first off an apology is due. Thanks to my paranoid nature i felt the name to give you all a false name when i joined up everything else is true but my name is Neil not Paul.
secondly, some off you may be thinking hmmmm a Neil from the midlands ho is in a band that sounds familiar and well it might, i was informed by heather today that some time ago you had a player by that name who mysteriously dissappeared, after a few well placed calls i found your mystery man. Andy is a good friend of mine and former guitarist in my band he stumbled across this site and being rather paranoid himself gave a fake name, but rather than make 1 up as i did he chose to use my identity.
so in short paul doesnt exist the man who created logan is back but im not him thats andy, any questions. no? good
sorry again for lying to you all :oops:
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a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
I've said it to you on msn, but I'll say it here as well - no need to be embarrassed. You're not the first to give us a pseudonym to start with. Where the internet is concerned it's reasonable to have a certain degree of paranoia. I'm just glad you decided we weren't all sexually deviant axe-murderers and felt able to 'fess up. :) (Well, maybe Adam's a sexually deviant axe-murderer - we're not sure yet. :wink:)
And personally I found the coincidence hysterically funny. Given that Andy didn't tell you about this site, what are the odds that the person he chose to impersonate would then turn up and have a character accepted here too?
I loved the whole Paul=Neil=Jeet and Neil=Andy=Logan thing. Wonderfully surreal. :D
Right, now I'm off to fix up your name in the player credits on the character list....
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Apology unneccesary, but I have to say I foind the whole paranoia issue to be more than a little unnerving. I don't understand it.
You do not provide enough information on this site to find you. It's just not reqired. All of the personal information you want to keep personal stays within the members only sections.
We aren't asking for your social security number or your credit card...just a first name and what part of the country (even the city is optional).
So If I tell you my name is David and that I live in Annapolis and thats all you have on me (my email is mrdave21764@comcast.net ..maybe...I answer emails from that address). How in God's name would you find me?
If I told you I like to eat pizza and play RPGs does that make it any easier?
Lets see...I work in an IT company...getting warmer?
The upshot is that you alone control how accessible you are. There is no reason to be paranoid about stalkers, internet fraud, and identity theft if you give enough information to satisfy the questioner...all we ask is a name to attach to a character and maybe a few things about your life...so we can see if we like you.
If you don't want to give a last name, great. If you don't want to get to know us better, thats cool too (although it makes for dull role-play). And if you feel like its all too much to ask, please explain to me why.... I am dying to know.
Just from the personal details you have given us...
Your name is Neil, you play in a band you live in West Midlands , UK and you are 24. You have a friend named Andy who like to impersonate you.
Its just not enough to track you down and extort you, sorry. Give me some more info and I will see that my "boys" come around for tea one evening. okay?
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Hehehe, so funny, i mean what are the odds
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Well, I guess I can come clean now. This summer you guys met the SherlynnBot at The Organization's safe house.
I feel better.
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
That's ok. I have yet to satisfactorally demonstrate my own existance, much less other people or even physical objects. The best I can ever reach is, "I think, so something seems to exist." :)
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
LOL..ahh, funny. Fair 'nuff for doing it, too...
yeah, i'm just gonna leap on this bandwagon here and let you all know that, actually, my name's not Matt. It's Helga, and I live in Sveden with a rabid weremoose for a pet that runs on a giant treadmill to power my PC as I live so far out in the middle of nowhere there's no electricity lines...
ahem. :D
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Its me Sergio, you're Turkish hermaphrodite lover...Shaun was just my alias.... What are the odds we meet on the boards :lol:
Oh and say hi to the weremoose for me
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Um..... *backs away slowly*
Thank God I'm just a Brain in a Vat. :)
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
I think we just found out why people are paranoid, :wink:
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you....
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Sergio! Is that really you?
Hows the hair shampoo business coming along?
Btw, Franky says hi.
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
guess the paranoia comes from being abit of a computer nerd in my younger days. i myself had numerous programs of collated lists (electral roll etc), a name (even just first) and dob is enough to narrow list considerable that combined with email and ip would of made it easy for me (in my misspent youth) to have your address in about 15 mins
thx for ur understanding peeps
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Wow, can you teach me to do THAT!! :D
and dont worry, I have a friend who says that all my internet friends are freaks... (me included :wink: ) so...
but you did cheat me, Helga (I suppose your little brother was in fact Frankie the weremoose)
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
lol Bingo! ;)
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Well as I'm sure you all already know, I am actualy a tall english girl called Aluss masquerading as a short one called Boojy. My best friend is this short girl called Boojy, masquerading as a tall girl called Aluss.
The end result being, we ARE THE SAME PERSON! enabling us never to be in the same place at once! But meaning that we can bitch about ourselves to our hearts content. Don't listen ot what boojy's been saying about me though, the scallawag! As soo as I get hold of her, she won't know what hit her!
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Not the Shoebox!
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
tehehehehehe. Darn tootin'!
hey shut up!
No you shut up!
short arse!
*fight ensues*
*both run before Dave can break out the emergancey bitch-fight fire hose*
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
Shall I fess up too? Hmmm...did you actually meet me at the Sherbot's home, or was that all an elaborate rouse. The truth is...Mr. Anderson...
a tale of murder, incest and mistaken identity(not quite!)
My name is NEO!!!! *breaks cement* OW!