Submitted by Merlona on Wed, 12/17/2003 - 08:18
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So, I suppose since I am an un-official member, any new-bie is allowed to steal Jennifer Connelly away from me?
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So, I suppose since I am an un-official member, any new-bie is allowed to steal Jennifer Connelly away from me?
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Well... Jennifer Connelly hasn't appeared in any game posts. You could always make your character and secure her position. :wink:
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sorry, i havent written up their NPC's yet, but they debuted in Kieran's last story arc...
Lucy Liu as The Lady
Quentin Tarantino as Pusher
George Clooney as Tao
is this ok??
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Ah yes, I seem to remember them vaguely. They must have had fairly minor roles so far, as they weren't named explicitly in the timeline. :) I take it from the 'yet' that you intend to use them again, so yes I'll add them to this list.
In your game post you listed George Clooney as Pusher and Quentin Tarantino as Tao, rather than the order you put them in just here in this thread. I'm putting them in the list as you've had them in the game post.
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I was trying for a definitive list of actors used so far, so if there are any other npc's that have been used (AND had an actor assigned :) ) who I've not included here, please let me know and I'll add them.
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hehe, sorry for the mixup then...
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I'm just getting back into the swing of things and I read through your list. I was planning to write him up before my unfortunate computer issues. Could you add Joshua Dupree. He is played by Michael Clark Duncan. Thanks.
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Woo hoo!! She lives!!!!!
Welcome back, Kris. And yes, I'll gladly add Joshua. :)
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please add Angie Cepeda as Inés Montero to your list, please. Although I dont think anybody would use her since she's a Colombian actress.
Thank you
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Sergei Calendar
Det. Rachel Grey
Orin Trask
Inés Montera
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He hasn't made an on-screen appearance YET, but he will in the midseason. Could you add Paul Dooley as Lavrenti Sabarov?
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I could not figure outwho Paul Dooley was. Took me a while to find this picture.

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Ok, added Sabarov.
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And still we can recognize him, cant we? He appears a lot in secondary characters. (I didnt know his name either.)
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Added Mandy Patinkin as Enzo Lautari - funnily enough, I was planning on using Mandy Patinkin in Fantastic Legends. :)
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can you add Rachel Weisz as Roxana Ricagni, please? :D
She's been introduced but I hadnt decided on an actress till now, (even had to change her description to fit :roll: )
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Sorry for the delay but can you add Chris Tucker as Sathawick...thanks..
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if you could update quin while you're at it, too, that'd be great :twisted: hehe
*runs and hides before heather's shoe hits her*
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I updated Quin ages ago, Amanda. You need to get your eyes checked. She's under "P" for Pratt on the actors side, and "K" for Kossinton under the characters side. :P :)
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I've split this topic to keep the notes and requests for adjustments separate from the actual actor listings. It was the only way I could work out how to get both lists (by actor and by character) on the main site.
Damn, and even then it didn't work - I'll have to wait until Dave wakes up to find out how to add the second post. :?
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hm... meep'ness... i do need to get my eyes checked... although not for what you're taking about :P hehe, just the fact that i made this comment in an entirely different topic to what i MEANT to :oops: hehehe
[edit:] though you have updated the thing i WAS referring to... just was too stupid to realise i made mention in wrong topic thingy :oops: hehe *slaps head*
[edit:] ... [again:] um... that's me that i'm referring to... i'm the idiot. sorry :P hehe just incase you thought i was poking abuse at you, heather, for no good reason other than i'm mean :P hehe,
you're a legend!
...but then, it's no real surprise! you're australian: so it's just expected :wink: lol
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And Amanda, you're weird. :lol: But then, you're also Australian so it's still expected. :D
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(Contributes to the wierdness)
*Implodes* BANG
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Added Aishwarya Rai for Simryn to the list
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Dave, you used Rachel Weisz for one of your npc, I'm sorry to tell you that she was already taken for Roxana Ricagni. She hasnt appeared much yet, but i plan on using her in the future. Sorry.
Actor List Notes and Updates
Added the following to the actor list:
Toby Keith as Danny Lassiter
Mark Dacastos as Jimmy Han
Agustina Cherri as Dominika Lautari
Stellan Skarsgard as Collin Braddock
Barry Peppar as Wilson Merdano
Terry Jones as Mr Cups
... have to leave Miss Pentacles for now, until Dave and John come up with a new actress.
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Can you add Guy Pearce as Ellis Longwood, please? :D,
oh, and I dont know if Eduardo Noriega as Raúl Montero, since I dont know how much he will appear, he's more a guest star I guess?
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Coming soon, I promise: Eddie Izzard as The Archangel Azrael
I do have to edit the post but Ms Pentacles has been recast with Sophia Myles
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Added Eddie Izzard, Sophia Myles, Vivek Oberoi, Guy Pearce and Eduardo Noriega.
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eddie izzard is the angel of death ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
actuley he is quite a hard basterd or so i here
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Is this not the face of an Angel?
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Dear Lord, he looks like Elton John...is he gay too?
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*Suddenly her eyes fall upon a name mentioned by Heather* 8O Did i hear Vivic Oberoi? :D SQUEEEE!!! HUBBA HUBBA!!! *drools*
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Not exactly gay... he's a transvestite, who in that pic just happens to be wearing men's clothing. As he says, he's not the least bit gay. His preferred sexual partner is female, it's just that afterwards they can fix up their makeup together and go shopping for bras. :)
He's the 'action transvestite'. You know, running, jumping, climbing trees... putting on makeup when you get there.
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Heather, could you please add Anne Bancroft as Yolanda Lautari? I know that I don't have a profile for her but she'll be in great use for the future.
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Also, could you please have Audrey Tautou as Gwenaelle Saracens-Calendar? I also plan to use her a lot this season.
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Anne Bancroft and Audrey Tatou added. :)
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Blackthorn is now played by Thomas Jane. My Profile is added just thought id let you know so you can add him to the appropriate lists.
I also have some pictures so if at some point I could get a gallery that would be great. No big hurry though.
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Great choice, Nick!! :D
Love that man.
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If someone uses an actor for a guest star, and only a guest star, can someone else use that actor for a completely different role? Just curious, since someone used an actor on here as a guest star only (the actor isn't on the list) and I wanted to use that actor as a npc for next season.
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HAHA! sorry, just finally caught up here and spotted the Action transvestite, or "male lesbian" i believe is another term he preffers along with being an Executive transvestite :wink:
hehehe :mrgreen: *love*
Actor List Notes and Updates
Added to Actor Lists:
Thomas Jane as Blackthorn
Aaron Stanford as Kyle Ashton
Christian Bale as Jonathan (does he have a surname, Jamie?)
Donald Faison as Hayden Stephenson
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Could you please add Danny Glover as Mike Coulter?
Gracias. :D
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...and Gary Oldman as Dragomir Der Drahtzieher :D
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Could you also please add Sam Neil as Elliot Zimmerman?
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Derren Brown : Logan Ultionis
Danny Glover : Mike Coulter
Gary Oldman : Dragomir Der Drahtzieher
Sam Neill : Elliot Zimmerman
Christina Aguilera : Chastity
Sean Bean : Simon Mozek
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Simon Mozek changed from Sean Bean to David Bowie (so Sean's available again).
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David Bowie?? *sighs dreamily* Ah, the beauty... :wink:
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Added Alexa Vega as Polina Lautari
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Heh, yeah, Niko's a smart boi.