to kill dudes about shooting the place up, he's just going to concentrate on keeping himself, Evalyn safe and just log away the information for future reference.
The most out of his way he'd go is to possibly save a pretty girl if she's looking to be in trouble and he's able to help - he's got a lot of strength behind him, even in his cat form, and can do some pretty decent damage if he wants to attack.
As far as Evalyn's concerned, after she managed to steer Jasmin away from the fight, she'd probably slip off somewhere to see what's going on but stay relatively safe at the same time while Yves makes his way to her. Thanks to her curiosity streak, she can't help herself but watch if she's able.
In a completely unrelated topic: Sorry I've been a bit MIA the past few days! I got a call Saturday afternoon from home and will be flying back tonight for just over a week. I'll be keeping tabs while away though and may be able to write still.
I have my post half done, and
I have my post half done, and i'll probably use a 'cat distraction' :) Hopefully i'll post it tomorrow.
Ok, my last is up :)
Ok, my last is up :)
sorry...with the move, I've been MIA for over a week...I would like to throw something in the combat if it's not too late
beauty of this board
I dont think it's late at all. The beauty of the new site format is it will slot in the post in correct order :)