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Meredith Bell's picture

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Kaarin's picture

While we're posting resource info, may as well take advantage of the opportunity to ask a question. Anyone know where I can get good info on gangs in LA? I mean, I could always rely on The Shield, but we know how hollywood is. :)

Game Resources

Stalker's picture

I was searching ages back, for info on gangs in the area, for a post I was working on and eventually I found a site but alas I cannot remember it

The site I found was about 'The Playboy Gangster Crips' maybe if you search for that on the net you'll find the site then again maybe you wont

Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

Oh! Sam, Sam the Resource Man! :D

Yeah, I know it should be Sid, or Jeff but they don't rhyme with 'man' - see what can be achieved when you come out of the corner? :D

And, oh, gags for Adam, or er, Galen, sounds like an idea that should come with an :? attached... hehe, let me guess, the next post you have has Galen getting drunk and wandering into the Comedy Club? :D

Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

I'm not sure if this site was put up once before, anyway, I needed to know what time the sun would rise on a specific game day, in Los Angeles, at the end of August 2005.

If you want to know, check out this site. It's really easy to use and it's quick, what more do you want?


Game Resources

Soulless Zombie's picture

Very nice. Myself, I don't care for such accuracy, except it'll keep Heather off my back. :wink: She's a stickler.

Thanks, Lou.

Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

I'm not normally so precice either, yes, I also would do this to keep Heather happy (she's not so scary is she??) :D

Anyway, the point was I wanted a post to start as early morning as I could, I was originally going for 5:30am, then realised from this site that the sun wouldn't rise for at least another two hours - side stepping a BIG fubar there! :D

Game Resources

Soulless Zombie's picture

I've been in that EXACT position. I know where you're comin' from.

Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

I opened a similar thread on Fantastic Legends. Basically I have an stupidly enormous amount of websites that I use to help me write things for LABN, so rather than hoard this all for myself I decided to share it with you guys awww, yes, I'm THAT generous :D

Los Angeles - This is all stuff that I've found on the area of LA that I've found to be quite invaluable.

This site is pretty darn good if I do say so myself, you can search for almost anything and the Los Angeles Almanac will find it for you or redirect you to where you CAN find it, from places to eat to easy to read maps.


Looking for some nice place to send your characters for a night out? The Los Angeles Dining Guide lists practically every kind of restaurant/bar/cafe in the LA district, gives you a run down on the cuisine, atmosphere, price - and often leads you to their very own website, quite nift!


Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

Texts - This is probably what I use most, when looking for a nifty quote or when writing a spell, etc.

Bartleby.com is fantastic if you want to look for a particular literature quote or a poem even. The site has literarly hundreds of free texts for you to peruse including volumes of poetry and the collected plays of Shakespeare. Not only that but it has a great 'famous quote' section too.


I couldn't live without the Word2Word site, basically you choose what language you want and it will provide you with a site that will offer you a free translation service. Brilliant, a must for all you spell casters out there (especially if Adam's not online hehe)


Again this is a great site for people (like me) who have a magically empowered or wiccan character that is always casting spells. If you don't want to use a foreign translation such as latin (see above) then this online Rhyming Dictionary will become your best friend, especially when you're trying to find a word to rhyme with 'orange' at 3am!


Another great Dictionary/Thesaurus resource.


Game Resources

Kaarin's picture

While we're on the subject of Ancient Languages....

Latin -
The following is a site maintained by Notre Dame, the Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid. There is english to latin, and also William Whitaker's words programme on-line. I recomend, when searching, that you put the latin into words to see how whitaker translates it; and searching using synonyms could help.


This is the direct link to Words. I highly recomend using this in conjunction with a latin dictionary to make sure that you actually get a verb instead of a noun for spellcasting.


Another dictionary, this one by the perseus project. You can search in Latin, Greek, English, and Italian. Slightly more complicated than the other dictionaries, and takes a while to figure out, but it has a lot.


All witches love to invoke Gods. Who better than the Roman dieties to call upon? Here's a list of Roman deities, but with three notes: Mars and Venus have special importance to the Romans as Father and Mother of Rome. And Bacchus is the god of all things juicy. All things.


Later on, I'll write up some basic Latin grammar like declentions and forming the imperative, and post that.

Finally, a resource just for fun. Contemporary Latin poetry. :)


Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

This is reposted from the Public Forum (since that's a self clean forum now) I thought this site might still be of use to people (if they know where to find it hehe).

International Differences -

This is a handy page from the BBC America web site and has a British/American dictionary, I thought it would come in handy all those times I say something and then have to explain what it means (*points at Adam*). It also might be useful for any non-brits who are playing a Brit PC and want to inject a bit of 'de lingo' into their posts.

Anyway, check it out mi ol' china :D


Game Resources

Heather's picture

One resource I find very useful (and was just reminded of its use when Nick asked about a name for his werewolf breed) is the name generator. If you need a name for something that doesn't require a particular meaning attached, this could be the place for you.

There's a simple method and a more complicated method, so if you're after a specific sort of sound you can go the whole hog (even the complicated method is pretty easy to use) or you can do it 'quick and dirty' and just get it to throw stuff up for you.


Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

Names - On the topic of names, I use a couple of generator sites that might be useful.

The first is one that I think most people use (or have used) it's handy in that it will trace back the etymology if you want a name with a specific meaning.


This is also another useful site in that you can put the first letter in and it will generate names begining with that letter. Also this site is great if you (don't have kids of your own lol) and need various info about them - yes, I've used this ALOT! :D


Game Resources

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

On my recent travels through the internet, I discovered a nifty little site that offers you "alternative" words in different languages. Basically, it's a site with dirty words in different languages. Very useful if you have a character that speaks more than one language.


Game Resources

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture


I, as of recent, have been using quite a lot of Russian, so I've been across the internet and back looking for things to make my Russian writing experience easier. Here is a translator that I look up words with:


Now, of course, its all gonna be in Cyrillic. Which is why I use online Cyrillic alphabets. This one is one of the best, since it has an audio pronounciation guide.


Game Resources

Simryn's picture

Interesting factoids about the Hindu/Vedic Pantheon for reference.

I couldn't find an on-line translator that wrote in hinglish (phonetically) This is a short English-Hindi dictionary for those occasional words you might need to use or I suppose you could just ask me :)

I found the neatest thing. On-line audio lessons to Learn Hindi put together by U.Penn. and though it's not comprehensive it's pretty interesting!

Game Resources

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Names (contd.)

I also use Behindthename.com. It's where I got all of the Lautari family's names. But I have other sites that I look to find other names.

Baby Zone is good for many reasons. Not only does it give you a wide selection, but it also has a name generator


Baby Names I happen to like mainly because it's one of the only sites that has the way you spell my name on it :D


Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

Misc. - Here are a few sites that I've found quite useful recently though they contain alot of different information so I'm not quite sure what heading they'd go under.

The first is Brain Candy, this is a really fun site but also useful if you're maybe looking for famous quotes, riddles, insults, song quotes, word play, jokes - basically loads of stuff that you might at some time need to include in a post but what you might find difficult thinking up off the top of your head :D


This is also a cool site i thought I'd just include it up here, Brenda's On-line Anagram Generator. (Yes I've actually used this site ingame if you didn't already notice it hehe)


Game Resources

Allyana's picture

Ok, I was reading a book on Harry Potter's mythology and it came with a lot of interesting links.

They all deal with mythology and magic. I thought they could be useful to some, or at least interesting. :wink:

J.Porta - Magicks
The Perseus Digital Library
Harry Potter
Tolkien Online
Encyclopedia Mythica

Game Resources

Allyana's picture

I found this article on writing interesting and helpful.

You and Your Characters

Game Resources

Allyana's picture

Combat Resources - this I copied from Lou's post in FL (thank you, Lou) because i knew i had seen it somewhere and looked high and low in LAbn to then slap my silly head when i remembered it was in FL.

I needed some information for the prewriting of the Finale, and since we kick ass in both games, it has to be included here too. :D

This is the IFA website for Kickboxing, it's good in that it describes basic and more complex moves executed in kickboxing from punches to kicks. Quite useful for writing those all important fight scenes!


This one is much the same only it lists practically every martial arts move you can think of, from Judo to Karate.


This next site is one that Adam led me to, it's basically a military dictionary of various terms and abbreviations used in the miliatry. It might sound a bit useless, but if your character has a background in military training it might add a bit more verisamilitude to have them speak some of the same terminology.


Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

For the musical portion of LABN I found the following resources increadibly useful so I thought I'd post links here for others to use if they need -

MP3 Cutter/Joiner

I've never used one of these before but this was a really good programme allowing you to modify by shortening and joining together MP3 files. You can get this on trial for 10 days without having to sign or pay for anything up front. I think I'd really be tempted to buy this if I ever needed to alter MP3's in the future - yeah it's THAT good! :D

Audio Converter

This is another cool piece of software from the same company as above. It allows you to convert audio files into different formats, sound quality, bitrates etc - which is great when you want to make a large file smaller. It's also available on trial, this time for 14 days - again, there's no need to sign up for any amount of time or part with credit card numbers. I highly reccommend it.

And last but not least...

Ripway Web Hosting

I'm recommending this site because I went trawling all over the net trying to find a site that had a decent amount of free storage space while also allowing you to hotlink to another website. The only problem is that there's limited bandwith and you can only upload files under 3MB - but hey! It's free, so I'm not complaining... (well maybe only a little hehe) :twisted:

Game Resources

Meredith Bell's picture

I want to post this up here in case I lose the link again. It's quite a strange resource I think, but I found it useful when I wanted to look at flight routes.

Great Circle Mapper

Game Resources

Heather's picture

Gods, how many times have I wanted to find out flight times between certain cities? It's really hard to find - I never discovered this particular site. Knowing the distance makes it much easier. Thanks, Lou. :)

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