\ James "The Ripper" Connor (DECEASED) | unlimitedi.net
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James "The Ripper" Connor (DECEASED)

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char name: James "the ripper" Connor
race: Schizophrenic vampire with one good side and one evil side
gender: male
bdate: he cant truly remember his background he gets bits and peaces of it every now and again and Regularly suffers from nightmares
group: The Black Veins
position: help get revenge
descript: tall thickly built man with short brown hair and blue eyes he usually wares dusters jeans and boots but is not unknown for him to ware suits
history: James remember s little about his past life before his embrace
Lucian, a roman-era vampire embraced James during the American revolutionary, James was a young black watch commander called the ripper for his nasty tendencies towards the enemies and sometimes even his own men ,"he was a sorrow embrace " to hear James speak of it, Lucian couldn’t bear to kill him when he'd only intended to feed of him, so he gave James the embrace, in some form or other James has been fighting every since learning all different types of fighting styles and adapting what was best for him in those types and making his own special fighting style , he and his sire took over an Alabama plantation with his sire in the early 19th century feeding well and regularly from the slaves ,but when the war between the states forced him to take up arms once again ,after the war the plantation was destroyed and the slaved freed and his sire dead to a pack of unknown demons , he finally settled down in a sleepy little town called Milwaukee James maintained a simple haven until a pack of werewolf’s ambushed him forcing him into a panicked fight , when he awoke from his berserker
rage he realized what happened ,the Ripper had taken over and killed and drained the werewolf’s of there blood the ripper as he is called only appears when James is in a great deal of stress like during a battle that is why he is a natural born solider his mind just shuts off and he dose what has to be done, During his time in Milwaukee James gained many enemies and friends during conflicts with rival gangs and sects of demons of various sorts he has earned a reputation of very difficult to kill: One story tells that James escaped a master vampire by dashing across a hundred yards of sunlight to safety, during one of his many excursions abroad James encountered two vampires by the name of Black Jem and Ebonia Sinclair in Peru where they quickly formed an unspoken friendship and love for Ebony .this was further amplified by Ebony saving his life from the slayer, James followed the two girls around where ever they went hoping he would have a moments happiness with ebony, alas Ebony never returned James love. Milwaukee in the 1950’s there was a massive upraising of carnivorous demon spawns doing very sloppy killings, causing James and the other vampires of the city to go on a war path ageist many demons the way James saw it the more demons the less food for vampires and the greater the risk of being discover by humans in a 3 year period James successfully wiped out the Milwaukee carnivorous demon population the demon spawn was a arcii demon which was a hive mentality demon which was noting better than an wild animal .This was later taken to an extreme when James had an episode were the ripper was let out for a 7 year rampage. The ripper did not only kill demons he killed anything that he considered a rival which included demons, were creatures which, warlocks vampires and even some humans the entire magical community finally decided to put a stop to him and trapped him in an abandoned subway station and magically sealed it preventing the ripper from escaping thus the danger of the ripper was stopped, little did they know that the spell only worked for the ripper because James and the ripper are a different entity altogether allowing James to escape from the makeshift prison taking his leave of Milwaukee permanently he headed to New York, James ran into some trouble in new York by a master vampire by the name of methos , James and methos played cat and mouse games for a couple of months throwing there forces at one and other hoping to gain the upper hand , the upper hand came when a demon by the name of linch hired by James gravely wounded methos with his venom allowing James forced to move in and slaughter methos and his men. James unusually kept himself to himself apart form the fight with the master vampire ((this was for the protection the vampires of both groups could give him)) not wanting to draw any more attention to himself ((slaughtering a few hundred demons isn’t very good for the life expectancy of a vampire)) James recently heard the death of Ebony. ((The love of an immortal dose not die easily)) he picked up his belongings and headed south with 2 of his best men in the hope of catching the killer of Ebony and exacting his revenge, James is a very pacifistic vampire in a sense he generally doesn’t go look for a fight but when the fight comes a knocking he answers it the only way he knows how, fist’s flying he doesn’t relish the kill like the others of his kind but enjoys it sometimes when it was an especially arid kill, the ripper on the other hand is jams rage unleashed he enjoys the pain the inflicts on others he enjoys the blood more than anything and he especley lobes the fear he strike into he people

items: he carries 2 miniature scythes around with him he owns a small apartment in the wrong side of town which he uses as base, he owns an black armoured van with blacked out windows that he uses to move freely around the country
powers: the usual powers for a vampire but he has heightened slightly heightened speed
played by: do I really have to miss spell it again
player: well my names Jamie McPherson I’m from Scotland and I enjoyed playing vampire the masquerade and dungeons and dragons I like listing to music hardcore punk also I cant spell for shit but when I write I always make sure my spelling is correct because its annoying trying to make out the mistakes in a persons story yes and I know that fact that I have misspelled a lot of stuff on this is ironic but anyway I hope you liked it am I very also if I messed up the character I would love some advise to make it better also sorry for me posting so much I just really wanan get into this game
age: over13

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