\ Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted] | unlimitedi.net
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Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

MrDave's picture

Type of Character: An Elemental borne of blood, tears and the earth

Gender: Female

Name: Simryn

Birth Date: Unknown

Position: A Lady Warrior of the Hindu Kshatria class

Character Description: 6'2" tall with strong, willowy limbs. A small heart shaped face with big, lush green eyes and black hair falling straight to her waist.

Simryn is played by Aishwarya Rai.

Items: A Kattar

, and a Tulwar

Powers: The daughter of Goddesses, she understands people's thoughts: the language of their prayers which is universal and not subject to the Tongues of Men. Though she cannot read minds, she can know thoughts that are directed toward her. Although she is not impervious to harm, she does have heightened strenght and agility.

Weaknesses: She is not Immortal but can be killed and die of natural causes. Because she only posesses a half-soul, she is more susceptible to the lures of evil than most. Her stubbornness and pride do not make it easy for her to accept help and this often leads her into trouble in this strange, new world.

About *me*: I am a 20 year old Chinese-Canadian, an English Major and I love both Tolkien and Buffy with with a passion!


“A war raged once, not so very long ago~ at least in the eyes of the Gods, and the land was sown with the blood of its people so that even eons after the earth would bear no fruit. The weeping of a hundred mothers filled the air, their tears filled with the bitter-sweetness of their sons’ young lives lost on the battlefield. As the wailing of a hundred grew to that of thousands, the sound reached the abode of the Trinity Goddess and the cries of her people pierced her heart. Timeless ages seemed to pass, and in the stillness the three aspects of the Great Goddess reached a decision: A woman, borne of woman alone to turn the tide of battle.

By full-moon light, the Goddess reached an invisible hand and drew up an earthenware doll~ a girl-child’s toy and drew it to her. Then did Parvati the aspect of maiden and goddess of Valour cry a single silver tear whence it fell and was soaked up by the red clay. Secondly, Kali the mother aspect of Vengeance released a drop of blood from her heart’s vein to join the tear. Finally, Durga, the crone goddess of Wisdom gathered it to her breast and blew the breath of life into the figure. Given life by these magicks, the stiff clay limbs began to limber and glow with the warmth of the blood that flowed within her being.

They named her Simryn, shaped of vengeance, valor and wisdom and she was the first of her kind. With hair black as the dark before the dawn, and skin the colour of desert sand, her fathomless, verdant eyes promised both retribution and Hope. As the eastern sky brightened with the approach of dawn, her Mothers prepared her for the first battle. They bathed her in milk and scented oils and lined her eyes with kohl, and bequeathed upon her a fierce tulwar and kattar that glinted in the furious sun, blinding the soldiers as Simryn rode on the wings of retribution down to the battle and razed the armies of the enemy.

With a fierce courage that brought fear into the hearts of all men this daughter of woman fought beside the sons of her people and the invaders fell at her feet though none after could say for certain that they had gazed upon the terrible beauty of her face. The war drew to its end, as all battles must and dust soon settled after the enemy’s feet had passed out from the land. Simryn found herself alone, unmarked by the battle but for the quiet sadness that lingered in the depths of her eyes. For the Kshatrani there was no peace, for she had been created for revenge and warfare and now both had been had and neither was left…”

“What did she do, father? What happened to Simryn, the Lady warrior?” A small voice asked trembling in awe and excitement. Putting down the ancient scroll from which he had been reading, the man looked down into the trusting eyes of his son and gave a sigh of despair. For how many more years must his family suffer? All because of the actions of one man who had lived in the long ago time that the legend told of, his son’s life would be forever changed, just as his had been and his father’s before him and his father’s father even before that, a cycle of betrayal and penitence weaving through the epoch of his bloodline.

“Hush, my son and listen for it is this next part that reveals our own task in the tale,” he said softly, kindly. The child quieted and rested once more at his elder’s knee as he was enfolded within the story once more.

“Now, while the conflict had ended the affects of the confrontation resounded still within the people’s lives and for love and pity of them, Simryn joined the mortal women in tending to the wounded. In the encampments, the Kshatrani healed those that she could, brought peace to those she could not and cried with those who had been left to live. For those last ones she could do nothing, for their hurts went far deeper than even her skill had the ability to reach.

One night as Simryn sat weeping silent tears by a river, she was startled to discover that she was not alone. Looking across the moonlit waters, her verdant eyes touched the amber gaze of a stranger who stood warily watching her, his entire body trembling and poised to flee. Though the Kshatrani recognized him as a soldier of the enemy for none of her people had eyes that burned like liquid starlight, she did not sound an alarm. Neither did she raise her weapon to him for the heart that had been given her recognized his pain and his peril. She crossed the river slowly, wading in till the icy waters rose beyond her waist and though the stranger tensed further, he did not flee for he too recognized the kindness within her heart.

When she finally approached, she could see his nostrils flared in alarm and both their breaths sounded harshly in the still night. As her palm reached out to his face he leaned into her embrace and moved his own fingers to brush away the tears that yet lingered on her cheek. Simryn tended him thus for many moons, stealing away from the encampment when shadow held its sway over the land, bringing him nourishment for both his body and his spirit. And as time passed, she learned a truth about herself that she had not saved him merely because her soft heart had asked it of her but also because her inner-heart had been quietly yearning for something only he could complete… he was the mate of her soul, and their beings called to each other~ a call they gladly obeyed.

However, just as no great hate ever goes unnoticed, neither does a love such as theirs. And the remaining soldiers within the encampment soon heard murmurings that an enemy soldier lurked close by, plotting dark deeds and the fierce hatred that had been banked burst into flame. For one man in particular the seething anger within him roiled darkly, a wound that festered and grew with each passing whisper that reminded him of all the loved voices he would never again hear.

One night as this man kept guard his gaze was caught by a flash of white near the edge of the clearing and with weapon raised he readily followed, thinking it to be the clumsiness of his enemy. To his surprise, he soon saw that it was none other than the Lady warrior of his own people. His emotions churned, disgust mixed in with anger and hate and unthinkingly he flew at the couple in his blind rage, plunging his murderous blade into the lone foe and watching in grim satisfaction as those hated yellow eyes turned blank and blood poured into the earth.”
“Did the Lady’s true-love die? What did she do then? She must have been very angry; she must have killed that bad man. Didn’t she father?” The boy asked again his deep, brown eyes shining with the story’s fervor. “No, she didn’t kill him though she wanted to,” the father replied warily. Standing up, the boy drew out the small wooden play-sword that hung at his side and swung it back and forth at an invisible foe. “I’ll protect her! I’ll kill the bad man!” he shouted unaware of his father’s troubled gaze, following the unpracticed movements of his son’s mock battle.

A noise sounded from outside and in the enduring capriciousness of youth, the child threw down his toy and went to investigate its source, Lady and story both forgotten. Watching his son disappear through the doorway, the man picked up the discarded plaything, thinking with an aching kind of sorrow that he would spare his child the burden of the story’s ending. At least for a few more years, till the child became older and more able to understand the consequences of his fate. Thus, he put away the scroll with it’s damning words etched in faded ink. But the story had been engraved just as deeply in his mind and spirit, and the haunting words followed him.

The man who had killed Simryn’s mate still lived and in her despair she thought that she should have, could have done something to stop him. But even his death would not bring back that which had been taken and she was sick of vengeance. So she wept for that loss, crying and crying till her eyes were raw and dry as an arid wasteland. Her heart was no longer with her people, it had been torn from her and for many long days and nights she neither ate nor slept. One such night as she lay on her lonely cot staring vacantly into the night she felt a soft touch on her brow and the soothing voice of her mothers lulling her into dream.

“Don’t cry daughter, for we have heard your pain and have come to aid thee,” they said taking her into warm arms that were infinitely comforting. They had realized a plan but first they needed her consent, for if she agreed she must sleep for a hundred years till the mate of her soul was reborn into this world. “Anything, I will do anything to find my heart again!” she cried and the strength of those true-spoken words reverberated in the cosmos, willed into being the magicks that would make her wait possible.

And so, the Goddess put their daughter into a deep slumber and wove their spells around her so that she would not age but only sleep in stillness till the time came that the other half of her soul was reborn and grew into a form similar in age to the one that had just recently passed. And the man, who had killed Simryn’s lover, would not go unpunished but would live a long life, within which he would find a true love. But because he had murdered their daughter’s beloved he would live under the shadow of this curse: He would love but never have for his loved one would be destined to die giving him a child. And he would suffer the same pain as the Lady Simryn at a loss so dire it would drain into the lives of his descendants. Each generation was left the task of protecting the Kshatrani and should she wake, to guide her in the ways of the present world, such as it was. They would live under that cursed consequence until such a time that she awoke and found the missing half of her heart..
And so generations down, they waited, waiting and yearning for that day that their punishment would be completed and their family free of their heartbroken fate.

The boy grew to be a man, learned in the ways of his people and the destiny of his lineage. Still there lingered within him a desperate hope that the words of his father would not come to pass and throwing caution to the winds he fell in love, finding that which so few of us ever will, the true mate of his soul. They lived happily for a time, and the man reveled in his newfound joy and soon forgot the warnings of his father’s teachings. And the cycle came around, as it must, and a child was borne of their love, a son who came silent and wide-eyed into the world as if even then he knew he would find no comfort in the cold, lifeless arms of his mother. The man wept blood, cursing the heavens that had wrought this familiar fate, his… and that of the child he clutched to his breast.

The Kshatrani dreamed of many things, as the ageless sun passed over the land and forests were replaced by villages, villages by towns, towns by cities and so on until the azure sky was obscured by tall towers of glass and steel that rose effortlessly against the horizon. And there, there one soul reborn had come at last! In a city far from where she slept but where she must now go across untold distances and unknown lands. A sigh, almost unheard in the humid air and a flutter like moth wings in the night…

An Awakening.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

MrDave's picture

This came via Ally in a Word document. I have posted it as I recieved it.
I don't know the name of the applicant nor much about her except the little bit she has provided...

About *me*: I am a 20 year old Chinese-Canadian, an English Major and I love both Tolkien and Buffy with with a passion!

I don't know who put in all the bbcode, but it made for a nice touch...thanks.

I like the idea of the character, its really very much a female analog to Oz, and has many of the same traits that attracted me to him in the first place. A warrior in love who gave up being a warior to be a lover find himself (herself) pressed back into service. Mortal. Religious/Godly connections without being a god-like character.

It has things that are different enough to make her unique as well. I like the story-within-the-story telling here. Nice touch.

Aishwarya Rai is gorgeous and I think that she is a perfect choice for this character. 6'2" tall is huge for a woman...amazonian. Not a complaint just an observation.

I am interested in the idea of "half a soul" since I explored some of that with Victor. Again, not a complaint, but an observation:

I think it is possible to have a weak or undeveloped soul but ANY soul is considered a whole soul. I don't consider a soul to be divisible. However I do beleive that people can share harmonious soul...the soul-mate idea. Each has a complete soul, they just resonate to each other's musical tones.

There is a lot here that I'd like to see more of. We have the usual complains...space, busy-ness, and collab mania, but I think there may be room for one or two more at our table come season 4.

Here's what I see...
The Central Core: - Count 4
Catherine Wiccham, Nikolai, Natasha Brookes, Ozimandius

The First String: Count 6
Tarix Conny, Jadyn, Daye, Chance, Reanna Kossinton, Alessa

The Second String: - Count 5
Darian Gray, Adriana Lautari, James Connor, Janey and Maggie, Jeet,

The Farm Team: - Count 6
Kieran, Jessica Travers, Tyler_Hyatt, Alicenoko, Blackthorn, Mantheana

Inactive (or on Hiatus): Count 7
Stalker, Parasol, Merlona, Sorrow, Fate Wilkins, Leigh Morgan, Morachd

So even though there are 27 registered players, only 20 are actually writing, and only about 15 are producing most of it. Truth be told I am more likely to be dropping to the ranks of first or second string (Jade has already dropped from Core to First String and Sorrow dropped to Inactive) while Chance and Alessa move up to the First string. Reah could even move up to core at the rate she's going.

Basically we are shifting positions some to recharge our creative batteries and to make room for new blood...as it should be. It is tempting to plug our ears and post signs on the clubhouse door that say "no room" but ultimately we need to keep looking at new players to keep those stratta even...and its getting thin at the top.

So I say lets let in Donovan and Simryn and see how it goes...two isn't going to break us and they are both outstanding entries (just peruse the rejected bin to see how much they stand out).

[NOTE] Retconned Mantheana into the list....

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Kaarin's picture

I will agree with Dave confessing to voting for the slast option, with how much my foot hurst at present..... hhmmm..... drink....

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Allyana's picture

That's unfair, Adam, you shouldnt let your foot blur your judgement! :wink:

Well, I have been nagging this girl to apply for LAbn for ages now! she's even read most of my stuff here, so she's a little familiar with the game so far. I know her from Tolkien online, where we write in a couple of rpgames together and I can tell you that she's good. :D

So you already know my vote. :wink: Oh, and her name is Candice.

PS, I'm the one responsible for the bbcode, Dave. Glad you liked it, I was a little afraid if to include it. And I love to be in the First String, :D although if i remember my Dante correctly, the inner circles were the worst. :wink:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Meredith Bell's picture

I have to admit when I first saw the name I though, uh oh, LoTR addict hehe, but having read the profile it is disgustingly good :D And although I'm one of those who's head seems to explode at the thought of MORE people (more! more! for the love of god no more!!) I do agree with what Dave said about new blood bringing new energy. I felt the same way when I saw the profile for Alessa and Chance and Darian *oh it's good, but we're so packed to the brim already!* :oops: and now having those people in our 'little' (pah!) community, I cannot imagine LABN without them.

So yes, I resist change, but I'm also not afraid to say when I'm wrong. I'd rather invest the time it takes to get to know a player (yes I am slack in that area I still don't really know James Connor, Jeet, Adriana Lautari (and a whole slew of other peeps - I'm sorry, I take a long time to commit REAL NAMES to memory, I do care! I DO! I DO!) Saying all that I would rather admit a player who I thought was good and have them become inactive, than to say no and risk never knowing a Siddy or Sherlynn.

And also, let's face it, the fact that she's a pal of Ally's is a reccomendation in itself ;)

So, hmm, uh huh, I'm saying yes. :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Allyana's picture

Gee! you remembered MY name :D I'm so happy!!! :D :D :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Meredith Bell's picture

Hehe, you should be! :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

James_Connor's picture

i like alot im also kind of guttewd i got clased as second string ... man its gym class all over again :roll:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

MrDave's picture

Don't take it personally Jamie, the classification is based solely on story output...Write more and then you can be on the varsity team ;)

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

CryingKnight's picture

I don't normally comment on character applications but this one jumped out at me. Assuming the decision hasn't been made then I say we welcome her with open arms.

We may well feel full to bursting right now (I've commented on it often enough) but for a submission of this quality we should always make room.

As for the the points Dave raise I'm not worried. She can write and there are enough of us around to help with any particular aspects of our mythos.

I look forward to seeing her on the board.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Logan's picture

Don't take it personally Jamie, the classification is based solely on story output...Write more and then you can be on the varsity team

I dont know what story output you've been counting my good man, but Darian (or atleast Cole) have appeared in enough of the midseason posts..I definitely take offence to 2nd string

*Note no real offence was taken :D *

PS GREAT CHARACTER...plus hello she's Canadian....

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

MrDave's picture

It will likely look like this for season 4....

The Central Core: - Count 6
Daye, Nikolai, Natasha Brookes, Chance, Reanna Kossinton, Alessa

The First String: Count 4
Tarix Conny, Darian Gray, Adriana Lautari, Catherine Wiccham

The Second String: - Count 6
Jadyn, James Connor, Janey and Maggie, Jeet, Ozimandius, Blackthorn

The Farm Team: - Count 5
Kieran, Jessica Travers, Tyler_Hyatt, Alicenoko, Mantheana

If we bring in two players who settle into a farm-teamer and a first or second stringer then it'll balance out nicely...

[NOTE] Retconned Mantheana into the list....

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Disposable_Hero's picture

Wooo Central Core! Go me!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Heather's picture

I can't help but notice that in both versions of the 'hierarchy', Dave, you managed to neglect poor Booj... What's Mantheana then? Chopped liver?? :wink:

And I read Candice's submission offline yesterday - WOW!! I'm feeling quite humbled again, the way I did when I first read Sherl's submission... we've got to stop finding these super-talented people. They make the rest of us look bad (j/k :)).

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Meredith Bell's picture

Heh, if I were you Dave, I'd quit while I was ahead ;)

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Allyana's picture

Wow, how did I get from First string to Central Core so fast!!:D

It must be my charming personality! :wink:


Soulless Zombie's picture

Hey there, LAbN people! I'm so glad you like my entry~ Ally had been na-*cough*urging me to join for some time now and I finally got the bio. done. Sorry, I forgot to put my name on that application :S but Ally can fill you in on all the pertinent details :wink: and I can answer any other "miscelaneous" questions.

Oz *lol* 6'2" is a little tall, somehow she seems much taller on T.V. than she actually is :? so I'm thinking Simryn should be closer to 5'7". As for the "half-soul" thing... yeaaaah :roll: That came out of nowhere but fortunately, I did come up with an explanation which I will first put forward to Ally... y'know... just in case :wink:

Catherine Wiccham Thanks~ LotR addict, sure but I did invest 7 years of my life on BVS so I think there's an equal obsession right there :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

MrDave's picture

Barring any strenuous rejections I'd say you were in! You will need to register with the board (use the "register" link at the top of the page) with your character name and fill out the rest of the info and we can get you oriented...welcome aboard!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Disposable_Hero's picture


And now with you accepted, I can vote for the fourth option that I've been dying to!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Tarix Conny's picture

Read the profile and really loved it. Its about time we had a character played by an Indian actress lol. And yes, Ashwarya Rai is a very good choice. Candice, you seem to know much about the Indian culture and great researching too...

Welcome :mrgreen:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

I admit it that when I first read the "child of the Gods" thing (or something of that sort), I was skeptical. But as I read on, I was amazed and jealous (damn you Canadians!) J/k-ing. But I really liked it by the end.

Simryn is not a master wicca, not a master at every form of fighting, isn't an orphan, not a half-demon, and most importantly, in no way realted to any of the Btvs/Ats character. She checks out in my book.

I can't wait for her first post :wink:

P.s. Aw... first string? I feel so special! :D But I feel bad for Jamie. He seems so sad, and when someone's sad, I'm sad :cry:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Disposable_Hero's picture

But Jamie is the resident angsty teen! (a post I occupied on a part-time basis for a short period) Isn't it his job to be sad? :P

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Yay for the 4th Option! And good char :P

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Tarix Conny's picture

Three votes on the fourth option 8O....wow! all i can say is...wow, you guys must really love to drink :P

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Kaarin's picture

Yes, but we are not alchoholics. For one thing, alchoholics go to meetings..... :)

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Nah... you're just drunks. :wink:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Tarix Conny's picture

Adriana Lautari wrote:
Nah... you're just drunks. :wink:

HAHAHA lol sooo right :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Kaarin's picture

But Louisa called me a lush, and she's always right, so I can't be a drunk. :)

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Well it is Vodka, can you blame anyone!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Disposable_Hero's picture

I certainly can't! :P

Hmmm...it's past midday. Oh, good. Bring on the vodka!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Not here in the states, mister! :wink: Besides, in LA time, it's only 6:00 am. Tisk, tisk tisk...

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Its 9:30 am and I just had a shot of vodka thanks to this post lol. I certainly dont see this day ending with me sober.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Especially since it's Superbowl Sunday :wink:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Superbowl??? Whats that some kinda tupperware party?

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Kaarin's picture

Meghan - It is?

Nick - American football event. It's basically the championship game - and also regarded as an excuse to get pissed.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

lol oh ok... well I gotta goto the liquor store here pretty quick then. Since I now have an actual excuse to be drunk, rather than my usual "its ok, I only drink on days ending with y" BS lol.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Yup, definatly. My family is going crazy :wink:

Wow, I thought the Superbowl was universal! Guess I was wrong.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

haha, I know what the superbowl is I was just jokeing. However I diddent actully know it was today lol.

Oh well im Canadian so its ok!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Damn you Canadians, always having excuses! We should have got ya back in "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut". Lmao. J/k-ing. I love you crazy Canadians :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Were only crazy because its so damn cold. It does stuff to your brain I tell you what! SNOW IS THE :twisted:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

HAHAHAHAHA, Bobby Bouche's mom! I live in New Jersey, so I'm up shit's creek along with you guys :wink:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

I should take some pics of my front lawn, so much SNOW!!! I have to shovel the shit yet again today grrrr!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Grrr... snow's here too. And its not fucking melting! :evil:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Snow melt... It does that? You wouldent know it liveing here lol.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Ah, yes, Canada. I mock your never melting snow! :wink:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

At least Canada.... oh never mind I need to get back to shoveling the snow.

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Nah, I love Canada. Except for the whole "Canadian bacon" thing. Isn't it suppose to be ham? (Ah, yes, the eternal question) :wink:

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

All bacon is ham :D

Canadian bacon is just, the best ham in the world muahahahahaha!

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Grrr, becurse you Canadians and your use of the extracts of a pig!! :D

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Blackthorn's picture

Want a Prarie Oyster to go with your Canadian Bacon eh?

Character Proposal: Simryn [Accepted]

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

I won't even ask what that is. Lmao. :D

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