{topic}...that I got involved in the game, neh?
A few points here. Firstly, I've got a bit of a character idea going on in me head. Well, more of a NPC organization inspired by the Royal Tennenbaums. Those of you what saw the film will please remember the "Gypsy Cab" service. Beat up cars with "Gypsy Cab" spray painted onto the sides that arrive in response to a "taxi hail". This is the basic inspiration for LA's gypsy cab. This would be an actual romanese kumpania that use ancient cars to provide no-questions-asked transportation for LA's less mundane denizens. Already have a lead NPC in mind. Doing research as we speak. Let me have your ideas.
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About sodding time
OZ was in his last existence an auto mechanic who fixed (among other things) the cars for the Russian Mafia. He could have been a connection to the Gypsy Cab people fro keeping junkers running and .. ahem... aquiring other ones for use.
About sodding time
Most assuredly.