\ LABN: The Musical | unlimitedi.net
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Meredith Bell's picture
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This is an idea that has been on the table since Once More With Feeling hit our screens. Recently Shaun and I have discussed the possibility of actually following that through this midseason.

So far there has only been some loose discussion around the idea. There are several ways we could do this, either making up your own songs (which would be difficult lets face it unless you have your own recording studio at hand) Or choosing existing songs and re-writing the lyrics for your character - which seems a bit more realistic.

Anyway, a few people have shown interest in this idea, and I think that if we stick to something along the lines of OMWF that is, for the songs to reveal a secret or a truth or something else that has been plaguing a character for a while and hasn't come to light yet, then it we could also make it plot relevant (although the songs could just be for pure comedy value too).

At this stage it's just a matter of finding out who is interested in doing this and when it would be conveinent to take place, such as the middle of midseason or closer to the start/end. And also, if anyone has any different ideas for how to bring such a phenomenon about (other than reprising Sweet for his role again).

Um, Discuss? :D

LABN: The Musical

Firefly's picture

I love the post, Sher. As usual, I am in awe of you and only hope that one day I can be half the writer you are. Feel free to post it anytime that you like. Thanks. It was well worth the wait.

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