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Keeping the Faith (that is, the "Continuity")

Sid's picture

This question is either going to be so easy that I'll get lots of help or so difficult that no one will bother to respond.

What do we know about Boojy's Cold Goddess/Lordess, other than what can be found in the Faction listing? I don't remember Hannah's character talking much about her in the early posts. The Cold Goddess seemed an out-there entity, not clearly defined.

Is she open for an overhaul? Should I track down Hannah? Is Hannah still alive? :)

Keeping the Faith (that is, the "Continuity")

Heather's picture

Sid, I would suggest that apart from her profile you click on the "personal timeline" button (it's the one that looks like a little clock) for Mantheana and at least scan all the timeline entries for her. If you want full detail, click on the link to each post - it'll pop up in a new window for you. That will give you access to everything that's been written in-game about Mantheana without you having to trawl through umpteen seasons.

Keeping the Faith (that is, the "Continuity")

MrDave's picture

Hannah is still alive and well (I verified it with her alter-ego Alice)...

I would say go for it, the chances of it seriously affecting Mantheana's continuity are relatively small since much of her storyline revolves around her child Maria and her former lover Mikhail.

As long as the essence of the idea is the same - Coldlings, the "Becoming", the Cold Lordess and so forth, I wouldn't worry about it...you clearly have an idea in mind and I - for one - am keen to see where it it is going.

I vaguely remember a short post where she flashes back to her "Becoming" and there was some sort of a conversation with the Lordess...a Q&A if I remember correctly...

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