Becasue of a sub-story that I am doing with Oz and Reginald, there will be a "Prayer Event" on Christmas Eve that will affect all of LA and probably most of the United States.
At 10:42pm Pacific Time on Sunday December 24th, 2006 in Los Angeles, every prayer, wish, desire, fantasy, or hope will be fulfilled. The results will be almost magical in their immediacy but they can all be explained away as a 'co-incidence" or "just plain lucky". They will even appear for all intents an purposes to have been events and things in motion for days or even moths before being realized at the moment. For example:
- A young teen boy praying for Jennifer Lopez might meet her and a few of her friends visiting a random neighborhood to sing Christmas carols as an act of goodwill.
- An Elderly man praying for the soul of his departed wife will have her speak to him in a dream.
- A woman (genuinely) wishing for Peace on Earth will be surprised to hear about a spontaneious cease-fire among two conflicting nations, and even some accords.
- A single mother wishing for a better life for her children may be shocked to find she has won the lottery.
- Evil desires are granted too: A demon who curses his summoner to die horribly will find he is unrestrained for just long enough...
This effect will last about 5 minutes so if you want it to affect your characters in any way, I'd like you to PM or Email me a little story bit that can be inserted into the larger post.
If you want to incorporate it into your posts, feel free. Just after the prayer event there will be a very visible "Star in the East" that will last for about 2 days after Christmas.
Astronomers will say it is a super-nova about 900 light years away.
There are no prophecies concerning this event, but there may be repercussions in any number of cultish or religious movements.
For those of you who are running game posts ahead of Christmas, feel free to ret-con (retroactive continuity) me some stuff as well, since mid-season is a little more discontinuous....sorry I didn't get this posted earlier. :oops:
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A Christmas Present for the Characters...
That sounds great, Dave!! :D :D
I'm already thinking of something, I'll let you know as soon as i make up my mind.
To bad it will only last 5 minutes! :(. But anyway... it'll be great!
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
Can you imagine if it lasted longer? How many BILLIONS (that's the American 109, not the British 1012) of people make wishes every hour? A mere fraction of them will be quite enough chaos I think...
I hesitate to imagine what Mr Delancre or Morris Giles will get for Christmas...
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
Theres a different billion for britain and america? :? I know i'm being stupid but i thought a billion was a billion everywhere....1000 000 000....or did i always had the american version in my head???
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
1,000,000,000 is the American billion. In the UK and Australia we call that one thousand million. A billion to us is 1,000,000,000,000 (ie. a million times a million - which the Yanks rather endearingly call a trillion). I think the Americans renamed it so they could become billionaires much faster. :D
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
The world can't live being simple, can it?
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
Well, just for your information, in Spanish a billion is also a million millions, that is 12 ceros.
:D much more difficult to become a billionaire here too.
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
I have posted the "Wishes/Prayers" post in the game board (finally) and for the five minutes or so between 10:42pm and 10:47pm (Pacific Time aka GMT - 8 ) on Christmas Eve its all happiness and wishes granted.
If you have not written something, please do. I'll be posting a round-out with some other bits of prayers and wishes granted before finishing this little side story.
Sorry I took so long with this :oops: I've been very very busy.
A Christmas Present for the Characters...
Hmm, wishes granted certainly. Happiness? Hmm... *listens to the wailing a gnashing of teeth* ... I don't think so...