\ Between the earthquake and the hurricane, it was chancy, but we still live | unlimitedi.net
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Between the earthquake and the hurricane, it was chancy, but we still live

mrdave2176's picture
Posted in

Despite having a hard-drive crash (it was the backup drive) everything is still running. Sorry for any downtime,.

That's good to hear, Dave.

Allyana's picture

That's good to hear, Dave. I'm glad you're both ok, although i still read you on fb :) Sorry it took so long to answer, i could just access the site.

Good luck!

Did you get hit hard where

Logan's picture

Did you get hit hard where you are? Hope nothing is damaged!

Not hard, but it did make for

mrdave2176's picture

Not hard, but it did make for some pretty scary moments. The earthquake thing was the hardest I've ever felt.  We've had the occasional jiggle from a quake, but this was extra special.

The "Rainy"canes that are here are just a buttload of rain. Lots of my neighbors have lost power for days at a time, but we've only had flickers and one or two outages of about a minute or so.


Glad you're both okay! I'd

Meredith Bell's picture

Glad you're both okay! I'd not realised you'd had hurricanes and an earthquake! Jeez!

On another note - I'm back in UK as my Aussie adventure didn't exactly work out (not gonna go into details). Anyone still interested in keeping this game going?

I am! (not asking for

Allyana's picture

I am!

(not asking for details)


Woot!   Anyone else out

Meredith Bell's picture

Woot! smiley


Anyone else out there (all seems disappointingly quiet)


I got distracted by work. And

Kaarin's picture

I got distracted by work. And idiot grad students. We should try to bother each other on IM again.

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