OK guys. as I mentioned before, I had a post where something happens outside of the WH meeting on the 21st. Well anyways here is the post. I left place in paragraphs if people want to add something. The flash back will be Tash explaining it (You'll get that part when Heather adds in her part of the post)...basically all i need, is maybe a few of you're reactions after the end (and maybe at the beginning) anyways just PM me things you may want to add in PLZ!! thanks!
June 21st, 2007
Poplar Avenue
As the various White Hats poured forth from the building out onto the front steps of 1318 Poplar Avenue, a lone figure stood on the opposite side of the street, waiting… watching for one individual in particular.
[enter here various WH stuff, anything you guys want said, here would be a good place]
And then the waiting was over. From behind a statuesque redhead, he stepped out into the California sun; for all the time that had passed, he was exactly as she remembered him.
Gliding across the hot pavement, she moved gracefully towards the group of heroes, at first unnoticed until her billowy turquoise skirt (or rather the lengthy, modelesque legs underneath) caught the eye of one of them.
“Whoa…” Tash mumbled as she stopped mid-sentence to stare at the beautiful blonde who was definitely headed their way. Quite apart from her stunning good looks, something seemed vaguely familiar about her. While the huntress searched through her memory, the others too were turning their attention to the new arrival. The witchs’ hairs stood on end, as waves of mystical energy rippled out from her into the air, and the psychics as well could feel the newcomer, the foreign presence registering quite differently than the others around.
The woman didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the attention she was receiving, smiling politely as she locked her eyes on the one she had ventured to see.
“Hello Darian.”
As if in unison, the group turned their collective gaze from the girl to the fae. A mixture of confusion, pain, anger and shock rolled off him as he stood, mouth ajar, staring back at a woman he thought he would never see again.
“Liala,” he replied dryly, before immediately pushing through the others.
The woman smiled softly, her azure eyes betraying the inner turmoil in her soul. “It’s been a long time, love.”
“Eighty-seven years, actually,” Darian replied bitterly as he, to the surprise of the others, turned down the street and began to storm off without another word.
“Darian…! Darian,” she called out, tears beginning to well in her pretty eyes. “Darian wait.” And, still totally oblivious of the group that stood watching the scene unfold, she took off after the fae.
“Liala, damn…” Tash muttered, then bit her lip but it was too late – those standing closest to her had heard and were already turning to her for an explanation. Memories she’d not thought of for a long time resurfaced from last January, when she and Darian had first realised they’d been played for fools by Loki and Deon. When she’d read Darian she’d picked up many snippets of his past, including a very powerful set of memories about this particular faery. The others continued to look at her expectantly. She had to say something, but she certainly didn’t want to divulge such an intimate part of Darian’s past.
“Uh, she’s someone he used to know – a long time ago.” Tash turned her gaze to the figures that had almost vanished down the street. “A long time ago…”
Irish Countryside
A young, disheveled man trudged through the thick brush of the Irish woods, his feet moving ever forward even though his head had no idea where he was going. In fact, it had been several years now he had no idea where, or what he was doing – not since he was cursed. Now, no city could offer refuge, no town respite, there was no escape from the darkness…no escape from himself.
Hours had passed since he first entered the forest, and now, that it had started raining, the visibility was even worse, preventing the man from brushing away sharp branches from his face. What did that matter though? Each cut a scrape would heal quickly thanks to the demon inside. Like some sick, ironic joke, his body would always mend and return to peak physical condition, whereas his spirit continued to whither and die at the end of each endless day.
He often prayed for the strength to end his own life, but the gods never granted him the conviction. As disgusted as he was with his existence, the man could never bring himself to do it. Was he too much of a coward, or was it the fact that, deep down, the man clung to the sliver of hope that things could get better, that he could find a cure not only for his condition, but for his friend’s? Either way, he continued forward.
For several more hours he wandered through the forest until finally, growing weak from thirst and hunger, decided to find a stream or river. However, by now, it was so dark, and the rain was coming down so hard, it was difficult to make out anything. Cursing the heavens, he began to increase his pace, until finally breaking out into a full run.
Branches and sticks slashed through his dirty body worse then ever, but he did not stop.
Everything, the rain, the night, the cold, the hunger, the loneliness, it had gotten to him, and so he ran. He ran and ran and ran hoping that he would find something, anything that could offer any minor comfort.
In that moment of hysteria his life changed forever.
As he moved inhumanely fast, the man had taken no notice of his surroundings, and as a result, was unable to stop himself, when, at the last minute he realized he was headed straight for a major drop in terrain. With great momentum, the man flew off the cliff, slamming painfully into the ground, until his unconscious body rolled limply down and into the river below – at least he found the water.
As the shambled form was dragged down stream, an unnatural mist quickly gathered around the comatose body, mysteriously dragging it to shore.
Hours later
“Shhhhhh. Hush now human, you are safe.”
The man’s purple eyes fluttered open to behold a beauty not of this world. Long silvery-blonde hair cascaded perfectly across the woman’s striking blue eyes. He thin, supple body glistened like the dew on morning grass, covered with only a few thin strips of azure silk.
“Who are you?”
“It does not matter Darian, all that matters is that you are safe, and from now on, things will be better for you,” she replied gently, stroking his long dark hair out of his eyes.
Struggling to sit up, the man was nothing if not confused. “You..know..who I am?”
“I do, and I’ve been waiting for you.”
“How could you wait for someone you’ve never met? I don’t understand.”
The mysterious woman smiled playfully. “But we have met – in my dreams. I’ve known this moment was coming, just like I know what is to come for us my love. It’s just a matter of time catching up really.”
“My love? Wha…no…stop this. You’re making no sense!”
Slowly bending down, her sweet lips pushed against his briefly before she drew back and gazed into his eyes. “I know you feel it. Even if you’re not a pure blood, our kind’s senses reach beyond the confines of mortal understanding.”
“Our kind?” he reiterated puzzled for a moment, until the realization dawned on him.
Silently, the woman nodded knowing that Darian was finally beginning to grasp what was going on. “I’ll be waiting for you in England,” she smiled before suddenly turning to leave.
“Wait, but I still don’t know what’s going on,” he called out uselessly.
“Or…or who you are!” still she didn’t turn around.
“This is crazy, why would I….h-”
Glancing back, the mysterious woman winked. “You’ll know how to find me,” she replied to the question before he even asked it.
And so, not having any other purpose or direction, Darian set out to find his mystery savior. It took him several months to track her down in England, until he finally stumbled upon her in a quiet grove in the English countryside.
The 2nd time, was quicker, as he followed her trail to Vienna, and then Germany, and Romania. Each time they united, he would discover more about her, and each time, he grew more and more intrigued.
The game of cat and mouse continued across Europe for several years until finally the game ended.
“I know you’re here Liala, I can feel it in the air,” Darian called out, a large smile plastered across his face as he stepped shin deep into the waters of the cool lake.
Mist quietly gathered behind him, before growing into the form of the woman.
“You’re senses have developed so much my love. You grow more in touch with your fae powers each day,” she replied, before moving her body close to his. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered sensually, before fiercely kissing his soft lips.
“Then why do you always leave me? If you stay, we can be together,” he replied quickly, not wanting to take his mouth from hers.
The two moved from the waters to solid ground, where they playfully stumbled into a clear patch of grass, where, mischievously, Liala jumped onto Darian. Allowing himself to fall to the ground, his smile only grew as the two began removing each other’s clothing.
“Tell me why I should stay,” she asked, as she pulled the man’s shirt over his head, and carnally ran her hands across his muscled torso.
“Because I love you.”
The next morning
The warm sun cascaded down on his naked body, pushing through his eyelids forcing him to wake from a pleasant dream. As the man opened his eyes, and finally came to full conciousness, he was startled by a sudden revelation. For the first time after one of their rendezvous, Liala’s beautiful form lay asleep in his powerful, protective arms – she had stayed.
Present Day
Tash will mention how they sttayed together for like 80 years until it ended badly.
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A post involving WHs reactions
Ok, I kind of cheated a little by using editorial privilege to add Tash's bits directly into Shaun's post (in green, so you can find it).
I also took the opportunity to edit the first section (since Shaun had sent it to me) and since Kyle won't be at the meeting on the 21st I took out the references to him.
Re: A post involving WHs reactions
Um, I'm not so sure about that. Tash has probably said all she'll say on the topic... unless perhaps someone presses her for more information in which case she might mention the bare facts that Liala and Darian were an item for many years and it ended badly... but that's all. And then only if someone presses, so it depends if anyone else posts anything to be included that would prompt Tash to add that.