I post a word you reply with a word you associate with the word i post them some replys with a word associateing to the word last pocted ect... No replying to your own word and keep things clean.
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Natasha Brookes: Hehe, Jeffrey'll hate me for this one...Channel your PC :smilecolros:
Jadyn: surfing the web
Natasha Brookes: The hours just slip by.
Jadyn: when you're having fun...
Sam Aubrey: Time flies.
Natasha Brookes: Tempis fugit. Yeah, ok, so it's exactly the same - just in a different language. So sue me!
Galen Eldridge: Grammar Nazi Which taking certain languages eventually turns you into....
Natasha Brookes: Case in point.
Which taking certain languages eventually turns you into....
Galen Eldridge: First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers (It was constucted that way on purpose - that was exactly what I intended to write. Of course, no attention to either correct or incorrect grammar. Though that was also an incomplete thought.)
Victor: Good IdeaAlthough I say we line up the Bankers right after that....
Natasha Brookes: Mental lightglobes.
Jadyn: crystal balls
Tarix Conny: Fortune Teller
Jadyn: predicting the future
Tarix Conny: "Space, the final frontire"
Natasha Brookes: 60's Sci Fi
Tarix Conny: Star Wars
Natasha Brookes: Space Opera
Daye: Battlestar Gallactica
Victor: Lorne Greenaka Commander Adama
Tarix Conny: "Eat your greens, they are good for you no matter how disgusting...."
Jessica Travers: Annoying but true
Natasha Brookes: Harsh realities
Daye: Life is unfair
Natasha Brookes: Tragic circumstances
Jadyn: romeo & juliethow much more tragic can it get?
Tarix Conny: "What light does yonder window break, it is the east and Juliet is the west"
Jadyn: high school literature
Tarix Conny: The only class i flunked!
Galen Eldridge: Spanish
Natasha Brookes: Olives (hmm, love olives... :))
Galen Eldridge: Elwood
Natasha Brookes: "We're on a mission from God!"
Jadyn: religious zealots
Anonymous: *Flush!*
Galen Eldridge: Toilet
Mantheana: LOO!do I sound british yet?
Natasha Brookes: Dunny
Catherine Wiccham: Conveniance
Natasha Brookes: Handy
Galen Eldridge: Dandy
Natasha Brookes: Fop
Daye: Fool
Natasha Brookes: Fool for Love
Daye: Daye
Natasha Brookes: Torn between two lovers.
Tarix Conny: A love triangle
Catherine Wiccham: The Bermuda Triangle
Galen Eldridge: Vanishing without a trace
Catherine Wiccham: Missing Person
Derek Park: Investigation
Natasha Brookes: Abducted by aliens
Catherine Wiccham: Anal Probe ouch! Hee Hee
Galen Eldridge: Little grey guys with bulging black eyes, here to dissect our dogs, steal our cats, and play doctor on cows.
And for some reason, they just have to be from Beta Reticuli. :)
[b]Sam Aubrey: George Michael I want your probe-a probe-a probe! I want your probe
Natasha Brookes: Beverly Hills public toilets
Tarix Conny: The Hillbillies (you know like the beverly hill hillbillies.....)
Galen Eldridge: Phil Silvers
Catherine Wiccham: Sgt. Bilko
Galen Eldridge: "Baaaaaack in the barracks! Back, back, back, back, back, baaaaaack!" - alright, so that's Schultz, but first thing that came to mind.
Jadyn: men in uniform... mmmmm... (not sure if it was adam's words or the picture of duchovny in uniform that sparked that thought... heheh...)
Natasha Brookes: Skyhooks OK, so the song was "Women in Uniform", but tough - that's what you're getting as my answer.
Sam Aubrey: Exquisite Dead Guy Outside My Highrise Apartment Exquisite Dead Guy HanGing From a Sky Hook
Natasha Brookes: Spending a year dead for tax purposes.
Mantheana: Devious Plots...
Daye: Twisted thoughts
Galen Eldridge: Bent Mind
Tarix Conny: A beautiful mind
Galen Eldridge: Fluid exchange
Daye: I will so avoid the obvious reference here. Giving blood
Sam Aubrey: Free Cookie
Catherine Wiccham: Freebie
Daye: Comic Convention
Catherine Wiccham: Marvel
Galen Eldridge: action heros
Catherine Wiccham: Rambo
Sam Aubrey: First Blood
Natasha Brookes: Puberty Sorry, it was the first thing I thought of.
Sam Aubrey: Princess Leia. (Yes, she was the first thing I thought of too. And I thought of her again, and again, and again...)
Victor: Carrie Fisher (I didn't want to get into the Star Wars endless logic loop)
Parasol: Debbie Reynolds
Jadyn: burt reynolds
Sam Aubrey: Dom Deluise (Ever the the movie The End?)
Natasha Brookes: Very funny man
Parasol: Chris Rock
Derek Park: Down to Earth The movie he was in?
Natasha Brookes: Pie in the Sky
Tarix Conny: Pie in the face (yummy!)
Catherine Wiccham: Slapstick Humour
Galen Eldridge: Heyyyyyyyyy Abbott! :D
Natasha Brookes: Who's on first?
Galen Eldridge: "The next guy gets up, hits a long flyball to Because [centerfield]. Why? [left field] I don't know, he's on third, and I don't give a darn!" "What did you say?" "I said 'I don't give a darn.'" "Oh, that's our shortstop."
Natasha Brookes: I used to play cricket.
Tarix Conny: Cricket Mania (ever seen a game between pakistan and india, it's not the players that are entertaining, its the crowd....)
Catherine Wiccham: Ashes
Sam Aubrey: "Groovy."
Daye: Phil Collins
Catherine Wiccham: Genisis
Daye: "Su-su-sudio" (what the hell does that mean, anyway?)
Galen Eldridge: Invented words
Parasol: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Galen Eldridge: Supererogationisticextraobligation! A consequence of moral theories frought with complication, Doing right can only lead to failure and frustration, Supererogationisticextraobligation! :D
Catherine Wiccham: Tongue Twisters ;)
Natasha Brookes: Try this one.... The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
Galen Eldridge: "That's good. Can you say 'Titus the titmouse gave Tito the taylor two tamberines?'"
Mantheana: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Catherine Wiccham: "I'm not the Pheasant Plucker I'm the Pheasant Plucker's son. And I'm only plucking pheasants till the Pheasant Plucker comes..." ;)
Jadyn: pig fucker!!!
wahahahaha... pardon the french. sorry, i just HAD to... that line is so high school! only in my case, it was a fig plucker. *cackles like a loon* :lol:
[b]Natasha Brookes: Weird sexual practices.
Jadyn: s&m
never could figure out the whole "pain is pleasure" thing...
[b]Catherine Wiccham: The Exquisite Pain
Galen Eldridge: The Inquisition!
Daye: Mel Brooks
Natasha Brookes: Blazing Saddles
Parasol: ('Scuse me while I whip this out) Young Frankenstein
Natasha Brookes: Gene Wilder Funny, funny man...
Catherine Wiccham: Willy Wonka!!!!
Sam Aubrey: Dave
Galen Eldridge: Vocative of Davus 8O
Victor: Dave is Provocative?
Catherine Wiccham: Interpretation
Natasha Brookes: Lost in the translation.
Parasol: In Vino Veritas
Natasha Brookes: From the mouths of drunks and fools....
Jadyn: gibberish
Natasha Brookes: My typing when I'm drunk. :oops:
Jadyn: spelling errors
Natasha Brookes: Grammar Nazi
Jadyn: heil heather! :P
Natasha Brookes: Today LABN, tomorrow the world!!! Bruhahaha!!
Jadyn: pinky and the brain brain brain...
Galen Eldridge: Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Um, I think so brain, but what if the Hippopatamus doesn't want to wear the bikkini?
Natasha Brookes: Deja vu. Haven't we been here before?
Galen Eldridge: I don't know, it seems oddly familiar.
Catherine Wiccham: Deja Vu ;) sorry couldn't resist
Natasha Brookes: Strange compulsions
Catherine Wiccham: Irresistable!
Natasha Brookes: Hmm, coffee ice cream... (I was going to say something else, but most of you know the last time I had coffee ice cream, so you'll get the picture. :wink: )
Catherine Wiccham: Spillage yes, yes Heather! We know!!
Natasha Brookes: Cleaning crew.
Galen Eldridge: Hiding the dead bodies
Natasha Brookes: Quicklime
Catherine Wiccham: Hmm Lime which goes nice with Tequila!! It make you happy you know :D
Natasha Brookes: Mexican Cafe margaritas. :D
Victor: Double Vision
Galen Eldridge: Two of a kind
Daye: Double Trouble
Catherine Wiccham: Mary-Kate & Ashley *shudders* they drive me up the wall!! :?
Daye: Horror of horrors
Catherine Wiccham: Dr Terrible's House of Horrible
Galen Eldridge: Cheesy horror movies (why does that sound like it should be one?)
Natasha Brookes: Gore fest
Victor: Al Gore or if you pronounce it like Rush Limbaugh and say Algore, he sounds like a cheesy horror movie character..thats a double. Do I get double points? We aren't scoring this? Why not? What kind of game is this?
Natasha Brookes: Obsessed much?
Derek Park: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I am very obsessed w/ this show, and forever will be :)
Tarix Conny: ANGEL
Derek Park: A Vampire With a Soul
Tarix Conny: Soul Food
Natasha Brookes: Aretha Franklin
For those of you who don't get the connection, you need to see the Blues Brothers.
[b]Tarix Conny: "Be frank with me"
Stalker: Franklin Mint
Galen Eldridge: Expensive collector's pieces
Stalker: Boris Vallejo
Natasha Brookes: HR Geiger
Galen Eldridge: Radioactive
Mantheana: Mr C M Burns
Tarix Conny: Heart Burn
Galen Eldridge: Antacids
Catherine Wiccham: Daily Routine Cause I have to take them EVERYDAY :(
Tarix Conny: Eat, sleep, day dream, eat, sleep, daydream, eat slee.......
Catherine Wiccham: Choose Life
Galen Eldridge: Political questions you wish people would stop talking about but refuse to go away
Natasha Brookes: To bomb, or not to bomb; that is the question...
Catherine Wiccham: Hamlet
Victor: A Small Pig
Jadyn: charlotte's web
Tarix Conny: The Black Widow Spider
Victor: Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Pits
Tarix Conny: Queen of Sheba
Catherine Wiccham: Arrival
Galen Eldridge: Global Warming Conspiracies
Tarix Conny: Conspiracy Theory
Catherine Wiccham: Mel Gibson Movies
Galen Eldridge: Payback
Parasol: Retribution
Catherine Wiccham: Vengence
Sam Aubrey: Killroy
Victor: Love Triange
Tarix Conny: Burmuda Triangle
Derek Park: A Sucking Thing
Galen Eldridge: Banned words in High School (How do you get from that to this? Well, in this case, going to a school so conservative that "suck" was considered a swear word!)
Natasha Brookes: Repressed childhood
Catherine Wiccham: Screwed up Adulthood
Mantheana: Job as a screwdriver seller
Victor: Filling a job slot
Sam Aubrey: Sid's JOB. :)
Catherine Wiccham: Janitor
Galen Eldridge: Sounds remarkably like the Latin for "doorway"
Natasha Brookes: Crossing a threshold
Tarix Conny: A Vampire invited!
Galen Eldridge: "Why don't you come in here and say that!"
Natasha Brookes: Famous last words
Galen Eldridge: "Let us cross the river, and rest beneath the shade of the trees."
Natasha Brookes: Peaceful
Catherine Wiccham: Protest
Natasha Brookes: Burning effigies
Catherine Wiccham: A Guy
Sam Aubrey: Guys named "Guy."
Galen Eldridge: The Sheriff of Nottingham stabs Sir Guy in the stomac. "You're right. It is good steel."
Jadyn: murdering wit?
Daye: The Killing Joke
Galen Eldridge: *Groucho Marx voice* The killing joke was supposed to be arrested, until it was learned that it didn't really have a sleep disorder and was plenty rested already.
Victor: "Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! .. Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput! " (For those of you that are too young or too un-cool to recognise it this is the Monty Python Funniest Joke in the World. Penned by Earnest Scribbler, this lethal joke was used by the Allies with devestating effect during WWII)
Catherine Wiccham: "This is an EX-Parrot!!!"
Natasha Brookes: I'd like to buy some cheese.
Tarix Conny: "Here he comes to save the DAAAAAYYYYYYY, MIGHTY MOUSE IS ON HIS WAY!!!!!"
Stalker: a lot of A's and Y's and also a few !'s
Natasha Brookes: The Fonz. ( Aayyy!!!!! )
Galen Eldridge: Fozzy Bear
Catherine Wiccham: Wacka, wacka, wacka!!!
Natasha Brookes: Western Australian Cricket Associaton (WACA) :)
Stalker: SCG
Natasha Brookes: Darling Harbour I know, nowhere near the SCG, but it's still a pretty part of Sydney. :)
Derek Park: Darling Violetta The group who made the Angel opening credit music.
Catherine Wiccham: Twelfth Night
Natasha Brookes: Shakespeare
Galen Eldridge: The Bard
Natasha Brookes: First thief and fighter...
Galen Eldridge: "You must be my evil side. Where's my good side." "Well, here's the thing. It's all relative. Technically, I am your good side, because that guy is your atrociously evil side."
Catherine Wiccham: Black Mage :D
Galen Eldridge: Role Models
Natasha Brookes: Personal heroes
Catherine Wiccham: Superheroes
Derek Park: Superfriends
Natasha Brookes: Through thick or thin.
Stalker: fat and skinny
Catherine Wiccham: This or That
Natasha Brookes: Bloody addictive games...
Galen Eldridge: LABN
Natasha Brookes: Can't believe we've written all this.
Galen Eldridge: Doubt
Natasha Brookes: Leads to fear. Fear is the mind-killer...
Galen Eldridge: Dune
Natasha Brookes: Doon. One of the funniest parodies I've ever read... the Imperial Har-de-har-har get me every time.
Sam Aubrey: Bored of the Rings. (Another funny parody.)
Galen Eldridge: Muffin the Vampire Baker (Yet a third parody)
Catherine Wiccham: Lampoon
Tarix Conny: The Analyst
Galen Eldridge: "New York's most powerfull gangster is about to get in touch with his feelings. YOU try telling him his 50 minutes are up."
Catherine Wiccham: Trailer
Tarix Conny: A man with a deep voice
Victor: James Earl Jones
Sam Aubrey: Thulsa Doom
Jadyn: dungeons & dragons
don't ask me why this comes to mind... it just does! :P
[b]Galen Eldridge: summoner geeks
Derek Park: The Troika
Warren, Jonathan, and Andrew.... They are also summoner geeks... Aren't they?
[b]Natasha Brookes: Total nerds.
Anonymous: Those funny three nerds on the X Files.... erm... The lone gunman men.
Galen Eldridge: Fox's inability to properly schedule TV programmes!
Natasha Brookes: Sounds just like Aussie tv stations...
Tarix Conny: Frustration+Anger=A heavy object being thrown at the TV
Natasha Brookes: Broken telly :(
Galen Eldridge: The X-Files movie (only because my tele broke while watching it :( )
Tarix Conny: The truth is out there....some where
Galen Eldridge: Bart Simpson at the blackboard: "The truth is not out there. The truth is not out there. The truth is not out there. The truth is not...."
Catherine Wiccham: Punishments
Sam Aubrey: Whips
Galen Eldridge: chains
Sam Aubrey: Alice
Galen Eldridge: wonderland
Natasha Brookes: Psychedelic
Catherine Wiccham: GROOVY
Galen Eldridge: Yeah, baby. YE-AH~! :D
Daye: Swingers
Catherine Wiccham: Sliders
Galen Eldridge: Parrellel earths
Jadyn: different dimensions
Catherine Wiccham: Alternate Realities
Derek Park: Normal Again :?
Natasha Brookes: Straight jacket
Victor: Dire Straits
Natasha Brookes: Brothers in Arms
Victor: King Arthur: "Your arms off!" Black Knight: "No it isn't!" King Arthur: "You bleeding all over the place!" Black "'Tis but a flesh wound."
Natasha Brookes: "Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Robin. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, and his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin..."
Victor: THe Viscious Chicken of Bristol
Natasha Brookes: "... and the aptly named Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film."
Victor: Deleted Scenes
Natasha Brookes: The original version of Tash and Sorrow talking about Xavier. :roll: Yes, folks, even I - the 'stream of consciousness' queen - argued for throwing away an entire six-hour collaboration.
Galen Eldridge: Angry scenes
Catherine Wiccham: Violence
Tarix Conny: Something that upsets Yoda! hey what did happen to that scene of Sorrow and Tash about Xavier, i was at the collab and when i read the post, it was different? :?
Derek Park: The Dark Side
Galen Eldridge: of the badge.
Victor: Crooked Cop
Catherine Wiccham: Snake Eyes as in the film which is about a bunch of crooked cops...
Victor: Crapped Out
Galen Eldridge: Vegas
Catherine Wiccham: The Strip
Galen Eldridge: Tease ;)
Derek Park: All of us. Everyone in the world teases everyone...
Natasha Brookes: Gestalt entity
Tarix Conny: Entity Relationship Models (all the fault of my A Level computer course!!!)
Natasha Brookes: Programmer's jargon.
Tarix Conny: C++, Java Scripts...and all the technical words one can think of....
Galen Eldridge: Math. Ahhhhhhh!
Natasha Brookes: A Beautiful Mind
Catherine Wiccham: Things You Cannot See...
Mantheana: The Invisable Killer SquirrelsThey're every where I tell you...
Catherine Wiccham: Like Tories and just as frightening...
Galen Eldridge: The Religious Reich is far more frightening
Mantheana: competitions to find out what is more scarey...!
Natasha Brookes: US Presidential elections. You have to admit, their last one was pretty freaky...
Catherine Wiccham: Farcical
Galen Eldridge: Lou Costello
Natasha Brookes: Bud Abbott
Tarix Conny: Laural and Hardy same concept, one fat and stuppy, one tall and thin....
Natasha Brookes: Jake and Elwood Blues
Galen Eldridge: Doggies! :)
Catherine Wiccham: Man's Best Friend
Stalker: Ego
Galen Eldridge: Nietszche ("Wherever I climb, I am followed by this dog named Ego")
Natasha Brookes: "Jesus just kept talking to his dog...'Get thee behind me, Satan'."
Galen Eldridge: Potential for rather disturbing mental images
Natasha Brookes: Any conversation with me... :oops:
Jadyn: all about dave...
Natasha Brookes: :BIG: My favourite topic.
Catherine Wiccham: A Few of My Favourite Things
Daye: Brown paper packages, tied up with strings
Catherine Wiccham: "The Hills are Alive.... With the Sound of Music...."
Daye: The Griswolds
Tarix Conny: The Grizley Bears.
Natasha Brookes: Koala bears. Which, of course, aren't actually bears at all... some dumb Englishman named them. :wink:
Tarix Conny: Cute little black and white fur balls.....awwwwwwwwwwwww
Natasha Brookes: Black and white??? *blink, blink* I think you're thinking of Panda bears, Saadia. But in response to yours... Miss Kitty (though she doesn't have a lot of white...)
Galen Eldridge: Mrs Kitty Montgomery
Catherine Wiccham: Dharma & Greg
Natasha Brookes: Weird American sitcoms.
Galen Eldridge: Whose Line Is It Anyway, as hosted by Drew Carey instead of Clive Anderson... good lord, if we imported the format, why couldn't we get Clive as well? And Paul Merton, Steve Frost, Tony Slattery.....
Catherine Wiccham: Improvisational Comedy
Mantheana: Spike Milligan I love that guy... did anyone see the tribute show? one of the funniest men to ever live...
Jadyn: james marsters... sorry, every time i see the word spike, j.m pops into my head... can't help it! like heather said, if a naked j.m turned up on her doorstep, it'd be "dave who?"... in my case, it'd be "alex who?!?!?!?" :P
Catherine Wiccham: Hottie
Galen Eldridge: Charisma Carpenter (to stick with the Buffy-hottie theme)
Parasol: Lots of teeth.
Galen Eldridge: Jaws
Catherine Wiccham: Scary Musical Overture
Natasha Brookes: The Sound of Music
Tarix Conny: Mary popins
Catherine Wiccham: Karaoke Saadia, you can't just change your reply like that! :P Mine was in responce to her reply "Me Singing"
Natasha Brookes: Caritas
Tarix Conny: "Cactus" actually Lou, i meant me singing to your "Scary Muscial Overtune" but heather beat me to it!
Natasha Brookes: Vrithetek Green and spiky, you see... :lol:
Catherine Wiccham: Weird Names That I Cannot Spell :?
Natasha Brookes: Anything with an apostrophe in it... Have you worked out how to spell D'Nethk'Quan yet?
Catherine Wiccham: Easy Questions - Nope Heather :D
Sam Aubrey: Easy Women
Catherine Wiccham: Hard Men ;)
Sam Aubrey: Cruel women, souls like concrete
Galen Eldridge: Why must I say something like this again? Cordelia
Mantheana: Spordelia
Catherine Wiccham: DruZilla
Tarix Conny: Spockok i meant spock for the spodelia...
Natasha Brookes: Gojira (Godzilla popped into my mind, and Gojira is the correct spelling...) Hehe, Saadia - and I meant Gojira for the DruZilla... :)
Galen Eldridge: lizards
Tarix Conny: imagine me screaming
Natasha Brookes: Piercing noise
Galen Eldridge: scream
Natasha Brookes: Long drawn out groan/sigh... :wink:
Galen Eldridge: Heather's favourite activity
Natasha Brookes: :D Not sure an emoticon is a valid response, but tough.
Galen Eldridge: Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!
Mantheana: obvious subtlety so annoying. one of my friends at school insists on going through the whole "pssst! Boojy!" thing before she can say a secret.
Daye: Blatant Lie
Catherine Wiccham: Deception
Galen Eldridge: Decieve, Inveigle, Obfuscate
Parasol: [Shady] Lawyers
Natasha Brookes: Dewey, Cheatham and Howe For best effect, say this one out loud.
Daye: Punny
Catherine Wiccham: Predictable
Galen Eldridge: Especially when dealing with a few people here ;)
Stalker: Australian
Natasha Brookes: Great place to live. Me? Use propaganda? Nah.......
Galen Eldridge: Newfoundland
Natasha Brookes: Why? Did they lose it? 8)
Catherine Wiccham: Jokes That Make You *Groan*
Natasha Brookes: Adam's puns. :?
Catherine Wiccham: Tragic :D Oh I'm gonna get killed for that one...
Mantheana: The Tragical Comedy, or Comical Tradgedy of Mr Punch ...I'm not crazy, this is a book...
Daye: Obscure Reference
Galen Eldridge: Anything in Alan White's Philosophy Songs, particularly "We Didn't Start Inquiry"
Catherine Wiccham: Denial
Galen Eldridge: A river in Egypt
Parasol: Moses* *Must be purred like Ann Baxter in The Ten Commandments*
Natasha Brookes: Charlton Heston
Galen Eldridge: National Rifle Association
Natasha Brookes: Scariest organisation on Earth...
Parasol: The Watcher's Council
Derek Park: The Powers That Be
Jadyn: meddling madmen
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Catherine Wiccham:Politicians
Natasha Brookes:Scum of the Universe
Galen Eldridge:Who the MiBs (supposedly) protect us from
Natasha Brookes:**FLASH** Sorry, what was that you said?
Mantheana:seizures caused by camera flashes what do you mean you don't see the connection?
Galen Eldridge:Epilepsy
Catherine Wiccham:Method of Hair Removal sounds so much like epilator... :)
Catherine Wiccham:Wanning the moon that is...
Galen Eldridge:Gibbous (don't know why that phase came to mind, it just did)
Catherine Wiccham:Monkey!! okay that's GibbON, but what are you supposed to say to Gibbous??
Natasha Brookes:Buddhism
If you can't see the link, you've obviously never come across the Japanese book (later tv show) called "Monkey".
Derek Park:Silence
Silence is peaceful to me...
Natasha Brookes:Meditation
Tarix Conny:OhhhhUmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Natasha Brookes:Swarm of bees
My attempt at drawing a bee with b's
Natasha Brookes:Artistic flair.
Tarix Conny:Flinging bits of paints on a canvas
Natasha Brookes:Rolf Harris
Catherine Wiccham:Tie mi' Kangaroo Down, Sport! :D
Galen Eldridge:CRICKEY! :)
Catherine Wiccham:Catchphrase
Galen Eldridge:Lie out in the sun - you'll catch lots of rays then :)
Tarix Conny:The worse hobby for a vampire
Galen Eldridge:Gurgelling holy water
Catherine Wiccham:Stupid Ideas
Tarix Conny:My thinking
Natasha Brookes:I keep telling people I've got a brain like a sieve.
Tarix Conny:Einstein hmmmmmmmm
Natasha Brookes:In need of a hairdresser.
Tarix Conny:The principal in my school oh she has a good heart but a bad fashion sense when it comes to her hairstyle. Her hairstyle is like a bright red afro' imagine that!
Galen Eldridge:bad hair
Tarix Conny:To split a hare! I've been watching way to much bugs bunny cartoons!
Catherine Wiccham:Pedantic
Galen Eldridge:Having something to do with feet
Catherine Wiccham:That would be Podiatrist :D
Galen Eldridge:Po-TAH-to, Po-TAT-o :D
Jadyn:linguistic differences
Tarix Conny:"Ah' Cap'un woud ya' boia som flow' errs off a poo gal?"
Natasha Brookes:Pygmalion
Galen Eldridge:Well, that was a short reply.
Natasha Brookes:Terse
Galen Eldridge:Terse? Isn't that something verbs are in? You know, like present active indicitive or pluperfect.
Natasha Brookes:Grammar lesson.
And that's tense - a fact I'm sure you're well aware of, Adam. :P
Mantheana:Taught by the Infamous Grammer Nazi ...and Saadia's bit? Wheres that from? Sounds like Joseph from "Wuthering Heights" with his stupid phonetic writing. Is anyone actually supposed to be able to know what the hell he is going on about...?
Catherine Wiccham:Heather!! :D and hannah - try reading it out loud, it's the ONLY way to decipher dialect - the really freaky thing is I KNOW people that actually talk like that! We call them the Natives. :) BTW you should try reading Big Jim's dialogue in Huck Finn :?
Natasha Brookes:Me!!
Hannah, Saadia's bit was exactly where I said it was from - Pygmalion. You probably know it better as My Fair Lady. That was the musical with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn that was made from the play Pygmalion. :)
1.A low-growing Eurasian shrub (Calluna vulgaris) growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers. Also called ling2.
2.See heath.
3.A grayish purple to purplish red.
Jadyn:drat... heather beat me to it. damn it woman, u're suppose to be SLEEPING! lying cow... *smacks heather around with a sweaty sock*
Catherine Wiccham:JINX!
Mantheana:Evil Games of My Childhood
Catherine Wiccham:Cross Country Running that was the bane of my high school life!!
Victor:Run Like Hell
Daye:Being chased by a man-shark with lungs and legs...
Catherine Wiccham:Genetically Mutated With a Laser Beam Attached to its Head :D
Galen Eldridge:Thank you, Dr Evil :D
Catherine Wiccham:Evil Genius!
Galen Eldridge:Brain in a Vat! Brain in a Vat!
Victor:Oops! {sound of a glass vat with a brain in it smashing on the floor}
Parasol:Clean up on Aisle 7
Victor:Blue Light Special!
Jadyn:supermarket sweep
Daye:Mental Junk Food (highly addictive and a guilty pleasure)
Tarix Conny:Tasty Treats
Natasha Brookes:Dave! ...uh, no, I mean... Coffee icecream! :lol:
Tarix Conny:Best in Hagen Das flavor! I meant the icecream :oops:
Natasha Brookes:No, sorry... New Zealand makes the best ice cream.
Galen Eldridge:Sheep
Catherine Wiccham:Brainless Follower
Natasha Brookes:Bad posture
Galen Eldridge:Bad back
Catherine Wiccham:Hunchback sorry adam, couldn't resist
Galen Eldridge:Notre Dame
Tarix Conny:The first wavei thought of Notre Damus, and,...well....you know....
Galen Eldridge:Quatrains (what else are you supposed to think of when someone mentions Nostradamus?)
Catherine Wiccham:Iambic Pentameter
Mantheana:MacBeth ... ha, i was listening in English!
Catherine Wiccham:"The Lady doth protest too much me thinks!" okay so that was Hamlet, but I never read Macbeth...
Mantheana:Burn Her!
Catherine Wiccham:Persecution
Daye:The Spanish Inquisition
Galen Eldridge:We're going to beat him because all men are moral and want to follow God's law!
Daye:Convoluted logic
Catherine Wiccham:Dialuted
Galen Eldridge:Cut with water
Tarix Conny:Dehydrated
Natasha Brookes:Packet soup. *shudder*
Catherine Wiccham:Naff Instant Food Products
Tarix Conny:The evil child killing organisation called NESTLE!
Galen Eldridge:Chocolate
Natasha Brookes:Ambrosia
Catherine Wiccham:The Food of the Gods Hmmmm Chocolate :D
Stalker:Human Blood
Natasha Brookes:Ritual sacrifice.
Galen Eldridge:Tied to the altar
Catherine Wiccham:Bound and Gagged
Natasha Brookes:Wearing only a snake... :)
Galen Eldridge:How many sacrifices have we had, anyway?
Natasha Brookes:Wouldn't you like to know? :wink:
Tarix Conny:Knowledge
Catherine Wiccham:Is Power
Mantheana:"Power and Chaos! Power and Chaos! Praise be to Zoot!" ... did any one ever watch the series 'The Tribe'? its made in new Zealand? It majorly rocks.... If you watch it, then you might get how this comeback works
Catherine Wiccham:The Chosen yeah hannah I used to watch The Tribe all the time - it was damn funny, I don't think it was supposed to be, but it was soooo tacky it was addictive! :D
BTW - you really scared me with that impression :?
Mantheana:Men in Dresses ...I love the tribe show. I want them to bring Ryan back. He wented away... He was the lovable giant, he menat so well, but the world was too clever for him... alas, he was forced out when those damn chosen in their poncey dresses took over....
Tarix Conny:"AI! Are yo makin' fun of me KILT!"
Daye:them's fightin' words, pardner
Catherine Wiccham:John Wayne
Galen Eldridge:The Duke
Daye:Embarrassing Moments (see my post in that thread)
Catherine Wiccham:Blush :oops:
Galen Eldridge:innuendo
Anonymous:"You look cute when you blush" i have no clue who said that but it seems to fit in!
Tarix Conny:^^^That would be me.... :oops:
Natasha Brookes:Accepting the blame.
Victor:That would be me
(I am to blame for everything including Nazi Germany I've been told. The only thing I am NOT to be blamed for is breaking my bed. That would be Heather.)
Catherine Wiccham:Repetition
Galen Eldridge:Department of Redundancy Department
Tarix Conny:DED pronounced "dead
Galen Eldridge:Robin Hood: Men in Tights because Don Giovanni was going to make Robin "D E D - dead"
Reanna Kossinton:Blinken :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham:Park blinkin, just reminded me of 'Linkin' in case you were wondering...
Reanna Kossinton:Assumed meaning, i had...
Natasha Brookes:Ego
Catherine Wiccham:Freudian Theory
Galen Eldridge:It's always about sex (unless you're repressing it)
Victor:Help Help! I'm being repressed!
Sam Aubrey:Crimes against the system
Natasha Brookes:Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Sam Aubrey:That tequila I drank.
Victor:As the Worm turns
Catherine Wiccham:"The worm has turned and it's packing an uzi"
Galen Eldridge:Once you go worm, that's what you'll yearn!
Victor:"And the worms ate into his brain"
(Gotta love Pink Floyd)
Sam Aubrey:Shall we buy a new guitar
Shall we drive a more powerful car
Shall we work straight through the night
Jadyn:who's gonna drive you hommmmmme... toniiiiiiight...
Natasha Brookes:Baby, you can drive my car....
Daye:a ton or so of fine, american steel
Victor:Yugo Girl ;)
Catherine Wiccham:Tacky American Chat Shows
Galen Eldridge:Jerry Springer!
Tarix Conny:Sad talk shows that are, lets just say "SAD"
Catherine Wiccham:Seasonal Affective Disorder
Sam Aubrey:Sid Affective Disorder
Daye:smile, or I'll kill you! :blowup:
Catherine Wiccham:Scary Warning
Natasha Brookes:Beware! Stingers.
Ok, so you would have to have seen Billy Connelly talking about one of his trips to Australia to find that one amusing, but I'm not going to repeat the entire story here.
Tarix Conny:Be afraid...BE VERY AFRAID! mwahahahahahahahahahah
Natasha Brookes:In cyberspace, no one can hear you scream.
Galen Eldridge:What we need now is a cyber chest-burster running around the boards
Natasha Brookes:Does this mean we get a cyber Sigourney Weaver?
Galen Eldridge:Nope, sorry. Have to settle for Tim Allen. Mwahahahaha!
Catherine Wiccham:More Power! ugh ungh, uh :?
Natasha Brookes:Go to Ludicrous Speed!
Galen Eldridge:"Prepare ship... prepare ship for ludicrous speed. Fasten all seat belts, close all entraces and exits, secure all animals in the zoo-"
Catherine Wiccham:"Keep arms inside the vehicle at all times"
Galen Eldridge:Warning signals
Natasha Brookes:They're playing our song - the awoogah waltz.
Catherine Wiccham:Blowing Your Own Horn
Galen Eldridge:Ego trip
Natasha Brookes:Skyhooks
'Ego Is Not a Dirty Word', in case you're wondering at the connection. :)
Mantheana:Vicious Knids ...Coz in Charlie and the great glass elevator, the elevator is on sky hooks and then they get attacked by vivious knids.... see?
Anonymous:Vicious Kids
Catherine Wiccham:Youth of Today hehehe
Tarix Conny:Frustration not only the younger generation but also for the fact that i keep getting logged out....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Tarix Conny:An understatement for me at the moment!
Galen Eldridge:Odd reading material especially Aristotle's metaphysics
Sam Aubrey:Graffitti on the inside wall of the toilet that says, "Yes, my child?"
Daye:disturbing information
Sam Aubrey:My first sexual experience [deleted]
Natasha Brookes:Disappointing....to say the least. Thank God things have improved vastly since my first experience. :)
Sam Aubrey:(No, we were talking about MY first sexual experience, Heather.)
Phantom Menace...a modern brand of disappointment.
Natasha Brookes:Annoying child actors.
Catherine Wiccham:of the Home Alone variety
Natasha Brookes:Argument for retroactive abortion.
Daye:Angelica Pickles (of rugrats fame)
Catherine Wiccham:The Terrible
Catherine Wiccham:Ivan - NA HUMPALOT sorry, couldn't resist
Galen Eldridge:Primal urges (could say something about sex, but won't)
Sam Aubrey:Primus
Galen Eldridge:First
Catherine Wiccham:Gold Medal
Sam Aubrey:Flour (Gold Medal Brand)
Tarix Conny:Roti (nice bread in my country. You guys should try it sometimes!)
Natasha Brookes:Garlic Naan
Oh, yeah, roti is yummmmmm!
Catherine Wiccham:Stinky Breath even though garlic is soooo yummy
Galen Eldridge:dental work
Victor:Root Canal(Ouch)
Natasha Brookes:Lovers' Waterway...
...and I was being very polite, given the colloquial meaning of 'root'.
Catherine Wiccham:since we're going for euphamisms... Tipping the Velvet
Natasha Brookes:Oh, dear, Lou! Ok, then...
Looking for the little man in the boat.
Mantheana:poeple transferring their dirty minds into so many pretty words
Sam Aubrey:F**K Me, Screw Me, Do Me, Make Me Scream (urm, uhm...I don't no no pretty nice-nellyism like you big city folk, how about some dysphemism?)
Victor:{bangs on wall} Shut up in there! Some of us have no lives!
Catherine Wiccham:Unwilling Voyeur
Sam Aubrey:The Ludovico Technique
From A Clockwork Orange
Galen Eldridge:More Grammar
(disturbing: saw Luducivo and immediatly thought. "Ah, second declention noun, in either dative or ablative singular")
Natasha Brookes:OCD
Galen Eldridge:"We're from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, OCD."
"Obsessive-Compulsive disorder?"
Catherine Wiccham:Monica Geller
Sam Aubrey:big fat wonderful long tasty stick it in your mouth cancer ridden horsy cigarette.
Catherine Wiccham:Don't look now but I think your obsession is showing
Sam Aubrey:Naw. I'm just happy to smoke ya, Lou. I mean 'see ya'.
(I just took a nap on the couch. I woke up with this nasty brown crust on my lips as if I'd smoked ten cigarettes. but I didn't. I tried to talk myself into having one before the nap, but i didn't smoke, I swear! So where did the crust come from? What's with the crust? Why the crust? Who put the crust there, and what does it mean?)
Galen Eldridge:Paranoid ramblings
Natasha Brookes:Galen's inner thoughts.
Galen Eldridge:Right now, probably something to do with Kate....
Victor:This board is rated PG-13 and may contain language and action inappropriate for children under the age of 13
Sam Aubrey:"Homework!"
Catherine Wiccham:which for me is Reading, Reading, Reading... ad infinitum
Galen Eldridge:*Rawhide theme starts up*
Readin', Readin', Readin'
Keeps commin', commin', commin'...
Natasha Brookes:"The Good Ol' ... Blues Brothers ... Boys"
Victor:"We are on A Mission from God"
Natasha Brookes:Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa!
This is the traditional response when watching the Blues Brothers at the Valhalla with audience participation.
Galen Eldridge:Rocky Horror
Blues Brothers with audience participation sounds interesting, but how can you see those words come up and not think of RHPS?
Catherine Wiccham:"A Sweet Transvestite, from Transexual, Transelvaniaaaaa.... HA AH!!"
Natasha Brookes:Drunken Talhu :lol:
Galen Eldridge:"Look mommy, I see stars!"
Catherine Wiccham:Famous Quotes
Natasha Brookes:Famous last words.
Alicenoko:Things you say at the dentist "ARGHHHHHH"
"Now spit please." :D
Natasha Brookes:Expectorate
Sam Aubrey:Directorate
Tarix Conny:"Who ate who?"
Catherine Wiccham:All the Pies :D
Alicenoko:Things you can't find.
Tarix Conny:"My glasses, my glasses, help me find them....
Catherine Wiccham:Fubar
Alicenoko:Words that make you laugh
Natasha Brookes:Groaners
Victor:Ship's Boards
Stalker:the plank
Tarix Conny:"Arrrr, you be walking the plank now mate-y"
Natasha Brookes:The Last Saskatchewan Pirate
Galen Eldridge:Stealin wheat and barley, and all the other grains
Natasha Brookes:When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores. :)
Catherine Wiccham:Songs that 'Get on yer nerves' thanks guys :P
Galen Eldridge:Spoil sport
Natasha Brookes:Wet blanket
Catherine Wiccham:Damp Sheets ;)
Galen Eldridge:Not again :roll:
Sam Aubrey:Commercial Jingle
"I'm a big kid now."
Catherine Wiccham:Songs that you "can't get out of your head"
Galen Eldridge:Impossible Dream WGMS - the classical station I am an avid listener of because of Dennis Owens in the mornings - has been having a lot of ads for Man of La Mancha play. So, now get to have those songs rotate through my head. :?
Derek Park:Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I will never dream about this... though I dreamed about Angel Investigations being in Space. :lol:
Catherine Wiccham:Addictive which reminds me, SEASON 6 IS FINALLY BEING SHOWN OVER HERE!! I FINALLY GET TO 'OMG' WITH THE BEST OF 'EM!!!! *inhales*
Natasha Brookes:Haven't we been here before???
LA By Night
Hehe, and now the rest of us are seeing Season SEVEN episodes... *snigger*
Tarix Conny:Social Life mine anyway
Galen Eldridge:Mythological Creature - like elves, faeries, and sanity
Natasha Brookes:God.
Technically, he's a mythological creature...
Stalker:something to beleive in so you have meaning
Galen Eldridge:Old debates that refuse to go away
Mantheana:Major Mank-Ups
Catherine Wiccham:Boring News Stories About Politicians Sex Lives I SO do not wanna know...
Galen Eldridge:Cigars and you so do not want to know where this comes from
Tarix Conny:"Close....but no cigar......"
Catherine Wiccham:Near Miss unfortunatley Adam, I DO know where that comes from... :?
Galen Eldridge:Terrible aim
Natasha Brookes:"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..."
Victor:Broad Side of a Barn
Natasha Brookes:Barn? Barn?? Try shed. :P
Catherine Wiccham:Pottering Around (in your SHED) hehehe
Natasha Brookes:Mushroom compost
Galen Eldridge:These are the GOOD mushrooms!
Alicenoko:`One side of what? The other side of what?' thought Alice to herself.
`Of the mushroom,' said the Caterpillar, just as if she had asked it aloud; and in another moment it was out of sight.
Alice remained looking thoughtfully at the mushroom for a minute, trying to make out which were the two sides of it; and as it was perfectly round, she found this a very difficult question. However, at last she stretched her arms round it as far as they would go, and broke off a bit of the edge with each hand.
`And now which is which?' she said to herself, and nibbled a little of the right-hand bit to try the effect: the next moment she felt a violent blow underneath her chin: it had struck her foot!
She was a good deal frightened by this very sudden change, but she felt that there was no time to be lost, as she was shrinking rapidly; so she set to work at once to eat some of the other bit. Her chin was pressed so closely against her foot, that there was hardly room to open her mouth; but she did it at last, and managed to swallow a morsel of the lefthand bit.
Catherine Wiccham:Narrative
Galen Eldridge:"I sing of arms and of a man...."
Natasha Brookes:"... his fate had made him fugitive..."
Galen Eldridge:"No recitations to reciiiiiite,
Tragedy tommorow, comedy to tonight." :D
Tarix Conny:Rhyming rhymes that...yes you got it...rhyme!
Derek Park:Time.
Catherine Wiccham:Lord
Natasha Brookes:Sylvester McCoy.
Tom Baker used to be my favourite, but Sylvester McCoy was just so much fun... :)
Catherine Wiccham:Ace I KNOW! thankgod, finally someone likes the same Timelord as I do!
Galen Eldridge:the exam
Derek Park:horrifying day
Natasha Brookes:Gynaecologist.
Doh! Mine was as a response to 'the exam', but on second thoughts it still fits. :)
Galen Eldridge:It's too early for big words....
Catherine Wiccham:Morning
Galen Eldridge:Time to get up, go to work.... :evil:
Victor:"A day in the life"
Tarix Conny:Good title for a biography
Catherine Wiccham:Working Title
Galen Eldridge:Subject to revision
Sam Aubrey:Forbidden
Galen Eldridge:"Colonel Hogan, this time you have gone too far! What am I talking about, I see nutzing, NUTZING!"
Victor:Historical Inaccuracy
Tarix Conny:"Hey it happens...."
Mantheana:Stuff... Thats right, stuff happens.
Catherine Wiccham:Bumper Sticker Wisdom
Mantheana:Save a cow, eat a vegetarian.
Tarix Conny:Mad Cow Disease
Catherine Wiccham:Contamination
Galen Eldridge:Toxic spill
Victor:tipped over porta-potty
Natasha Brookes:Area to avoid.
Galen Eldridge:Philosophy departments hehe, couldn't resist beating up on my own field again :)
Victor:nepotistic reference
Catherine Wiccham:Keeping it in the Family
Natasha Brookes:Tasmanians.
Galen Eldridge:Taz
Natasha Brookes:Insatiable appetite.
Victor:Conspicuous Consumption
Natasha Brookes:Atrociously awful alliteration.
Sam Aubrey:Atrociously Awesome Constapation
Tarix Conny:Reason for grouchy, mean and grumpy people.
Galen Eldridge:Grumble grumble grumble
Catherine Wiccham:Someone Hasn't Had Their Shreddies
Galen Eldridge:Tagline
Tarix Conny:TAG, you are it....
Natasha Brookes:Kiss chasey.
Galen Eldridge:Kiss the chef
Catherine Wiccham:Hilarious Apron
Natasha Brookes:Robin Tripp.
From 'Man About the House' for all you people under 30. And for those of you who didn't get British television in the 70's.
Sam Aubrey:Jack Tripper the Ripper
(I don't know what that means, but this is word association, not critical thinking class.)
Mantheana:Hip-Hop Psychopaths
Catherine Wiccham:Copy Cat
Natasha Brookes:Unimaginative serial killers.
Tarix Conny:Knife loving people....
Natasha Brookes:Chefs
Galen Eldridge:idiot cousins
Natasha Brookes:Hi, I'm Daryl, this is my brother Daryl, and this is my other brother Daryl...
Jadyn:identity crisis!
Natasha Brookes:Me, myself, I
Catherine Wiccham:and Irene
Galen Eldridge:Jim Carey
Natasha Brookes:Rowan Atkinson
Catherine Wiccham:Blackadder
Mantheana:"I... Have a cunning plan....!"
Galen Eldridge:Scheming
Natasha Brookes:Dorothy Conniving Bitch
Jadyn:toto... *arf*
Natasha Brookes:mongrel
No, better yet, make that
Bloody goddam shithead mongrel!
...and the day had started out so well, too... :(
Jadyn:got out on the wrong side of the bed
Galen Eldridge:Grouchy
Catherine Wiccham:Oscar
Galen Eldridge:Awards
Natasha Brookes:The Siddy! :D
Galen Eldridge:Insanity
Tarix Conny:"Sanity now, insanity quickly afterwards...."
Mantheana:Or at least some time later.
Galen Eldridge:Procrastination
Natasha Brookes:Um, I was going to procrastinate, but I think I'll do that tomorrow instead...
And I love playing with these new colours. :)
Tarix Conny:Putting every thing off till tommorow
Galen Eldridge:We'll change the WAG theme later
Tarix Conny:Wag the dog
Catherine Wiccham:Clever Movies
Natasha Brookes:Peter Greenaway
Tarix Conny:"A green world is a clean world....."
Catherine Wiccham:Greenpeace
Galen Eldridge:Shave the whales!
Tarix Conny:bearded whales
Galen Eldridge:Odd examples
Natasha Brookes:Eccentricities
Galen Eldridge:If you can see the Fnords, they can't hurt you.
Tarix Conny:What don't know......WILL HURT YOU :twisted:
Jadyn:ignorance is bliss
Tarix Conny:A dialogue in the Matrix ok, this was the only thing i could come up with....brain not working, morning....
Natasha Brookes:Funky special effects
Tarix Conny:Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Natasha Brookes:Chinese Ghost Story
Another funky movie with great effects. :)
Tarix Conny:The never ending stoooooooo-ooooooooo-riiiiiiiiiiiiii! laa la la laa laa laaa!
Galen Eldridge:lodge
Catherine Wiccham:Travel Tavern
Tarix Conny:"Be bright, travel light....."
Galen Eldridge:Let theif lighten your load :)
Tarix Conny:"There is nothing more dangerous then a rogue slayer...."
Natasha Brookes:"I'm a rogue demon hunter."
"What's a rogue demon?"
Tarix Conny:Ex-watcher
hee hee, i love that quote too.
god, he looks soooooo hot in the latest season of angel... anyone else wanna take a bite out of him? *munch*
Tarix Conny:Ronald Weasley....
Jadyn:harry potter and the chamber of secrets - releasing in singapore in 2 days! woohoo!
Natasha Brookes:V... "You know who."
Galen Eldridge:The only thing I know is I know nothing.
Daye:A boat with duck feet...
Catherine Wiccham:Just Plain Weird
Daye:the storylines game
Catherine Wiccham:Starring Clancy
Daye:Killer Clowns from Outer Space
Galen Eldridge:B-movie
Parasol:"Strangers When We Meet"
(A gloriously cheesy b-movie sopped in 50s sexual innuendo starring Kim Novak and Kirk Douglas )
Jadyn:something's in the dark...
Natasha Brookes:All alone in the night.
Jadyn:no bed partner :(
Natasha Brookes: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Me either, but... 35 days to go!!!
Jadyn::multi: it's beginning to feel a lot like chriiiiiiistmas... :multi:
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Natasha Brookes: Hmm, I've got a nice present to unwrap. :x-mas:
Tarix Conny: jingle bells, jingle bells
Jadyn: jingle bells . batman smells . robin laid an egg . sorry . hehehe . indulging my childhood memories of retarded songs my godbrothers use to sing every christmas .
Galen Eldridge: Bart Simpson
Natasha Brookes: "Why, you little .!!"
Galen Eldridge: Uh oh! *runs*
Catherine Wiccham: Escape
Galen Eldridge: Flee in terror
Natasha Brookes: Sir Robin the not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot
Catherine Wiccham: In Days of Yore
Galen Eldridge: The good old days
Catherine Wiccham: Days Like These
Galen Eldridge: oscillating between extremes
Natasha Brookes: Manic-depressive
Tarix Conny: Absolute Maniac.
Natasha Brookes: Dave's friend Henry when he's behind the wheel.
Jadyn: absolut vodka
Tarix Conny: Drunken behaviour
Natasha Brookes: Hangover
Galen Eldridge: Saturday morning
Natasha Brookes: Is Friday night in the US. (Damn timezones.)
Daye: Terrible hindrances
Victor: Martyrs
Catherine Wiccham: Sanctimonious
Galen Eldridge: Bastards
Parasol: Illegitimate
Catherine Wiccham: Children
Galen Eldridge: Kids
Natasha Brookes: Ewww, sticky!
Sam Aubrey: Huh Huh Huh Huh. That was cool.
Galen Eldridge: Bevis & Butthead
Catherine Wiccham: Heh. You said 'Butt'. Heh
Natasha Brookes: Arse
Jadyn: i can't be arsed about you arsewipes .
Natasha Brookes: Care factor 0
Jadyn: care bear stare!!!
Mantheana: Blinded by Early Teletubbie Equivilents
Catherine Wiccham: Again, Again! :roll:
Jadyn: kill poe! KILL POE!!!
Mantheana: Originally she was white. She's only red because of all the attempts on her life and the fact that the BBC are too stingy to buy her a new Onesy
Catherine Wiccham: Slander
Galen Eldridge: Lies, vicious lies!
Victor: Truth viscious truth
Parasol: There Is No Santa Claus
Reanna Kossinton: There is no BuNnY of Easter
Natasha Brookes: "The One"
Jadyn: jet li!
Natasha Brookes: Hmmmm tasty.
Galen Eldridge: Doh!
Jadyn: homer simpson
Natasha Brookes: Yellow skin and only three fingers on each hand. Nah, the nuclear power plant isn't causing mutations
Galen Eldridge: Of course not. Blinkey the Fish has always had three eyes.
Catherine Wiccham: There are Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles that live in the sewers, eat pizza and fight evil
Mantheana: . Who are, ofcourse, trained by a giant samuri rat .
Galen Eldridge: .and whose chief enemy should be a major office appliance .
Catherine Wiccham: The Shredder! think we all know WAY too much about this particular cartoon :D
Galen Eldridge: Brain in a body suit from another dimension, instead of a brain in a vat You're right. We DO know way too much about it. :D
Catherine Wiccham: Evil has a name .
Victor: "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"
Galen Eldridge: The Shadow do!
Jadyn: the shadow - alec baldwin saw the damn show on hbo recently . stupid b-grade movie . :roll:
Natasha Brookes: Baldwins to the left of us, Baldwins to the right of us .
Jadyn: clowns to the left of me . jokers to the right . here i am, stuck in the middle with you .
Tarix Conny: CLANCY!!! i am way too much into the storylines game .
Natasha Brookes: . of the Overflow.
Galen Eldridge: Overflow the river
Catherine Wiccham: Flood
Jadyn: drown
Victor: Lake Michigan ;) Heather will know what I am talking about
Galen Eldridge: Too much information is what we would probably be saying if you explained
Alicenoko: Things too :twisted: Evil :twisted: to know
Catherine Wiccham: Like Politicians and Lawyers
Natasha Brookes: Scum sucking bottom dwellers.
Catherine Wiccham: Politicians and Lawyers :D
Galen Eldridge: Evil amoral bastards! :D
Catherine Wiccham: Politicians and Lawyers - I could be here all day you guys .
Galen Eldridge: Running in circles . while trying to escape politicians and lawyers
Parasol: My Livelihood!!
Tarix Conny: Robin Hood, to the rescue!!
Natasha Brookes: Sean Connery's willy. You get to see it, briefly, in the film "Robin and Marian". :D
Tarix Conny: "Bonshsd, Jameshs Bonshdsssss!" ok, trying my best to get the accent rite, and failing
Jadyn: shaken . not stirred .
Tarix Conny: "Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your boooooootttyyyyy!"
Natasha Brookes: See how the white folk dance.
Jadyn: white men can't jump
Catherine Wiccham: Basketball
Victor: Prayer
Natasha Brookes: Dionne Warwick I've had that song in my head for two days now . but how on earth did you get 'prayer' out of 'bastketball'??
Jadyn: that's what friends are for
Catherine Wiccham: Where Everybody knows Your Name
Victor: NORM! As for prayer you've obviously never seen me play basketball
Galen Eldridge: "Alright, then, Norm. Explain the purpose of the dinosaurs [on your desk]." "Oh, that's easy sir. They protect me from this green dragon."
Natasha Brookes: Tash! Hehe, long story, but Dave knows what I mean .
Tarix Conny: Victor
Galen Eldridge: Dissociative Identity Disorder :D
Catherine Wiccham: Also a Skitso! :)
Parasol: Too by Two
Mantheana: Noah's Ark
Galen Eldridge: Lots and lots of animals
Victor: And no Unicorns
Galen Eldridge: Is the thought of a Unicorn a real thought?
Victor: Violence Is this word association or is this let's beat Adam within an inch of his supposed existance?
Galen Eldridge: The answer to Dave's question: Yes
Jadyn: q & a session
Natasha Brookes: Interrogation .complete with bamboo splinters. :D
Tarix Conny: "You did the crime, admit it,
Victor: Under Duress
Tarix Conny: Under a spell
Galen Eldridge: 'Cause it's witchcraft, that crazy witchcraft, and although I know it's strictly taboooooo .
Tarix Conny: Taliban i got that from the taboo
Galen Eldridge: Telemarketers Okay, this bears explanation. Back after 9-11, naturally, little flash movies attacking the Taliban and Osama came out. One of them was the "Taliban Call." The US gives the Taliban the last chance to turn over Bin Laden, then hits with the most hideous weapon possible: telemarketers
Catherine Wiccham: Extremely Annoying!
Parasol: Dawnie
Natasha Brookes: Pout
Galen Eldridge: Cry
Catherine Wiccham: Catharsis
Natasha Brookes: Relief
Jadyn: back massage
Natasha Brookes: Work
Reanna Kossinton: :smilecolros: CHANGE :mrgreen:
Galen Eldridge: dollars and cents
Reanna Kossinton: green stuff:mrgreen:
Galen Eldridge: "What is that drink?" "It is ." *looks* "It is " *smells* "It is green."
Mantheana: Grass!
Reanna Kossinton: Weed :rainbow1:
Catherine Wiccham: Weakling
Reanna Kossinton: String Puppet
Derek Park: N'Sync Well, I remember watching one of their music videos one day . (By accident, btw) I saw them acting like bunch of string puppets.
Reanna Kossinton: Craptacular :roll:
Natasha Brookes: Spectacular, spectacular! No words in the vernacular.
Galen Eldridge: Songs that get stuck in your head (thanks again for getting that caught in there a while ago, Lou :) )
Natasha Brookes: "Oceans apart day after day, and I slowly go insane ." For some reason (I wonder why? :roll:) that one's been on my brain a lot lately. :(
Galen Eldridge: Sing it, sister! :) Er, um, y'all know what I mean :oops: hehe
Mantheana: Gospel!
Natasha Brookes: Aretha Franklin
Galen Eldridge: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Catherine Wiccham: Find Out What It Means to Me
Tarix Conny: "Its for me to know and for you to find out"
Natasha Brookes: Hidden past.
Tarix Conny: "Yesterday is the past, tommorow isthe future and today, that should be cherised is the present, thats why it is called a present, because one should make the most of it" ok ppl, i heard a person say this on tv yesterday, my comment, what nonsense!
Galen Eldridge: Jesuit logic
Tarix Conny: Illogical logic thats anything but logically
Natasha Brookes: "Fascinating."
Tarix Conny: Spock the connection is, he used to say this a lot. You know .
Jadyn: pointy ears
Galen Eldridge: Elves
Victor: Fritz? Fritz! They shot Fritz! Those dirty rotten stinking faeries killed Fritz! Die!
Galen Eldridge: The Night Santa Went Crazy
Catherine Wiccham: December 25th
Galen Eldridge: The Night St. Nicholas flipped hehehe, there's lots of lines from that Wierd Al song to cycle through
Jadyn: mexican jumping beans *boing*
Tarix Conny: Zorro
Natasha Brookes: " .and singing and dancing and laughing and singing and dancing ."
Tarix Conny: "The hills are aliveeeeeeeee with the sound of muuuusic "
Galen Eldridge: These are a few of my favourite things
Natasha Brookes: LA By Night, LA By Night, LA By Night and LA By Night. Oh, yeah . and Dave . 8)
Jadyn: denzel washington
Galen Eldridge: The Siege
Jadyn: the rock
Galen Eldridge: the hard place
Parasol: O Chem Class
Jadyn: mad scientist
Mantheana: My Father . he is actually .
Galen Eldridge: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to him, did he? :)
Catherine Wiccham: Secrets and Lies
Galen Eldridge: Conspiracies
Jessica Travers: Short people they're all out to trip us tall people up .well Boojy is anyway
Parasol: Randy Newman
Jadyn: that annoying freak on seinfield .
Parasol: Helllloo Nnnewman
Tarix Conny: Fat annoying guy with an insane laugh
Anonymous: Father Christmas/Santa Clause
Mantheana: ^^^ dang it, that was my witty comeback! Stoopid logging outy thing!
Tarix Conny: Ho ho ho, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :x-mas:
Galen Eldridge: That's right. I AM the Pumpkin King! Heheheheheheheheheh!
Natasha Brookes: Mr Flibble Ok, so he was King of the Potato People, but close enough .
Galen Eldridge: Mr Potato-head
Catherine Wiccham: Toy Story
Jadyn: animation
Natasha Brookes: Manga
Galen Eldridge: Anime
Catherine Wiccham: CARTOON! :D
Galen Eldridge: Whatever you say, dear :D
Natasha Brookes: Henpecked
Catherine Wiccham: I feel like Chicken tonight
Jadyn: cow & chicken
Natasha Brookes: Turf & surf
Galen Eldridge: going to the beach
Jadyn: banana boat suntan oil
Galen Eldridge: lotion
Natasha Brookes: Slip, slop, slap Once again, only the Aussies are going to get this one :)
Galen Eldridge: Beating (from the slap)
Natasha Brookes: "Frankly, if he wasn't dead, I'd have him expelled." "What?!!!" "Yes . EXPELLED."
Galen Eldridge: Frank, how did you spell ex again?
Natasha Brookes: Adam's going to die slowly and painfully for his bad punning. :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Galen has a shotgun with the price tag still on it, and he's not afraid to use it! :D
Natasha Brookes: That's ok. Tash is prepared to bonk Galen to death.
Galen Eldridge: Right, and piss off the powerfull witch in the process. Yes, that seems smart
Natasha Brookes: I've got a pet demon who can keep her occupied.
Galen Eldridge: And I have a case of napalm
Natasha Brookes: Oh, well now you're just getting silly. :P
Galen Eldridge: What do you mean "getting"?
Natasha Brookes: Hmm, that's right. Neither of us are getting any at the moment, are we? :(
Galen Eldridge: Boil the seas! Boil the seas!
Natasha Brookes: I wish . hehe, but . 2 1/2 weeks! 2 1/2 weeks!
Galen Eldridge: Scarey visual place!
Natasha Brookes: Can't be up to TMI already!
Galen Eldridge: Five words: Heather as Evil Princess Sara
Natasha Brookes: But the quiz said I was White Mage . :cool:
Galen Eldridge: Should note that as black mage, have been listening to my atrociously evil side rather than my evil side
Natasha Brookes: You mean there are worse places than your evil side?
Galen Eldridge: My bedroom for one thing
Natasha Brookes: You mean the cellar?
Galen Eldridge: No, the basement
Natasha Brookes: I knew you were going to say that.
Galen Eldridge: Thank you, Judge "I am the law" Dredd
Natasha Brookes: Now there's a thought. Exile Adam to Titan. :)
Galen Eldridge: Well, that should tighten things up
Natasha Brookes: We're back to pain again now. Horribly acidy death in the vat of Mountain Dew.
Galen Eldridge: Maybe it's a very slow working acid
Natasha Brookes: And of course, tipping it out shouldn't cause any ecological disasters.
Galen Eldridge: Take that, you bastard! WHAT?!?
Natasha Brookes: I like swords!
Galen Eldridge: Stabbing time!
Natasha Brookes: High stamina . helping consciousness . return . third person narration . also helps.
Galen Eldridge: Right, stand in front of me while I hadooken you and I wanted to cause destruction on a global scale! It's just not fair!
Natasha Brookes: Nah, it's ok. He can only cast one ninth level spell a day.
Galen Eldridge: Kill us if you will, but I want to kill Fighter! :D
Natasha Brookes: Dreaming about giant pie monsters.
Galen Eldridge: This phone is protected by telemarketer gaurd! *ka-klick*
Natasha Brookes: Get Abe to drool in the receiver.
Galen Eldridge: Slime devils
Natasha Brookes: Super gorbies.
Galen Eldridge: Alright, think that's enough insanity for now
Natasha Brookes: No! There's never enough insanity. Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Galen Eldridge: *sings* Stay sane inside insanity, but he locked the door and threw away the keeeeeey!
Catherine Wiccham: Eddie's Teddy
Galen Eldridge: *sings* I'm just a Sweet Transvestite okay, stopping now :oops:
Catherine Wiccham: Drunken Talhu
Jadyn: 2 things come to mind for this . 1) britney spears 2) hey mommy . i see stars.
Catherine Wiccham: Indecision
Victor: Waffles
Galen Eldridge: Pancakes and syrup
Victor: IHOP
Jadyn: bunny hop!
Natasha Brookes: Anya .just finished rewatching "Fear Itself", hehe.
Galen Eldridge: It's always about the neopoints - er, money :D
Tarix Conny: Codestones, Faeries, dubloons, what to do
Victor: Lodestones, Fae, shards, what to do (aka Season One)
Tarix Conny: "A season doesn't need a reason, its a SEASON!!!"
Jadyn: tis the season to be jolly . fa la la la la, la la la la . and adam - u're right! it's always about the neopoints! glad to see that the stuff i've said to you is getting thru? :wink:
Galen Eldridge: The Addams Family
Jadyn: whoommp! the addams family, there it is!
Sam Aubrey: Sid on acid. The first time I ever used the dread expression, "Whoomp! There it is," I said it and laughed quite insanely. All my friends got quiet and looked at each other nervously. Should they take me away? Well, I'm still here to tell the tale. But I'm ashamed to do so. And so here is my tale for all to see and judge me by. Whoomp. There it is.
Galen Eldridge: Potentially a really terrifying horror movie :)
Catherine Wiccham: Blair Witch 2
Galen Eldridge: Even cheesier sequels to cheesy movies
Catherine Wiccham: Moneymaker
Galen Eldridge: Drunk scenes in bars inside joke, Lou and Amanda will get it
Reanna Kossinton: :mrgreen: TeqUIlLA tEsT :drinking:
Natasha Brookes: One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor! :D
Tarix Conny: "House no. 54, house with the bamboo door, with the bamboo roof, with a bambooooooooo dooooooooorrrrr, house no. 54 ."
Jadyn: studio 54 " . if you could read my mind love . what a tale my thoughts would tell . "
Anonymous: Area 51 . hehe im' stuck in individual studies with a pc and internet connection, what can you expect? I came here! And this damn pc wont log me in . hmph .
Galen Eldridge: Grey Aliens
Catherine Wiccham: Anal Probe why is this always the first thing that comes to mind when I think of aliens? :?
Galen Eldridge: Abduction
Catherine Wiccham: Missing Person
Galen Eldridge: Milk Carton
Reanna Kossinton: MALK now with vitamin R
Jadyn: malt
Victor: Molt
Natasha Brookes: Carpet full of dog hair. I am assuming, of course, that you meant moult. :wink: And, dammit, looking at the time of your post I just realised that if I'd come straight home instead of stopping to buy petrol I'd have found you still online. Damn, damn, damn. :(
Galen Eldridge: House full of dogs
Natasha Brookes: Not any more. :cry:
Catherine Wiccham: Things That End
Galen Eldridge: your sanity (especially after reading Kant again)
Natasha Brookes: My sanity?? I'm sure I put it in a safe place somewhere . now, just let me think, I'm sure I'll remember where.
Catherine Wiccham: Forgetful
Jadyn: huh?
Galen Eldridge: Response to anything said by philosophers
Natasha Brookes: Lock 'em in a box with no air holes.
Sam Aubrey: My childhood
Natasha Brookes: Disturbed.
Tarix Conny: insane insylum
Jadyn: :silly:
Natasha Brookes: Wow. That's exactly how I look first thing in the morning. :)
Galen Eldridge: disshelved
Catherine Wiccham: Devilled
Galen Eldridge: eggs
Catherine Wiccham: Good Egg? Bad Egg?
Galen Eldridge: Rotten Egg :)
Catherine Wiccham: Smelly! yuck!
Galen Eldridge: Stinky
Catherine Wiccham: Pete
Galen Eldridge: We thought you was a toad!
Mantheana: But You Are Actually a Frog
Catherine Wiccham: KERMIT!!
Galen Eldridge: May you become embroiled in a terrible love triangle with Kermit and Miss Piggy! :)
Tarix Conny: A pig and a frog, a marriage made in heaven *sigh*
Sam Aubrey: .and they had a baby, and called it a Frig.
Catherine Wiccham: Or a Pog
Galen Eldridge: Combined names
Tarix Conny: Frigpog? thats a name you'd like to give to your child .
Jadyn: julian & kaela those are the names i'd give my kids . if i have both a girl and a boy. if i ever have kids! :roll: highly unlikely, in my opinion, but one can never be 100% sure about these sorta things i guess. if it's 2 boys, then it'll be julian and jerome . 2 girls? kaela & kirsten. hehehe . :)
Galen Eldridge: naming
Jadyn: the naaaaaaaaaaaaame game!
Galen Eldridge: annoying songs
Jadyn: anything by aaron carter. i wanna kill the little bugger . :evil:
Catherine Wiccham: Upstarts and wasn't Kaela superman's real name? :?
Natasha Brookes: Smart-arse. And, speaking of being a smart-arse, Superman's real name was Kal-El. :)
Jadyn: clever bum i'm sorry but that's what comes to mind every time someone says smart arsed . i don't get why people say that. it makes absolutely no sense in my book. :?
Sam Aubrey: Silent Bob (sort of a bum, and very clever)
Jadyn: quiet
Galen Eldridge: laid back
Jadyn: country living
Reanna Kossinton: secluded
Jadyn: a lonely existence
Reanna Kossinton: hermit
Jadyn: kermit
Galen Eldridge: What do you say to an angry witch? Ribbit!
Jadyn: absolutely nothing! run away, run away!!!
Natasha Brookes: One of my favourite lines from Hitchhikers' "Discretion was the better part of valour, and cowardice was the better part of discretion, so Zaphod valiantly hid himself in a cupboard."
Catherine Wiccham: "I laugh in the face of danger, then I hide until it goes away"
Jadyn: xander
Reanna Kossinton: demon magnet hehe, sorry, watched 'blue' the other day :D
Catherine Wiccham: Be Careful What You Wish For
Galen Eldridge: Wishmaster
Catherine Wiccham: The Djin
Galen Eldridge: Would you like to escape?
Catherine Wiccham: Rub My Lamp :wink:
Galen Eldridge: "There was this cute little thing I knew once, and when our bodies were intwined in the positions of the Kama Sutra "
Catherine Wiccham: Bollywood :rainbow1:
Galen Eldridge: Foreign films
Sam Aubrey: The Company Man
Natasha Brookes: The Company of Wolves
Jadyn: dances with wolves
Galen Eldridge: PC
Jadyn: politically correct personal computer?
Stalker: interesting idea
Reanna Kossinton: a.k.a; stupid idea :twisted:
Tarix Conny: think tanks
Galen Eldridge: you're welcome
Natasha Brookes: Social pleasantries.
Jadyn: boring small talk
Catherine Wiccham: The Weather
Galen Eldridge: Cold
Sam Aubrey: Mr. Freeze
Galen Eldridge: Ahnold
Sam Aubrey: McBain
Galen Eldridge: "How do you sleep at night?" "On top of a pile of money with many beautiful women." "Just asking" Those of you who have seen The Critic may get this one
Sam Aubrey: "It stinks."
Catherine Wiccham: Garbage
Parasol: Shirley Manson
Reanna Kossinton: Shit! and i blame this on you Sid, because i automatically went rhyme with hanson :evil:
Catherine Wiccham: Goldilocks
Natasha Brookes: One down . two to go. :)
Natasha Brookes: Doh! Lou beat me to the WAG response . :( *sigh* So, Goldilocks . Pet names for Buffy
Jadyn: spike since he was the one who thought of the pet name .
Galen Eldridge: love's bitch
Sam Aubrey: THIS POST CONTAINS THE F WORD OFTEN. DON'T READ IT IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED. Adam of Adam and Eve. Adam got fucked by LOVE'S BITCH. Lost a rib to her (or should I say "to whore"?), and what did she give back? An absolutely worthless apple. An apple that fucked all of humanity. And did, for all this fucking trouble, Adam get to fuck eve back? Not that I ever read. NOT that I ever read EVEr. Not fair, if you ask me. And women have been fucking men ever since.
Galen Eldridge: Golden apples inscribed with the word "Kallisti"
Tarix Conny: Atlas
Sam Aubrey: Map.
Jadyn: buried treasure
Natasha Brookes: Pirates
Sorrow: Paint Brushes
Natasha Brookes: Auctions
Galen Eldridge: "You do know what an auction is, don't you?" "Sure. I come from Italy over Atlantic auction."
Jadyn: *smacks forehead at adam's line* hehehe . *smacks adam's forehead too, for the hell of it* going, going, GONE!
Reanna Kossinton: Brain Cells :twisted:
Tarix Conny: Noodles
Natasha Brookes: Nickname Yeah, I know none of you are going to get that one but me. I had an rpg character once called N'lya I'ia (Lou would have loved her :wink:) and one of the other players insisted on calling her Noodles .
Jadyn: sunshine this was my nickname back in school. :? don't ask me why . i hated it.
Galen Eldridge: Frank Sinatra *drunk singing* You are the sunshine of my life, that's why I'll always be around .
Sam Aubrey: Ol' Blue Eyes
Catherine Wiccham: The Colour that suits you is Blue
Natasha Brookes: Don't it make my brown eyes blue?
Jadyn: me minus you equals blue . me - you = blue . can't remember who sang that lame song . shit, got it stuck in my head now . *mutters*
Catherine Wiccham: Equations
Galen Eldridge: Dreams about doing Bayes' theorumwhich oddly enough happened to me last night 8O
Catherine Wiccham: Nightmares
Jadyn: freddy
Galen Eldridge: One, Two, Mariah's comming for you :)
Catherine Wiccham: Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
Galen Eldridge: SHOCKING! :)
Catherine Wiccham: Short Circuit
Galen Eldridge: Johnny Five . alive?
Catherine Wiccham: More Input!
Sam Aubrey: Huh-huh-huh. She said "input."
Galen Eldridge: Bevis and Butthead
Catherine Wiccham: MTV
Jadyn: popcorn award
Tarix Conny: "CRUNCH CRUNCH"
Natasha Brookes: Masticate
Catherine Wiccham: "I can't masticate in front of other people ." "Well no, in front of your parents? At the dinner table? That's just SICK!" "That's not what he meant"
Galen Eldridge: "I am Costanza, king of the idiots. All lesser idiots must bow before me."
Catherine Wiccham: "Now I know what the 'H' stands for, it's Hidiot, am I right or am I right?"
Galen Eldridge: Nah, you aren't right, you're left
Jadyn: :roll:
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Catherine Wiccham: A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words
Galen Eldridge: (No, I could not resist the MiB II studio still)
Catherine Wiccham: Once I was afraid, I was petrified
Galen Eldridge: Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
Catherine Wiccham: But then I spent so many nights just thinking how you did me wrong
Galen Eldridge: FRANK!
Catherine Wiccham: Crusing down the freeway, wind in your fur, flapping your ears, Adam, get in the car! :D
Galen Eldridge: *grumbles* *sits in seat and begins humming lyrics to song* :D
Catherine Wiccham: Sulky
Natasha Brookes: Horse-drawn carriage
Jadyn: cinderella
Reanna Kossinton: peter peter pumpkin eater :twisted:
Jadyn: peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers...
Natasha Brookes: You want tongue twisters? Try saying this one... it's a bugger. The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
Galen Eldridge: Try saying that three times fast. That, that, that!
Mantheana: I-T.as in the whole supercalifragelisticexpialidocious - spell it! ^^^^
Catherine Wiccham: Creepy Steven King Type Clowns
Sam Aubrey: Agreement.
Galen Eldridge: No.
Catherine Wiccham: Refusal
Sam Aubrey: Perusal
Natasha Brookes: Checkin' it out.
Sam Aubrey: Hotel Clerk (ME!)
Galen Eldridge: Checking in
Jadyn: 12 noon
Derek Park: Lunch
Catherine Wiccham: *Tummy Rumbles*
Galen Eldridge: Food, food, food!
Catherine Wiccham: Food Glorious Food
Galen Eldridge: Chicken
Catherine Wiccham: My Favourite! :D
Galen Eldridge: Gyros! (which also come in Chicken Gyros form) :D
Jadyn: gyrate? :?
Reanna Kossinton: nitrate
Galen Eldridge: Nitrous Oxide To clear up April's apparant confusion, Gyros is Greek food. It's gooooood. Also currently my favourite.
Natasha Brookes: Dentists
Galen Eldridge: *sings* She said "My boy I think some day, you'll find a way, to make your natural tendancies pay. Son, be a dentist! People will pay you to be in humane. Son, be a dentist! Your temperment's wrong for the priesthood, and teaching would suit you still less. Son, be a dentist! You'll be a success." Sorry, just got that stuck in my head. :)
Catherine Wiccham: Musical Outbursts
Galen Eldridge: Once More, With Feeling
Catherine Wiccham: Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be BUNNIES!!! :D
Galen Eldridge: Bun-Bun :D
Catherine Wiccham: In the oven
Galen Eldridge: Roast Duck
Natasha Brookes: Duck Soup
Galen Eldridge: Eat the chicken soup I made last night. That'll make you duck soup for the rest of your life.
Natasha Brookes: Lousy cook.
Tarix Conny: My Dad so he tells me, i remember once he told me this story (in the fatherly fashion) of his time in Germany when he had first cooked some sort of mince meat. He said that he didn't like it and decided to feed it to the neighbours dog. In the morning he found that the dog had refused to eat it too!!!
Natasha Brookes: First Christmas without him. My Dad, that is, not Saadia's. Funnily enough, I've never had Christmas with Saadia's dad.
Tarix Conny: Miracle on 36th street or was it 22nd, or 34th....or 26th...... :?
Sam Aubrey: I don't know. I think it was 34th street. Was it? ah, who cares? Mundanity
Mantheana: Mildew ...no, i dont know how i got that, and i don'tintend to explain.
Catherine Wiccham: Mountain Dew! :D Oh no we're back to this again Argh!
Galen Eldridge: Toxic waste :D
Catherine Wiccham: HADOKEN!!!
Galen Eldridge: *spell fizzles out* Drat, can only cast one level 9 spell a day
Catherine Wiccham: "Your GP or your HP!"
Galen Eldridge: Sword-Chucks, Yo!
Natasha Brookes: 8-bit Theatre is taking over the WAG. 8O
Catherine Wiccham: YAR! hehe, sorry :oops:
Galen Eldridge: That was evil, Lou. You must be nearly TWICE as evil as you were before. Yar! :oops:
Natasha Brookes: She's channelling her atrociously evil side.
Galen Eldridge: You are magic! You are change! Manifest your will upon the tapestry of creation! END IT NOW! (There. Now, that was an atrociously evil side.)
Catherine Wiccham: Evil Takes Many Forms
Galen Eldridge: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow do!
Catherine Wiccham: Lame Superheroes
Sam Aubrey: Mr. Morden (From the Shadows of Babylon 5)
Sam Aubrey: Ooops, that last one was off of Adam's shadow post. Loulabelle got there too quick.
Catherine Wiccham: Too Slow Chicken Marengo! :D
Galen Eldridge: Teased by the resident psychos :wink:
Jadyn: talking to heather and sid. hehehe...
Sam Aubrey: LOL
Jadyn: internet abbreviations
Tarix Conny: BTW
Jadyn: by the way...
Catherine Wiccham: I will not use abbr. :D
Galen Eldridge: speed demon.... *grumble, grumble* :)
Mantheana: Road Hog!
Sam Aubrey: Boss Hog (Dukes of Hazzard)
Catherine Wiccham: Daisy
Sam Aubrey: Duck
Jadyn: peking
Catherine Wiccham: Pecking
Sam Aubrey: Pecker.
Galen Eldridge: Ghostbusters
Sam Aubrey: Dust Buster
Jadyn: vacuum cleaner salesmen
Sam Aubrey: Death of a Vacuum Cleaner Salesman
Catherine Wiccham: "You men and your... sales"
Galen Eldridge: *in Chico voice* No, we no gotta sales. You need a boat for that and we no gotta boat.
Sam Aubrey: (In Roy Scheider voice) "We're gonna need a bigger boat."
Catherine Wiccham: Titanic
Galen Eldridge: Iceburg
Sam Aubrey: Ice Age
Catherine Wiccham: Big Woolly Mammoth!
Galen Eldridge: It's more faux wolly mammoth hair than we'll ever need
Sam Aubrey: Hunting (You know, Ice Age was such an eye-opener. I always wanted to be Sid Vicious. But I ended up more like Sid the Sloth. At least I think he was a sloth in that movie.)
Parasol: Good Will
Reanna Kossinton: Hunting , but now i'm just repeating sid. I swear though! i didn't see his post before it ended up being the first thing to pop into my head 8O I'm only playing the game :puppydogeyes:
Jadyn: horrid pastime
Galen Eldridge: fly fishing
Jadyn: bored brainless
Parasol: Stupid Ennui
Jadyn: stupid is as stupid does...
Galen Eldridge: Life is like a box of chocholates.....
Jadyn: bertie bott's every flavoured beans!
Galen Eldridge: "It's settled. We grab the sorcerrer's nuts tonight."
Jadyn: merlin (okok, so he was a magician and not a sorceror... bite me! :P)
Galen Eldridge: The sword in the stone
Sam Aubrey: Bite April :twisted:
Jadyn: ok... which one do i respond to now? adam - gryffindor's sword siddy - OW! :P
Sam Aubrey: Ow rhymes with COW
Galen Eldridge: connections only a professional drunk can make
Jadyn: cow has almost the same spelling as bow but a very different pronounciation. :roll:
Galen Eldridge: Ha! Too slow, April! Too Slow!
Jadyn: what did the tomato say to the chilli? u go on ahead... i'll ketchup. :roll:
Galen Eldridge: That was almost as bad as some of my jokes.
Jadyn: i actually thought that stank... ur jokes aren't that bad?!
Galen Eldridge: Judge for yourself.... Groucho: *draws circle on globe* Now, uh, this here is Columbus.... Chico: Nah, that's Columbus Circle. Groucho: I have half a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Jadyn: ok, u win. *slams head on keyboard*
Galen Eldridge: *sings* Hooray for Captain Spaulding, the African explorer, did someone call me schnoerer? Hooray, hooray, hooray! :D
Tarix Conny: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Catherine Wiccham: Shiny Happy People
Galen Eldridge: Harold Loomis
Jadyn: gloooooooomy...
Reanna Kossinton: MOOOOOOOOOOO
Stalker: n light and stars above that shine so bright
Catherine Wiccham: "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it sight. For I never saw true beauty till this night"
Galen Eldridge: Three guesses what my first thought is ;)
Jadyn: guessing games
Galen Eldridge: "What are you doing?" "Guessing. I'm guessing nobody's comming."
Catherine Wiccham: Estimation
Galen Eldridge: "Does Moya know where we are?" "Of course. We're... someplace else. I'll get back to you on the specifics."
Jadyn: lost
Sam Aubrey: Life
Catherine Wiccham: Life's not a song. Life isn't Bliss, Life is just this, it's liiiiving..."
Jadyn: where do we gooooo... froooooom herrrrrrre...
Galen Eldridge: Pfffft. Bugger this. (said in best Spike imitation)
Catherine Wiccham: Go back to the Big Group Sing, get your Cum-By YaYa's out
Galen Eldridge: I broke my microphone
Sam Aubrey: Back to the Future (I am reminded of that scene when M.J. Fox turned up the speaker so loud that when he strummed his guitar the sound blasted him on his ass)
Galen Eldridge: Interesting cars
Catherine Wiccham: The Batmobile
Galen Eldridge: CATWOMAN! :D
Catherine Wiccham: Skin-Tight Vinyl & A Whip ;)
Galen Eldridge: fantasy . . . just drop the whip :wink:
Catherine Wiccham: "I feel so much more... yummier"
Jadyn: strawberry shortcake
Tarix Conny: cheese cake
Galen Eldridge: Nummy!
Tarix Conny: numb, numb with fear, fear of REJECTION!!!!!! DAMN ALL UNI'S DAMN THEM TO HELL!!!!!! :cry:
Catherine Wiccham: Scared, scared of Saadia and backs away slowly
Galen Eldridge: Psychotic Laughter
Reanna Kossinton: Hourly Routine:twisted:
Sam Aubrey: Lifetime Curse
Jadyn: kate and lucien :(
Tarix Conny: Who?
Catherine Wiccham: Ahh, now we know who hasn't read season 1! You YOU Saadia!!! :D
Galen Eldridge: Taunting
Catherine Wiccham: Nya na na nya nya na! (what do you mean 'Louisa stop drinking, Louisa you've had enough? You've not had enough until you wake up and have to peel your face from the carpet!)
Galen Eldridge: Glaring evilly (Grrrr... how dare you drink in front of me when I'm out of vodka!)
Catherine Wiccham: Teasing
Galen Eldridge: Sign of Affection
Jadyn: hugs and kisses
Galen Eldridge: *sigh*
Jadyn: lovelorn
Sam Aubrey: Lothlorien
Galen Eldridge: Tolkein
Sam Aubrey: Subway Token
Galen Eldridge: Metro Pass
Catherine Wiccham: Mode of Transportation
Galen Eldridge: Walking :)
Sam Aubrey: Talking
Catherine Wiccham: You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?
Galen Eldridge: Money talks and bullshit walks
Jadyn: holy cow!
Reanna Kossinton: Swiss Cheese
Galen Eldridge: *fires machine gun* budda-budda-budda-budda
Jadyn: mass killing
Galen Eldridge: Valentine's Day
Jadyn: flowers and candy
Galen Eldridge: *sings* Speak Softly Love
Jadyn: "strumming my pain with his fingers... singing my life with his words... killing me softly with his songs... killing me softly..."
Galen Eldridge: not Al Martino
Jadyn: nope... more like roberta flack... or the fugees, if u want something more recent. :P
Galen Eldridge: More recent? How about Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, or the Andrews Sisters?
Jadyn: that's recent? *blinks* ok... tony bennet always brings to mind one thing... my best friend's wedding
Galen Eldridge: cake
Jadyn: fattening
Galen Eldridge: but delicious!
Jadyn: especially if it was made by jade :P
Galen Eldridge: nothing compared to Kate's ;)
Jadyn: biiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaased! :roll:
Galen Eldridge: Your point is? :)
Jadyn: didn't know kate cooked. anyway, my point is - you're biiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaased! :P
Galen Eldridge: Mr Body was killed... in the kitchen... with the knife...
Jadyn: no, it was in the conservatory, with the candlestick. oh, and for some reason i can't explain, i hate professor plum...
Galen Eldridge: Womanizer
Jadyn: J E R K !
Galen Eldridge: Department of Rendundancy Department
Jadyn: since a carrot is orange, is an orange carrot? (i read this off a snapple bottle and it irked me to death...)
Galen Eldridge: Questions like: if they are our brothers, why can't we eat them?
Catherine Wiccham: (totally off topic I know but... :x-mas: :x-mas: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! :x-mas: :x-mas:
Galen Eldridge: hehehe Holiday wishes :) And Happy Saturnalia! :D
Jadyn: happy boxing day everyone!!! :)
Galen Eldridge: Why do we call it that?
Jessica Travers: 'Cause people sent charity boxes around on boxing day in ye olde times...or something like that....
Catherine Wiccham: That's What It's All About!
Reanna Kossinton: Wooaaaah, the Hokey Pokey...
Tarix Conny: square dance
Galen Eldridge: Southern things
Jessica Travers: Chicken Hope u guys had a great christmas by the way. :)
Galen Eldridge: Ba-ba-ba ba-gaw!
Jadyn: weird sounds
Galen Eldridge: zan do zan do zan do zan :) (on an unrelated sidenote, why didn't anyone tell me pina coladas were good?)
Catherine Wiccham: Nanoo Nanoo
Reanna Kossinton: We are the nights who say 'Ni'!
Galen Eldridge: You must bring us... a SHUBBERY!
Mantheana: Shrubbery darling. A place of Shrubs. Shrubs being small plants. Strange. I always thought they sounded like small goblins that belonged in the world of Middle earth. Thats why they imployed Sam Gamgee to keep their populatoion down.
Jadyn: the two towers... i just re-watched "the fellowship of the ring"... so i should be watching "the two towers" tomorrow... yay! finally!
Galen Eldridge: Protest movements which are hopefully a joke
Jadyn: rebellion
Galen Eldridge: against the Empire!
Jadyn: the empire strikes back
Galen Eldridge: Blowing up 3P0 (finally!)
Jadyn: what's a 3po?
Catherine Wiccham: Clunky Shiny Robot
Galen Eldridge: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
Catherine Wiccham: Lost IN Space!!!
Reanna Kossinton: Stuff In My Bedroom
Galen Eldridge: heeere, lizard, lizard, lizard
Jadyn: u have a lizard in ur bedroom?!?!?!
Catherine Wiccham: Pepe and who else is guessing Adam likes his coke with vodka right now? ;)
Galen Eldridge: Crickets! and you were very right about the coke thing, just ask Amanda or me to tell you the story ;)
Catherine Wiccham: By Jimmeny!
Galen Eldridge: Feed him to the hungry lizard too :)
Catherine Wiccham: Carnage
Galen Eldridge: We must run like it's Gozilla! Though it's not. :)
Jadyn: overgrown komodo dragon :roll:
Mantheana: Honey, I blew up the already big-and-scary lizard!
Jadyn: fatal mistake
Galen Eldridge: Who's general failure, and what is he doing on my computer?
Jadyn: failure is the mother of success...
Galen Eldridge: necessity is the mother of invention
Jadyn: really? i always thought the mother (or father!) of an invention was it's inventor. :P
Galen Eldridge: sarky bugger
Jadyn: seeabugsquashit *grin* hmmmwouldntitbereallyannoyingifweallstartedtypingwithoutspacesandpunctuation
Galen Eldridge: The way a latin manuscript appears :)
Jadyn: iamgoingtogoblindifthiscontinues
[b]Galen Eldridge: Must not take advantage of possible naughty remark.... pg-13, pg13, pg13....
Jadyn: parental guidance is advised
Galen Eldridge: Which is not smart when *I* happen to be the adult supervision in the family :)
Jadyn: bad influence... ;)
Galen Eldridge: Heather
Jadyn: M I A :(
Galen Eldridge: Milk Carton
Catherine Wiccham: Moo Juice
Jadyn: milk moustache
Catherine Wiccham: Me As A Child :D yes I was a little milk guzzler hehehe
Galen Eldridge: Actually Sane Yes, I was for a very short while.
Catherine Wiccham: Eating Butter you might have been sane, but still, very strange Adam :D
Galen Eldridge: Poor. Little money. You know the story.
Catherine Wiccham: It's a Story about a man named Brady! Yeah Adam, poor, little money, child has to eat butter to live. It's so common it's almost tragic. :D
Galen Eldridge: Great! Now the theme song is stuck in MY head too!
Catherine Wiccham: Here I am Stuck in the Middle with You
Jadyn: la la la la la la, la la la la la... la la la la la la, la la la la la... hate that smurf song. *mutters*
Galen Eldridge: Papa Smurf = Karl Marx :D
Catherine Wiccham: It's all about the Economic Base - it directly influences the Superstructure it does!!
Galen Eldridge: Bah! Incoherent approach to the organisation of society. :)
Catherine Wiccham: Chaos
Galen Eldridge: HAIL ERIS! :D
Catherine Wiccham: Goddess
Galen Eldridge: Confusion
Catherine Wiccham: Like me trying to figure out Adam's quiz question :P
Galen Eldridge: Grandpa Simpson says, "Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch." :P
Catherine Wiccham: Crazy Old Lunatic And Grampa Simpson's not much better ;)
Galen Eldridge: I am not old! :wink:
Tarix Conny: old is gold, and for those old saying this statement, i guess that's rather bold......ok ok, lame and corny, i know :oops:
Catherine Wiccham: Silence is Golden
Galen Eldridge: The Movies
Jadyn: the silver screen
Galen Eldridge: the silver surfer
Catherine Wiccham: Marvel
Galen Eldridge: Comics
Catherine Wiccham: Stand Up
Jadyn: sit down
Galen Eldridge: The Sacred Chao
Catherine Wiccham: The Sarced Cow
Galen Eldridge: Hamburgers to Save Your Soul!
Catherine Wiccham: Wimpy
Mantheana: Even worse than MacHell
Galen Eldridge: universal doubt
Jadyn: universal studios
Catherine Wiccham: Florida!
Galen Eldridge: Huricanes
Jadyn: twister
Galen Eldridge: worm guys
Jadyn: worms armagaeddon... DIE!
Catherine Wiccham: Kill all the bugs!!
Jadyn: joe's apartment
Galen Eldridge: "If you see something this big with 8 legs coming your way, let me know. I have to kill it before it develops language skills."
Catherine Wiccham: *Shudder*
Jadyn: shouldawouldcoulda
Sam Aubrey: "Abbacadabra--you're a baseball bat!"
Jadyn: vampire bat
Catherine Wiccham: Rocky & Bullwinkle
Galen Eldridge: Boris and Natasha
Tarix Conny: "Zey call mee Bo-riss za Beest"quoted from the beautician and the beast
Victor: "Virst ve get moose und svirell"
Catherine Wiccham: Phoney Accents
Tarix Conny: Mike Myers playing the Fat....ummm...you-know.... :oops:
Jadyn: bastard! *grins*
Galen Eldridge: insult
Sam Aubrey: basalt
Jadyn: no salt. :P
Sam Aubrey: yes pepper
Jadyn: sugar and spice... and everything nice... oh... and hi siddy! :P
Sam Aubrey: Hi, April, you gorgeous thing. My word: Pitter Patter.
Jadyn: raindrops keep falling on my head... speaking of pitter patter, it's pouring in singapore now so we've got some lovely cool weather. perfect for sleeping. i'm heading to bed... so... night siddy! heh... :)
Natasha Brookes: Neil Diamond
Galen Eldridge: Diamond Nails
Catherine Wiccham: Nine Inch Nails
Galen Eldridge: Freddy Krueger's Glove
Catherine Wiccham: NightmaresI was SO traumatised by that film as a child :? *Goes to hide behind sofa*
Galen Eldridge: Comforting the woman hidding behind the sofa :)
Jadyn: couch potato
Reanna Kossinton: Really cheesy morning show
Jadyn: gooooooood morning vietnam!
Galen Eldridge: Adrian Cronaur
Catherine Wiccham: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole
Galen Eldridge: *tries to resist* Moley, Moley, Moley, Moley, Moley!
Catherine Wiccham: Cindy Crawford
Jadyn: richard gere
Catherine Wiccham: Pretty Woman
Jadyn: walking down the street...
Galen Eldridge: Feet, don't fail me now!
Catherine Wiccham: Look at Me I'm Dancing Crazy! :D
Galen Eldridge: Crazy, Crazy for feeling so lonely.... :D
Catherine Wiccham: "We already have our Patsy"
Galen Eldridge: "....set up to take the fall."
Catherine Wiccham: Fall Guy or a guy to fall for hehehe
Galen Eldridge: MSN is going to be the fall guy if it doesn't work for once :)
Natasha Brookes: We loves it and we hates it, yes we do, my precioussssss.
Galen Eldridge: Catullus
Jadyn: catalyst
Sorrow: Platinum
Jadyn: good god, the avatar! *grins*
Galen Eldridge: Lou's is better ;)
Tarix Conny: Iz be-tor, much be-tor.....
Mantheana: The Amanda Show oh dear I shoudln't know these things...
Tarix Conny: Double u, double u, double u, dot AMANDA pleeeeeezze dot com....
Galen Eldridge: URLs in longhand? :?
Jadyn: pain in the neck and adam - good god, the avatar! ;) what's with all our male characters going half naked all of a sudden? c'mon sam / victor / stalker! *grins evilly*
Galen Eldridge: Dracula
Natasha Brookes: Fanged death that comes in the night.
Tarix Conny: i would love to have you for dinner.....mwhahahahahah
Jadyn: hugh jackman i would love to have him for dinner. and lunch. and brekkie. and dessert. and in-between-meal-snacks. *grins* ;)
Natasha Brookes: Droooooooooooolllllllll *wipes slobber off face with back of hand*
Jadyn: ick
Natasha Brookes: Ooey Gooey was a worm
Stalker: good dirt
Catherine Wiccham: Pay Dirt
Tarix Conny: "Another one bites the dust......."
Mantheana: Lanches into song: Oh... I like dirt! I like dirt! I like dirt! actually aimed a lou's post. darn it Saadia, ur not on msn!
Galen Eldridge: Mud Pies
Tarix Conny: "A little or a lot of dirt never hurt anybody, unless ofcourse you are buried under one......" My msn is stuck, freezes everytime i try to chat, this makes some of my relatives think i am bailing out on them....*shudder*....so i try to use msn to the minimum.....
Mantheana: 6 Underground
Galen Eldridge: Buried alive
Jadyn: one of my greatest fears
Galen Eldridge: Being taken seriously :)
Jadyn: how can you expect to be taken seriously?
Tarix Conny: Laughter is the best medicine...
Natasha Brookes: A spoonful of sugar.
Tarix Conny: Mary Popins
Jadyn: supercalifragalisticexpealidocious
Anonymous: My Kingdom for a Dictionary
Tarix Conny: too many words
Galen Eldridge: A one-hundred forty-five word sentence
Catherine Wiccham: Deep Breath
Galen Eldridge: Deep Throat
Catherine Wiccham: *CHOKES* There are way too many dirty things to say to that! 8O What's worse is that I know 'em ;)
Galen Eldridge: Damn Bloody Ocean ;)
Catherine Wiccham: Presumptuous :P:P:P hehehe
Galen Eldridge: Dreaming of course I'm presumptuous, I'm a Leo. It's in the rules. :)
Jadyn: fellow fire sign! i'm an aries... *grin*
Victor: Firesign Theatre
Galen Eldridge: Punny
Catherine Wiccham: Adam and Dave :D our two resident pun-miseters ;)
Tarix Conny: Adam and Eve ok, i didn't actually come up with this, butbut a person behind me just yelled it out so i added it.....
Mantheana: Incest!...well i'm sorry but if the whole world was begat by them two, it had to happen sometime...
Catherine Wiccham: Insect
Galen Eldridge: Squish, squash! :D
Jadyn: bish bash *grins @ lou*
Tarix Conny: *whim wham*
Catherine Wiccham: "The Tropicana drinks are freeeee"
Reanna Kossinton: Bam Bam
Galen Eldridge: and Pebbles
Catherine Wiccham: Rocks in you Head
Galen Eldridge: Box of rocks
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Natasha Brookes:Sandbox
Catherine Wiccham:Kitty Litter
Galen Eldridge:More annoying comercials
Jadyn:trash television
Catherine Wiccham:Big Brother
Victor:Our Man Greg
Galen Eldridge:Bonkers
Natasha Brookes:Anyone who plays LABN
Jadyn:my name is april... and i'm an labn addict.
Catherine Wiccham:First Step
Reanna Kossinton:...to insanity:twisted:
Jadyn:... and beyond! :twisted:
Galen Eldridge:Psychosis, isn't it grand? :)
Mantheana:Piano! ... coz thats what we used to kill that demon that time... oh wait no, that was a rocket launcher :mrgreen:
Jadyn:elton john :roll:
Galen Eldridge:Can you feel the love tonight?
Catherine Wiccham:The Lion King
Galen Eldridge:Hakuna Matatta
Catherine Wiccham:"It's our trouble free philosophy!" :D
(oh dear, going to be singing that ALL night now!)
Jadyn:*hic* booze all ur troubles awaaaaaaaay...
Jadyn:*hic* hey... check it out, i can still type when i'm drunk... without typos too. goodie gumdrops. *grin*
Jadyn:hello lou, saadia, adam and sherlynn! *hic*
Galen Eldridge:Ramble on :?
Jadyn:i believe this is called BABBLING, not rambling. *beams*
Galen Eldridge:semantic nonsense
Tarix Conny:No sense is nonsense, only sensible sense is non-nonsense and that which isn't is thus nonsense.... i just had a mock, thats why the jibberish
Reanna Kossinton:...err...Confusedness....although that could just be the Wolf Blass :mrgreen:
Natasha Brookes:Welcome to my brain.
Reanna Kossinton:mmm...d'be nice to own one someday
Tarix Conny:A Porche
Stalker:"Maybe soon I'll go somewhere and sit on a rocking chair on the back porch and grow old."
Catherine Wiccham:Stalker in Season One... oh wait, this isn't the LABN quote game! :D
Galen Eldridge:Confusion :D
Tarix Conny:Profusion or Constitution?
Victor:(This or that is the other forum)
Double Whammy
Catherine Wiccham:Wham Bam!
Daye:Thank you, Ma'am. :wink:
Tarix Conny: being polite...i really couldn't think of anything else....
Galen Eldridge:We're going to have to offend somebody :)
Natasha Brookes:Go the whole hog and offend everyone. :D
Catherine Wiccham:Hog Wild
Victor:Pass the Pigs
Reanna Kossinton:I Love That Game :mrgreen:
Tarix Conny:Piggy in the middle
Jadyn:had roast beef...
Tarix Conny:YUMMY!!!!!
Natasha Brookes:Yummy, yummy, in my tummy!
Jadyn:cheesy lyrics
Galen Eldridge:I'll send him chessy movies, the worst I can find, la la la....
Catherine Wiccham:Knight to Queen Four (is that even a legal move? hehehe)
Tarix Conny:The Charming Knight in White......
Catherine Wiccham:First Knight
Galen Eldridge:Sean Connery
Catherine Wiccham:"Hullo Mish Moneypenny"
Stalker:words spelt incorrectly to imitate an accent
Catherine Wiccham:Stating the Obvious
Stalker:I typed this
Galen Eldridge:Affirmation
Mantheana:Savage Garden
Catherine Wiccham:Need a Lawnmower Man :D
Natasha Brookes:Cheesy special effects and no plot.
Catherine Wiccham:Lawnmower Man 2
Galen Eldridge:Sequels cheesier than the original movie
Natasha Brookes:MIB2 8O :roll:
Galen Eldridge:More Frank the Pug :D
Jadyn:all dogs go to heaven
Galen Eldridge:Charlie
Catherine Wiccham:Brown
Mantheana:Why is everybody always picking on me?
Jadyn:pick up sticks
Galen Eldridge:pixie sticks
Jadyn:fairy lights
{clap, Clap}
Catherine Wiccham:Peter Pan
Galen Eldridge:PIRATES! yar!
Victor:NO! Stop it No! Not That! Its too Horrible to contemplate! NOOOOOoooooo!
Natasha Brookes:BOATDOKEN!!!!!!!!!!
Galen Eldridge:Deploy the Rocket Boat!
Natasha Brookes:Ready the Giant Cannon. :)
Galen Eldridge:Giants
Galen Eldridge:Frigid
Jadyn:not me! *grin*
Galen Eldridge:Hmm, I'll bet ;)
Galen Eldridge:Bet
Jadyn:repetition :P
Natasha Brookes:whiskey
Galen Eldridge:jitterbug
Jadyn:line dancing
Galen Eldridge:country music
Natasha Brookes:Yee-hah!
Jadyn:kenny rogers
Natasha Brookes:Dolly Parton
Galen Eldridge:Songs about liking your women a little on the trashy side
Jadyn:islands in the stream
Galen Eldridge:ANARCHY! ANARCHY!
Natasha Brookes:Chaos
Victor:Restoration of Order
Natasha Brookes:Move along! Nothing to see here!
Catherine Wiccham:Officer Dibble
Natasha Brookes:Top cat!! Oh, I loved that show... :)
Tarix Conny:The Cat in the Hat
Natasha Brookes:Shroedinger's cat
Galen Eldridge:The Universe Next Door
Jadyn:masters of the universe
Galen Eldridge:Skeltor
Jadyn:think he was called skelEtor. hehehe...
skull head
Catherine Wiccham:Poor Yorik
Galen Eldridge:Charlie Chaplain before anyone asks, this comes from a Shakespeare parody, in which Yorrik is described as Charlie Chaplain would be
Victor:Silent Movies
Tarix Conny:Mimes
Reanna Kossinton:kill, KILL!!!
Stalker:the little voice in my head
Tarix Conny:"Oh look at all the pretty cooo-looorsss!!!!!!"
Mantheana:SMall child looking at the wall they just crayoned all over
Daye:me screaming time out at the top of my lungs
Victor:Primal Scream Therapy
Catherine Wiccham:Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum
Galen Eldridge:Stealin wheat and barely and all the other grains
Catherine Wiccham:Thief
Galen Eldridge:Stolen goods
Natasha Brookes:Stolen heart
Catherine Wiccham:Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow
Tarix Conny:"But break it as fast as you can"
Natasha Brookes:Tell me, how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
Galen Eldridge:Cold, Cold Heart
Catherine Wiccham:Emotional Climate
Galen Eldridge:Romantic
Jadyn:candlelight dinner
Tarix Conny:lots of smoochies.....
Natasha Brookes:Never come up for air...
Galen Eldridge:Certain couples ;)
Mantheana:*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Galen Eldridge:Say no more!
Catherine Wiccham:Quiet
Natasha Brookes:Mum yelling :) This WAG response was brought to you courtesy of my niece...
Catherine Wiccham:Nag Nag Nag
Galen Eldridge:Marriage :)
Catherine Wiccham:Divorce :P
Galen Eldridge:Split!
Tarix Conny:banana split!!!
Jadyn:ice cream :D
Galen Eldridge:Bad thoughts on a cold morning
Jadyn:"just another 5 minutes..."
which is what i said every winter morning when i had to wake up early to get to class... hehehe... :oops:
Galen Eldridge:"Oh crap, I'm late!" (when 5 minutes becomes half an hour)
Catherine Wiccham:For A Most Important Date
Galen Eldridge:Mad Hatter
Catherine Wiccham:Tea Party
Jadyn:i'm a little teapot, short and stout...
Galen Eldridge:Twinings :D
Catherine Wiccham:Twin Set
Galen Eldridge:Annoying children
Catherine Wiccham:Those annoying toy dolls that have huge inflatable lips and names like Britney and Tiffany and Sasha
Stalker:Man!!! hehe I aam soo smashned
Galen Eldridge:Brewery
Catherine Wiccham:Brouhaha
Daye:Vampire the Masquerade
Jadyn:the phantom of the opera
Tarix Conny:The tall masked scary guy
Galen Eldridge:Dan Fielding! hehe, any Night Court fans out there who remember the Phantom of the Court House?
Catherine Wiccham::?
Galen Eldridge:smilies
Catherine Wiccham:Happiness
Jadyn:top of the world
Galen Eldridge:King of the Hill
Catherine Wiccham:Hank
Catherine Wiccham:Girl
Galen Eldridge:Cheesy Cartoons
Jadyn:waka waka!
Galen Eldridge:Fozzy Bear
Galen Eldridge:bunny
Galen Eldridge:Ruthless buisnesswoman
Jadyn:*thinks about her neoshop*
Galen Eldridge:Pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.
Jadyn:graphic content
Galen Eldridge:viewer discresion is advised
Jadyn:mature audiences only
Galen Eldridge:censored
Galen Eldridge:golf
Tarix Conny:tally hoooooooooooooooooo
Catherine Wiccham:Toodle Pipski
Jadyn:oodles of noodles
Galen Eldridge:Ramen, King of Noodles
Catherine Wiccham:Raiden God of Thunder
Daye:Christopher Lambert
Natasha Brookes:There can be only one!
And I have to point out the extreme joy I felt when I first saw that movie and realised they'd used correct grammar, unlike Star Trek's appalling split infinitive... :(
Tarix Conny:"I don't think so" *lightning coming out of the index finger*
Galen Eldridge:angry god
Natasha Brookes:Glory
Can you tell I've just finished watching Season 5 again? :)
Jadyn:glory glory man uniiiiiiited...
i hate soccer but my bro's a big fan. :?
Galen Eldridge:Her apple corps is strong! :D
Mantheana:Grand (and Gory) Old Discordja!!
Galen Eldridge:LICK HERE!
(You may be one of the lucky 25)
Catherine Wiccham:Tongue Tied
Natasha Brookes:Dream sequence dance routine
Tarix Conny:Da da da daaaaaa DUM DUM, DUM DUM, da da da daaa daaaaaaa........
Galen Eldridge:music-as-text
Mantheana:Hard to Interpret
Jessica Travers:Boojan (The language of the Booj. The random grunts often have several meanings....although you get used to interpreting it after a while)
Daye:original thought
Jadyn:sadly lacking...
Catherine Wiccham:Dissapointment
Galen Eldridge:unfulfilled expectation
Catherine Wiccham:Anti-Climatic
Jadyn:lowest of the low
Daye:outrageous child killers in Mesquite...(not sure if anyone has heard this story anywhere else)
Natasha Brookes:Mr Stinky
Only Amanda will get this one - and maybe not even her, since it was a few years ago now...
Tarix Conny:"Ace Ventura, pet detective....How are you this afternoon, alrighty then......."
Daye:Gross out comedy
Catherine Wiccham:Scary Movie
Jadyn:horror shows... eeeeep...
Galen Eldridge:The Cryptkeeper
Tarix Conny:The Undertaker[/b]
Jadyn:world wrestling
Jessica Travers:Lame acting...
Daye:Baywatch (Good Gawd! How did this show become popular? I was desparate for something to watch the other day and this was on TNN, so I stopped. Big mistake. This show is just crap!)
(Enormous Fucking Ta-Tas)
This is a code we use around the office to indicate the presence of huge breasts without being totally juvenile and pointing and snickering. And being in a tech office we can usually pass it off as tech-jargon.
On the subject of Baywatch...men buy things that advertisers sell like beer and pizza and cars. Lots of men like EFTT and so therefore a show featuring EFTT will attract men to whom advertisers can sell things. Its wasn't really popular so much as it was the closest thing to porn you could put on network television.
Oddly enough, it was the show's male lead David Hasselhoff who really tried to lift the purpose of the show above creating situations to get the female leads wet and running down the beach in slow motion. He deserves credit for having ideals if not the effectiveness to do the job.
Natasha Brookes:Dolly Parton
Tarix Conny:Dolly the Clone
Tarix Conny:Old Age
Daye:Anathema to my Attitude
Tarix Conny:Anna's Theme?
Galen Eldridge:Babylon 5
Natasha Brookes:Poor Zion 3 - all dead :(
Jadyn:two thumbs up l.a by night... all alive! :P
Galen Eldridge:Short Circuit
Jadyn:power failure
Galen Eldridge:system failure
Jadyn:mental breakdown
Galen Eldridge:normal day in my life ;)
Jadyn:work, work and MORE WORK... :?
Galen Eldridge:monolgues
Jadyn:imaginary friend
Galen Eldridge:DROP DEAD FRED! :D
Jadyn:drop dead gorgeous!
Galen Eldridge:pretty hot and tempting
Jadyn:mexican food. :P
Galen Eldridge:Salsa
Jadyn:very sexy dancing
Galen Eldridge:erotic
erotic... erotic... put ur hands all over my body...
Galen Eldridge:material girl
Jadyn:opportunistic bitch
Galen Eldridge:gold digger
okok, they don't really dig for gold. but that was the first thing i could think of... errr... did i even spell it right?! :oops:
Galen Eldridge:Indianna Jones
Jadyn:the temple of doom
Galen Eldridge:Spaceballs!
Galen Eldridge:"This time when you fire me, I want to go out in style!"
Jadyn:dead man walking
Galen Eldridge:execution
Jadyn::twisted: old sparky :twisted:
Galen Eldridge:Texas
Galen Eldridge:Dallas
Tarix Conny:A buck
Natasha Brookes:Rodeo
Galen Eldridge:Laughing
Galen Eldridge:asthma
Jessica Travers:"Sucks to your ass-mar!" Oh god...this English essay is getting to me.... :?
Galen Eldridge:Annoyance at work
Stalker:you spend the first 18 years of your life studying for it
then you start and spend the next 50 years doing it
by that time your to old you cant do anything but sit there and wait for death
either that or you die before then
oops I'm only s'posed to write one or two words hey
well I guess those words would be "LIFE SUCKS"
Jadyn:sunny outlook on life
Galen Eldridge:Always look on the bright side of life!
Jadyn:nike - just do it!
Tarix Conny:The tick thing....
Galen Eldridge:Cuddeling
Jadyn:teddy bears
Tarix Conny:Bear factory
Daye:Birthday Party
Jadyn:bozo the clown
Galen Eldridge:shrieking in german
Galen Eldridge:evil
Galen Eldridge:BANANA BREAD! :D
Daye:home cooked goodness
Tarix Conny:Yummy to the tummy
Galen Eldridge:Cookies
Jessica Travers:Monster
Daye:The Boogeyman
Galen Eldridge:hiding in the closet
Jadyn:coming out of the closet
Natasha Brookes:Skeletons in the closet.
Stalker:Everyone has them
Galen Eldridge:synchronicities
Jadyn:unpronouncable words
Mantheana:multiple schlerosis
Natasha Brookes:Multiple personality disorder
Catherine Wiccham:Voices in your Head
Galen Eldridge:Narcissus
Tarix Conny:Pusssss
Catherine Wiccham:Panto
Stalker:hard to do well
Tarix Conny:Sing....me
Stalker:Doh ray me far so la tea doh
Galen Eldridge:"Do"
Stalker:Where 'as 'e gone
Jadyn:a e i o u
Galen Eldridge:vowels
Jadyn:wheel of fortune
Galen Eldridge:Oh Fortuna
Jadyn:fortune 500
Galen Eldridge:Forbes
Tarix Conny:Foreeeeee
Stalker:no not 4, there is 6
Tarix Conny:6 bottles on the wall, one fell down and....well you know how it goes......
Tarix Conny:M.A.S.H*sigh* i miss that show....
Stalker:Me Am Sad Hmf
Mantheana:Bad Inglish
Jadyn:when i see you smile
Tarix Conny:"Good morning beautiful...how was your niiiggghhttt, mine was good, with you by my sideee, baby........."
Daye:Steve Holly ( i think)
Victor:Buddy Holly
Galen Eldridge:Reid
Tarix Conny:Raid
Jessica Travers:Shelter
Victor:Helter Skelter
Catherine Wiccham:Carpet Burns (bad Helter Skelter experience) :?
Tarix Conny:Static
Jadyn:bad phone connection
Tarix Conny:*Ring**Ring* the number you have dialed is not in service, pls do not try again.....
Natasha Brookes:ABBA
Jadyn:dancing queen
Tarix Conny:queen bee
Jadyn:big bugs. ick.
Galen Eldridge:Madagascar hissing cockroaches
Tarix Conny:A Bug's Life
Jadyn:walt disney
Galen Eldridge:Singing Animals
Tarix Conny:Oinkers, the singing pig (sorry, The Pig game's gone to my head....)
Catherine Wiccham:Babe
Galen Eldridge:Hot chick hmmmm.... guess where my mind is going.... :)
Tarix Conny:Hot Chicken
Jadyn:colonel sanders
Galen Eldridge:Prepare ship for ludicrous speed!
Galen Eldridge:Nightboat
Tarix Conny:Iceberg
Victor:Let Us Pray
Jessica Travers:School (I went to a primary school where Christianity was forced upon you :evil:)
Galen Eldridge:Exhaustion
Daye:I'm spent
Natasha Brookes:Snuggle time
Galen Eldridge:Snuggleupacus
Jadyn:sesame street
Natasha Brookes:Oscar the Grouch
Stalker:leave me alone
Catherine Wiccham:Solitary
Galen Eldridge:Witch
Tarix Conny:Sabreena
Galen Eldridge:Geeez, try to take over the world once and you have to be a cat for 100 years.
Galen Eldridge:Yes, mistress. ;)
Daye:Chips, Dips, Chains, Whips... :wink:
Catherine Wiccham:Just your average Tupperware Party at Kris's house :D
Tarix Conny:Tupper where?
Stalker:Over there! :arrow:
Tarix Conny:"Duhhh, Which way did he go, which way did he go.....?"
Tarix Conny:*in a james bond voice* Fudd, Elmer Fudd, I'm looking for the rabbit and you are?
Galen Eldridge:Odd crossovers
Jessica Travers:Monsters Inc meets Buffy I've read a fic like this before...it was very strange
Tarix Conny:Casper
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Natasha Brookes: haunted by the past
Stalker: the present and future
Tarix Conny: Back to the future
Catherine Wiccham: Michael J Fox
Galen Eldridge: Spin City
Jadyn: heather locklear
Tarix Conny: Lochness monster
Jadyn: fictional
Galen Eldridge: degree :D
Natasha Brookes: burns
Jadyn: fire
Galen Eldridge: torpedos!
Jadyn: battleships
Tarix Conny: Bush
Jadyn: american president
Reanna Kossinton: err...no comment
Galen Eldridge: "Do you plan on slapping any soldiers while you're over there, General?"
Tarix Conny: Colon Powell
Galen Eldridge: Horoscope from The Onion: "Another bad day at the office as you are continually upstaged by your more eloquent, more intelligent, black secretary of state."
Tarix Conny: Dumbstruck
Victor: Moonstruck
Galen Eldridge: lovers
Mantheana: Romeo & Juliet
Catherine Wiccham: Family Rivalry
Tarix Conny: "We are family...ta da daaaa......"
Galen Eldridge: Only the Mafia can do the one thing to benefit all civilization...
*eskimo kills barney*
Victor: "Queen to Queen's level three"
Jadyn: i have no idea what you all are talking about... :?
Tarix Conny: confusion
Galen Eldridge: Comics
Jessica Travers: Charmed
Mantheana: Cult TV
Tarix Conny: Books bad, TV gud.....
Daye: Illiterate Swine... :P
Victor: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it only annoys the pig"
April: That quote ('Queen to queen's level three') is from Star Trek. Mr. Spock used it as password in "Whom Gods Destroy". Adam's quote ('Eskimo kills barney') made me think of a chess move, and hence the association.
Daye: Voice lessons
Galen Eldridge: Acting
Catherine Wiccham: Luvvies
Galen Eldridge: Cuddlies!
Jadyn: teddy bears
Victor: "Human Behavior"
If you've ever seen the video for this song by Bjork, then you'd understand...
Daye: Behavioral Conditioning
Jadyn: genetic engineering
Galen Eldridge: free will
Catherine Wiccham: Frankenstien Food
Oops that was in reply to April's entry...
Galen Eldridge: :lol:
Catherine Wiccham: My Bad
Tarix Conny: mistake
Mantheana: Natalie Imbruglia ... err... 'Big Mistake' was a song she did. tres cool. that was the link. I thought I oughta explain...
Tarix Conny: Good voice...
Catherine Wiccham: Approval
Galen Eldridge: Go ahead signal
Victor: Green Light
Jadyn: alien abduction
Galen Eldridge: "Why would aliens come billions of miles to play doctor on cows?"
Victor: "That was Carl, he's new"
A South Park reference in case you didn't know.
Catherine Wiccham: Newbies :n00b:
Galen Eldridge: Fresh meat
Tarix Conny: Tasty
Catherine Wiccham: Yummy
Tarix Conny: "Yummy in my tummy, umm um"
Galen Eldridge: Silly jingles
Catherine Wiccham: "Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks, tough kids, sissy kids, even kids with chicken pox..."
Galen Eldridge: Rhyme or Reason
Mantheana: Trial and Treason
Tarix Conny: Jugde
Daye: Dred
Catherine Wiccham: "I knew you were going to say that"
Victor: "I know you are but what am I?"
Galen Eldridge: Childish Rejoinder
Tarix Conny: "Ewwwwwww you got cooties!"
Natasha Brookes: Boy germs!!
Reanna Kossinton: GERM LOCK!!!
Tarix Conny: "WAA CHOOO, sowwie, I'b gok a colb"
Galen Eldridge: faking an accent (psst... I still want an English one ;))
Tarix Conny: "Vat accent?"
Galen Eldridge: German
Tarix Conny: Hitler
Catherine Wiccham: Fascism
Mantheana: Communist ...Hitler was Austrian! He gave a lot of Germans bad names. Maye this be a lesson. WAR IS BAD!!!!
Tarix Conny: "Your head shall not be higher then mine, when i sit you shall sit, when i kneel you shall kneel, Etc, Etc, Etc....."
Mantheana: Silly Commandments! ...If I went round saying things like that, it would be simpler for you to just hack off your legs below the knees. Parhaps a little more painful though.
Tarix Conny: Jojo the clown
Galen Eldridge: Ich heisse Bozo
Tarix Conny: Our very own Beary
Reanna Kossinton: vegetarian polar bears :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Crazy thin people
Reanna Kossinton: head biter off-ererrs :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Not down there! ;)
Reanna Kossinton: deserved stitches :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Injured During the Game :twisted:
Reanna Kossinton: BLOOD RULE! :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Rule by terror
Reanna Kossinton: my way or the DED way
Galen Eldridge: You put that succinctly, mistre- er, ma'am.
Reanna Kossinton: sorry, i just went to the dentist and still have the cotton balls
Galen Eldridge: Every time they make a Robin Hood movie, they burn our village down!
Reanna Kossinton: lend me your ears!
...thats disGUSting...
Galen Eldridge: So, it's come down to this, has it? Just you and me, mano a mano, man to man.... Just you, and me, and ... my ... GUARDS!
Reanna Kossinton: no. THATS a wild bore! this is a wild pig.
Galen Eldridge: Pierri-Air. Canned on Planet Druidia.
Reanna Kossinton: she's gone from suck to blow!
Galen Eldridge: What's the matter, Colonel Sanders? Chicken?
Reanna Kossinton: what's this?
this is now, now.
what happens now is happening now.
what happened to then?
what, now?
can we go back to it?
we can't.
we just missed it.
just now.
Galen Eldridge: What's this?
What's this?
There's white things in the air....
Reanna Kossinton: fluffy clouds
Galen Eldridge: fluffy bunny
Reanna Kossinton: evilness with a chocolaty death signature :evil:
Tarix Conny: Chocolate...ummmmmmm....*drool*
Victor: Easter Eggs
Galen Eldridge: Forklift
Jadyn: cutlery
Galen Eldridge: knives
Tarix Conny: Its...to die for :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Love *sigh*
Daye: Is a Many Splendored Thing
Tarix Conny: The Thing
Daye: Fantastic Four
Galen Eldridge: The Human Torch
Daye: "Flame On!"
Reanna Kossinton: bucket 'o' water...AH! THERE'S A HOLE IN THE BUCKET... dear liza, dear liza
Tyler_Hyatt: Go fix it, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, Dear Henry...
Galen Eldridge: Advice columns
Jadyn: a waste of time
Galen Eldridge: class
Jadyn: the good ol' days
i miss being a student! :)
Galen Eldridge: "The geekiness is strong in this one."
Jadyn: revenge of the nerds
Galen Eldridge: taunting
Jadyn: cruelty
Tarix Conny: Animals
Jadyn: muppet babies
Galen Eldridge: Wakka wakka wakka
Mantheana: O Wa-ah-ah-ah! .... get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Catherine Wiccham: Kareoke Competition
Tarix Conny: Angel singing Mandy
Natasha Brookes: Against the Geneva Convention
Tarix Conny: UN
Galen Eldridge: Talk shop
Jadyn: chit chat
Galen Eldridge: insanity
Jadyn: conversations on labn
Galen Eldridge: SEX
Jadyn: heather
wahahahaha... i'm sorry, but u guys have to admit that the topic of sex comes up most when heather's around. :P
Galen Eldridge: blunt
Jadyn: sharp
Galen Eldridge: pointy
Jadyn: teeth
Galen Eldridge: power outage
Jadyn: thunderstorm
Galen Eldridge: terrified doggies
Jadyn: scooby dooby dooooooooo...
Galen Eldridge: where are you....
Jadyn: at the moment?
Galen Eldridge: Asian chicks ;)
Jadyn: lucy liu
Galen Eldridge: drawing a blank
Jadyn: shooting blanks
Galen Eldridge: impotent
Jadyn: viagra?
Galen Eldridge: Bob Dole
Tarix Conny: Mr. Mole
Catherine Wiccham: Mooooooolllleeeee
Mantheana: Guakamoli ...sp? Austin Powers makes a bigger impact on your life than you may have previously thought!
Galen Eldridge: Bad jokes
Tarix Conny: A chicken, a cow and and duck went into a bar...no no, make that a chicken, a cow and a crow, no no wait umm.....
Galen Eldridge: Termite walks into a bar, asks, "Is the bar tender here?"
Catherine Wiccham: *Watches Tumbleweed Roll By*
Galen Eldridge: *bows head in shame*
Tarix Conny: Kirtzie
Jadyn: curtsey
Galen Eldridge: bow
Jadyn: arrow
Galen Eldridge: straight
Jadyn: gay
Galen Eldridge: Jade and Tash ;)
Catherine Wiccham: Subtext
Victor: sex........................sex
Tarix Conny: The Sublimmmmmmmmmmeeeee i don't get what dave said :(
Victor: Maybe not, but did it make you horney, Baby? :D
Daye: Shag
Galen Eldridge: -adelic, baby! Yeah!
Catherine Wiccham: Danger is my middle name
Galen Eldridge: It's not mine, baby. Honest! This ain't my bag.
Victor: Papa's got a brand new bag
Catherine Wiccham: Ain't no Drag
Tarix Conny: Rag
Galen Eldridge: Rags to Riches
Jadyn: who wants to be a millionaire
Galen Eldridge: "Is that your final answer?"
"If it's the right one."
Jadyn: smart aleck
Galen Eldridge: Ethel Mertz (don't know where that came from)
Jadyn: "i don't know where i'm going...
only god knows where i've been..."
-- jon bon jovi, "blaze of glory"
Galen Eldridge: Pickett's Charge
Tarix Conny: Captain Picard
Catherine Wiccham: "Make It So"
Jadyn: so mote it be!
Natasha Brookes: The Mote in God's Eye
Damn good book; if you've never read it you should. Niven and Pournelle (need I say more?)
Fate Wilkins: Their Eyes Were Watching God
Written by Zora Neale Hurston, and also a damned good book. Hope y'all don't mind that I just interjected...
Catherine Wiccham: Liberation
Tarix Conny: FREEDOM!!!.....ps...no bob we don't mind...that's whats this thread is about...
Catherine Wiccham: Fighter
Galen Eldridge: WOO HOO! I'm dancin' on Fighter's grave!
Catherine Wiccham: Dancing in the Moonlight
Galen Eldridge: *sings* Walking... after midnight.....
Catherine Wiccham: These Boots Were Made for Walking
Jadyn: puss in boots
Tarix Conny: Meow...purrrrrrrrrrr
Galen Eldridge: Michel Pfeiffer
Tarix Conny: The Blonde Chick
Catherine Wiccham: Dumb Blonde
Galen Eldridge: Valley girl
Tarix Conny: Sweet Valley High
Victor: Questionable Literature
Tarix Conny: R.L.Stine..ah junior school memories :)
Catherine Wiccham: Freaky Coincidences (I just loved the Point Horror series of books that he contributed to...)
Tarix Conny: AH...BEHIND YOU!
Victor: Ass Spotting
Galen Eldridge: Looking for democrats ;)
Tarix Conny: Physcophants...thats how you spell it rite?
Editor's note: Synchophants
Galen Eldridge: Brown-nosing
Tarix Conny: running nose
Catherine Wiccham: EWWWW
Galen Eldridge: German Opera (Exception: Richard Wagner)
Tarix Conny: WAR MUSIC!!! ....i wouldn't have known that had it not been for the conversation with Adam...hehe thanks Adam...
Catherine Wiccham: WAR! UGH! YEAH! What is it good for?
Galen Eldridge: Rush Limbaugh
Daye: Arrogant Blowhard
Tarix Conny: A Balloon
Galen Eldridge: Neun und neunzig luft ballons....
Jadyn: weird foreign language :?
Galen Eldridge: the new latin: ordla ivingsga essinbla, amen-a.
Jadyn: pig latin
Galen Eldridge: Men in Tights
Jadyn: robin hood
Galen Eldridge: Robbing in the hood
Jadyn: training day
Tarix Conny: Take from rich, take from poor, keep for self...;)
Catherine Wiccham: Government Mantra
Jadyn: heal the world... make it a better place...
pfffffft... yeah right! :roll:
Catherine Wiccham: Wakko
Tarix Conny: Looney Guy
Galen Eldridge: Me :D
Tarix Conny: You.....i have a feeling the next person is going to say 'they'
Catherine Wiccham: "You and Me, Me and You, lots and lots, for us to do..."
Galen Eldridge: Singing!
Tarix Conny: Being nice and jolly
Catherine Wiccham: Santa?
Victor: Hmm...could it be...SATAN?
Catherine Wiccham: Sat an... Satin? *blinks*
Galen Eldridge: MMmmmm.... satin...... ;)
Victor: Slick
Catherine Wiccham: Fetish (oops that was in responce to Adam's then again I suppose it still works ;) hehe)
Galen Eldridge: Tied :oops:
Victor: Tongue
Jadyn: stud
always wanted to get one... :)
Catherine Wiccham: Muffin I've always wanted a stud too April... oh do you mean in your tongue?
Tarix Conny: Scone
Natasha Brookes: Americans call scones biscuits, and they call biscuits cookies. :roll: I just know I'm going to go insane staying there for six months. :D
Galen Eldridge: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Tarix Conny: Philosophical Phrases
Galen Eldridge: The Universal Philosophical Refutation: "That's what you say."
Tarix Conny: The Universal language "Yes, no, thank you and please....."
Daye: Miss Manners
Galen Eldridge: People who refere to themselves in the third person
Daye: LL Cool J (he does that, and I think that is a totally ridiculous, pretentious affectation)
Catherine Wiccham: I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the Real Shady all you other Slim Shady's are just immitating Is that right?? :?
Jadyn: annoying little man...
i hate eminem. every single one of his songs get on my nerves and "slim shady" is the worst... :evil:
Victor: Danny DeVito
Galen Eldridge: "But I digress....."
Catherine Wiccham: Procrastinate which is what I'm doing now... :oops:
Mantheana: Coagulate
Galen Eldridge: Procrastin-X (which I've taken an extra strength dose of last week and still not come off of :oops: )
Daye: Drug Trip
Tarix Conny: HA-sheeeeeeesh
Galen Eldridge: Hasaan i Sabbah
Tarix Conny: Arabic names
Jadyn: lawrence of arabia
Tarix Conny: Desert
Mantheana: Dessert!
Catherine Wiccham: Sweet Stuff
Galen Eldridge: Death (Ugh. Too much Keats)
Mantheana: the Bloke with the Scythe
Catherine Wiccham: The Ferryman
Tarix Conny: Saliors
Daye: A Girl in every port
Fate Wilkins: Any port in a storm
Daye: Fire and Lightning
Galen Eldridge: Fire and Ice
Darian Gray: Earth, Wind, and Fire
Oh yeah you like the oldschool tunes
Mantheana: Elements
Jadyn: chemistry :?
Mantheana: Smauldering craters in the ground.
Galen Eldridge: Cruise Missiles
Mantheana: Made in the USA
Darian Gray: Abercrombie & Fitch
Mantheana: Lilo & Stitch
Tarix Conny: Un-understandable
Mantheana: Lyrics!
Daye: Say What? (cool show that unfortunately led to Say What Karoake, not such a cool show)
Galen Eldridge: Mmmmmh, hmmm, ja, ja.... typical disjunct, ja.....
Jadyn: german accent?
Tarix Conny: Hummer ist kline i think that means the lobster is small....the things one learns on the intrnet...
Mantheana: Nein, die hummer ist rot... ... well it is!
Galen Eldridge: Was ist das?
Tarix Conny: *Error Error* Too much German causing brain damage ARGH
Daye: Overload
Darian Gray: Home Work
(Only logical thing to associate with overload :)
Daye: Nostalgia
Catherine Wiccham: Days of Yore not so nostalgic for some of us! :oops: 8O :? :(
Galen Eldridge: Dies Imperii
Daye: Latin, the language of ...uhm... what exactly?
Jadyn: brainy people
Darian Gray: Brainless people
Jadyn: pinky and the brain
Jessica Travers: ...Brain brain brain brain...
Galen Eldridge: NARF
Mantheana: Nerf Herder ... I was going to say Fnord, but I'm SURE Adam has already said it at leadt once. :P
Galen Eldridge: Scruffy Looking
Daye: "Who are you calling scruffy looking?" (indignant tone)
Galen Eldridge: who, who
Fate Wilkins: "Horton Hatches a Who"
Darian Gray: Green Eggs and Ham
Fate Wilkins: Sean Penn
Jadyn: M A D O N N A
Darian Gray: Gay Club
What else can Madonna lead to :D
Fate Wilkins: Dennis Rodman
What else can Madonna and a gay club lead to :)
Galen Eldridge: Alien in disguise
Jadyn: 3rd rock from the sun
Galen Eldridge: *sings*
Welcome to the Earth,
3rd Rock from the Sun
Jadyn: theme songs
Galen Eldridge: Opening Narratives
Jadyn: boring documentaries
Daye: E! Entertainment Television (I personally think E! True Hollywood Story is the most boring drivel on the planet.)
Darian Gray: O
isnt that Oprah's magazine?
Fate Wilkins: The Story of O
(and if you haven't heard of it, I don't have the heart to talk about it)
Jadyn: oscars
just watched it... yawwwwwwn... gets more boring every year...
Galen Eldridge: Steve Martin
Jadyn: father of the bride
Darian Gray: The Bride of Satan
Fate Wilkins: Joan Rivers
Jadyn: joan collins
use to read her books... can't decide if she's a crappier, or if jackie collins is crappier... *makes a face*
Tarix Conny: Joan of the arc
Jadyn: the messanger
Darian Gray: MSN messanger
(what would we all do without it :))
Galen Eldridge: Crash bang boom. Crick-crack, crick-crack.
Jadyn: roxette
*defensively* well... they had a song called "crash boom bang"...
Daye: radio city music hall (ok, ok, they are rockettes, but it's the first thing i thought of)
Jadyn: music legends
i'm bloody annoyed cos msn won't let me sign in... grrr... :evil:
Galen Eldridge: Charlie Daniels
Tarix Conny: FI-GA-RO.. ahem...figaro figaro figaro figaro figaro figaro figaro figaro fi...*stops as someone shoves a towel in her mouth*
oops...my thing was to April's Muscial one........damn my slow computer....
Daye: The Devil Went Down to Georgia...(in reply to Adam)
Natasha Brookes: ...looking for a soul to steal...
Jadyn: coyote ugly
Darian Gray: Can't Fight the Moonlight
Jadyn: lycanthropes
Galen Eldridge: wolves
Jessica Travers: And Out Come the Wolves...
Galen Eldridge: "Children of the Night... shut up!"
Tarix Conny: Monster Mash
Catherine Wiccham: Monster's Inc.
Tarix Conny: Grr Argh
Darian Gray: Mutant Enemy
Catherine Wiccham: X-Men
Daye: Magneto (yummy, I have to confess a mad lust for the comic character in this case, not the movie version.)
Darian Gray: Silver Surfer
(the greatest of Comic Characters :))
Galen Eldridge: Galactus
Daye: Eater of Worlds
Galen Eldridge: Unicron (if you don't know, don't ask)
Fate Wilkins: And who could forget Starscream, the whiniest of the Decepticons
Tarix Conny: Decepti-who? :oops: sorry my ignorance kicking in....
Fate Wilkins: Lies and ignorance...
Hmm...Let's see...Howsabout
Catherine Wiccham: Sunburn
Galen Eldridge: Lotion
Darian Gray: Motion of the Ocean
( I dont know, it rhymed )
Anonymous: Waterbed
Victor: Bed Wetter
Natasha Brookes: Thumb sucker
Reanna Kossinton: wet dreams
Reanna Kossinton: damn heather :evil:
Natasha Brookes: Actually, Amanda, I like yours better. :) In fact, I just have to respond to it. :wink:
Dave 8)
Stalker: A good bloke.
Catherine Wiccham: Is Hard to Find
Galen Eldridge: Lost item
Darian Gray: Frantic Search
Jadyn: sorrow for jade
sorry... couldn't resist... :P
Galen Eldridge: Cavorting in Europe
Jadyn: with her best friend! *sniff* :cry:
:wink: the jerk...
Tarix Conny: My Best Friends Wedding
Mantheana: [=Maroon]My nextdoor neighbour's wedding[=9] ...I went to this the other day, and we got the official photo portfolio back at the weekend. there are some really cool pics which i *DIDN'T* scan in and *WILL NOT* be posting up![][/]
Catherine Wiccham: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Tarix Conny: Lots of Weddings
Galen Eldridge: LABN hehe....
Catherine Wiccham: Right Here, Right Now
Darian Gray: Take Me!! :wink: (Must picture this in an office throwing all the papers off a desk...You know what comes after)
Mantheana: ...Out to the ball game!
Tarix Conny: *Swing* STRRRRRRRRRRRR-ike One, urrrrrrrrr outa here!
Tarix Conny: Sorry i meant to say "Strrrrr-ike Three...." mind must be else where today :oops:
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Daye: Harsher Crime Penalties
Tarix Conny: The electric chair being powered by solar energy hehe saw that one on the simpsons....
Mantheana: Ecologically sound pain.
Tarix Conny: Yowls!
Darian Gray: "I'd like to buy a Vowel"
Daye: A, E, I, O, U
Fate Wilkins: Big Bird
Galen Eldridge: Count von Count
Jadyn: the count(from sesame street... i love his laugh! "that's... 7 bananas... ah ah ah ah ah...")
Catherine Wiccham: Dracula (and incidentally April, Count Von Count IS the counting vampire from Sesame Street!) :oops:
Jadyn: lou - oops... always just knew him as the count. :oops:bram stoker
Natasha Brookes: Zorg
Galen Eldridge: Torgo of the Jungle
Tarix Conny: AHHHHHHHH..AHhhhhhh AHHHH...me Tarzan, you Jane?
Darian Gray: Crappy Television Show (Have any of you ever seen the old Tarzan show :? )
Tarix Conny: Have you ever seen a Pakistani movie?
Galen Eldridge: No, but I've eaten at a Pakistani restraunt. :)
Mantheana: You make your claims, but WHERE is the evidence?
Tarix Conny: Colombus...i was refering to the detective series that was quite popular (i think) a few years back....
Mantheana: Major Detour!
Tarix Conny: Shortcuts
Daye: Easy outs
Natasha Brookes: Skinhead
Victor: Bald Cap
Fate Wilkins: Bull Shannon...
Elain: Field Hockey[I used to play in high school and we had a sweeper named Shannon that was built like a bull. :>]
Daye: Lacrosse
Darian Gray: Canada's real national sport
Galen Eldridge: Ice Hockey[Note from Bob's earlier reply: Wow! You're a fan of Night Court too?]
Natasha Brookes: Excuse for a brawl.
Galen Eldridge: Drinking
Tarix Conny: Belching
Natasha Brookes: Eructation.
Tarix Conny: My vocab....not gud...
Daye: Word Power
Darian Gray: A PBS After School Special
Elain: A two hour, touchy feely, anti-drug commercial.
Galen Eldridge: dare
Jessica Travers: Truth
Galen Eldridge: Conviction
Tarix Conny: Guillotine
Darian Gray: "So let them eat cake"
Galen Eldridge: Have your cake, and eat it, too!
Tarix Conny: In the words of Homer Simpson: "Chocolate...ummmmmmm"
Elain: best of both worlds.
Tarix Conny: Hee hee, i'll answer this before i hit the sack....Portels
Catherine Wiccham: To a terrifying demon dimension like Pylea where humans are called Cows and treated like slaves and Cordy is a Queen and the Host had his head cut off!
Darian Gray: Crappy Season Finale (except for them meeting Fred)
Galen Eldridge: TNN screwing with JMS
Fate Wilkins: Professional wrestling
Darian Gray: Kurt Angle
Tarix Conny: Kurt Russel
Galen Eldridge: Inaccurate but fun movies
Jadyn: all dogs go to heaven
Galen Eldridge: Cat person!
Tarix Conny: Never sit next to a cat whose sitting next to a dog
Darian Gray: Let sleeping dogs Lie.
Catherine Wiccham: If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas
Tarix Conny: Woff! pant pant
Victor: A Wolf in wool pants(or something like that...)
Galen Eldridge: Wolf in sheep's clothing
Jadyn: counting sheep
Darian Gray: Counting Crows
Tarix Conny: "The Evil Black Raven to steal your soul" :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: nevermore
Tarix Conny: Never say never
Darian Gray: Never Never Land
Tyler_Hyatt: *killer guitar riff from Hetfield, Newsted, and Hammett*Something's wrong, shut the lightHeavy thoughts tonightANd they aren't of Snow White
Tarix Conny: ...and the seven dwarfs!
Catherine Wiccham: Vertically Challenged
Tarix Conny: Vertical Limit
Daye: Virtual Impossibility
Galen Eldridge: Thought Experiments
Darian Gray: Mind Games
Elain: Head Shrinker
Daye: Frieud
Tarix Conny: Fraud
Jadyn: jail
Tarix Conny: Go straight to Jail,Do not pass go,Do not collect $200!
Catherine Wiccham: Monopoly
Galen Eldridge: money
Tarix Conny: This is mine! All mine! Mwhahahhahah!!!! :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham: The Cat
Tarix Conny: The Chester Cat with the big smile :mrgreen:
Galen Eldridge: Vanishing animals
Tarix Conny: Now you see it...Now you don't :D
Darian Gray: Invisible Woman
Jadyn: master lurker
Galen Eldridge: No pictures
Tarix Conny: The Naked Truth.....referring to the program in which Tya Liony (ok, i definatly incorrectly spelled that!) stars in.
Victor: Tia Leone - Just for the record
Daye: Corrections
Galen Eldridge: Facility
Tarix Conny: Facuilty
Daye: Giant Alien Squid
Tarix Conny: Puking alien baby
Darian Gray: Puking drunk teenagers
Galen Eldridge: getting arrested
Tarix Conny: "Look Ma, I'm behind jail bars!"
Mantheana: *climbs up telphone pole and looks around* "Hey, I can call my ma from here... *cups hands to mouth* HEY, MA!
Tarix Conny: hehehe..... :lol: Motherly Love
Victor: Smothered
Darian Gray: My last relationship :P
Jadyn: catastrophic
Tarix Conny: Bush as president
Jadyn: election campaign
Mantheana: Vote for me - I'm small and lovable!
Victor: Fun Size
Galen Eldridge: ....and twirling, twirling, TWIRLING towards more freedom!
Tarix Conny: Lets liberate the dancing gerbil in the cage....WHOSE WITH ME!!!
Galen Eldridge: REVOLUTION!
Tarix Conny: France
Catherine Wiccham: GAY PARIS!
Tarix Conny: purty colors...
Victor: Roy G. Biv
Tarix Conny: Prysim
Darian Gray: Physics *shudder*
Galen Eldridge: Real men wear PINK
Darian Gray: Men's Men wear Pink(Just thought I would correct Adam :lol: )
Tarix Conny: Pretty woman..walking down the street...pretty woman...the kind i like to meet....
Galen Eldridge: Over spring break... hehe...
Catherine Wiccham: I guess that would be called a Spring Fling :D
Tarix Conny: Romance
Mantheana: Shnogging
Catherine Wiccham: FRENCH KISSIN G!!
Mantheana: Get a Room!
Galen Eldridge: "We had a room... a storage room...."
Daye: Off the beaten track
Darian Gray: The road less travelled(or was it the Path less travelled? Ahwell who cares)
Galen Eldridge: "Huh, Sparky, gonna take the road well traveled? Gonna play dumb?"
Fate Wilkins: "Old Sparky"(a sinisterly cutesy name for the electric chair that Stephen King proliferated)
Stalker: fix my power
Tarix Conny: Blocking your way to conquer the world would be if you were in a cage....and a white mouse...
Victor: Stewart Little (and to Saadia ...Huh?)
Darian Gray: ShowDown in Little Tokyo
Tarix Conny: Look! A dragon!To Dave: sorry, just one of those days, meant to say "A good reason blocking your path from conquering the world would be if you were in a cage....and a small white mouse...."
Jadyn: bruce lee
Victor: Return of the Dragon
Catherine Wiccham: Way of the Dragon
Darian Gray: Dragon Stance in Kung Fo
Victor: Balance of Power
Daye: Checks and Balances
Tyler_Hyatt: "Things that are irrelevant when the same party controls the Congress and the White House." for $500.
Galen Eldridge: The Answer: the party in power."What doesn't matter a damn, Alex?"
Daye: Truer Words and all that
Victor: Truth is a matter of perspective
Tarix Conny: The truth....shall set you free....
Galen Eldridge: CIA
Jadyn: CEO
Darian Gray: OCD
Fate Wilkins: O.D.B.(That is, if any of y'all are familiar with rap music...)
Jadyn: old dirty bastard... *grins @ bob*
Tarix Conny: "Watch your language young man" *old man puts him adjusts his dentures in his mouth "Why in my days young ppl had respect...."
Galen Eldridge: Chastize
Victor: Chastity
Natasha Brookes: HA!! That'll be the day. :wink:
Galen Eldridge: Loose woman
Tarix Conny: Loose it!
Reanna Kossinton: loose lips sink ships
Tarix Conny: Ametaurs made the Ark, professionals made the Titanic
Mantheana: Irony
Catherine Wiccham: A Black Fly in your Chardonay?
Darian Gray: The Black Sheep of the bunch
Reanna Kossinton: outcast
Galen Eldridge: from society
Daye: Butterfly
Darian Gray: Crazy Town
Daye: Cool World
Tarix Conny: Dave's World
Victor: Dave Barry
Merlona: Barry White
Tarix Conny: Strawberries
Catherine Wiccham: Strawberry Fields Forever
Natasha Brookes: Music CampDon't ask, it's a long story...
Darian Gray: One time, at band camp.....
Jadyn: :lol: american pie :lol:
Natasha Brookes: Nah, give me a good Aussie Four'n'Twenty pie. :)
Catherine Wiccham: Blackbirds Baked in a Pie
Merlona: Humpty Dumpty(currently working on plans for baby shower)
Darian Gray: Greasy Fattening Chips
Catherine Wiccham: A Moment on the Lips, A Lifetime on the Hips
Daye: Regrets
Galen Eldridge: Laments
Darian Gray: nostalgia (i dont know why, but its what came to mind)
Catherine Wiccham: Well there's 'Days of Yore' and 'Bygone' and um 'Colonial Times'
Tarix Conny: times magazine
Galen Eldridge: "I was 'time' magazine's man of the year.""So was Hitler.""Not twice."
Victor: Prophetic
Catherine Wiccham: Balderdash and Chicanery
Merlona: Smith and Wesson
Galen Eldridge: Firearms
Catherine Wiccham: Man Aflame
Galen Eldridge: Virum incendi!
Tarix Conny: Sercum hepicus navigatarta---the only pig latin i know......
Darian Gray: Umbra and Pen Umbra (yeah thats the extent of my latin)
Galen Eldridge: Shadows
Victor: Vorlons
Galen Eldridge: Yes
Catherine Wiccham: Confirmation
Victor: Baptism
Daye: By Fire
Natasha Brookes: Nasty way to go.
Tarix Conny: Death from talking to much
Mantheana: Can it actually physically happen?
Galen Eldridge: "That ist the mosht vulgar proposhition I haf heard all day."
Tarix Conny: A french chef trying to kill a critique with a large eclair (yes, i just saw that episode of the simpsons....hehe very nice!)
Darian Gray: The Swedish chef from the Muppits
Tarix Conny: Hermit the frog, no wait its Kermit...or was it vermit? :?
Galen Eldridge: A cooky curse: May you become embroiled in a terrible love triangle with Kermit and Miss Piggy
Mantheana: Curse of Cookies!
Daye: A plague of chocolate chip yumminess
Tarix Conny: The yummininess of choclate *mouth starts to water*
Galen Eldridge: Eros
Victor: Cheerios
Catherine Wiccham: "Cheery Oats, Cheery Corn, Cheery Rice and Wheat. Cheery four grain Cheerios. Cheery Good to Eat!"
Jadyn: sunday morning breakfast
Darian Gray: BrunchThe best of breakfeast and lunch
Tarix Conny: If in between Breakfast and Lunch is called a Brunch, then is the in between lunch and dinner called a Dunch?
Mantheana: Questions that only the enlightened can answer.
Jadyn: the meaning of life
Mantheana: 42!
Galen Eldridge: The Law of Fives
Fate Wilkins: Five-O(Apparently copped from "Hawaii Five-O," if my grasp of slang etiology is in any way firm)
Tarix Conny: OreO's
Catherine Wiccham: The Story of O
Tarix Conny: Uh Oh!!!
Galen Eldridge: Not that bad
Victor: Not that good either
Merlona: Good Better Best... Never let it rest... Til the good is the better... And the better is the best!
Tarix Conny: Need a rest....yup back to school *groan*
Darian Gray: Resting with the fish
Victor: Big Pussy(which makes no sense unless you watch The Sopranos)
Jadyn: i tawt i thaw a puddy tat... :? i hate tweety... annoying little feathered twit.
Tarix Conny: Swaffering sucatash *all get covered in spit*
Elain: say it don't spray it!
Tarix Conny: "Molock's Mouthlobe, our spew is your brew"(you'll get this is you know abe....love that game :mrgreen:)
Fate Wilkins: "Strange Brew"
Daye: Concoction
Tarix Conny: Eyes of newt, wings of batGuts of goat, one who's fat,heart of toad, gills of a fish,makes for a funny flavor of some dish......
Jadyn: bubbling cauldron
Tarix Conny: Witch
Galen Eldridge: She turned me into a newt![people look at him funny]What? I got better.
Tarix Conny: Miracle recovery
Kieran: Britney has a brain.
Galen Eldridge: "What is a proposition which is necessarily false, Alex?"
Victor: "Yes I do not no know...don't not know...Shut up!"
Tarix Conny: Knowledge of the english language
Daye: Grammatical Expertise (Thus the Grammar Nazi)
Tarix Conny: A german speaking english....
Merlona: Thank God some bosses retire.
Darian Gray: an english Speaking German
Tarix Conny: The nice country in europe...
Kieran: ...has hooligans!
Galen Eldridge: Wolfy of JFTD
Catherine Wiccham: Power to the People!
Jadyn: people are people
Galen Eldridge: Demons are people too!
Victor: Soylent Green is People too!
Jadyn: are not! :Pdohhhhhhh... dave beat me to it...
Catherine Wiccham: Whatnot
Tarix Conny: waste not want not
Victor: Topknot
Darian Gray: Sumo haircut
Victor: Samaurai Barber God I miss John Belushi
Tarix Conny: Samurai Jack
Catherine Wiccham: Jack Daniels
Galen Eldridge: Jim Bean!
Darian Gray: Beanie Babies
Natasha Brookes: Cabbage Patch KidsRemember them?
Catherine Wiccham: UGG-A-LEE
Tarix Conny: "U-G-L-Y you aint got no al-la-byeyou ugly, yeah yeah, you ugly...."
Galen Eldridge: "He's a balginian!"
Tarix Conny: Bulgarian? :?
Mantheana: The Wombles ...Uncle Bulgaria
Tarix Conny: Wobbles
Tyler_Hyatt: Weebles
Galen Eldridge: Weasals
Catherine Wiccham: Pop! Goes The...
Darian Gray: Dirty Pop (yeah you all remember the *Nsync Song hehe)
Tyler_Hyatt: I'll take "Reasons why teenage males lose faith in humanity" for two hundred. :lol:
Galen Eldridge: the news, everyday experience (at least that's what killed my faith in humanity... other reasons are just superfluous)
Tarix Conny: Civilization, as we know it
Darian Gray: Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
Victor: Losing my Religion
Catherine Wiccham: Oh no I said too much, I haven't said enough
Jadyn: rapid eye movement
Daye: Dream state
Merlona: Dreamcatcher
Tarix Conny: Native American Creationso i've heard that Native Americans had this umm object like a small circular object with a net and feathers hanging of it....i think...:? nevermind
Merlona: tee-pee (spelling?) ... toilet paper... tp for my bung-hole... huhhuh... Am I suppose to be hosting my very own WAG? But I digress...Ace of Hearts
Darian Gray: The Jack of Hearts
Catherine Wiccham: I'm Playing with the Queen of Hearts, You know she isn't very Smart
Jadyn: the joker is the only foooool...who'd do anything for yoooou... :P
Galen Eldridge: [shakes a man's hand; electrocute's him]Ooooh, got a live one here!
Victor: The Killing Joke
Darian Gray: The Joker
Catherine Wiccham: Batman
Tarix Conny: And ball wonder...i have a weird feeling i've said this before :?
Galen Eldridge: deja vu
Catherine Wiccham: A Glitch in the Matrix
Daye: "Tastes like chicken..."
Darian Gray: Frog Legs(hey they taste like chicken)
Galen Eldridge: hop a long
Fate Wilkins: Trip-Hop
Victor: Hop On Pop(and other Classics by the late Theodore Geisel)
Kieran: Southern Saturday Afternoon
Merlona: home roots in Louisiana
Galen Eldridge: "You trah any of that boojy-boojy crap on me, ah tell ya what..."
Mantheana: Attack of the Shoo Box
Darian Gray: Shoe Box Diarama-Rama
Galen Eldridge: I bent my wookie
Tarix Conny: Who's the new Rookie?
Kieran: doesn't know if he's "in or out"
Darian Gray: Out and About
Fate Wilkins: On the outside looking in
Reanna Kossinton: rainy day
Fate Wilkins: "It's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man..."
Kieran: Who U Gonna Call?
Darian Gray: GhostBusters(Did I have anyother choice but to write this)
Merlona: haunted houses (cue scary music)
Victor: Ghost of a Chance
Catherine Wiccham: Casper the Friendly Ghost
Kieran: Is Not Scary
Darian Gray: Scary Chery (Any wrestling fans from the late 80's early 90's know what im talking about!)
Catherine Wiccham: Mary Cherry
Fate Wilkins: Cherry Bombs
Galen Eldridge: In the toilet
Fate Wilkins: Up a creek without a paddle
Victor: Up a creek without a ladder.(There's a story here, but I am not going to type it all out)
Darian Gray: Walking under a Ladder :?
Kieran: TLC (nuff said!!!!! :twisted: )(hehe...seriously, r there any wrestling fans besides shaun and I??? btw...sherri was REALLY scary, what a schnozz on that woman :o )
Tarix Conny: The Little CatI always thought wrestling was fake? used to love it a long time ago, dunno wat happened, just stopped watching for some reason....
Victor: Miss Kitty!and Wrestling is fake...the real question is whether you care if its fake or not.Let me rephase that before everyone jumps on me. Wrestling is ENTERTAINMENT not SPORTS. Thee is no competition involved its all choreographed. The performers are athletes of highest caliber but its not a competition by any stretch of the imagination. Its a sweaty high-volumne soap opera.
Galen Eldridge: Fine Distinctions....(In this case traditional wresteling and 'professional')
Fate Wilkins: "Love Ain't Nothin' But Sex Misspelled"(Any Harlan Ellison fans out there?)
Kieran: a NIght spENt with twO smOKiN' BIrdS: TeQUila anD VOdkAsorry man...have heard of him but never read him...btw, wrestling is SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT (sorry just had to make that distinction)
Natasha Brookes: I have no mouth, and I must scream.How I feel after drinking tequila. :wink:
Darian Gray: TEQUILA SUNRISE (Not a good thing to have my friends, take my word for it)
Tarix Conny: Why drink alchohol for breakfast?
Fate Wilkins: "Hair of the dog that bit you..."
Natasha Brookes: Coughing up furballs.
Galen Eldridge: Hacking up a lung
Kieran: Just got Nailed with A Hook in the ribs
Tarix Conny: Captain hook....and the tick tocking crocodile....
Reanna Kossinton: bopping eyes
Tarix Conny: Bobbing for...eyes? yum....
Mantheana: A tasty treat for all.
Reanna Kossinton: tirrumassu...or however you bloody spell it
Kieran: oVErrateD...btw, its spelled tiramisu
Darian Gray: Rap Music
Merlona: wrapping paper... after all, Christmas is only eight months away boys and girls... who do you wanna unwrap from under your tree... hmmm... the possibilities...
Jadyn: bows & ribbons
Galen Eldridge: dressed up doggies
Tarix Conny: Dressed up and no place to trot of to.....
Darian Gray: Getting carded at a club and not getting in (I heard that sucks never happened to me however hehe)
Kieran: sMaCkInG tHe AsS wHo ThInKs U sTiLl LoOk 16 :evil:
Victor: Lip Smacking(okay I am still back on tiramisu)
Tarix Conny: kissing
Reanna Kossinton: PASHING!!!!!if anyone else says they have no idea what a pash is, i'm seriously going to have to kill them!
Galen Eldridge: No clue :)
Catherine Wiccham: *Watches while Amanda kills Adam*
Galen Eldridge: Voyuerism
Jadyn: indifferentdrat... adam beat me to it. *mutters*
Galen Eldridge: stoic
Jadyn: stoli! hehehe... sorry... getting a headstart on the alcohol binge i'm going on tomorrow night... :P
Galen Eldridge: GOOD VODKA!
Reanna Kossinton: gimme :twisted:
Jadyn: gimme gimme gimme a maaaaaan after midnight...i gotta stop listening to abba... :?
Galen Eldridge: a certain villain with his secret garden
Darian Gray: Poison Ivy
Kieran: hoTTesT baTmAn villAInesS....ahem, before anyone even begins, Catwoman is a hero now
Merlona: Leather... and whips... and chains... oh my! (or rather, oh MEOW!!)
Victor: Hannibal Lector
Catherine Wiccham: Chianti
Galen Eldridge: "Chianti" in Latin :)
Daye: Dead languages
Darian Gray: Things which are forgotten
Galen Eldridge: Dixie
Catherine Wiccham: Go Whistle For It :D
Kieran: a BaD GOaL by a soUTh kOreAn socCEr pLAYer
Darian Gray: SHAOLIN SOCCER!!!!!!You people have to see that movie
Victor: Blood BowlAwesome game and a real laugh sometimes
Tarix Conny: Spike's Lunch
Galen Eldridge: Wheetabix
Jadyn: Banana Nut CrunchWheetabix does not qualify as a cereal. I find it utterly gross... Like horse food or something... Ick...
Kieran: CHUnkY monKeY
Mantheana: If You're Fat As a Monkey - Eat Fruit Chunky! This was an advertising campaign for a health bar I did with a group in English some two years a go.
Darian Gray: Monkey See, Monkey Do
Galen Eldridge: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Fate Wilkins: Hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing...might as well put a bag over your head and play in traffic...
Victor: Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Kieran: Got A KIcK in tHe aSS
Galen Eldridge: shit through a goose
Darian Gray: Crap on a Moose
Reanna Kossinton: hehe, much laughter :lol:
Mantheana: Hysteria
Catherine Wiccham: Mad Women in the Attic
Galen Eldridge: anceint greek
Reanna Kossinton: zues
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Nikolai: eating yrou childrens
Reanna Kossinton: goes great with salsa :wink:
Nikolai: lizard fingers
Reanna Kossinton: Sal :D
Nikolai: norm mcdonald
Reanna Kossinton: norm burger...mmm
Nikolai: sex
Reanna Kossinton: unrelated words :D
Nikolai: mushfc tounge actiaon at ayou
Reanna Kossinton: tonscil hockey
Nikolai: qnd much enojoymnent was had by all
Reanna Kossinton: monajatwa :twisted:
Nikolai: moansign tins the jawaw lsteyls posittion?
Merlona: Translation for those of you who don't read 'drunk': Moaning in the Jawa style position. *Ad had a very bad morning...*
Merlona: btw, makes me think of the ... Kama Sutra
Fate Wilkins: Congress of all shapes and definitions... (And by the by, I speak Drunk fairly fluently. I read their back-and-forth posts like one reads newspaper headlines. How much this says about me I am not willing to speculate...)
Tarix Conny: Hello tiddly peeps and today i'll talk to you about squares, you see and average square has four sides, yes FOUR sides.....
Catherine Wiccham: The Language of 'Huh?'
Merlona: In the words of the eloquent, charming, and yes, even sexy, Dr. Evil... "Uh buhhhhhhh...."
Kieran: smASHinG BaBy, YeAH!!!!!!!!
Darian Gray: Incredibly Annoying
Nikolai: Ferengi
Natasha Brookes: Meletus
Nikolai: Writing never getting done grrr, Heather, don't make me rearrange to have him show up here as a demon... :)
Kieran: story of my university essay-writing life *sigh* writing is so hard to do...why cant we just draw and sculpt sorry if u cant read the yellow...am in old-school wolvy mode
Nikolai: 8-page papers on odd topics
Merlona: Animal Farm.... now squeal like a pig!
Darian Gray: A book I got away without ever having to read in HighSchool
Kieran: FaRlEy MoWaTt
Tarix Conny: A Faerie called Mo-what?
Victor: Mo Park's Sausages Mom! Please?
Nikolai: You meathead! :D
Darian Gray: Curd Brain
Kieran: lItTlE mIsS mUfFeT
Victor: Andrew Dice Clay He was a comedian who did a parody of misogonistic pricks and one of his "rewritten" nursury rhymes was:
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider who sat down beside her and said "Whats in the bowl bitch?"
Nikolai: Mary had a little skirt, Twas split right up the sides, And every time that Mary walked, The boys could see her thighs. Mary had another skirt, Twas split right up the front, But she didn't wear that one very often.
Merlona: Nursery Rhymes you don't wanna share with Mom!
Tarix Conny: Not for kiddies
Merlona: Kiddie Candid
Darian Gray: R. Kelly or Michael Jackson.......... :?
Nikolai: Iraqi Information Minister Denies Allegations on Behalf of Mister Jackson
Merlona: Mr. White... Mr. Pink... Mr. Orange...
Nikolai: Who kiled Mr. Body?
Catherine Wiccham: Homicide
Kieran: Life on the Street i miss that show
Darian Gray: Dancing in the Streets.
Catherine Wiccham: The Kids from FAME
Merlona: Kids in the Hall
Darian Gray: Im a Singer, Dancer, Actor, Model..............Canadian (Line from the funniest Scott Thompson Monologue on Kids in the Hall)
Merlona: I am woman--hear me roar!
Daye: Helen Reddy
Merlona: Helen Keller
Kieran: sTeAl A bUs RiGhT rIgHt BeFoRe HeR eYeS...hehe, anyone remember "road trip"
Merlona: "Tell that bitch to get in the kitchen and make me some pancakes." (another Road Trip reference)
Tarix Conny: pancakes.....vey yummy....unless ofcourse they are made by me....
Darian Gray: IHOP
Daye: Country Griddle Cakes (mmmm...)
Victor: Biscuits and Gravy mmmm......
Natasha Brookes: Nah, give me jam and cream on my scones. :) Note: Crazy Americans call scones 'biscuits', and they call biscuits 'cookies' or 'crackers'. Go figure. :roll:
Merlona: American-in-training... sheesh... what a wanna-be
Tarix Conny: *makes a "w" with her two hands on her forehead* A wannabee...... yes too much clueless....
Darian Gray: Like, What-EVER
Kieran: Lll-OSER
Tarix Conny: the word that a ninth grader in my bus uses to describe me every morning.....that is before he gets his morning pummel of punches :twisted:
Victor: The Short Bus
Darian Gray: The Magic School Bus
Merlona: Magic the Gathering... ewww ewww ewww... Kris, are you thinking what I'm thinking??
Victor: Magic the Gathering ... The Cash With BOTH HANDS Rassafrassa think about how much I spent on fricken cards...erg ugh ack
Kieran: come again
Tarix Conny: Dave said:- [quote:cc55c302d0="Victor"]Magic the Gathering ... The Cash With BOTH HANDS Rassafrassa think about how much I spent on fricken cards...erg ugh ack
Darian Gray: ACK, HANS RUN! IT'S THE LHOURGHOUF! *Anyone ever mention I know that, and ill be forced to kill you :wink: ) (also, I hope someone understands it)
Kieran: hehe...you're a DeAd MaN @ the next PPV :twisted:
Nikolai: Horse's Head in your Bed
Catherine Wiccham: Go To The Mattresses
Darian Gray: Having Fun on Mattresses........... (I meant like jumping up and down, what did you think I meant?)
Nikolai: Beast with Two Backs ;)
Victor: Beast with two fronts (read your Socrates?)
Nikolai: Globular creatures who move around like tumblers (That answer your question? :) )
Victor: Tribbles
Natasha Brookes: Klingons
Nikolai: "cling on" to the wall
Kieran: having a few drinks will make u believe that u can be spiderMaN
Darian Gray: Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what ever a spider can, spins a web any size, something something lalala......look out!, here comes the Spider-Man
Natasha Brookes: Forgetting the lyrics (BTW, it's "...catches thieves just like flies...")
Jessica Travers: "The telly toasts to me" Don't ask... ::glares at Boojy and telepathically tells her she's not at all obsessed::]
Daye: backing away slowly, with a wary look in the eyes
Tarix Conny: Scared of the unknown, looking in the darkness, then figured out that the lights weren't on.... D'OH!!!
Darian Gray: The Doll is Cursed - Thats bad but it comes with a free frogurt - Thats good The frogurt is also cursed- Thats bad but it comes with your choice of topings - Thats Good The topings contain monoglucate - Thats ummmm...uhhh Thats bad.
Tarix Conny: Poems
Merlona: i am the color blue
Jadyn: violets
Merlona: roygbiv
Darian Gray: EGBDF, EGBDF are the lines on the treble clef
Merlona: Every Good Boy Does Fine That was how we memorized those lines in elementary school. What a sexist teacher. Should have taught us: Every Gross Boy Does Farts 8O
Tarix Conny: Twist of words
Darian Gray: Twist of Fate
Merlona: Come on, baby, let's do the twist!
Nikolai: The silliest dance I've ever seen
Victor: The Macarena
Darian Gray: A horrible nightmare *Visions of a tacky cheap cruise ship with everyone dancing pops into my head*
Kieran: ms. varga 8O *runs off screaming*
Merlona: Mr. (Nasally) Quizenberry "Chapter 9" -- but nine was dragged out for three seconds with three syllables... NNNN IIIIII Neeeeeeeee
Tarix Conny: Nasa
Merlona: up up and away
Tarix Conny: ZOOM!ZOOM!ZOOM!
Merlona: zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom... JUST SHAKE YOUR BUTT!!
Jadyn: Rumpshaker
Mantheana: Rump Steak
Darian Gray: Stake through the Heart (Well that one kinda seemed obvious)
Victor: Shot through the heart, and you're to blame You give love a bad name I play my part and you play your game You give love a bad name You give love a bad name --Bon Jovi
Kieran: it's all the same, only the names will change everyday it seems we're wasting away another place where the faces are so cold i'd drive all night just to get back home I'M A COWBOY, ON A STEEL HORSE I RIDE I'M WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE * runs off to in front of the mirror and fists the air pretending he's a boyhood idol, wearing a cowboy hat 8) *
Daye: Young Guns (ok, i went back and caught up and yes I am thinking what you're thinking) Also thinking of great bumpersticker I read once... Save Roleplaying, Shoot a Magic Player Today!!!
Nikolai: Young pilots and old pilots
Tarix Conny: JAG
Darian Gray: My dad's alternative television show to American idol.....
Tarix Conny: "tell daddy problems, daddy nods head and continues to read the paper..." -a dad rolls up his newspaper, shaking it manacingly "No we don't!!!!"
Nikolai: *singing* Son, sit on your father's knee
Natasha Brookes: Ok, this is going to sound really pervy, but this was the first thing that came into my head when I saw Adam's post. And no, it's got nothing to do with my father. :P "Sit on my face and tell me that you love me..."
Kieran: Talk to me boy No disrespect, I don't mean no harm Talk to me boy I can't wait to have you in my arms Talk to me boy Hurry up cause you're taking too long Talk to me boy Better have you naked by the end of this song :lol: :turn-l: :lol:
Merlona: IIiiiiFfffffff.... You're happy and you know it clap your hands! (clap, clap)
Tarix Conny: if's and nots
Darian Gray: who, what, when, where, why
Merlona: What about 'how'?
Reanna Kossinton: who cares about how, just give it NOW!
Catherine Wiccham: Impatient
Nikolai: Desire (no, no, my mind is not one track... ok, maybe it is... well, erm.... :oops:)
Catherine Wiccham: Des'ree
Merlona: "Come What May"...ok ok, seeing Lou's pic and having just watched Moulin Rouge last night, it was the first thought that came to mind... :D
Jadyn: Que sera sera...
Darian Gray: Je serais la, toujours avec toi (some line from a lame french song lol)
Kieran: tu me fais pleurer, espece de salope, en ecoutant cette chanson
Nikolai: A sample Cicero sentance: Quamquam te, Marce fili, annum iam audientem Cratippum idque Athenis abundare oportet praeceptis institutisque philosophiae propter summam et doctoris auctoritatem et urbis, quorum alter te scientia augere potest, altera exemplis, tamen, ut ipse ad meam utilitatem semper cum Graecis Latina coniunxi neque id in philosophia solum, sed etiam in dicendi exercitatione feci, idem tibi censeo faciendum, ut par sis in utriusque orationis facultate. (Yes, Cicero really was the first thing to come to mind....)
Mantheana: aaa, but bees y'all able to speek boojan? *wrinkles nose*
Catherine Wiccham: Um, voulez vous couche avec moi ce soir?... lol, ok, I don't know much French! :D
Kieran: ummm, BiEn SuR 8) :o :oops: ...kitchsy kitchsy yaya dada...moka-choka latta yaya...
Victor: Gobbledegook
Natasha Brookes: Gobbledoks. :)
Reanna Kossinton: Chiiiippiieeeeees :twisted:
Merlona: (anyone remember this?) CHiPs
Nikolai: Police shows (yep, remember CHiPs)
Darian Gray: Bad boys bad boys, whacha going to do? whacha going to do when they come for you, bad boys bad boys
Nikolai: You are watching.... TROOPS With the men of the Imperial Forces. All Suspects are Guilty. Period. Otherwise, they wouldn't be suspects, would they?
Kieran: vigilantism is the solution
Natasha Brookes: Batman And I have to agree with Rick. Val Kilmer was far and away the best Batman. :)
Darian Gray: Over rated super hero A big :lol: to rick hehe
Merlona: Droopy--he's an Under-rated Super Hero!
Catherine Wiccham: Mr Floppy *Stifles snigger*
Reanna Kossinton: *sings* i'm a flippy floppy scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat...
Merlona: We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz (ok, the scarecrow... the tin man... the adorable cowardly lion... you make the connection...)
Reanna Kossinton: *sings* "if i only had a brain...dum-di-diddly-dum"
Nikolai: Amanda :)
Darian Gray: Cyclops being better than Wolverine right Amanda
Reanna Kossinton: people who suck... being adam and shaun :P
Nikolai: "It's mega-maid! She's gone from suck to blow!"
Catherine Wiccham: Your Mother was a Snow Blower!
Nikolai: And your father smells of Elderberries!
Catherine Wiccham: Lame Insults Sorry but they are really aren't they?
Tarix Conny: Child talk
Merlona: babble babble babble
Tarix Conny: Yakkity yakkity yak yak
Nikolai: Don't talk back
Tarix Conny: A mother ghost to son ghost: "Don't spook unless you are spooken to..."
Darian Gray: Silence except for the crickets and tumbleweed
Merlona: Bloomin Onion
Reanna Kossinton: ogiers are like onions!
Nikolai: silly slogans, like..... Triumph with the Liquidator!
Jadyn: "If you don't look good, we don't look good." I've always hated that Vidal Sassoon ad... Grrr...
Merlona: "Who loves you baby? The Furniture Store! That's who!"
Reanna Kossinton: "We will kill them all........most of them."
Kieran: HeRe BaBy...HoLd My JaCkEt
Mantheana: *mental images of a small person in a big jacket* this is usually the end result of me holding anyones jacket.
Tarix Conny: Leather jacket
Kieran: DuCaTtIs sexier than women... :oops: almost...
Mantheana: Ducatis in the hat
Kieran: Road Kill
Catherine Wiccham: Flat as a Pancake
Nikolai: Crushed by an anvil
Kieran: Hart Attack remember that...so old school!!!!
Victor: When good deer go bad.
Darian Gray: Deer in the HeadLights 8O
Nikolai: Shocked and Awed
Catherine Wiccham: And Blown to Pieces
Jadyn: Ka-boom!
Nikolai: "We've got explosives!"
Victor: He blowed up REEAAL good.
Darian Gray: They think im slow cause im from Canada eh...
Merlona: Yield, Proceed With Caution, Dead End, Stop
Kieran: Cul-de-Sac
Tarix Conny: french?
Reanna Kossinton: "why do you zink i have zis outrAAaageous ack-cint?"
Kieran: cuz zee are quétaine 8O
Natasha Brookes: Drongo
Kieran: gOnZo
Victor: Gonzo the Great will now perform his most Death Defying stunt ever! He will disarm this bomb while reciting the Gettysburg Address!
Natasha Brookes: But that's a million to one chance. And they happen nine times out of ten.
Kieran: GeTtInG a DaTe 8O
Darian Gray: Wanna go on a date Kate Would you be my mate Kate (remember from Valentine)
Merlona: My funny Valentine
Catherine Wiccham: Saint
Natasha Brookes: I'd rather be a sinner :wink:
Kieran: St. Anger :twisted:
Merlona: St. Elsewhere
Darian Gray: Anywhere but Here....
Natasha Brookes: 22 days. :)
Catherine Wiccham: Countdown
Victor: Liftoff
Jadyn: Put off
Nikolai: Shut off
Jadyn: Tune out (Does anybody else see a pattern here? Heh...)
Nikolai: Tune in!
Catherine Wiccham: Um, Tuna?
Tarix Conny: Cat's favorite dish...or i think....i aint a cat...i really dunno...
Catherine Wiccham: A Fishy on a Dishy
Nikolai: Fish on a stick?
Tarix Conny: Yummy for the tummy....but not for the nose.....
Kieran: Won't Go There 8O
Catherine Wiccham: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Victor: The number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin is equal to the area of the head divided by the area of the angel's feet.
Daye: useless mathematical trivia
Jadyn: hehehe... this reminded me of a debate i had the other night with heather, adam, shaun, robin, dave and ricardo i think... is it... maths or math?
Kieran: MaTh...Canadian-style
Darian Gray: Canadian Bacon
Merlona: Kevin Bacon
Tarix Conny: Hallow man...or was it man who was hallow?
Tyler_Hyatt: English Language mechanics. Hollow Man was the movie. Two hours was the time it stole from my life. None are my chances of getting thsoe hours back.
Catherine Wiccham: 'I' Before 'E' Except after 'C'
Nikolai: Ignored rules
Natasha Brookes: Don't even get me started, Adam...
Darian Gray: Racers, START YOUR ENGINES!!!!
Kieran: Sempre Schumi, Sempre Ferrari
Catherine Wiccham: Va Va Voom
Kieran: bOuNcY hAiR
Jadyn: Shampoo Ads
Nikolai: implied orgasm
Catherine Wiccham: Faking It
Anonymous: nAughTY chICA
Victor: Chiquita Banana
Catherine Wiccham: Carmen Miranda
Kieran: BuenA VISta SocIAl ClUb
Tarix Conny: Altavista?
Darian Gray: Asta La Vista BAby
Tarix Conny: Arny stuffing cake in a little girl's face to make her less nervous....yes i watched Conan O BRian yesterday....
Kieran: cRAiG KILboRn
Nikolai: Daily Show
Kieran: DAilY spEcIaL
Catherine Wiccham: Soup De Jour
Kieran: VEloUtÉ D'éPinARds btw...its soupe du jour
Nikolai: No only do I not speak French, *you* are only badly mispronouncing lower-class provincal Latin! :D
Kieran: Cornuto :twisted:
Nikolai: Cornutus Cornuti Cornuti Cornutorum Cornuto Cornutis Cornutum Cornutos Cornuto Cornutis (Cornute) :twisted:
Darian Gray: Obsession with Latin....
Catherine Wiccham: By Calvinus Kleinus :D
Kieran: AnUs MaLUs
Darian Gray: Malius Malificarum (A horrible book which basically started the witch trials way back when)
Nikolai: Demonology
Catherine Wiccham: "He's got an 'ology'"
Kieran: SaTUrDay NIghT OrgY
Merlona: No orgies for single guys... oh so sorry...
Tarix Conny: Bachelors
Darian Gray: Lost Souls
Tarix Conny: Poor souls
Kieran: lAs vegAS chicaS
Tarix Conny: gambling
Nikolai: Baccarat
Jadyn: Bacardi
Darian Gray: We're going to drink Bacardi like it's your birthday......
Tarix Conny: lets sing the bicardi song *hic*
Kieran: olé olé olé olé...olé oh oh oh...
Catherine Wiccham: El Tauro
Kieran: May Babies!!!
Daye: May Poles
Darian Gray: April Showers brings May Flowers
Victor: Rain Rain go away come again another day
Reanna Kossinton: we love rain. rain rain rain, fun fun fun, splash splash splash, RAIN rain rain invader zim
Tarix Conny: Rain drops are falling on my head....ta dum dee da...
Reanna Kossinton: john farnham
Kieran: Nobody Cares About Aussies :o :P
Natasha Brookes: I beg to differ. I know of at least one American who cares about at least one Aussie. :P :P
Nikolai: The Countdown
Darian Gray: Explosion..... (In more ways than one)
Jadyn: Dynamite
Daye: Good Times
Nikolai: *sings* Bad food!
Tarix Conny: loads of vomits.....believe me when i say i've had my share of bad foods and umm the "side effects" they have...need i go on?
Reanna Kossinton: snorting coke
Darian Gray: Runny Nose
Tarix Conny: Patient: Doctor, my nose is running, what should i do? Doctor: Run after it.
Merlona: And I paid for this advice?!?
Reanna Kossinton: sad facts of life
Tarix Conny: Life....it's not all that its cut up to be...
Daye: Philosophical lament
Darian Gray: Woe is Me......
Daye: Melodrama
Catherine Wiccham: Drama Queen
Nikolai: "These doors don't open from the inside."
Daye: trapped
Catherine Wiccham: Like a Pig in a Cage on Antibiotics
Jadyn: Animal Farm
Darian Gray: A book every highschool student has read save for me :D I really dont know how I managed that
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Kieran: "go ask alice"
Reanna Kossinton: "who the f@#* is Alice?"
Nikolai: Alice is the girl standing there, then again, perhaps she is the bunny with nice purple hair. But oh, I grow weary of this biz, It is now time for me to go, off to drink something, with a fizz! *vanishes, his smile disappearing last*
Daye: Cheshire Cat
Reanna Kossinton: >>> :mrgreen: GRIN :mrgreen: <<<
Nikolai: After sex ;)
Reanna Kossinton: cigatette *grumble grumble*
Nikolai: smokin!
Reanna Kossinton: the mask
Nikolai: crazy
Nikolai: crying out during orgasm
Reanna Kossinton: as what? a mouse? :lol:
Nikolai: German pillow talk
Reanna Kossinton: mrph mmr phurm murrph
Nikolai: bed time
Reanna Kossinton: damn insomnia
Nikolai: best treatment: shag with significant other ;)
Reanna Kossinton: lacking the significant, plain other will do just as good :wink:
Nikolai: no thanks
Reanna Kossinton: i hate peas
Tarix Conny: I love brocholli YUMMY!!!!
Natasha Brookes: Especially with cheese sauce.
Darian Gray: Cheesy Jokes
Kieran: 3 tomatoes are walking down the street...Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato and Baby Tomato...Baby Tomato starts lagging behind and Papa Tomato gets very angry...he goes back, squeezes him and says..."Ketchup!!!!!!" 8O :o :twisted:
Nikolai: Pulp Fiction
Victor: Ezekiel
Kieran: BAD MUTHA...shutcho mouth 8O !!!!
Catherine Wiccham: What da dilly yo?
Nikolai: I never "dispronounce" nothing.
Victor: Ebonix
Mantheana: Ebony
Nikolai: Sparky!
Mantheana: The joys of tecnology
Chance: What else? THE INTERNET
Kieran: PoRn 8O
Darian Gray: Pervert :wink:
Catherine Wiccham: Uh, there are way too many people who qualify for that title on this site :P The Course of Justice :D hehehe
Kieran: ANd juStIcE foR aLL :twisted:
Darian Gray: All for one, and one for all
Chance: Three Musketeers
Nikolai: Eat Kenny Mr. vampire, he's the fat one
Kieran: YoU BAsTaRdS
Chance: Cartman
Catherine Wiccham: "Screw you guys, I'm going home"
Kieran: drinking ALonE...once AgAiN :evil:
Nikolai: Wine, Women, and Song
Darian Gray: Eat! and be Merry!
Catherine Wiccham: Not a good slogan for Weightwatchers
Daye: Have your cake and eat it too.
Nikolai: Things you have to explain the meaning of all the bloody time
Catherine Wiccham: or having to explain things like Marmite :P
Nikolai: I so knew you would say that! :P
Catherine Wiccham: DREADful :D
Nikolai: Sylvester Stalone's acting ability :D
Victor: Penny Dreadful
Darian Gray: Penny Marshal
Daye: Laverne and Shirley
Kieran: TwIggY
Nikolai: Ziggy
Natasha Brookes: Stardust
Catherine Wiccham: Sailor
Nikolai: foul mouth
Natasha Brookes: Wash it out with soap and water!
Catherine Wiccham: Hygiene Freak
Kieran: GeRM frEe
Darian Gray: Mr Clean
Nikolai: Cue ball
Kieran: BuLLsEyE
Daye: Dead on
Nikolai: Dead on balls accurate
Daye: Precisely
Catherine Wiccham: Tautology
Nikolai: Truth Table
Darian Gray: Multiplication Times Table
Catherine Wiccham: Nightmare Maths
Jadyn: Nightmare on Elm Street
Nikolai: Freddy
Jadyn: Mercury
Nikolai: carrying the dead to the other side
Jadyn: The Angel of Death (Ok Adam... Gotta go to work now! No more wagging or I'm gonna be SO late! Hehe... Talk to you soon babe!)
Darian Gray: Brad Pitt
Kieran: rULe #1: YoU DO nOt TaLk abOUt figHt ClUb
Reanna Kossinton: "I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every panda that didn't screw to save its species." Oh! i think i just found a new signature :mrgreen: this would have to be my current most favorite quote. of all the times i've seen fight club, it was only the last time that i actually picked up on this one!
Nikolai: Seen on a bumper sticker: Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity
Kieran: TrEEhUgGeR
Darian Gray: Bongo Beatin' hippies
Chance: UM BONGO
Catherine Wiccham: They Drink It In The Congo
Darian Gray: He's a Disco-Dancing, Feather-wearing, Vermont-living, man-kissing, Christina Aquillera Loving... need I go on? "I dont get it?" Your boyfriends a Homo dear....
Nikolai: Alcibiades!
Catherine Wiccham: "Like, Whatever!"
Chance: So, it's 3 am i'm out wearing my leather. This dude comes up to me and he's like "hey PUNK!", and i'm like, "yeah WHATEVER"
Nikolai: Clueless
Catherine Wiccham: "Why do I need to reverse park? Everywhere you go has valet"
Victor: My mother has the mutant ability to Perfect Parallel Park
Kieran: FEmAlE diSAbilItY
Darian Gray: Stupid Man Comments :wink:
Jadyn: "Drugs are baaaaad... Don't do druuuugsss... Mmmm'kay?" Heh... Still my fav episode of "South Park". :P
Chance: "Ah...sheet! Fucking gaurd dogs! Sheet!" Ahh..South Park the Movie. lol
Nikolai: Run away, run away!
Catherine Wiccham: Skedaddler
Daye: Dawdler
Nikolai: fawning
Daye: Porn Star (hehe, Jeannie)
Nikolai: "What if I was just to kick the ever-loving shit out of you?"
Victor: Foreplay?
Catherine Wiccham: An Offer You Can't Refuse
Victor: To The Matresses!
Catherine Wiccham: FUHGEDDABOUDIT
Nikolai: Goodfellas
Jadyn: A Few Good Men
Kieran: I'm FuNNy HoW? FUnNy LIke A CLowN?
Darian Gray: Are you laughing with me, or at me?
Catherine Wiccham: Paranoid
Nikolai: Just because you aren't paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't plotting against you ;)
Kieran: Me AGainSt THe WOrlD
Darian Gray: Lone Wolf....
Victor: I am not sure where this is going but... "...And Cub"
Jadyn: Simba
Kieran: PuMbA
Nikolai: Timon
Catherine Wiccham: Best Friends
Natasha Brookes: Four-footed furry friends. *sniff* I miss my dogs Kurgan & Tandara. :(
Victor: Fine Four Fendered Friend
Darian Gray: Alliteration... is that even spelt right?
Kieran: Mr. Byrd ever get that punk...hehe, he hated us..."a-lli-terrrr-a-tionnnn"
Nikolai: West Virginia
Chance: America
Kieran: St. ANgEr
Daye: Sell Outs
Jadyn: Full House
Catherine Wiccham: Two Pair
Daye: Royal Flush
Jadyn: Regal toilet Haha... :oops: Yes, I know I'm being corny. Bite me... :P
Nikolai: Royal Bathtub
Catherine Wiccham: Rub-a-Dub-Dub
Kieran: SUcK on My THumB
Daye: "Do You Bite Your Thumb at Me, Sir?"
Catherine Wiccham: Art Thou A Montague?
Victor: Crown Royal
Nikolai: Royal Rumble
Darian Gray: The Priest from the East VS the Thunder from Down Under
Kieran: MaNkInD
Jadyn: Oxymoron
Nikolai: Contradiction
Catherine Wiccham: A Fragrance
Victor: A Stank
Kieran: SkaNK
Darian Gray: Bottom barrel hoe
Nikolai: Monica
Nikolai: Harmonies
Catherine Wiccham: Barber Shop
Darian Gray: "Like Exqueez me, but has he ever heard of Styling Gel?"
Kieran: No siRRee, I usE tHa POmaDe...i wAnt my POmaDe...dammIt, GEt Me MY POmAde
Nikolai: Huh?
Darian Gray: WhatsIt Whosits?
Victor: He''s a Dapper Dan man
Kieran: GeoRgE CLoonEy
Catherine Wiccham: "Doctor, I have a pain..."
Jadyn: Ocean's Eleven
Darian Gray: Matt Damon
Kieran: WhInEr
Natasha Brookes: Wined and dined
Nikolai: "I do not drink . . . wine. And I do not smoke . . . shit."
Victor: Stoner
Kieran: LOsEr
Darian Gray: Winner
Nikolai: Breadwinner
Catherine Wiccham: Bringing Home the Bacon Hmm bacon, bread ... sandwich... :D
Nikolai: Dinner
Jadyn: Steak & Potatoes
Kieran: PaStA
Darian Gray: Hungry
Kieran: PoWeR
Nikolai: Machiavelli
Jadyn: Niccolo
Catherine Wiccham: The Great Cornholio!
Darian Gray: Fire, Fire
Nikolai: Give me ramming speed!
Jadyn: Full speed ahead!!!
Kieran: WaRP onE ENgAgE
Darian Gray: Resistance is futile...
Nikolai: "Mr. Worf . . . fire."
Kieran: CaPtaIn, DRoP thE ShiElDs
Daye: Kobyashi Maru
Nikolai: Commendation for original thinking :)
Daye: Another damn award
Kieran: THiS iS YoUr LiFe, anD it'S ENdInG OnE MInuTE aT a TiME
Victor: Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour, That's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned, A sun that is the source of all our power. The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see Are moving at a million miles a day In an outer spiral arm, at forty thousand miles an hour, Of the galaxy we call the 'Milky Way'. Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars. It's a hundred thousand light years side to side. It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand light years thick, But out by us, it's just three thousand light years wide. We're thirty thousand light years from galactic central point. We go 'round every two hundred million years, And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions In this amazing and expanding universe. The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding In all of the directions it can whizz As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know, Twelve million miles a minute, and that's the fastest speed there is. So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure, How amazingly unlikely is your birth, And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.
Nikolai: Pink suit
Daye: Inspector Clouseau
Darian Gray: Murder she Wrote Anyone else miss that show? There is something about Angela Lansbury that is comforting lol
Nikolai: Silk Stockings (I vaugely remember a show called something like that which came on right after Murder, She Wrote)
Kieran: POrN PrOp
Maude Elliott: Times Square
Jadyn: e = mc2 By the way Adam, the show was called "Silk Stalkings"... Yes, I watched it. :oops:
Nikolai: equations are just guidelines!
Darian Gray: Think outside the box
Chance: You go think outside the bloody box! Where does that come from? hmm....watched far too many films.
Daye: Touchy
Victor: Feely
Maude Elliott: Brave New World (the movies were called "feelies")
Nikolai: New World Order
Merlona: WWE
Nikolai: male soap opera
Merlona: The best form of entertainment besides HBO
Nikolai: SEX
Catherine Wiccham: ...And The City
Maude Elliott: Carrie
Darian Gray: Merry Cherry (and yet I dont remember where this character is from)
Clara: Cherry ice-cream
Chance: Mmmm...ice cream. What? oh. Yummy
Jadyn: Mommy
Daye: Me
Nikolai: Yenta
Daye: WHAT?!
Nikolai: Shock
Daye: Jock
Jadyn: Frock
Nikolai: Smock
Jadyn: Lock (How long is this gonna continue? Hahaha...)
Daye: Key (no longer)
Nikolai: Spree (and so it begins again!)
Jadyn: Me!
Nikolai: SLEEP!
Jadyn: BEEP!
Nikolai: Meep!
Jadyn: Sheep! Jeep! Keep! Heap! Deep! Leap!
Nikolai: Steap
Daye: Here is the church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.
Sorrow: Cats Cradle
Merlona: Churchy Pie
Maude Elliott: Tweety Pie
Kieran: TwEEtY SmAsH!!
Darian Gray: Smash Mouth
Victor: All Star
Jadyn: "What's Going On?"
Sorrow: How's Trix?
Jadyn: Robin
Reanna Kossinton: pointy chicken wire can be dangerous to brawl with
Kieran: FoLeY iS GoD
Mantheana: MANA IS GOD! ..Alice will unerstand this comment. I think.
Jessica Travers: Crazy Japanese transvestites... Klahahahahaha!
Maude Elliott: a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania
Darian Gray: A Kids in the Hall Skit: "May I swoop?"
Daye: Brain Candy
Merlona: Cerebral Dessert
Daye: Late night philosophical debate
Darian Gray: Rendez-Vous Secret
Daye: Backwards Talk Do I
Tarix Conny: Able was i ere i saw Elba
Maude Elliott: A dog! A panic in a pagoda!
Kieran: dA pLaNe! Da PlAnE!
Maude Elliott: Tattoo
Darian Gray: T.A.T.U
Jadyn: Tee-too Errrm... That's the pronounciation of the Hokkien (Chinese dialect spoken in Fujian, Taiwan, Singapore) word for "spider". *grins*
Reanna Kossinton: you go squish now
Kieran: SlUrP
Maude Elliott: milk shake
Kieran: bEyOnCé
Catherine Wiccham: We gotta work it ouuuut
Kieran: uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh...so craZY in LOve RIghT NoW
Mantheana: "Please, give me my dignity!"
Kieran: ChRiStInA aGuIlErA
Darian Gray: Tight hiphuggers, Low for sure shake alittle something on the floor I need the Oumph to get me off sweat until my clothes come off
Kieran: Let's get open, cause a commotion (ooh oh) We're still going, eight in the morning There's no stopping, we keep it popping (oh) Hot rocking, everyone's talking
Catherine Wiccham: Oh, I'm overdue Give me some room I'm comin through Paid my dues In the mood Me and the girls gonna shake the room (Damn, you guys have me singing this song now!)
Darian Gray: It's explosive, speakers are pumping (oh) Still jumping, six in the morning Table dancing, glasses are mashing (oh) No question, time for some action Temperature's up (can you feel it) About to erupt Gonna get my girls Get your boys Gonna make some noise
Kieran: Wanna get rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Sweat dripping over my body Dancing getting just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival Ah, heat is up So ladies, fellas Drop your cups Body's hot Front to back Now move your ass I like that
Jadyn: Lady Marmalade
Kieran: PiNk
Chance: Floyd
Jadyn: Flawed
Darian Gray: Imperfection
Kieran: FeMaLe InTeLliGeNcE 8O
Darian Gray: Hunted Man
Daye: The Fugitive
Jadyn: Harrison Ford
Darian Gray: Josh Hartnet
Jadyn: 40 Days & 40 Nights
Catherine Wiccham: Bible Stories
Kieran: Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death :twisted:
Daye: Fear No Evil
Jadyn: See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.
Darian Gray: Ignorance
Kieran: Is BlISs
Jadyn: Sister Bliss
Kieran: HOnOr BLisS
Chance: Death before dishonour Well, that was random.
Darian Gray: Samuri
Daye: Bushido
Kieran: ShAoLiN
Daye: Monk
Reanna Kossinton: ...ey
Chance: Banana Jeez, that's a fun word to spell.
Catherine Wiccham: Split
Chance: Ouch, spilts. Ummm... Pain
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Kieran: AdReNaLiNe
Chance: Rush
Darian Gray: No time to say Hello, Good-bye, im late im late im late
Chance: For a very important date. That's probably a misquote.
Catherine Wiccham: Follow the White Rabbit
Nikolai: Oh my fur and whiskers!
Kieran: MeEeOwW
Daye: Cats ask for it by name...
Chance: Hehe Felix
Darian Gray: Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids
Kieran: FolLow YoUr NosE
Merlona: pick your nose *fling* hehehe
Kieran: yOuNg AnD sExY
Catherine Wiccham: ME! :D LOL, ok, ok, seriously... Twenty-Somethings
Mantheana: Four and twenty blackbirds....
Merlona: pecking at my eyes
Reanna Kossinton: visual footage of real live dickheads in action *whistles nonchalantly* oh look! a bug....
Kieran: CaNcUn 8O :twisted:
Daye: Spring Break!!!
Kieran: ThOnGs :P :twisted:
Daye: Flip flops
Catherine Wiccham: The Thong Song
Kieran: ShAkE Ya AsS, ShOw Me WhAt YoU GoT
Darian Gray: Junk in the Trunk
Kieran: J. tO ThA L-o
Darian Gray: Hello
Nikolai: I must be going
Catherine Wiccham: Exit, Stage Right
Darian Gray: The Grand finale
Jessica Travers: Chosen
Chance: Slayer
Nikolai: Buffy (who did not see this one comming?)
Daye: Tormented
Kieran: BrUcE wAyNe
Nikolai: Batman
Darian Gray: Obsessed FanBoy
Kieran: CaTwOmAn Go MeEeOw
Merlona: Sexy Purr
Nikolai: Sexy moves
Kieran: RiCo SuTrA
Merlona: Rico Suave (that song still cracks me up)
Darian Gray: Cool Cat *snaps fingers like a beatnick*
Kieran: BoNo
Chance: The Edge
Nikolai: of your seat!
Darian Gray: Sitting on my Arse doing nothing
Catherine Wiccham: Couch Potato
Jadyn: Mr Potato Head
Nikolai: I'm going to have to hurt you! (that jingle just got in my head)
Kieran: Aw, nO ToRtuRe
Reanna Kossinton: *GASP* "NOT...THE COMFY CHAIR!?!"
Nikolai: Scorpius
Chance: Scorpion
Nikolai: Leather
Reanna Kossinton: dominatrix
Kieran: XeNiA oNaToPp
Darian Gray: Lesbian warrior Princess
Nikolai: Subtext
Natasha Brookes: subliminal advertising Heather is wonderful. You'll do anything for her...
Jadyn: Unorthodox
Kieran: IrOn MiKe *** hey shaun, btw, xenia was a bond babe, not xena ***
Nikolai: Ham Tyler
Natasha Brookes: Porky Pig
Daye: Th...Th...That's all folks!
Reanna Kossinton: stuttering stanley
Nikolai: Needful Things
Daye: The Last Castle Rock Story
Darian Gray: a makeover story
Daye: TLC
Catherine Wiccham: Crazy, Sexy, Cool
Kieran: ChRiStInA
Catherine Wiccham: Wanna Get DIRTY
Kieran: SwEaTy
Daye: Workout
Darian Gray: boredom :P
Kieran: SoLiTuDe iS bLiSs
Darian Gray: Hermit
Merlona: Hobbit
Nikolai: Sam
Kieran: Of hErBs AnD sTeWeD rAbBiT
Reanna Kossinton: ...comes spew "BLAH!"
Mantheana: Target Practise
Kieran: ShAuN
Tarix Conny: Names umm...i really couldn't figure out the relation between Shaun and target practice?
Daye: Irrelevant
Kieran: uNiveRSiTy ADmiNiStRatIOn btw...shaun is perfect fodder for target practise (verbal and physical) :twisted:
Darian Gray: Evil Empire (You're lucky I didnt take a shot at you on this one Rick cause you could imagine what I could link University and you with)
Catherine Wiccham: Microsoft
Merlona: Gads of Moolah
Kieran: StYlIn' aNd PrOfIlIn' (bring it on moré, bring it on :twisted: )
Daye: What up, G?
Nikolai: Yo, yo, dawg, what up?
Daye: Wasssupp!!!
Nikolai: phonomena that should not be allowed to progress
Daye: loss of liberties in the interest of "homeland security"
Kieran: bU$hLeAgUeR
Daye: Amateur
Merlona: Clown
Kieran: PrInCe oF cRiMe
Jessica Travers: The Brat Prince
Darian Gray: RICK (I knew if i waited long enough an appropriate one would show up)
Nikolai: Rickets
Kieran: HoOcHiE ( :twisted: Shaun)
Merlona: Colt 45
Daye: Billy Dee Williams
Natasha Brookes: Lando Calrissian
Merlona: orLANDO bloom
Darian Gray: Pirate
Merlona: Johnny Depp mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Nikolai: Valerian
Merlona: screwing up my *MMMM* moment
Darian Gray: HUGH JACKMAN :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Oh yes im still bitter
Jadyn: Baaaaaaby! *Phwrrroarrrrr* :wink: @ Shaun
Catherine Wiccham: Appreciation BTW way I second that Pwwooooaaaaarrrr and raise you a series of OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! :D
Daye: Art
Kieran: ItAlIaNs
Darian Gray: Over-Patriotic
Merlona: Singing the National Anthem ... offkey
Mantheana: Small Children
Nikolai: Annoyance
Merlona: Flipping bottle caps in hotel rooms
Kieran: fOoTbAlL RoAd TrIpS btw, small kids are FUN, they always have the coolest toys and mumble :P
Jadyn: One way trip...
Nikolai: to hell
Merlona: HELL -- Robe on fire -- life flashing before my eyes
Daye: Most memorable 4th ever...
Nikolai: Setting firecrackers off behind everyone else . . . and having it be your uncle's idea
Merlona: Moving out of the house
Jadyn: Mission Impossible
Darian Gray: Over-Done
Merlona: eggs over easy
Kieran: ScRaMbLeD
Daye: in code
Nikolai: *uses clearence code he shouldn't know* "Just something I overheard while hemming someone's trousers."
Darian Gray: Getting your Knickers in a twist
Catherine Wiccham: Wedgie
Kieran: LuKiE
Merlona: Lookie what I found!
Nikolai: Bonus!
Kieran: SeCoNd eNcOrE
Catherine Wiccham: Standing Ovation
Jadyn: Ovulation :?
Nikolai: Egg-head
Merlona: sperm donor
Darian Gray: Spermariphic
Kieran: "BaRmAn'S sPeRm"
Catherine Wiccham: Screaming Orgasm(and a bunch of other drinks that you have to be drunk to order lol)
Merlona: Sex on the Beach... (oh yeah, I guess that is considered a drink also... wink wink)
Nikolai: Experimentation
Darian Gray: When things go Wrong
Natasha Brookes: Regret
Nikolai: Sorrow
Natasha Brookes: Hugh Jackman ROWR!
Kieran: LoGaN ** much much better than Mr. "I'M So Boring" Summers **
Nikolai: Spoilers! (hehe, I can't post the first thing that came to mind because it would be a spoiler - and Heather would kill me)
Darian Gray: Drugs (spoilers can be so addictive) (hey how come Scott Summers is the leader of the x-men and not Logan....oh right cause Cyclops is so much smarter/cooler
Catherine Wiccham: Trippin' (BTW ya Shaun! ^5 :D Cyclops rules!) :P
Nikolai: Acid (Which is required to think Scott Summers is anything but a dork :) )
Catherine Wiccham: Burn (Oh yeah? Well... um... TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE! :P)
Nikolai: Fire (I am not a dork - I am a nerd)
Kieran: DaNtE ** nerds bEe FoOlIsH...and scott is the leader cause he's :wink: with jean grey who happens to be prof x's little pet **
Darian Gray: Abandon hope all ye who enter here
Nikolai: TAing Symbolic Logic
Kieran: GaUsS's LaW
Darian Gray: Reduced row Echelon
Kieran: LoWeR lEvEl LiMiTs
Nikolai: Final Fantasy
Darian Gray: Golbez
Nikolai: Constant side switching
Kieran: TwEEnEr
Darian Gray: Kain (Once again a final fantasy character)
Nikolai: What have I done?
Tarix Conny: Fault
Natasha Brookes: Earthquake
Daye: Natural Disaster
Merlona: FIRE
Kieran: HeAt
Merlona: Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, and Val Kilmer
Alicenoko: The Fan,The Godfather,The Saint
Natasha Brookes: The Holy Trinity :wink:
Nikolai: Eat me
Mantheana: Alice in Wonderland
Daye: Curiouser and Curiouser
Merlona: been done.. move on
Kieran: ScReWjOb '97 ** am still crying over it...curse u vince **
Merlona: Screwdriver
Kieran: ViNcE sCrEwEd BrEt ** see, i still cant get over it...u look @ what u guys have done **
Natasha Brookes: Life goes on - get over it. :)
Kieran: Ob-La-dI, oB-lA-Da
Darian Gray: Que Sera, Sera...
Nikolai: Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. Que sera, sera.
Daye: Musical Moment
Jadyn: Once More, With Feeling... Somebody had to see this coming...
Nikolai: I can bring whole cities to ruin, and still have time to get a soft shoe in
Darian Gray: Does this mean I have to be your queen?? ..........I think we can waver that clause just this once.
Reanna Kossinton: "AH... erch.... Bugger this!"
Mantheana: School Work
Daye: Life's Work
Natasha Brookes: Destiny
Nikolai: Fate
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Catherine Wiccham: Missing Players
Ozimandius: 1972 Olympics
Darian Gray: Olympic figure-skating scandal
Nikolai: Tanya Harding
Nikolai: Innuendo from television show theme song
Natasha Brookes: Roger Ramjet
Merlona: Roger Rabbit
Natasha Brookes: I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way...
Nikolai: Jessica
Nikolai: Or maybe midgets?
Natasha Brookes: Tandoori Chicken Head Demon
Nikolai: Sally - 2 Birds - 0
Merlona: Peppermint Pattie and the Peanuts' gang!
Natasha Brookes: Lesbian icons
Nikolai: Ellen DeGeneres
Merlona: Degenerate
Darian Gray: Degeneration-X BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! hehe
Catherine Wiccham: Old Pepsi Ads
Nikolai: Annoying little girl
Darian Gray: Coca-Cola bears (you know around x-mas time)
Nikolai: stuffed dogs that bark "jingle bells"
Kieran: xMaS dInNeR
Natasha Brookes: Playing frisbee on the beach (to work of the Christmas lunch :))
Darian Gray: Decemeber 26th Boxing Day The holiest day of the year
Tarix Conny: Biting Ears Off
Daye: Mike Tyson
Darian Gray: Simply Retarded
Merlona: Simply Irresistable
Catherine Wiccham: Reese's Pieces
James_Connor: a meeses fesies ( mouses shit for the non scottish)
Daye: ET the Extra-Terrestrial
Nikolai: phone home
Ozimandius: Telemarketers....grrrrrr Obviously a case of self-loathing since I used to be one
Nikolai: Answering in a foreign language
Daye: laugh riot
Natasha Brookes: The deadliest joke in the world.
Darian Gray: two peanuts were walking down the street and one got assaulted.....
Natasha Brookes: Nah, that's more like the lamest joke in the world. :wink:
Merlona: What's brown and sounds like a bell? BTW, this cracks me up all the time, and has since Audra told it to me in junior high/high school...
Daye: Dung!!!
Darian Gray: Chuckling (That actually took me a second to get, [but its very late, thats my excuse])
Merlona: Laughing til my tummy hurts
Nikolai: Laughing so hard you go into an asthma attack because of something someone suggested
Natasha Brookes: Hysteria
Ozimandius: Bad 'Tiny Toons' ripoff.
Mantheana: Teeny Toonies
Daye: Acme Looniversity
Darian Gray: Yacko, Wacko, and Dot
Daye: "I'm not wearing any pants!"
Jadyn: Unclothed
Merlona: Calling Audra to ask her if she had taken my pants off the previous night. This came after a night of getting blitzed. I certainly wasn't in a condition to take them off myself, and I certainly wasn't wearing them in the a.m. LMAO!!
Tarix Conny: Expressions like LOL or ROTF or ROTFLMFAO
Natasha Brookes: :lol:
Tarix Conny: As we are on the subject of emmoticons..... :evilbat:
Daye: :silly:
Nikolai: Time Travel
Daye: HG Wells
Tarix Conny: The transparent man
Kieran: lEaGuE oF xTrAoRdInArY gEnTlEmEn
Natasha Brookes: Woman in charge of a bunch of crazies... sounds just like a normal family. :)
Kieran: MiA MaMmA
Darian Gray: Your Mamma Jokes
Kieran: i SaW yOuR mOmmA kIcKiNg A cAn DoWn tHe STreEt
Natasha Brookes: Step on a crack, break your mother's back.
Tarix Conny: Things not to be said to your mother...especially on a mother's day...
Ozimandius: Your Mother's no virgin.
Natasha Brookes: Mary... the only woman in history to have a husband so gullible as Joseph. :wink:
Daye: Dogma
Ozimandius: Catma
Jadyn: *does a horrid Streisand cover* Memmmmmmmmmmmoriiieeeeeeeeeeess...
Kieran: sHoTgUn tO ThE hEaD madon, my mother listens to that allllllllllll the time
Darian Gray: Shot through the heart and you're to blame, You give love a bad name
Kieran: bOy IdOl still is :P
Jadyn: Billy Idol
James_Connor: white wedding
Daye: Tragedy
Kieran: hAmLeT
Daye: Denmark
James_Connor: richuard the 3rd
Kieran: LoOkInG fOr RiChArD al pacino film about richard III
James_Connor: monkeys
Darian Gray: The Beejees I dont know if that is spelt right....
Natasha Brookes: Heebie Jeebies
James_Connor: JEPPERS CREEPRS in other words the very very very shitty movie
Darian Gray: Jeepers Creepers 2 And I thought Final Destination 2 was as bad as it could get :S
Catherine Wiccham: Sloppy Seconds
James_Connor: festvil food
Merlona: Ren Faire
Catherine Wiccham: Ren and Stimpy
Nikolai: Happy Happy Joy Joy
Darian Gray: King of the Dragons on SNES (Dont ask, but there is a connection between this, and what Adam wrote lol)
James_Connor: kiss of the dragon jet lee is the man
Chance: Dueling Dragons. Hey, i still have theme parks on the brain. Or at least on the usesles, jet-lagged corpse of an organ that i refer to as a brain.
Catherine Wiccham: Bruce Lee
Kieran: FiStS oF fUrY
Darian Gray: badly dubbed over
Natasha Brookes: Monkey Quick, someone restrain Booj - I mean the tv series, not the animal....
Catherine Wiccham: Magic
Nikolai: Religion
Ozimandius: Cult
Darian Gray: Occult
Nikolai: Henry Agrippa's De Occult Philosophia
Darian Gray: Aradia, and the Gospel of Witches Oh and I have the latin version as well as the translated english one hehe
Nikolai: Old, dusty tomes
Catherine Wiccham: Bad House Keeping
Alessa: :oops: my house :oops:
Merlona: Uh, what color carpet is in my bedroom? Do I even *have* carpet??
Nikolai: Can't tell - floor is covered in stuff.
Natasha Brookes: A teenager's filing system.
Ozimandius: Circular File
Natasha Brookes: Circular logic.
James_Connor: christans :x
Darian Gray: Pagans :D
Alessa: Heretics
Nikolai: Burned at the stake
Darian Gray: Over reacting.
Nikolai: Upstaged
Catherine Wiccham: One-Up Manship
James_Connor: me when i did drama in school :P
Catherine Wiccham: You're a Tree! BE the Tree, Be the Leaves and the twigs and the um, bark...
Nikolai: Method Acting
Darian Gray: Actors Simply that...I bet you expected a cooler response.
James_Connor: mad comics dont ask why i thought of that
Merlona: MadTV
Darian Gray: Mad with Power
Nikolai: Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *cough*cough*
Natasha Brookes: Overblown
Alessa: cough syrup
Merlona: tire blow-out
Chance: Bugger
Nikolai: English
Catherine Wiccham: Stiff-Upper-Lip
Jadyn: Pouty lower lip
James_Connor: stiffey
Darian Gray: White Squall..... :wink:
Catherine Wiccham: Er... um... Stormy
Chance: "One Stormy Night..."
Darian Gray: Cue Cliche thunder and Lightening
James_Connor: young frankstine mel brooks film
Catherine Wiccham: Victor
Nikolai: Steamed Crab
Natasha Brookes: Welcome home dinner
Nikolai: Steak
Darian Gray: Meatie Goodness.... (I actually dont like steak lol)
Merlona: An alternative to meatie goodness? Keep it G-rated, folks!
Tarix Conny: Homer Simpson
James_Connor: my dad
Chance: Old
Catherine Wiccham: Old...er than some people, but younger, than some buildings
James_Connor: scottish tent buildings frekaing like 300 years old and shit
Kieran: worst footy fans
James_Connor: english fottey fans (( cant be scots how many times a year do we get our asses kicked my french police))
James_Connor: man united *spits* the skum
Kieran: rEd DeViLs the f'n bomb...come on, RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD and the keanes, man
James_Connor: speed
Merlona: Keanu Reeves
Chance: how far down does the rabbit hole go?
Merlona: WHOA!
Nikolai: Spaceward, Ho!
Natasha Brookes: To infinity and beyond!
Catherine Wiccham: Falling With Style
Natasha Brookes: Does bouncing count?
Kieran: oNlY iF BeYoNcÉ's ArOuNd
Darian Gray: Say my Name
James_Connor: willow!!!!!!!
Darian Gray: Pretty Lesbian
Nikolai: Gabriel and Xena
James_Connor: keven sorbo
Nikolai: Heracles
Natasha Brookes: Augean Stables (phew, stinky!) And YAY! Someone who knows how to spell (and pronounce) the Greek name of Heracles.
Ozimandius: Horseflesh
James_Connor: penis
Darian Gray: Giggling at stupid things
Reanna Kossinton: Giggling at EVERYTHING!
James_Connor: drunk
Catherine Wiccham: Hangover
Darian Gray: Embarrassing Drunken Pics.... Cough Mat Cough...excuse me, had something in my throat there :D
Nikolai: Dehydration
James_Connor: me at work today it was bloody warm
Alessa: Cold, it was bloody cold here today.
Darian Gray: Cool....kinda like me :D :D :D
Kieran: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA (in his dreams, he wishes :P )
Merlona: Hmmm... Wishmaster and Dreamcatcher both instantly come to mind; both of which, I've never seen.
Kieran: Jason Vs. Freddy
Chance: Oi Shaun, I heard that! It's totally true as well. Ummm.... Cheap Personally, I think this film is really gonna suck.
Catherine Wiccham: Tweety
Kieran: SyLvESter
Catherine Wiccham: Dr Who
Kieran: BrIt SHoW
Catherine Wiccham: Red Dwarf such a cool f'n show!
Kieran: Blushing Gimli
Darian Gray: Jibber Jabber (dont ask, its the first thing that came to my head)
Natasha Brookes: "One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!" ... from the poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carrol.
Nikolai: First question.... first question.... quiz question number one.... How did.... how did Mariah.... (For those wondering: Carrol reminded me not only of an old HS teacher, but his way of speech as well)
Kieran: totALly ClUeLesS
Darian Gray: OMG, LIKE WHATEVER :) *Said while bobbing my head from side to side and chewing on a large piece of pink gum*
Kieran: L-O-S-E-R
James_Connor: teenagers.......
Merlona: stuck-up girls from the valley
Tarix Conny: The Valley Girls Girly Gang?
Alessa: Scoobies
Darian Gray: pup-pup-pup-PUPPY POWER!!!!!!!
Natasha Brookes: Hush puppies.
Darian Gray: Louisa, and the technicoloured Shoe extravaganza
Natasha Brookes: Footwear fetishists.
Ozimandius: Leather and lace
Natasha Brookes: Madam Lash, mistress of pain. :)
Nikolai: NOT a game played with Fixer ;)
Natasha Brookes: Snakes and ladders? :wink:
James_Connor: monopley
Kieran: gO stRaiGhT tO jAiL
James_Connor: 3 strikes and your out
Kieran: iCe CuBe
Catherine Wiccham: Iced Tea
Tarix Conny: Snow Queen
Darian Gray: Dancing Queen
Kieran: AbBa dear god, to think a broadway musical is based on them 8O
James_Connor: pracilla queen of the desert ....love that movie
Kieran: to wong fOO, thanks for everythING, JuLiE nEwMaR
Darian Gray: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Nikolai: Transvestites
James_Connor: what my dad dressed up at on hallow ween he dressed up as dr frankin furter
Merlona: the wicked witch... now that I think on it... I've done this costume alot... is someone trying to tell me something?! :?
Kieran: red sLIpPerS
Darian Gray: Street Corner women
James_Connor: AMSTERDAM!
Alessa: diamonds
Natasha Brookes: Are a girl's best friend. :wink:
Merlona: Things that use batteries! 8O (I don't know what you guys are thinking... I was talking about the TV remote control. :P )
Kieran: suuuuuuuuuure
Natasha Brookes: Sarcasm.
Kieran: wIt
Alessa: Buffy Summers
Darian Gray: Boy smell good.......Beer bad........
Catherine Wiccham: Backcomb Disaster
Kieran: Mr. Miller 8O (guy seriously had a challenge when it came to combing his dome)
Nikolai: Denis Miller
Natasha Brookes: Dennis Lillee Lilllllleeeeee, Lilllllleeeeee, Lillllllleeeeeee hehe Even Amanda might not get that one... she's too young. :roll:
Darian Gray: Raving Lunatics
Nikolai: Me and my friends ;)
Kieran: frieNDs??? :P
Merlona: When did you get those?
Nikolai: Sarcasm
Kieran: cHanDLer BiNg
Chance: lower case
Tarix Conny: A strong leather case
Darian Gray: Leather and Lace
Kieran: pePPeR & mAcE
Merlona: bad first date
Darian Gray: The Carl Experience 8O :?
Nikolai: Card Cataloges
Merlona: The Dewey Decimal System
Alessa: :roll: EASIER :roll:
Reanna Kossinton: cruisey 8)
Darian Gray: You're Cruising for a Bruising
Nikolai: Bash and Smash!
Merlona: What Kristen's hubby did to my poor innocent toe yesterday at Wet N Wild.
Alessa: :twisted: Computer Demons!! :twisted:
Nikolai: Victor's Office
Darian Gray: Office Space (Incredibly funny movie, I suggest you all go watch it)
Merlona: ummmm yeaaaahhh.... that would be great.... ummmm yeaaaaahhhh
Natasha Brookes: Apathy Rules
Nikolai: I would be apathetic, but I can't be bothered to
Alessa: Machiavellian
Ozimandius: Mach Three
Alessa: Mark 5
Merlona: Are we talking razors or Top Gun?
Darian Gray: Fighter Pilots
Nikolai: TIE Fighter
Merlona: Thai food
Nikolai: Spicey
Ozimandius: Meatball
Alessa: Spaghetti
Darian Gray: Garlic
Natasha Brookes: Vampire repellent.
Ozimandius: Crosses
Merlona: eyes
Chance: and ears and mouth and nose.... hehehe
Merlona: lions and tigers and bears... OH MY!!
Kieran: and Piglet too!!!!!!!!
Darian Gray: Whats Long, skinny, green and smells like Pork? Kermit the Frogs Finger OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Kieran: shaun the UnFuNNy ComEdIaN
Natasha Brookes: Leslie Nieslen - speaking of unfunny... :roll:
Alessa: Love at the first bite
Nikolai: Without me, Transylvania will be as exciting as Bucharest on a Monday night!
Kieran: a new vampire wrestler on RAW
Nikolai: WWF that's right, to me, it's always going to be WWF....
Chance: Terrible acting. And the script ain't that much better either (cos lets face it, WWF is scripted :P)
Nikolai: Kevin Kostner
Natasha Brookes: Robin Hood with an American accent. 8O
Chance: Yanks
Ozimandius: synonym for Jerks Hey! I resemble that remark!
Nikolai: Calling a Southerner a Yank
Daye: Dangerous proposition
Kieran: 1-NigHt stANd
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Tarix Conny:ohhh hubba hubba *whistles* :oops:
James_Connor :*pukes* :o
Chance :*pukes again...and again* (A brief summary of my sunday ;))
Natasha Brookes :hehe Tuesday was my drunk night. :wink:
Chance :lol i'm glad it wasn't mine...that would have made college the next day fun :?
Catherine Wiccham :Falling Asleep in Lectures
Darian Gray :Me tuesday morning
Chance :Me *every* morning
Nikolai :Drinking...... COFFEE!
Natasha Brookes :Tash. :D
Nikolai :Depressed
Natasha Brookes :Have another beer - you'll feel better. Or pass out. :)
Nikolai :hungover
Natasha Brookes :Rat-arsed.
Nikolai :Pissed
Natasha Brookes :... as a fart.
Ozimandius :Bedroom Antics
Natasha Brookes ::twisted:
Nikolai :Not a mental image we need from Heather after a latin exam
Natasha Brookes :Disturbing mental landscape.
Tarix Conny :Salvador Dali
Catherine Wiccham :Freaky Melting Clocks
Ozimandius :Oven Timer
James_Connor :for some reason i think of mullets :cry:
Catherine Wiccham :Peter Stringfellow
Darian Gray :Mellow Fellow
Tarix Conny :The names Melon, Water Melon
Merlona :Walter Mitty
Tarix Conny :The odd couple
Alessa :Super Agent 86 and the 99
Nikolai :Maxwell Smart here. And..... loving it.
Tarix Conny :"Oh that smarts!"
Catherine Wiccham :Cry Baby
Darian Gray :Who, MOI?
Tarix Conny :"Pick me teacher, i'm ever so smart"
Alessa :Oh, I'll pick you, all right.
Natasha Brookes :Boogers :wink:
Tarix Conny :The Boggy Man!!!
Nikolai :Oogie Boogy
Catherine Wiccham :Boogy Woogy
Mantheana :Boogie Nights *shudder*
Chance :Night Fever
Natasha Brookes :The Bee Gees
Tarix Conny :BUZZ!!!! touch the honey and you die BUZZ!!!
Kieran :ManIacAl pOOh
Tarix Conny :Peeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh
Kieran :gRadE scHOOl
Tarix Conny :"Eeeeuuuu she's got coooootties....." :roll:
Ozimandius :Crotch Critters
Tarix Conny :Couch potatoe
Darian Gray :Hot Potatoe
Catherine Wiccham :CATCH!!
Tarix Conny :....a tiger by the toe....
Catherine Wiccham :Eeanie, Meanie, Miney, Mo
Darian Gray :Catch a toe by the toe, if he holly lemon go (the version my friend Dave used to say when he was young...poor francaphone kid...)
Chance :weirdo :P
Natasha Brookes :*checks mirror* Uh huh... and your point?
Kieran :I nEvEr hAvE A pOInt
Tarix Conny :The other end of the sword
Catherine Wiccham :Duel!!
Ozimandius :Dual
Tarix Conny :EXPELLIRAMUS!!!!
Kieran :lAtIn Is dEAd
Catherine Wiccham :The Day the Music Died
Tarix Conny :Americam Pie
Chance :American Pie, even. Or perhaps I should say 'typos'? :lol:
Alessa :comma
Darian Gray :Coma
Natasha Brookes :Adrenaline and Soma (Vila's favourite drink, and if you have no clue what I'm on about you're a philistine. :wink:)
Tarix Conny :Andromeda (:oops: and an oopsie about the typo...)
Nikolai :Virus
Chance :Twins and lol @ ally hehe...
Kieran :schwArzEnEggEr/dE vItO
James_Connor :nazi womanising polatican ! 8) ((sorry for typo))
Darian Gray :Only in the American Government :D :lol: :D
Catherine Wiccham :George Bush
Nikolai :or Chimp?
Catherine Wiccham :ChUmp
Tarix Conny :A camel with three humps
Catherine Wiccham :Humpfrey *groans* I know... bad joke! :twisted:
Tarix Conny :Boggart wat joke?
Catherine Wiccham :"Here's looking atchu Kid" The joke is, "What do you call a camel with three humps?" - Humpfrey (hump-three) :roll: :roll:
Darian Gray :A soft nudge to the chin.
James_Connor :tyson!
Tarix Conny :Ear biter
Chance :mmm...tastes like chicken.
Tarix Conny :"So what does human flesh taste like?" Hanable "ummm chicken!"
Darian Gray :C'est la dance des canards C'est la dance des canards C'est la dance des canards Quack Quack Quack Quack.... *I dont know where I got duck from chicken, but whatever.....
Nikolai :Go eat some "quakers" in bed
Ozimandius :Kick her outta bed for eating crackers.
Tarix Conny :"sleep on the couch tonight"
Kieran :The Mexican funny pitt-roberts film...ya know, where she kicks him out of the apartment, hehehe, im probably the only laughing @ this
Natasha Brookes :Stand-off
Nikolai :Gunfight
Kieran :Pistolero
Alessa :Antonio Banderas 8O 8O
Natasha Brookes :Dathan :D
Darian Gray :Krispin does anyone else think he sounds like a breakfeast cereal?
Chance :haha lol now that you mention it... ok, keeping the theme: Nicholas
Catherine Wiccham :Saint
Ozimandius :Simon Templar
Chance :Knight Templar
Catherine Wiccham :Knights of the Round Table
Chance :King Arthur
Ozimandius :Arthur Dent
Chance :don't forget your towel
Darian Gray :McGill Gym
Catherine Wiccham :Workout
Chance :Bah
Nikolai :Humbug
Catherine Wiccham :Sweet
Chance :Sugar
Nikolai :Cubes
Tarix Conny :Rubin's Cube
James_Connor :tasticals dont ask me why
Chance :ok, I won't :P Random
Alessa :Random Access Memory
Darian Gray :Momento
James_Connor :bandana gift from leeds ^_^
Catherine Wiccham :Crazy Head Gear
Nikolai :Shaman
Catherine Wiccham :Ebenezer Good
Nikolai :Scrooged
Darian Gray :Tiny Tim
Alessa :Mr. Pointy (dont ask)
James_Connor :teenage imagnation 8) 8) 8)
Catherine Wiccham :Teenage Kicks
Nikolai :Turtles
Alessa :Classical Painters
Nikolai :Homoerotic sculptures
Darian Gray :Oh...all the things I could reply to this....maybe ill just play it safe and go with The Statue of David
Ozimandius :The Sistine Chapel
Alessa :little pensive angels
Chance :Angel cakes... That reminds me, need to eat. :P ++Edit++ Just noticed...321 posts = Elder. YAY :D (remembers days of loose-endness, all of, oh, four months ago give or take)
Catherine Wiccham :Ricki Lake anyone else remember that Ricki Lake film Baby Cakes? Nope? Oh well :oops:
Tarix Conny :Fishing
Darian Gray :Fishermen's Friend Those mofo's are strong lol
Nikolai :A pair of dice (Don't ask!)
Tarix Conny :Car merchandise
Alessa :Sun and soldiers (you dont ask)
Tarix Conny :"Nobody say anything" *a moment of silence* "oh well nuff of that" *starts banging a drum*
Chance :oi! keep it down up there! *bangs on ceiling.*
Catherine Wiccham :Mr Heckles
James_Connor :dr jeckels and mr hyde
Nikolai :split personality
Tarix Conny :A splitting headache
Catherine Wiccham :Panadol
Nikolai :Give me the good drugs, man!
Darian Gray :Hangin' with spider monkeys and trippin on acid....
Tarix Conny :Lethal action
Natasha Brookes :Running with scissors.
Ozimandius :Gravelings Day Off
Natasha Brookes :Salt shaker towers.
Kieran :brInE pUmp
Tarix Conny :A Sweaty thing
Nikolai :Sex
Kieran :rOllIng stOnEs yes, it is the first thing that came to mind, the whole marianne faithful story
Tarix Conny :Collect no moss
Catherine Wiccham :Proverb
Darian Gray :Adverb
Nikolai :laetus, laetior, laetissimmus.
Tarix Conny :Difficult pronouncy words
Catherine Wiccham :Lisp
Tarix Conny :A pack o' crisp's's's
Natasha Brookes :Fish and Chips I actually had some here the other day, at the Scottish Festival. They had real, actual fish and chips! Not too bad, either.
Nikolai :Bumper Sticker: It's hard to be humble when you're Scottish
Chance :Scottish Oats Not a cereal I eat, but one i have to stack at work... :roll:
Kieran :hOOlIgAns
Chance :lol... Townies
Tarix Conny :Urban legend
Chance :Fantastic Legends
Nikolai :Finding a real job with a degree in philosophy :)
Darian Gray :Impossible
Chance :The two hour long hair shampoo commercial that was: Mission Impossible II
Darian Gray :2 hours of my life I will never get back ps I think its fun changing the avatars for Halloween. :)
Catherine Wiccham :Regrets
Chance :No Regrets, No Remorse
Darian Gray :Monkey See, Monkey Do
Tarix Conny :Dumb and dumber
Jadyn :Liar Liar I hate Jim Carey... :evil:
Darian Gray :Can you say Over acting?
Catherine Wiccham :Rhetorical Questions
Tarix Conny :Ask not what you know not.....
Alessa :Ask me no questions, tell you no lies.
Darian Gray :Hear no evil, See no evil
Tarix Conny :Dr. EVILLLLLLL!!!!!
Nikolai :Scott Evil
Catherine Wiccham :Arch Villain
Tarix Conny :"We are your Nemisis-ses-sess"
Jadyn :Wankers :P
Nikolai :Angel
Natasha Brookes :Hair gel
Tarix Conny :Utter spiky stiffness
Natasha Brookes :Naked Buffy (guaranteed to make Spike stiff :D)
Nikolai :Xander's thoughts
Chance :hehe...Great minds think alike :P
Nikolai :Fools seldom differ :)
Chance :oi, I saw that...Smart-arse :P
Nikolai :Walked right into it too :)
Catherine Wiccham :Lamp Post
Nikolai :Dull as a....
Tarix Conny :Blade?
Catherine Wiccham :Wesley Snipes
Jadyn :Ugly
Darian Gray :The Boys in Ottawa
Tarix Conny : "White men can't jump" however the above statement is not true in many aspects as when analysing the human body we can see by the location of our joints that all humans capable of walking can easily jump or hop in places....however one might analyse the statement to see whether it means "white men can't jump high enough" but we would have to look at the basis of the comparison of the statement. However..... *stops as she gets looks from everybody* "sigh" yes the work at my university is getting to me.... *laughs manically* *goes back to sleep*
Alessa :White Hats... can jump?
Tarix Conny :hoppity hop hop hop hoppity hop hop hop....
Ozimandius :Alicenoko
Nikolai :Bunny!
Catherine Wiccham :Outfit
Tarix Conny :"Oh look it fits like a glove!!!" *the dress starts to tear at the seams* "Yup, like a glove"
Darian Gray :T-Shirts which are 15 sizes to small..... Its a shame Mike doesnt read the LABN boards :D
Anonymous :
Its a shame Mike doesnt read the LABN boards
Tarix Conny :Hey Mike!
Alessa :Karaoke bar
Tarix Conny :Singing to one's heart content
Alessa :If I sing, nobody's heart will be content. :oops:
Darian Gray :Rap Singers
Anonymous :My brother "rapping" in the shower :roll:
Tarix Conny :A wet tune
Natasha Brookes :Singing in the Rain
Nikolai :Singing in the shower
Catherine Wiccham :Jean Kelly
Tarix Conny :Jean Briggs
Alessa :Joan of Arc
Catherine Wiccham :Noah's Ark
Tarix Conny :Amatures made the ark, professionals made the Titanic
Darian Gray :A big Boat
Tarix Conny :Needs a big-er Pond
Catherine Wiccham :Fishes
Nikolai :Pisces
Natasha Brookes :Age of Aquarius :B-fly: :smilecolros: :B-fly:
Anonymous :Scorpio
Jadyn :The Scorpion King
Tarix Conny :The guy from WWF, the guy named after the hard about, whatsis name....oh yeah, THE ROCK
Catherine Wiccham :Alcatraz
Tarix Conny :El Cat Who?
Catherine Wiccham :Top Cat Who'd have thought you could get from Alcatraz to Top Cat in just two moves? :D
Alessa :the Aristocats
Tarix Conny :Monarchs
Natasha Brookes :Raisins It's a long story... but trust me, they're related. Those of you who have watched the commentary tracks on the Farscape DVD's will know what I mean. :D
Tarix Conny :Raisin Brain's? i haven't watched the commentary but heather has made me curiuos enough...
Darian Gray :Raisin Brand
Ozimandius :Sun Maid
Natasha Brookes :Queensland Sheila :D
Nikolai :Queen Sheila of the Land
Ozimandius :Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Natasha Brookes :Guy Pearce in a dress. ROWR!
Jadyn :LOTR
Anonymous :Hobbits
Nikolai :Latin professors
Darian Gray :Latino Heat
Alessa :Samba
Catherine Wiccham :Simba
Anonymous :Hyenas
Jadyn :The Lion King
Alessa :Hakuna Matata
Nikolai :No Worries for the Rest of Your Days
James_Connor :roast pork
Tarix Conny :An unhappy oink
Darian Gray :Horton heard a hoo
Tarix Conny :Haachoo
Daye :Bless you
Tarix Conny :Gazundhied
Reanna Kossinton :Danke
Alessa :Gracias
Darian Gray :Merci
Jadyn :Xie xie... (That's in Chinese, for the uninitiated. :P)
Nikolai :Dian Dian Dian
Natasha Brookes :...
Tarix Conny :speechless
Reanna Kossinton :mute
Daye :Jericho
Chance :Kal. Don't ask. Oh, as you did, he's a character from Warhammer. Kal Jericho.
Tarix Conny :Hammer head
Catherine Wiccham :Shark
Chance :Jaws
Nikolai :evolution
Daye :Duchovny
Catherine Wiccham :"Why won't choo love me?! Whhhy won't choo love me!!"
Alessa :Love Bites
Nikolai :"The second way to kill a vampire, count. Three silver bullets in the heart!" *shoots* "That's wearwolves, you idiot!" "Oh. Really? Thanks. It's ok, he's a vampire, no harm done!"
Alessa :Stephen King
Anonymous :Castlevania Oh and also Shaun, while working a seven hour shift of shelving books in the library (in which I may have lost my sanity), I accidentaly discovered that it is "Horton hears a who" not "hoo". Just thought I'd point that out :D
Darian Gray :Captain N (plz tell me someone remembers that cartoon)
Tarix Conny :N.Gin
Alessa :Gin and tonic
Nikolai :Bourbon and Ginger Ale
Tarix Conny :Alchoholic
Reanna Kossinton :not ME! *nervous laughter*
Tarix Conny :Shaggy
Reanna Kossinton :Scoooooooooby
Darian Gray :SCOOBY-DOOBY-DOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikolai :Magicians chanting in skat :)
Catherine Wiccham :Cat Skat 8O
Nikolai :Mid-eow, mid-eow, middly-iddly-eow!
Alessa :ears hurt
Catherine Wiccham :Ache
Tarix Conny :OW!!!
Chance :Bugger!
Darian Gray :Booger
Nikolai :Snot
Catherine Wiccham :Snotty
Nikolai :"Snotty beamed me twice last night, sir. It was wonderfull."
Natasha Brookes :"The radar sir - it appears to be jammed." "Jammed? RASPBERRY!! Only one man would DARE give ME the raspberry!"
Tarix Conny :Well I'll be jammed!!!
Chance :oooh....jammy
Tarix Conny :They should invent the banana and chocolate jam...ummmmmmm
Chance :then again, let's not :P
Jadyn :I have no idea what to say... :P
Catherine Wiccham :Speechless
Nikolai :Silence is golden
Ozimandius :Golden Goose
Tarix Conny :SQUACK!!!
Darian Gray :Affleck,.....Gigli.....AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daye :The Horror...the horror!
Catherine Wiccham :Conrad
Chance :Kurz ... ... Yup, another Warhammer character :P Konrad Curz.
Tarix Conny :Kirk: Scotty...Beam me up *tzhing!!!*
Ozimandius :*Schwing!*
Darian Gray :Oh boy, hehehehe something comes to mind
Chance :'Ello 'ello ;)
Tarix Conny :The comedy french drama man, how long ago was that!
Chance :donkeys years ago, that's how long *remembers sitting around with parents as a kid watching it...*
Nikolai :It is recorded in memory
Natasha Brookes :RAM ... as a KID?? Matt, I remember watching it as an adult... Now you're making me feel old. :(
Ozimandius :EWE
Natasha Brookes :New Zealanders on cold, lonely nights.
Tarix Conny :Darkness falls to hold you to its heart, Try to resist, but it shall always last
Jadyn :Poetry
Catherine Wiccham :In Motion
Jadyn :Do the Locomotion...
Nikolai :Crazy dances
Catherine Wiccham :The Macarena
Nikolai :Star Trek Music Videos
Darian Gray :Running off in horror
Ozimandius :"Is this the part where my shirt comes off?"
Natasha Brookes :Hmmmm.... *blinks* Sorry, did somebody say something? I was daydreaming there for a minute. :wink:
Nikolai :Surprise (specifically, that certain persons are posting and not shagging ;))
Tarix Conny : :o
Catherine Wiccham :Mr Chips (the little yellow guy always reminds me of this character on a game show over here oh well!! :twisted: )
Darian Gray :Chip and Dayle Re-re-re-re-re-re-rescue Rangers!
Nikolai :Tony Slattery
Tarix Conny :Mr Slate and Mrs Chalk
Jadyn :Blackboards
Nikolai :Impersonal Verbs
Ozimandius :Interpersonal relationships
Catherine Wiccham :Domestic
Natasha Brookes :Bliss
Tarix Conny :Sheer
Nikolai :Dress
Catherine Wiccham :All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Tarix Conny :Clueless
Jadyn :Alicia Silverstone... Like d-uh... :wink:
Natasha Brookes :Car Boot Sale :D
Darian Gray :Boxing Day Sales (the greatest Holiday of them all)
Thomas Brennan :Tyson
Ozimandius :Corner (there is a town near here called Tyson's Corner in case you wanted to know)
Nikolai :Booth
Daye :Lincoln
Tarix Conny :Avenue?
Ozimandius :Boulevard
Nikolai :Bull from the yard
Natasha Brookes :It's a fair cop.
Ozimandius :Flying Fox of the Yard!
Ozimandius :Kemosabe
Tarix Conny :Finding Kemo
Daye :Nemo?
Natasha Brookes :Nero
Tarix Conny :A big fat balding yet cute ZERO!!!
Ozimandius :Zorro
Tarix Conny :*tzhing!* _ *tzhing* /_ *tzhing* Z
Catherine Wiccham :Trademark BTW LOL nice one Saadia :lol:
Nikolai :Blow
Catherine Wiccham :Job Oh come on, we were all thinking it, someone might as well say it! ;)
Nikolai :Foreplay :twisted:
Tarix Conny :after math
Catherine Wiccham :Recess that's what I always had after Math anyway ;)
Tarix Conny :Timeout!!! *reminds her of the chocolate bar* ummm chocolate...
Darian Gray :Women
Nikolai :Attractive
Tarix Conny :Fatal
Thomas Brennan :Disease
Catherine Wiccham :The Plague
Thomas Brennan :PUS
Natasha Brookes :Nurgle Only Warhammer players will get that one...
Thomas Brennan :Khorne
Chance :Yay i got that :D To continue the theme... Slannesh
Tarix Conny :Slash and Bash
Chance :aww missed out poor Tzeench (can't remember how to spell it off the top of my head) ah well... (grr can't find a decent orange...that'll have to do) Hack 'em and Slash 'em
Tarix Conny :Texas Chainsaw action
Nikolai :Masacare
Ozimandius :Mascara
Natasha Brookes :Panda eyes.
Nikolai :The panda's thumb
Ozimandius :Bamboo Flavored
Alessa :Sweet
Nikolai :Sour
Tarix Conny :Chinese Food *YUM!!!*
Darian Gray :General Tao Chicken
Tarix Conny :Finger Eating Good
Chance :Chicken Chow Mein Drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Jadyn :Chikity China, The Chinese Chicken... For those of you who don't have a clue on what I'm talking about, go download the mp3. :P (Yes, just type 'Chikity China, The Chinese Chicken' in Kazaa or something... Heh heh...)
Darian Gray :Take a drum stick and your brain stops tickin' Watching X-Files with no lights on, we're dans la maison, I hope the smoking man is in this one...
Tarix Conny :An unhaiku haiku?
Alessa :Poetry
Nikolai :Catullus
Ozimandius :Catalyst
Jadyn :Chemistry
Catherine Wiccham :Weird Science btw, nice Barenaked Ladies intro from Shaun ;)
Tarix Conny :"and heres how potasium reacts when put into water, be careful not too put too much though...uh oh...." KA-BOOOOOOMMMM!!!! "OH COOL SIR!!! do it again!!!"
Nikolai :High School
Tarix Conny :puberty
Catherine Wiccham :The Facts of Life
Nikolai :Annoying theme songs to get stuck in your head
Chance :The last song you hear on the way to work (or college/school/etc)
Tarix Conny :I have to go to work, i should go to work, work is where the money is....*looks at watch* hmmm *goes back to sleep*
Catherine Wiccham :Lazy Daisy
Nikolai :Thesis Work :)
Daye :Nonstop
Tarix Conny :Full stop
Catherine Wiccham :Punctuation
Nikolai :Accupuncture
Darian Gray :Pin Head
Tarix Conny :Hammer it
James_Connor :hammer time ! dun dun dun dun dun dun dun "cant touch this "
Chance :damn it you beat me to it :P
Darian Gray :NO this is wrong....wrong.....WRONG ME WRONG ME, WRONG MY BRAINS OUT! -anyone remember Dracula:dead and loving it. like the funniest movie ever lol.
Tarix Conny :I believe you are wrong....
James_Connor :for i am right and i am the only one who is ever right ! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Chance :Naturally :P
Alessa :Natural Selection!
Ozimandius :The Dark Crystal
Alessa :Puppets
Darian Gray :Muppit Babies
Tarix Conny :To Crawl
Daye :before you can walk
Tarix Conny :Walk all over me
Natasha Brookes :These boots were made for walkin'
Catherine Wiccham :SEND IN THE FEMBOTS!!! :D :D
Nikolai :I really like girls of that - caliber.
Darian Gray :Sex Bomb And lol Fembots...I dont know why, i laughed alot when I read that
Natasha Brookes :Tom Jones I just love it when he sings that song. :)
Tarix Conny :The tom and jerry director guy
Ozimandius :Bad Memory (it's Chuck Jones, Saadia)
Tarix Conny :All alone in the moonlight.... (Thanks Dave, yup thats the guys....keep forgetting his name)
Darian Gray :Cant Fight the Moonlight
James_Connor :dancing in the moonlight
Tarix Conny :Romantic *sigh*
James_Connor :getting mugged never go out at night in my city
Tarix Conny :A cup of coffee btw what relation does getting mugged have to being romantic lol
James_Connor :tea cos any time ive tryed to do anything romantic with a girl something has always fucked up the last 3 times it was i got attacked by townies
Tarix Conny :Earl Grey, hot
Natasha Brookes :Picard
Ozimandius :maneuver or if you prefer manoeuvre
Natasha Brookes :Heimlich "Well, it's not really a manoeuvre at the moment. It's more of a gesture."
Tarix Conny :Lick who?
Nikolai ::oops: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :oops:
Tarix Conny :The devil looks you in the face, you feel paralysed unwilling to move, you look at the face again, "Mirrors do hold the truth then"
Chance :Death stands above me, Whispering low. Of his strange language all that I know, There is only pain and fear.
Darian Gray :Something alittle more upbeat
Tarix Conny :A song about Love and all that tastes sweet
Nikolai :Sing you're happy now, once more with feelin....
Kieran :"we're gon' throw the party, rock the party, drink Bacardi, then freak somebody"
Tarix Conny :Getting Drunk
Chance :Ahh....good times...
Tarix Conny :An old Person's memories
Nikolai :The child is the same person as the adult, who is the same as the retired general; but this last is not the same person as the child.
Tarix Conny :figure of speech
Kieran :"go fk urself...no really, please do"
Nikolai :"When I told you to go fuck yourself, I didn't mean for you to take me literally."
Kieran :"well then, i apologize for this rude display of conduct"
Tarix Conny :Exchange of abusive conduct
Kieran :bOxIng
Darian Gray :Wrastlin' (and yes pronounce it like a texan)
Jadyn :Wrestling
Tarix Conny :Ruffling of quite a few feathers
Alessa :Paradise Bird :smilecolros:
Kieran :nAtAlIE ImbrUglIA
Tarix Conny :Yet another difficult to pronounce surname
Chance :...leading to uncomforable situations.
Catherine Wiccham :Wedgie
Tarix Conny :The Mask
Nikolai :Banished
Kieran :exIlE
Darian Gray :In Style (kinda sounds similar lol)
Tarix Conny :Trendy
Chance :A favourite saying of mine: Groovy
Alessa :A groovy kind of love
Tarix Conny :Get on your groove thing
Kieran :shAkE thAt thAng..... damn, matt, have u seen the latest FHM UK?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? 8O beyoncé's in it :P :P :P
Tarix Conny :Thaaaaaannnnnggg Kyo
Chance :Bouyance Aid?....FHM?...New? *Runs off to go looky.*
Kieran :For Him Magazine... :P educational reading for the young male :lol:
Tarix Conny :Women's Lib
Darian Gray :Burn The Bra!!!!!!!!!!
Jadyn :Bring back the corset!!! :P
Kieran :hEAvIng bOsOms
Tarix Conny :Man's dream
Kieran :hoLLy vALanCe + keLLy brOOk + beyOncÉ
Tarix Conny :The Trio
Kieran :replaces the gym
Tarix Conny :workout
Alessa :Torture :roll:
Darian Gray :Dieting
Tarix Conny :

Kieran :diets no work...GYM GYM GYM :P
Tarix Conny :Do i get to post another comic to prove that one wrong :P
Catherine Wiccham :Questions without Answers
Darian Gray :A girl asking "Does this make me look fat?"
Nikolai :No, your fat makes you look fat. That shirt just makes you look pink.
Chance :The hard truth ;)
Catherine Wiccham :Earns you a Broken Nose
James_Connor :stubed toe
Tarix Conny :Fight with a vampire....wud definatly get you more then a stubbed toe ofcourse ;)
Kieran :more like a can o' that whOOp aSS
Tarix Conny :Ass kicking boots???
Catherine Wiccham :Mortal Ass-Kicking Boots :D
Tarix Conny :Endless supply of money coming up :mrgreen:
Kieran :yuMMy muMMy :P :P 8) :twisted: :P
Tarix Conny :Pie
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Catherine Wiccham :American
Tarix Conny :"Bye bye mutant enemy guy..."
Kieran :snIKt!
Tarix Conny :Kirk
Catherine Wiccham :Captain
Kieran :rIcO and GisELe
Darian Gray :Only a dream
Tarix Conny :A Dream catcher
Nikolai :Stephan King
James_Connor :cujo
Kieran :oveRRateD hOckeY goALie
Tarix Conny :broken ribs, broken arm, fracured wrist, bruised eye.....
Darian Gray :What Rick is going to get if he makes another comment about Finance :twisted:
Tarix Conny :A bill?
Thomas Brennan :Kill Bill
Kieran :bLaCK mAMbA oooh, im scared...im running off to see kat
Jadyn :Samantha Mumba
Darian Gray :Dance with me, my baby
Tarix Conny :Save the last Dance
Catherine Wiccham :Something by Spandau Ballet
Tarix Conny :Dirty Ballet-ing...
Kieran :evEn MORe patRIcK swAYzE :cry:
Tarix Conny :Ghosts
James_Connor :dirty dancing
Darian Gray :Flash Dance!
Catherine Wiccham :um Welding
Darian Gray :Welling (as in Tom Welling) (my train of thought to get here Welding + pic of my avatar...you see where I was going)
Tarix Conny :H G Wells
Catherine Wiccham :The Time Machine
Tarix Conny :Vortex of the past, blocked by mind
Nikolai :Eaten by an Ichtyiosaur, even though they had a diet of fish
Catherine Wiccham :Something Fishy Going On
Nikolai :Casting about
Catherine Wiccham :Casting Couch
Nikolai :'Couching' down to pick something up
Catherine Wiccham :or... Bending Over ;)
Nikolai :I'll bet you'd like to see that... ;)
Darian Gray :Depends who
Kieran :"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm sooooooooooooooooooo smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart"...loser
Darian Gray :Random train of thought. A) Im wondering how your brain associated 'Depends who" with what you wrote. B) its 'Im so Smaaaaaaart'. you dont add extra on the first ones. C) *just shakes had at Ric's Sadness*
Tarix Conny :Eyebrow Raised *raises eyebrow to demonstrate*
Alessa :Incredulous (sp?)
Nikolai :kindfluffysteve
Darian Gray :fluffy bunnies
Alessa :Anya
Tarix Conny :Venegence is sweet-tuh
Jadyn :A dish best served cold...
Tarix Conny :Gazpacho soup red dwarf reference
Natasha Brookes :*does the Rimmer salute*
Tarix Conny :Goofy yet irratating man
Chance :British Comedy :D
Catherine Wiccham :Father Ted!! :D
Tarix Conny :Father Cat Mother Dog
Alessa ::roll: Catdog, or was it Dogcat?
Tarix Conny :Gotta sing this song....
Jadyn :Chihuahua!!! (Am I the only one who's totally annoyed by that new ad or what! Argh...) :evil:
Nikolai :Hot or cold running dinosaurs?
Darian Gray :Hot, or cold running water
Tarix Conny :"Run after it then..."
Alessa :Roadrunner pip pip!!
Tarix Conny :ACME
Jadyn :Acne
Chance :Bloody annoying...<< understatement of the year :P
Natasha Brookes :Periods
Alessa ::roll: PMS
Darian Gray :Reasons to become gay... :D sorry gals, but ya'll go crazy at that time of month
Nikolai :Two words: hot lesbian
Kieran :dO anY reAllY eXiSt?
Chance :Well, I'm determined to spend my whole life looking for them or die trying!
Darian Gray :Give up, its a hopeless cause
Nikolai :Hitting on said hot lesbian when you're a straight guy ;)
Tarix Conny :Trying really hard to move off that subject..... Men :roll:, bring the lesbian subject and have them talking till ever about it....
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Alessa: Weather, nice, safe topic. It's raining here. :wink:
Nikolai: Twisting supposedly safe topics into an inneundo :)
Alessa: Polititians expertise
Nikolai: Blue dress
Darian Gray: Our Favourite Intern
Daye: The Oral Office
Tarix Conny: Communication ppl, its vital for an organisation
Jadyn: Vital Organ
Tarix Conny: HEART!....before any of the men answer :P hehe
Darian Gray: Properly guessing the first thing that came to mind hahah Saadia, you truely know how our minds work.
Ozimandius: Telepathy
Natasha Brookes: I knew you were going to say that! :D
Jadyn: Predictable
Tarix Conny: Oracle
Darian Gray: Delphi
Nikolai: A Prarie Home Companion
Tarix Conny: Mans best friend
Darian Gray: My Tommy :D awww isnt he cute
Reanna Kossinton: my pheiffer :mrgreen: there's my polly too, but i can't find good pic of her on my comp *sniff*
Chance: My...ummmm...damn. Don't have a pet :P
Alessa: you have your younger brother :wink: and Franky the weremoose :roll:
Tarix Conny: Frankenstein
Darian Gray: square head.
Stalker: Boxed in
Darian Gray: How dogs feel when you force them to pose for a pic This is my Keyla btw (hehe I just wanted to show you all my other baby :D )
Nikolai: "I could take him... just let me at him." Well if we're going to do pictures.... :D
Reanna Kossinton: hehe, share time
Tarix Conny: Buffy-aholics Anonymous
Alessa: Only place where you get worse and not better... :wink:
Tarix Conny: An unclean hospital
James_Connor: NHS :roll:
Tarix Conny: Never get run over by a car
Kieran: then dont try to be a smartass and cross the street when a car is coming
Tarix Conny: Weee ...mummy look at all those colours...
Daye: rainbow
Darian Gray: Lucky Charms
Daye: Naughty Leprechauns
Nikolai: Frau Farbissina
Tarix Conny: I shall call him MINY ME!!!
Nikolai: "I feel like I should have this evil Mini-Me up here, just to threaten you with even more complicated papers than you're already reading."
Tarix Conny: Tough essay's (grrr argh :x )
Darian Gray: Paper Cut-Out Monster
Nikolai: Grrrr, Arrrrg!
Reanna Kossinton: repeated catchy lines :P
Tarix Conny: "Dude, wat does mine say' "Sweet, wat does mine say?" "Dude, wat does mine say?" "Sweet, wat does mine say?".....
Darian Gray: Ashton Kutcher
James_Connor: ugly hair
Tarix Conny: Have you seen the kids in kuwait? Its like when they are born they gel up their hair into spikes!!!....sorry had to get that one of my chest....
Alessa: The Last Mohican (sp?)
Darian Gray: Indians
Tarix Conny: Tobacco
Natasha Brookes: Wouldn't it be great if somebody came up with a biotoxin that would kill every tobacco crop in the world? *dreams of Utopia...*
Alessa: Only if it spared my husband. Sorry Heather, he's a smoker... but I love him! :D
Alessa: Oops, you said tobaco crop :oops: *** Xanadú (this answers to Utopia, in case you wondered)
Tarix Conny: Xander's other unknown and never mentioned nickname?
Catherine Wiccham: Beady Eyes
Nikolai: Look at me! I'm dancin crazy.
Alessa: fOoTlOoSe
Tarix Conny: Chicago
Nikolai: *sings* Chicago is, Chicago is.... My kind of town!
Alessa: Cold
Jadyn: Ice-cream
Nikolai: *sings* You're at the start of, you're at the start of, the lovers' delight.
Tarix Conny: Crypt keys basement just watched terminator 3, can you tell :)
Chance: I'll be back...gurly man btw, yay T3! bought...ummm..*my dad* that for xmas heh
Alessa: sunglasses
Jadyn: Guccis
Daye: Purses
Alessa: :wink: Money
Nikolai: Deep down everyone's a Ferengi
Alessa: Speak for yourself. :wink:
Tarix Conny: On the soap box, stand high and tall, clear your throat, speak a bit loud.
Catherine Wiccham: Derby
Nikolai: Kentucky
Jadyn: Fried chicken
Nikolai: "So long class, that's it before Thanksgiving break. Enjoy your roast Maniraptoran!"
Alessa: :fadein: Pocahontas
Jadyn: Tiger Lily
James_Connor: peter pan getting killed by hook i always want him to catch those wee basterds
Chance: "you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity." ...hmmm...slightly random that...but there is a link between 'wee' and little, and strange and Jamie :P
James_Connor: dead englishman 1. im taller then you 2. i will rape you with a broom if we ever meet 3. look to 2.
Nikolai: Scots on the Rocks
Darian Gray: Tweens arguing .... Awwww isnt it cute :wink:
Alessa: Ewoks (that comes from cute, if you are wondering :wink: )
Nikolai: Marketing Gimick
Natasha Brookes: False Advertising
Tarix Conny: Alls fair in a business ;)
Daye: love and war
Tarix Conny: War, now thats a topic to stay off of ;)
Alessa: Sex (another topic to stay off of :wink: )
Darian Gray: Religion (yet a third thing not to speak of)
Catherine Wiccham: And another biggie - Politics
Nikolai: blood-sucking insects
Catherine Wiccham: "What Is A Leech?" :D
Darian Gray: Seriously Disgusting did I ever mention how much Leeches give me the wiggies
Alessa: Spiders, shivers go up and down my spine.
Nikolai: Squishy!
James_Connor: jello
Catherine Wiccham: This one's for Adam :wink: Wrestling
Nikolai: I knew you'd say that
James_Connor: mindreader
Jadyn: Tash :P
Tarix Conny: Someone who doesn't really need mortal ass kicking boots, she has her own ;)
Nikolai: Running Gag
Ozimandius: The Running Man
Tarix Conny: Senator Arnie....hehehe :lol:
James_Connor: the way polatics are going
Alessa: Election year (this year for me)
Nikolai: Make the ads stop! Make them stop, stop, stop!
Ozimandius: [sung to The Jackson's "Dancing Machine"] "Voting, Voting, Votiiiing, he's a voting machine....."
Natasha Brookes: Dancing Queen Silver jumpsuits, anyone? :wink:
Catherine Wiccham: Dancing around your handbag - oh so classy! :roll:
Nikolai: Strange forest rituals
Darian Gray: Having sex in the middle of poison ivy
Nikolai: Haxing sex with Poison Ivy
Darian Gray: fun, but potentially fatal
Catherine Wiccham: Bungee Jumping
Tarix Conny: "An annoying peice of plastic that prevents americans from falling into rivers" Anyone else played Simon the Sorcerer 2
Catherine Wiccham: Television
Tarix Conny: The nice metal or plastic box that shows purdy pictures
Ozimandius: Descriptions
Tarix Conny: Prescriptions
Ozimandius: OMPs (Old Man Pills)
Nikolai: EMPs
Catherine Wiccham: MiB's
Nikolai: Shades
Catherine Wiccham: Lamp
James_Connor: punch
Darian Gray: KO!
Tarix Conny: "CAW CAW TOOKY TOOKY TOOKY' "I think we have established that Caw Caw and Tooky Tooky, do not work." "Ok....*starts to sing* You are sooo beautiful to meeeeee" hehe love that quote.
Darian Gray: Rambling
Tarix Conny: Gambling
Alessa: Russian Roulette
Tarix Conny: BANG You dead :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham: Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Alessa: Birthday Girl
Nikolai: Birthday Party
Tarix Conny: Scary clowns
Catherine Wiccham: Stephen King
Nikolai: Needful Things
Darian Gray: People
Tarix Conny: Crowd Janey and Maggie Faceless
Natasha Brookes: Two-faced
Darian Gray: Hippocrits (did i spell that right)
Nikolai: liberals :) Janey and Maggie politics!
Natasha Brookes: A curse of human existence.
Darian Gray: Emotions
Alicenoko: Feeling, nothing more then feeling. :D
Ozimandius: Sappy Songs
Natasha Brookes: Mood music
Nikolai: ambient sounds
Ozimandius: Static
Nikolai: electricity
Darian Gray: I got chills, they're multiplyin'
Alessa: Travolta :D
Catherine Wiccham: Phenomenon
Tarix Conny: Never trust a doctor when you have a brain taumar....
Reanna Kossinton:
Never trust a doctor....
Jadyn: Rocking chair
Darian Gray: Crazy Cat Person!
Nikolai: Friends
Tarix Conny: Diamonds
Daye: Forever
Tarix Conny: "an awefully long time"
Daye: Waiting Room
Catherine Wiccham: Standing Room Only
Natasha Brookes: Balls to the walls.
Darian Gray: Sounds like a theme night of one of the clubs i go to :D
Natasha Brookes: Risqué
Nikolai: Enjoyable
Ozimandius: Repeatable
Alessa: Respetable?
Natasha Brookes: Receptacle. :D
Tarix Conny: finding a dictionary...quick
Darian Gray: Scrabble!
Tarix Conny: Scram-ble
Catherine Wiccham: ScrewBall
James_Connor: madball! some nyc hardcore ...man im such a music freak
Tarix Conny: A ping pong ball when i'm attempting to play table tennis
Alessa: terrible at sports :cry:
Darian Gray: The Anti-Jock
Tarix Conny: Mr Spock
Natasha Brookes: Pointy eared freaks. :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham: Elves
Nikolai: Faeries
Alessa: Darian
Tarix Conny: A pretty picture of a sinner..... i am refering to the book ofcourse.....
Alessa: Oscar Wilde
Tarix Conny: Academy Awards
Catherine Wiccham: BAFTA
Tarix Conny: sounds like "Barf"
Nikolai: "Barf!" "Not in here, mister." "No, that's my name."
Natasha Brookes: Spaceballs
Nikolai: President Scroob, salute. HAIL SCROOB!
Tarix Conny: scrooge
Nikolai: Scrooged
Tarix Conny: moneymoneymoney
Natasha Brookes: ABBA
Alessa: Dancing Queen
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Tarix Conny: Her Majesty
Alessa: Princess Sophia (I just saw "How to lose a man in ten days":D)
Tarix Conny: Sensitive male specimens hehe lol! :lol:
Alessa: Clingy females
Ozimandius: Saran Wrap (Aust. translation: Glad Wrap)
Tarix Conny: Susan
Natasha Brookes: Original Dr Who
Alessa: James Bond (I know, I know, that was Dr. NO, but it just jumped into my mind :D)
Nikolai: International Man of Mystery
Catherine Wiccham: SHAGuar ;)
Nikolai: Teasing about... certain... things....
Tarix Conny: the non-mentionables
Natasha Brookes: The Untouchables
Nikolai: Tribunes
Tarix Conny: Tributes
Darian Gray: Res Publica
Tarix Conny: People's vote counts...*does it????*
Catherine Wiccham: Democratic Tyrany
Alessa: Army (dont ask :( )
Tarix Conny: "Don't need an arm, i've got myself an army..."
Kieran: ....of fingers
Darian Gray: The Prodigal poster
Tarix Conny: *Waves* Hello all, you should all know this, but i am actually from the year 4079927989.....i know it will be a mystery to all who want to know how the world got so far with humans on. It didn't, we aliens came and conquered and destroyed...Ha Ha Ha... Oh and Nestle goes bankrupt next year *i wish :roll: * Bye! hehe lol refering to the mysterious poster Adam posted a few days ago....
Alessa: Ridley Scott
Catherine Wiccham: The Riddler
Nikolai: Mr. E Nygma
Alessa: :D Selina Kyle
Catherine Wiccham: Catwoman
Nikolai: Whip
Alessa: Indiana Jones
Reanna Kossinton: Harrison Ford
Darian Gray: Han Solo
Alessa: Leia Organa
Nikolai: TWINS
Darian Gray: The Abercrombie twins....... *drool*
Alessa: Matrix
Nikolai: Fight scenes
Catherine Wiccham: Difficult to Write
Nikolai: Romantic scenes
Alessa: Easier to write :wink:
Tarix Conny: A nice short book
Catherine Wiccham: Novella
Nikolai: Server
Tarix Conny: Gateway Timeouts
Darian Gray: The "No No Square" Dont ask...
Tarix Conny: Shapes
Jadyn: Biscuits
Tarix Conny: YUMMY!!! cooked by my mummy
Jadyn: Inedible... My mom can't cook. :?
Nikolai: Plastic flowers
Tarix Conny: Fake purdies
Jadyn: Sudden silence... :P
Nikolai: Killer scream
Alessa: Sydney
Darian Gray: Aussie
Tarix Conny: Cricket
Catherine Wiccham: Jiminy
Nikolai: Confused responses.
Alessa: Philosophy
Darian Gray: Adam
Catherine Wiccham: Eve
Alessa: Apple
Blackthorn: Computers
Nikolai: Possessed
Blackthorn: Radio
Darian Gray: Mix 96
Catherine Wiccham: Compillation
Alessa: Clueless
Nikolai: Space cadet
Darian Gray: Darian.... I couldnt resist. I put that for Lou and Adam.
Jadyn: Fae
Catherine Wiccham: A Long, Long Way to Go :D
Alessa: Yellow Bricks Road
Tarix Conny: Werewolf
Catherine Wiccham: In Paris
Alessa: Moulin Rouge
Daye: Musical
Darian Gray: Once more, with feeling
Nikolai: See you all.... in hell!
Catherine Wiccham: Parting Words
Darian Gray: A Dieux
Alessa: Adiós
Catherine Wiccham: Vontrap
Darian Gray: "I am 16, going on 17..."
Nikolai: The hills are alive with the sound of music!
Catherine Wiccham: I'm The Green Fairy
Nikolai: Green Knight
Alessa: Lorne Green
Catherine Wiccham: The Host
Nikolai: The ghost with the most
Alessa: The moth
Darian Gray: Blinded by the light
Catherine Wiccham: Epiphany
Tarix Conny: Vision man
Catherine Wiccham: Prophesy Girl
Nikolai: Drowning
Blackthorn: River
Daye: Pheonix
Nikolai: Burn the water away with the flames!
Alessa: Jean Gray
Nikolai: Kill her again! Kill her again!
Alessa: Terminator
Simryn: I'll be back...
Jeet: Hey Arnold!
Simryn: football head
Jeet: touch down
Nikolai: lift off
Jeet: houston we have a problem
Catherine Wiccham: Apollo 13
Nikolai: Identifying slides of Roman statuary
Darian Gray: Lotsa naked people
Jeet: porn
Alessa: Kama Sutra
Catherine Wiccham: Back Injury
Nikolai: Drains
Jeet: methane
Tarix Conny: Chemistry
Nikolai: KABOOM
Tarix Conny: AWWW COOL DO IT AGAIN!!!!
Catherine Wiccham: Repetitive
Nikolai: Department of Redundancy Department
Alicenoko: getting the sack
Catherine Wiccham: Fired
Ozimandius: Barbequed
Darian Gray: Hamburger
Nikolai: Turkey burger
Alicenoko: food poisoning
Alessa: Salmonella
Tarix Conny: Chicken
Jeet: col sanders
Ozimandius: 11 Herbs and Spices
Jeet: madhur jaffrey
Catherine Wiccham: Curry Queen
Nikolai: Curry uber alles!
Ozimandius: Thai Food
Jeet: kickboxer
Tarix Conny: Mortal ass kickin.....okay not ganna start that again :P
Catherine Wiccham: (Too Late...) Boots! :twisted:
Daye: Dora the Explorer...
Blackthorn: Bob the builder
Catherine Wiccham: Mr Fix It
Ozimandius: B.O.B. (snicker)....
Blackthorn: HIM (the band)
Tarix Conny: IT the nightmare Clown
Jeet: "bring on the clowns"
Tarix Conny: bring it on!
Catherine Wiccham: Gomez
Tarix Conny: "They'r creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky..."
Catherine Wiccham: That would be Adam's Family ;) hehehe
Tarix Conny: ITS THING!!!! the cool severed hand
Darian Gray: Lyndsey
Ozimandius: The Bionic Woman
Alessa: :D loved her
Jadyn: Lucy Liu in Kill Bill...
Darian Gray: Uber Sexy
Tarix Conny: Uber Vamp
Catherine Wiccham: The Master
Darian Gray: He-Man, and the masters of the Universe
Nikolai: Skeltor
Tarix Conny: Butt-UGGGGLEEEEE
Catherine Wiccham: *sings* I, like, Big, Butt's and I cannot lie, all you fellas can't deny... Sorry, couldn't resist :oops:
Jadyn: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Catherine Wiccham: The Rembrants *does claps* I'll be there for yooooouuuu....
Nikolai: the crying man
Catherine Wiccham: Cry Baby
Alessa: :D 8O Johnny Depp
Simryn: Savvy?
Tarix Conny: Gunn
Kieran: Bullitt 8) ...this world needs more steve mcqueen fans
Tarix Conny: Magic Bullet
Kieran: "Bullet the Blue Sky"
Jadyn: Gunslinger
Jeet: billy the kid
Tarix Conny: Leonardo the Caprio *mheheheh*
Daye: so yesterday
Tarix Conny: Tommorow never dies
Catherine Wiccham: The sun will come out, To-morrow, BETCHA bottom dollar that to-morrow, there'll be SUN!
Nikolai: shooty shooty
Darian Gray: Shake your Booty
Catherine Wiccham: Booty Call
Nikolai: poontang
Ozimandius: Mustang (A friend of my brother's drove a blue 1975 Mustang that he nicknamed the 'poontang')
Jadyn: Mustard
Nikolai: Seed
Ozimandius: Workboots {Okay this is a rather longer and less obvious connection but it has to do with a story my father told me about when he was a young man...that you likely don't want to hear and would not really appreciate.}
Darian Gray: Addidas High boots *sigh...if I only had the money to buy them*
Nikolai: "A fat woman walked into the shoe store today...."
Simryn: CANKLES!!!
Tarix Conny: Evil witch laughter
Nikolai: I'll get you, my pretty! And your little dog too!
Jadyn: Dorothy
Tarix Conny: Wizard of Oz
Catherine Wiccham: Ruby Slippers - shoes eh? What else? :D
Daye: The Wizard and Glass
Ozimandius: Cinderella
Jeet: ugly sisters
Jadyn: Nicole Kidman... Ok... So her sisters aren't exactly ugly... But they're nowhere as gorgeous as she is. :)
Jeet: tom cruise
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)

Catherine Wiccham: Shortie
Jeet: john travolta
Nikolai: Revolting
Jeet: sprouts
Catherine Wiccham: Christmas Dinner
Darian Gray: Turkey
Catherine Wiccham: Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
Anonymous: blow j...... no better not bernard matthews
Jeet: twas me by the way oops
Alessa: Incognito
Nikolai: Hidden
Alessa: Found
Nikolai: Lost
Daye: Worlds
Catherine Wiccham: Collide
Jeet: recoil
Catherine Wiccham: Spring
Jeet: board
Darian Gray: Forums
Catherine Wiccham: Non-Game Discussion
Darian Gray: OOC
Ozimandius: OPP
Catherine Wiccham: I HATE Abbrevs.
Nikolai: Alphabet Soup
Jeet: ox tail
Jadyn: Stew
Daye: Brood
James_Connor: angel :lol:
Jadyn: Connor
Alessa: brat
Kieran: lIttlE rAscAls
Jadyn: Alfalfa
Darian Gray: Stuff you put in a sandwich
Jeet: salami
Nikolai: big nose
Jeet: roxanne
Kieran: stIng
Catherine Wiccham: WASP
Nikolai: Archie Bunker
Daye: Misanthrope
Kieran: antElOpE
Catherine Wiccham: Interlope
Nikolai: Elope
Catherine Wiccham: Ear Lobe
Nikolai: Oomox
Kieran: wEIrdO
Nikolai: Ric
Kieran: thE prIck
Darian Gray: Sleeping Beauty...you know, cause she pricked her finger
Kieran: shUt-EyE rIcO... 8)
Catherine Wiccham: Sleepy Head
Kieran: slEEpy hOllOw
Nikolai: Apples covered with lint
Simryn: ~Jack the Pumpkin King~
Alessa: English Class (dont ask)
Darian Gray: The Loved and the Lost
Nikolai: That's Amore!
Catherine Wiccham: Pizza Pie
Darian Gray: Its not delivery, its Delicio
Kieran: chEEsE, tOtal chEEsE
Natasha Brookes: Cheesy style (for instance, the habit of capitalising letters in the middle of words :wink:).
Alessa: Barroco (that's in Spanish cause i'm lazy today, but i guess you got my meaning)
Jadyn: Baccarat
Alessa: Backgammon
Jadyn: Board Games
Sorrow: Us
Jeet: them
Catherine Wiccham: The Powers That Be
Jeet: oracles
Nikolai: Apollo
Jeet: creed
Catherine Wiccham: Diversity
Jeet: religion
Nikolai: superstition
Jeet: black cat
Catherine Wiccham: Vadar - the name of my cat btw, before he vanished :( and YES he was black hehe
Kieran: bad wrestLEr
Catherine Wiccham: My Cousin Mark heh, he always mopes when he gets attacked in a wrestling match, even if he's like twice my size and the same age lol
Jadyn: My Cousin Vinny
Kieran: "ehhh, im funny how? funny like a clown?"
Natasha Brookes: Red nose.
Catherine Wiccham: Runny Nose
Nikolai: Better go and catch it
Kieran: the train
Daye: Wedding Reception
Nikolai: rice
Darian Gray: The Carb killer
Kieran: assassins
Darian Gray: NINJAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tarix Conny: *lips so not syncing and in a deep voice* I shall kick yooooo bum
Kieran: dubbed version of Hideki Matsui (star outfielder for the Bronx Bombers) kicking the bejesus out of a whiny red sox fan
Alessa: Any movie in my tv. They are all translated. :S
Catherine Wiccham: Subtitles
Tarix Conny: (reminds me from simpsons) *indian prince on tv bursts through the window* Prince: Kuta Kami Na, Ola ka Patha
Catherine Wiccham: Dialogue Association Game 8O
Daye: movie-oki (heard discussed on morning radio show)
Tarix Conny: Yu Gi OHHHHHHH!!!!
Catherine Wiccham: "Everybody was KUNG FOO FIGHTING!" :twisted:
Darian Gray: Their kicks were fast as Lightening!
Kieran: kiki can't spell, awwwww
Darian Gray: TYPO!!!!!!!!!!!! *Cough...Ric went for the lowest in the Valentines auction* :D
Blackthorn: Test
Catherine Wiccham: [quote:3011d43d76="Darian Gray"]*Cough...Ric went for the lowest in the Valentines auction* :D
Tarix Conny: tubercolosis-sis-sis er...ummm :? soz me bad speller remember :D
Jadyn: Consumption What exactly is that anyway and how come people use to die from it? *thinks back to Satine hacking away in Moulin Rouge*
Catherine Wiccham: They're the same thing April, and most people don't get them anymore since they've been all but erradicated from the western world - hence the tight clamp down on illegal immigrants - especially Mexicans crossing the US boarder who were bringing the disease back into the country. As a disease TB usually infects the lungs - it's some kind of bacteria and can be highly contagious which is why they used to send people to these big hospitals in the countryside during war time. Erm that said, here's my responce hehe Glutton
Daye: punishment
Tarix Conny: Lock 'em away and throw away the keys
Blackthorn: Broomstick
Kieran: witches.... like all the women @ the auction, heck, not even a guy bid on me :? yes, btw, it was to raise $$$ for sick children :D
Darian Gray: Goddess
Jeet: kelly brook
Kieran: monica bellucci
Jadyn: Monica Potter
Jeet: harry potter
Tarix Conny: JUNE 4th!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE
Catherine Wiccham: Date
Nikolai: Tonight ;)
Kieran: priesthood my friend, its in the stars
Nikolai: Priest of the Cult of Bacchus ;)
Blackthorn: Orgy
Daye: Roman
Jadyn: Catholic
Catherine Wiccham: Guilt
Jadyn: Confession
Catherine Wiccham: Absolution
Simryn: Absolut
Jadyn: Vodka
Natasha Brookes: Matt's hangovers
Nikolai: Depression
Catherine Wiccham: Hard Times on Walton's Mountain
Kieran: bars
Jadyn: Coyote Ugly
Natasha Brookes: Roadrunner fast
Catherine Wiccham: BEEP! BEEP!
Jeet: alarm clock
Kieran: Snooze
Nikolai: Sleep.... want to sleep....
Kieran: Raving Imsoniac
Jadyn: Lost In Translation Couldn't appreciate the movie. Everything got on my nerves. Especially Bill Murray. Grrrrrrr...
Kieran: sofia coppola, my one love...
James_Connor: francis ford !
Catherine Wiccham: The Godfather
James_Connor: good fella's
Catherine Wiccham: Pizza My favourite brand of frozen pizza ;)
Nikolai: Turtles
Kieran: COWABUNGA!!!!! best cartoon ever, sorry justice league
Jadyn: Michaelangelo
Natasha Brookes: Sistine Chapel
Jeet: rome
Nikolai: Divus Vespasianus
Kieran: Caesar
Nikolai: Salad
Catherine Wiccham: Days
Nikolai: of our lives
Natasha Brookes: Like meatloaf through a straw...
Nikolai: Puree of Pizza
Alessa: mozzarella
Jeet: pepperoni
Nikolai: Salami
Jeet: sandwich's
Natasha Brookes: Stop it, you're making me hungry you bastards. :P
Jeet: peter kay
Kieran: peter pan
Darian Gray: We're men, We're men in tight TIGHT tights.
Reanna Kossinton: "Blinken, what ARE you doing?" "Guessing! I... guess no ones coming!"
Catherine Wiccham: Assumption
Nikolai: Fuck up
Darian Gray: Stuck Up
Nikolai: Standing at machines all day, handing people cards so that they can vote, then after spending 16 hours on your feet, having the politicos whine and cry the blues about how judges aren't "trained" despite a mandatory trainging session
Kieran: frustration, yes...
Catherine Wiccham: Tense
Kieran: Cement...yes, there is a connection here
Natasha Brookes: Shoes
Catherine Wiccham: The Most Fun You Can Have Fully Clothed ;)
Kieran: Nekkidness
Daye: lifestyle choice
Darian Gray: Lifestyle condoms :lol:
Kieran: stop corrupting our youth
Jeet: t.v
Kieran: katie couric
Tarix Conny: Who?
Kieran: the chick from the Today Show
Catherine Wiccham: Chicken
Tarix Conny: Colonial Sanders, the old guy with a butcher knife, ENEMY OF ALL CHICKEN KIND!!!!
Daye: Kitchen Fresh Chicken (WTF!!!)
Tarix Conny: WTF mates :lol:
Kieran: there, i said it...fuck, the most used world in the world, understood by languages of different people!
Tarix Conny: "And you kiss your mother with that mouth?" "No, but i ate her with it..."
Catherine Wiccham: Cannibalism
Nikolai: Elections
Tarix Conny: Time to treat the electorates!!! YAY DEMOCRACY!!!
Kieran: commie baby, commie's the way to go...bring back the Iron Fist
Blackthorn: Crazy Moustache (all the good dictators have them!)
Kieran: "Goodbye, Lenin!"... now, if only theyd make a film about good ol' Joe instead... oooh, or they could make one of those horror vs. movies, like thatcher vs. stalin :D
Nikolai: Stalin (A film made by HBO which stars Robert Duvall as Iosef Vissarionovich Stalin)
Tarix Conny: Gorbachov....or as i call him Gorby...
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)
Anonymous:Smiles :D
Anonymous:Jade and Sorrow
Anonymous:southern states
Anonymous:scary phrase
Anonymous:"I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig boy"
Anonymous:whee, whee
Anonymous:prison love
Kate: (The Late Great) Ebony
Stalker: kitty cat
Kate: Bird
Stalker: tweet tweet twitter twitter tweet
Sorrow: sylvester
Kate: Looney Toons
Stalker: funny
Sorrow: emotion
Kate: (So many to choose from - :o :( 8) :? :x - hehehe) Anger
Stalker: Split personality
Sorrow: bipolar
Tash: ambivalent
Jadyn: unsure
Tash: swinging voter
Kate: sitting on the fence
Tash: bird on a wire
Daye: flying south
Anonymous:Dixie! :)
Kate: Whistle! ("you know how to whistle don't you? just put your lips:[/b]
Anonymous:together and blow...")
Anonymous:Humphrey Bogart.
Kate: Casablanca
Anonymous:As Time Goes By
Victor: Time enough for love
Victor: Doomsday
Daye: Superman
Stalker: quadraplegic
Anonymous:Deathrace 2000
Jadyn: mtv celebrity deathmatch! :lol:
Jadyn: crippled
Daye: professor x
Tash: Picard
Anonymous:Star Trek
Jadyn: weird ears
Jadyn: shrek :mrgreen:
Stalker: destruction of a life
Tash: child abuse
Daye: ogre
Kate: Anyanka's Ex-boyfriend!
Jadyn: candy :D
Daye: my life's work
Tash: Fear
Daye: The Cowardly Dog
Anonymous:Sarah Michelle Geller
Tash: Cruel Intentions
Kate: Dangerous Liasons
Tash: Passion
Anonymous:Irrational movement of the soul.
Tash: Metaphysics
Kate: John Donne
Anonymous:Bambi vs Godzilla
Tash: Mothra
Anonymous:Stupid but funny
Jadyn: legally blonde
Anonymous:(yes, i watch crap movies starring reese witherspoon!) :oops:
Anonymous:(me to but only oncewhile I was bored)
Anonymous:[/b]Jadyn:[/b] campaign
Daye: corruption (how american is that?)
Tash: Pestilence.
Kate: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Tash: :) Methos! :)
Daye: tempest (duh)
Tash: Shakespeare
Kate: The Bard
Victor: The Theif
Tash: The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover.
Victor: Long Pig
Anonymous:(a euphemism for cooked human)
Jadyn: Ewwwww...
Victor: Wiggins
Tash: Heebie-jeebies
Daye: mermaids (don't ask)
Kate: Cher (Yeah I watch stupid movies too!):[/b]
Victor: Longevity
Tash: Lazarus Long
Victor: So many ways to go from that...but I will take the easy way.
Anonymous:Robert Heinlein
Tash: Friday
Stalker: yesterday
Victor: The Beatles
Jadyn: yellow submarine
Kate: I am the Walrus!
Jadyn: hulk hogan!
Anonymous:i was just watching wwf wrestlemania xiii - hulk hogan vs the rock - last night:[/b]
Anonymous:with a friend and she was giggling about how much hulk hogan looks like a walrus:[/b]
Anonymous:with that dumb blonde moustache of his! *lol* :lol:
Kate: Dr David Banner (aka 'The Hulk')
Tash: My Favourite Martian
Kate: Alf
Stalker: fur ball
Kate: Big Walking Carpet
Victor: Aladdin
Anonymous:Okay that was a flying carpet, but a "walking carpet"? Where do you go with
Jadyn: magic lamp
Kate: The Djinn
Anonymous:Andrew Divoff saying, "As you wish," then killing someone with a creative and
:[/b] Anonymous:[/b]very literal interpretation of the wish.
Victor: The Princess Bride
Anonymous:The Stableboy Wesley always said "As You Wish" to his True Love Buttercup
Tash: The cliffs of insanity!!!!
Victor: Inconceivable!
Tash: birth control
Victor: Fetal Position
Daye: safe
Kate: Home
Tash: ...is where the heart is
Victor: Heartburn
Tash: Love's crucible
Jadyn: daniel day lewis
Kate: My Left Foot
Victor: Two Left Feet
Kate: Bad Dancer
Victor: Private Dancer
Jadyn: tina turner
Tash: Mad Max
Jadyn: mel gibson
Anonymous:ok, enough with the celebrity names already april! *bangs head against the
Anonymous:monitor*) :roll:
Tash: Aussie expat
Kate: The Patriot
Victor: George Washington
Tash: Cherry tree
Jadyn: japan
Tash: sushi (Yum!)
Jadyn: health food hey, check it out... i'm a "fresh kill"! heheh... :D
Kate: "...No smoking signs, raw mustard greens/Zucchini by the ton,/Uncooked Kale and bodies frail/Are sure to make me run..."/(sorry guys but I just love Maya Angelou - er the poem's called "The Health Food Dinner"...)
Anonymous:Rabbit food.
Stalker: "What's up Doc"
Jadyn: elmur fudd(errm, did i spell his name right? heh...):oops:
Kate: "Be Vewy Vewy Qwiet!"also known as April speak :D
Victor: Duck Season!
Anonymous:Daffy Duck: "Wabbit Season!"
Kate: Warner Bros.
Anonymous:Pinky and The Brain
Kate: "...The same thing we do everynight Pinky...Try to take over the world!"
Victor: "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Anonymous:"I think so, Brain, but what if the Hippopatamous dosn't want to wear the bikkini?"
Kate: Animal Rights
Anonymous:Fur is Murder
Tash: red paint
Kate: Blood
Victor: TANK
Daye: fish
Kate: Gold
Stalker: corruption
Stalker: slimy bastards
Kate: Slippery
Stalker: lubricant
Daye: is the word
Victor: John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Jadyn: priest
Victor: Minister
Daye: scandal
Victor: Removal
Kate: Sever
Victor: Rend
Kate: Disjointed
Tash: Subluxation
Sorrow: myopathology
Kate: Big Words
Anonymous:Philosophers (Yes, we will often come up with 30 cent words for 10 cent ideas - refering to something self-contradictory as self-referentially incoherent comes to mind).
Daye: deep thoughts by jack handey
Kate: Profound
Victor: Amateur LostIt did say the FIRST thing you thought of...
Daye: cannibal the musical (yes first thing)
Kate: Inappropriate
Stalker: lycra pants
Victor: Cottage Cheese
Jadyn: cat and mouse
Tash: Tom & Jerry
Stalker: Duo
Kate: Double the Fun :wink:
Tash: Menage a trois ;)
Jadyn: tash, victor, vrithetek :?
Kate: Listening to the Voices
Tash: Schizophrenia
Victor: (Dating myself here...) Sybil
Kate: A Kill
Victor: Body Count
Kate: Von, Two, Three, Three Bodies Muwahahahaha :lol:
Galen: The Lone Gunmen (don't ask)
Victor: X-Files[Sniff. I'll miss those guys]:[/b]
Galen: Paranormal (Don't worry, Dave, they're still alive)
Kate: Phenomenon...
Tash: Pretty, bright lights
Kate: Twinkle
Victor: Tinkerbell
Stalker: fairy
Tash: penguins
Stalker: black and white
Kate: Binary Oppositions
Tash: extremes
Stalker: hot versus cold
Kate: Collision
Tash: prang
Stalker: insurance
Galen: Risk averse
Tash: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained.":[/b]
Stalker: "A rolling stone gathers no moss."
Kate: Mick Jagger
Galen: Let there be lips! (No, I don't know where that came from)
Victor: Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Tash: Sexy underwear
Victor: I can't tell you the first thing that came to mind on that... :oops: Boxers
Kate: Puppies
Jadyn: tubby tummy hmmmm... don't ask me where that came from... i'm not sure... maybe it's becos my dogs had really round bellies when they were pups... hehehe...
Galen: Beer belly
Jadyn: bealch
Tash: Lister
Stalker: Red Dwarf
Kate: Starbug
Tash: Crashed more times than a ZX-80
Galen: Unsafe at any speed
Kate: Robin Reliant
Tash: Volvo drivers
Jadyn: boring bankers
Kate: Rhyming Slang :wink:
Daye: the heart of rap music today
Galen: terrible music
Kate: Bridge Over Troubled Water
Jadyn: sleep inducing
Stalker: Sleeping tablets (I've got some in my hand right now)
Galen: MASH theme
Kate: Korea
Jadyn: the world cup! :lol:
Tash: pointless game
Stalker: Word Association Game
Kate: Strangely Compelling (for some reason...):[/b]
Victor: Late Night Games!
Tash: Addiction
Jadyn: cigarettes
Kate: "SMOKIN'!!!"
Stalker: The Mask
Kate: It's Party Time! (P. A. R. T. Why? Because I gotta... :) )
Stalker: Friday night
Kate: Will & Grace :D
Victor: Frustrated Roomates
Jadyn: sexual tension
Tash: smouldering glances
Stalker: :twisted: Evil Eyes :twisted:
Tash: voodoo
Stalker: video cards
Kate: Super Cool Graphics
Stalker: South Park (not)
Kate: "Oh My GOD! They Killed Kenny!!!!"
Stalker: "YOU BASTARDS!!!"
Jadyn: illegitimate kid
Kate: Out of Wedlock
Tash: escape
Galen: "Run away, run away!"
Kate: Cold Feet
Tash: Put 'em on a warm back... :wink:
Jadyn: shiverrrrrrrrrrr...
Tash: Melbourne winter. Brrr.
Jadyn: holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! holiday!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Tash: Warmer climes!!
Kate: Volcano Mountaineer :D
Jadyn: hellfire & brimstone
Galen: warm climates
Tash: Less than 2 weeks to go and I'll have some summer!
Kate: Here Comes the Sun... do do do dooo.. here comes the sun....and i say, it's alright, do do do do doooo :D
Tash: Abbey Road
Kate: Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes....there beneath the blue suburban skies.... :D
Tash: karaoke
Stalker: winning money
Kate: LOTTO!
Stalker: losing money
Kate: Broke :(
Victor: Bankrupt
Stalker: :evil: Totally Screwed (aaaaarrrrgggghhhh)
Galen: screwball comedy
Stalker: :evil: My Life (aaarrrggghhh)
Kate: Biographical
Stalker: :evil: Boring (aaarrrggghhh)
Tash: 5 day test matches.That's cricket to you unenlightened Americans. :)
Stalker: :evil: A waste of time (aaarrrggghhh)Jadyn: hospitals *grumbles* :x
Kate: urgh yuck, horrid hospitals, Get Well Soon!! urgh, yuck, horrid hospitals...
Stalker: :evil: Please!!! (aaarrrggghhh)
Kate: Begging :wink:
Stalker: :evil: On my hands and knees (aaarrrggghhh)
Tash: Sorry everyone, but they do say to put the first thing that comes into your head......Doggy style! :)
Mantheana: Lamp post (as in the things that doggies use to ahem... relieve them selves on)
Tash: Narnia Loved those books as a kid. *nostalgic sigh*
Stalker: :evil: Wardrobe (aaarrrggghhh)
Victor: Aslan (who I know is a metaphor for Jesus):[/b]
Kate: Mr. Ed (you know? talking animals...)
Galen: Wilbuuuur.
Kate: Albatross - wasn't wilbur the name of that albatross in the rescuers??? :)
Stalker: :evil: Bird (aaarrrggghhh)
Galen: Aliens (don't ask)
Logan: mulder
Stalker: :evil: X-Files (aaarrrggghhh)
Kate: David Duchoveny hmmm, *winks at Galen* hehehe:[/b]
Galen: A cheap and evil girl
Kate: Bree Sharp weird and obsure references... thanks Adam... :P
Stalker: :evil: Mr Pointy (aaarrrggghhh)
Tash: Kendra
Mantheana: wierd accents what was her accent any way.....?
Kate: Liam aka Irish pre-vamp Angel which has to be THE worst accent ever! And then their's that wig.... :?
Sam: Jedi
Daye: Master Yoda
Tash: Dave's typing. :lol:
Daye: gremlins abound
Sam: Gizmo
Tash: a whosiwhatsit
Stalker: :evil: A Thingamebob (aaarrrggghhh)
Sam: The Thing
Jadyn: :twisted: swamp thing :twisted:
Mantheana: the bogey manbeware all nose pickers!
Sam: boogers
Kate: all i can think of is EwwWWW!
Galen: slime
Victor: Alan Moore
Sam: Swamp Thing (reprise)
Kate: "You make my heart sing...?" :oops: okay so that's 'Wild Thing' but it was still the first thing i thought of...
Jadyn: hugh jackman *grin* no surprises there... :wink:
Stalker: :evil: Jackass (aaarrrggghhh)
Sam: Jackoff. (Mmmmmm.....)
Stalker: :evil: Jack and Jill went up the hill... (aaarrrggghhh)
Kate: Rhyming btw Greg what's with the "Arrrggghhh's" at the end of every post? You turned into the mutant enemy now huh? ;)
Stalker: :evil: was a poet and I didn't even know it (aaarrrggghhh) just something to keep me amused
Daye: shakespeare
Stalker: :evil: dont just shake the bloody spear Throw it! (aaarrrggghhh)
Jadyn: i protest!!!i'm actually responding to greg's earlier bit about hugh jackman being a jackass... sorry... but i was so stuck on it that i've kinda missed out on the other posts that went up after that! (and the bloody 3/4 bottle of wine i had at dinner isn't helping... *hic*) :oops:
Victor: Chaka Zulu
Mantheana: Ralph: I'm a totem pole. Huyahuyahuyahuya!
Kate: Vivid Imagination
Sam: Timid Articulation
Kate: St-St-Stutter
Victor: K-K-K-Ken from A Fish Called Wanda
Kate: "It's k-k-k-ken come to k-k-k-kill me!!" hehehe - sorry couldn't resist that line!! :)
Sam: Three Hams Will Thrill Me/Three Hams Will Fill Me/Why Don't You Feed Me..../Three Hams!
Mantheana: Sam I Am, green eggs and hamNo sam pun intened here.. it just came
Kate: The World According to Dr Seuss
Sam: The World Accoring To Garp
Daye: The Life of Brian ( I have no idea why)
Galen: "Welease Wodger!"
Sam: Bigus Dikus
Anonymous:MESSIAH i should know, i've followed a few in my time!
Sam: Messiah Carrey(snicker)
Stalker: :evil: Bloody nails (aaarrrggghhh)
Kate: Stigmata
Sam: stegosaurus (Gods, this word association game is addictive.)
Anonymous:SPIKE - land b4 time
Kate: Passions
Galen: Very fine distinctions (suddenly put in mind of the Stoic distinction between passion and emotion)
Jadyn: academic grades :roll:
Galen: Paper writting. Lots and lots of paper writting. :roll:
Anonymous:hand cramp...where's a keyboard when you need one?!?
Stalker: :evil: to much wrist action (aaarrrggghhh)
Anonymous:why does it HURT!!! :evil:
Stalker: :evil: nerves (aaarrrggghhh)
Kate: Unsettled
Sam: Muddled
Jessica: Confusion
Sam: whuzzu! (That wasn't word association. That was regarding the picture of Jessica Travers! who was that masked girl?)
Mantheana: un-known-word (whuzzu?)
Stalker: :evil: Tower (aaarrrggghhh)
Daye: onomotopeia
Kate: " : Generally, a word that imitates that which it is attempting to describe..." :D
Daye: definition
Sam: deafeaning.
Galen: music
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)
Catherine Wiccham: The Food of Love :)
Galen Eldridge: Chocolate!
Stalker: :evil: Yum!!! (aaarrrggghhh)
Mantheana: sugar!!!!!!!hehe.. u know..they found blood in my sugar stream the other day........
Catherine Wiccham: Hyperactive
Jadyn: hysterical chortle (huh? ovaries?!) :?
Sam Aubrey: Hyper-giggle. I learned that word from my girlfriend's daughter's DIVA DOLL. She said, "Today's word is HYPER-GIGGLE. I have a fun name for you. I'll call you SPORTY-GIRL." I was right there with the doll in heart and spirit until it called me Sporty-girl a few times. Then I started feeling kind of funny deep down. It must have been my ovaries. Damn those ovaries.
Daye: Laugh Riot (ie, sid)
Natasha Brookes: Bruhahahahaha In my best evil-guy voice...
Galen Eldridge: Dr. Evil
Catherine Wiccham: Mr. Bigglesworth :D
Natasha Brookes: Jonesy Everyone knows that it was Jonesy the cat who exerted mind-control over the aliens.....
Mantheana: Mini-Memore of a reply top galens but there you go.. we all love mini me!
Jessica Travers: It's A Hard Knock Life
Mantheana: Annie!
Jessica Travers: Cousin (my cousin's name's Annie)
Sam Aubrey: It (As in cousin It, not Stephen King's IT)
Catherine Wiccham: Hair Ball
Daye: gross :?
Sam Aubrey: Extreme Penis Moss Problem
Stalker: :evil: to much information (aaarrrggghhh)
Daye: System overload
Stalker: :evil: Back breaking work (aaarrrggghhh)
Sam Aubrey: shirk
Jadyn: shrek. everybody's favourite green ogre... :D
Stalker: :evil: Big Green Fella (aaarrrggghhh)
Anonymous: really tall
Catherine Wiccham: Bridge
Jessica Travers: Goat
Sam Aubrey: Chin
Daye: Gruff
Catherine Wiccham: BILLY
Daye: The Kid
Sam Aubrey: Bruce Willis
Natasha Brookes: Sixth Sense
Galen Eldridge: "I see dead people."
Stalker: :evil: I see dead animals (aaarrrggghhh)
Natasha Brookes: Roadkill
Stalker: :evil: got it yesssss (aaarrrggghhh)
Daye: Tristan
Galen Eldridge: Arthurien Literature
Jadyn: totally lost :?
Natasha Brookes: Confusion reigns
Catherine Wiccham: Monarch
Natasha Brookes: Persuasion Ok, so you have to be a Dr Who fan to get that one.....
Catherine Wiccham: Sense and Sensibility didn't get the reference but i love Jane Austen so...
Mantheana: words beginning with sense
Stalker: :evil: Senseless (aaarrrggghhh)
Mantheana: Numb
Catherine Wiccham: Paralysis
Stalker: :evil: Life (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: beautiful...sometimes
Stalker: :evil: mmm chicken (aaarrrggghhh)
Galen Eldridge: Homer Simpson
Catherine Wiccham: "D'oh!"
Reanna Kossinton: mmm, urinal fresh
Catherine Wiccham: Toilet Humour
Natasha Brookes: Funny toilets = American toilets. They fill them so full of water that I swear they're going to overflow every time I flush - not to mention that they swirl counter-clockwise....
Daye: Look Who's Talking :oops: (can't believe i thought of that)_
Catherine Wiccham: Bad Movie - Even Worse Sequels!
Sam Aubrey: Plan 9 From Outer Space
Victor: Ed Wood
Stalker: :evil: Timber... (aaarrrggghhh)
Anonymous: Axe!!!
Catherine Wiccham: Olaf
Stalker: :evil: Huh? (aaarrrggghhh)
Natasha Brookes: Viking Yeah, I know, this is really a response to Louisa's word. Used to sing this in a choir... And it was Olaf Trygvasson, sailing o'er the North Sea wide....:)
Galen Eldridge: Mead
Derek Park: beer? :?:
Natasha Brookes: Beer bad
Galen Eldridge: "There will be no Thomas Aquinas at this table!"
Mantheana: more huh?
Daye: Totally lost
Sam Aubrey: Lost in America
Catherine Wiccham: Bill Bryson
Galen Eldridge: Obscure references
Stalker: :evil: Elephants!!! (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Heffalumps and Woosles!!!
Derek Park: More of HUH??
Catherine Wiccham: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Natasha Brookes: Dromedary
Sam Aubrey: "Dromedary" Brand cigarettes
Catherine Wiccham: Health Hazard:?
Galen Eldridge: virus
Natasha Brookes: Mutations
Jessica Travers: Dark Angel
Natasha Brookes: Wheelchair
Catherine Wiccham: Limited Access
Natasha Brookes: Restrictions
Daye: Inhibitions
Galen Eldridge: Alchohol
Sam Aubrey: Friend.
Daye: Confidant
Natasha Brookes: Confessional
Catherine Wiccham: Repentant
Natasha Brookes: Hellfire and brimstone
Daye: Dragon's Lair
Natasha Brookes: Virgin sacrifice
Stalker: :evil: what a waste (aaarrrggghhh)
Natasha Brookes: Garbage disposal
Daye: Loud and Smelly
Natasha Brookes: Flatulence It could have been worse...
Catherine Wiccham: Bodily Functions I don't see how Heather :?
Daye: Tres Gauche
Galen Eldridge: Rule of Three
Daye: Murphy's Law
Catherine Wiccham: Cop Show
Galen Eldridge: L.A. Confidential
Daye: Award Winning
Catherine Wiccham: Oscar Night
Galen Eldridge: Annoying songs
Derek Park: ROLL OUT! That's annoying song for ya
Jadyn: limp bizkit that's an annoying group... in my opinion anyway... :roll:
Derek Park: Nookie
Stalker: :evil: more than just fun (aaarrrggghhh)
Catherine Wiccham: Jamboree
Reanna Kossinton: Boisterous Frolic!!! 8O
Derek Park: Party?
Catherine Wiccham: The Rhythm of the Night
Derek Park: Singing??
Reanna Kossinton: Dancing 8O
Galen Eldridge: Musicals
Catherine Wiccham: The West End
Derek Park: BROADWAY
Natasha Brookes: Where I'll be this weekend!! :D Have I mentioned yet how much I love holidays?
Derek Park: Canada is where I'll be NEXT weekend!!
Catherine Wiccham: Working :( don't call me jealous or anything but...
Galen Eldridge: Libraries
Natasha Brookes: Peace and quiet
Galen Eldridge: Sleep
Catherine Wiccham: Dreaming
Sam Aubrey: Freaking nightmares involving fish, cats, and sex.
Daye: Seek Psychotherapy
Galen Eldridge: Love at First Bite (an odd movie everyone should watch, just to hear Dracula complain about having to live on a "warm, protein diet and dress like an undertaker")
Natasha Brookes: Asylum
Catherine Wiccham: isn't that where all LABN'ers party on down?? :D NightClub
Galen Eldridge: Drunken revelrey!
Derek Park: Bar??
Sam Aubrey: Uncertainty. (??)
Daye: Bumbling
Derek Park: Bee.
Catherine Wiccham: Honey
Derek Park: Bear
Jadyn: pooh
Anonymous: Doo
Catherine Wiccham: Action as in 'do something' - well what else can you put after 'doo'?? :|
Daye: lghts, camera ...
Mantheana: Director
Daye: Sam Raimi
Victor: Spider-Man! And what a great job he did with that. and Lou I immediately thought of "Scooby" after the word "Doo"
Catherine Wiccham: "Does whatever a spider can...." plus an irrational, unaccountable fear of all eight-legged, scuttly creatures YIKEES!!!:?
Victor: Stan Lee Excelsior!
Derek Park: Avi Arad
Reanna Kossinton: Meya Headhurts :?
Catherine Wiccham: Asprin
Reanna Kossinton: Morphine 8)
Daye: Opiates
Catherine Wiccham: Pretty, colourfull, hallucinations...Oooh I'm trippin'!! :D
Galen Eldridge: Stoned
Daye: The Lottery (Shirley Jackson)
Catherine Wiccham: Fortune's Fool
Mantheana: Luckless
Reanna Kossinton: Lochness 8O
Galen Eldridge: Dinosaurs
Catherine Wiccham: Extinct
Daye: The Dodo
Catherine Wiccham: As Dead As
Daye: A Doornail
Stalker: :evil: Finger nail (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Hangnail 8O
Stalker: :evil: I hate them (aaarrrggghhh)
Daye: Little Fishies
Reanna Kossinton: Annoying :x
Stalker: :evil: Me (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Extremely :twisted:
Stalker: :evil: maximum (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Minimum
Stalker: :evil: A very small mother (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: A very tall father
Stalker: :evil: Big Daddy (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Adam Sandler :twisted:
Stalker: :evil: Funny fella (aaarrrggghhh)
Catherine Wiccham: Comedian
Stalker: :evil: Billy Connolly (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Movie Star
Galen Eldridge: Elizabeth Hurley
Catherine Wiccham: Bedazzled :D
Galen Eldridge: The Devil made me do it! :D
Mantheana: dump the bodies.........
Stalker: :evil: ...in the forrest (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Bury it??
Anonymous: Shallow Grave
Daye: Six Feet Under
Stalker: :evil: Dead or Alive (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Mortal Kombat
Catherine Wiccham: Kung Foo Grip 8)
Stalker: :evil: Every body is Kung Fu fighting (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Foo Fighters (LOL@Stalker, that was hilarious)
Mantheana: Dave Grohlthat man rocks..... I was gonna write learn to fly, but dave grohl was first in my head.... ok, who agree's that Dave Grohl rules? (almost as mcuh as kurt cobain, but in a different way... ok blahing now....
Catherine Wiccham: Roar Grohl...growl...roar...? Geddit? Ah never mind! :D
Galen Eldridge: Lion
Daye: Wizard of Oz
Derek Park: The Witch....
Catherine Wiccham: Glenda
Daye: Munchkins
Derek Park: Midget
Reanna Kossinton: Lil' People :twisted:
Derek Park: Big people
Stalker: :evil: Head and shoulders above the rest (aaarrrggghhh)
Sam Aubrey: Dandruff
Derek Park: White
Stalker: :evil: Knight (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Armor
Catherine Wiccham: Weird American Spelling which never uses the letter 'U'!!!! :D
Derek Park: Huh? :?
Mantheana: COLOR!in reply to Louisa, man.. they remove 'U's and all those in southern uk add in 'R's it jsut makes no sense!!!!!!
Galen Eldridge: Spelling varients (connexion has to be one of the best)
Mantheana: FX!
Natasha Brookes: Bryan Brown Hehe, funky movie....
Sam Aubrey: Charlie Brown
Derek Park: Snoopy
Catherine Wiccham: Woodstock
Galen Eldridge: Flower people
Daye: Hippies
Catherine Wiccham: Free Love
Daye: Orgy
Galen Eldridge: Roman decadence
Daye: Gladiator
Catherine Wiccham: Russel Crowe
Galen Eldridge: A Beautiful Mind
Daye: Schizophrenia
Sam Aubrey: Stop talking to me!
Daye: Zip It!
Derek Park: Shut up! :evil:
Natasha Brookes: Quiet time
Sam Aubrey: Meditation.
Reanna Kossinton: Yoga 8O
Natasha Brookes: Tai chi
Sam Aubrey: Gesundheit! (hands Heather a handerkeif)
Natasha Brookes: *groan* Great, just what we need - another punster.....
Reanna Kossinton: Moan :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Ecstasy :wink:
Reanna Kossinton: Speed :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Red cars
Reanna Kossinton: Mums Car :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham: Transportation
Natasha Brookes: Trains and boats and planes.... ...are passing by, They mean a trip to Paris or Rome For someone else, but not for me The trains and the boats and planes Took you away, away from me. Hehe, sorry, I love Burt Bacharach songs....At least I stopped after only one verse.
Catherine Wiccham: Air Miles
Natasha Brookes: Jet lag.
Daye: Vacation Drawbacks
Natasha Brookes: Overeating
Mantheana: FAT!
Daye: Voluptuous
Catherine Wiccham: Curvatious!
Victor: Sexy
Derek Park: Nice!!
Daye: Naughty
Stalker: :evil: Nasty (aaarrrggghhh)
Derek Park: Dirty
Mantheana: MUD!
Catherine Wiccham: Wrestling
Derek Park: WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment)
Galen Eldridge: Soap opera for men
Natasha Brookes: Passions
Catherine Wiccham: "Little Timmie's down the well!!" :D
Natasha Brookes: Melodrama
Derek Park: Buffy! :?:
Natasha Brookes: Obsession
Mantheana: Bindweed...one of my many obsessions at the mo....
Victor: Potato
Mantheana: Birdseye!N E one seen that annoying advert where all any one says is potato until the baby says birdseye... no? well then.. i just watch too much TV then don't I....
Daye: View
Mantheana: Silver Chairreminds me of the song about having a perfect view from there....
Catherine Wiccham: Chronicals of Narnia
Daye: Allegory
Derek Park: C.L Lewis
Daye: Lancelot
Sam Aubrey: Legolas
Daye: Elf
Catherine Wiccham: Frodo was he an elf? Ah well, still the first thing... :D
Galen Eldridge: Sauron
Natasha Brookes: Red eye
Sam Aubrey: Wine, Liquor, and stuff.
Derek Park: Alcohol
Daye: First Aid
Derek Park: Heal
Stalker: :evil: Destroy (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Smash :twisted:
Derek Park: Hit
Reanna Kossinton: Slap :twisted:
Mantheana: fight!hehe.. violence on the mind
Reanna Kossinton: Club...brad pitt, mmm :twisted:
Derek Park: Bar
Stalker: :evil: Soap (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Slippery...DON'T PICK IT UP! :twisted:
Stalker: :evil: Turkey droppings (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Stuffing the turkey :twisted:
Daye: Thanksgiving
Derek Park: November
Daye: My Birthday!!! :D
Mantheana: CAKE!mmmmm......
Daye: Empty Calories
Catherine Wiccham: Dieting :(
Derek Park: Skinny
Daye: Calista Flockhart
Stalker: :evil: Danger (aaarrrggghhh)
Daye: Will Robinson
Galen Eldridge: Lost in Space
Stalker: :evil: Space the final frontier (aaarrrggghhh)
Daye: Bad Movies
Galen Eldridge: Mystery Science Theater 3000
Victor: Croooooowww!
Daye: Tom Servo
Victor: Bubble Gum Dispenser
Daye: Pop Music
Catherine Wiccham: The Pepsi Chart
Victor: Britney Spears
Catherine Wiccham: "I'm a...slave 4 you..."
Victor: "I am Spartacus"
Natasha Brookes: Epic stories
Galen Eldridge: Virgil
Catherine Wiccham: The Odyssey
Galen Eldridge: Homer
Daye: The Iliad
Sam Aubrey: Cheryl Ladd
Daye: Older Models
Sam Aubrey: Younger Yarbles
Victor: Greta Garbo
Sam Aubrey: Pardon Me, So
Victor: O Solo Mio!
Catherine Wiccham: All By Myself
Natasha Brookes: Rachmaninov Obscure, maybe, but the music for the song "All By Myself" came from Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto...
Victor: Shine The movie starring Geoffrey Rush
Natasha Brookes: Pretty, bright lights
Galen Eldridge: UFOs (should have seen that comming, huh?)
Natasha Brookes: Roswell
Sorrow: Twin Peaks
Victor: A Good Cup of Joe.
Stalker: :evil: Joseph Stalin (aaarrrggghhh)
Catherine Wiccham: Masacar
Stalker: :evil: blood and guts (aaarrrggghhh)
Catherine Wiccham: Blood Sweat & Tears
Stalker: :evil: Hard Yaka (aaarrrggghhh)
Reanna Kossinton: Vic Bitter...a hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer... :twisted:
Daye: Yakov Smirnoff (sorry)
Catherine Wiccham: Vodka!!
Natasha Brookes: Wild drunken debauchery :)
Daye: Friday night
Catherine Wiccham: Date Night
Daye: Blind Date
Catherine Wiccham: Set Up
Victor: Entrapment
Reanna Kossinton: Sean Connery...i think that's spelt right! :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Sexy
Reanna Kossinton: Cute :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Fluffy bunnies :roll: I'm afraid I don't 'do' cute...
Stalker: :evil: Bunny Bashing (aaarrrggghhh)
Natasha Brookes: Ferrets
Galen Eldridge: Things that are easily distra- OHHH! What's that?
Catherine Wiccham: Short Attention Span
Daye: Digital Age
Natasha Brookes: Technocracy
Daye: Mage the Ascension
Natasha Brookes: Euthanatos ... and I suppose nobody's surprised that that's the type of mage I played. :)
Daye: Dealer of Death
Catherine Wiccham: Card Sharp
Natasha Brookes: Gambit
Victor: ROGUE
Natasha Brookes: Wolverine ...hmmm Hugh Jackman...
Victor: University of Michigan
Natasha Brookes: Specialisation (the process of learning more and more about less and less).
Daye: Focus
Catherine Wiccham: Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Victor: Popeye "I Yam what I yam"
Natasha Brookes: Daggy sailor suits
Victor: Hornpipe
Catherine Wiccham: Horatio Hornblower *swoons*
Victor: Captain Kirk This may need some explaination...Gene Roddenberry always said that Kirk was based on Horatio Hornblower.
Natasha Brookes: Completely up himself.
Anonymous: Arrogance
Natasha Brookes: Megalomania
Jadyn: egoistic twit
Catherine Wiccham: A Fool
Natasha Brookes: Court jester
Daye: Harlequin
Catherine Wiccham: Columbine
Victor: Trenchcoat But I have to ask...how did you get 'Columbine' from 'Harlequin'?
Daye: Flasher
Natasha Brookes: Lollypop
Catherine Wiccham: candy oh and btw - Harliquin and Columbine is a story of two sweethearts - you uncultured lot!! :D
Derek Park: Fruit flavors
Catherine Wiccham: Roll-ups
Jadyn: uncle tobys
Natasha Brookes: Lisa Curry-Kenny
Jadyn: lisa marie presley
Catherine Wiccham: ELVIS!
Natasha Brookes: Hamburgers
Jadyn: quarterpounders (just had one for lunch earlier... *burps*)
Natasha Brookes: "Would you like fries with that?"
Jadyn: i'll have a mc-straw so that i can mc- jam it into your mc-eye, you mc-tosser... :lol: ok ok... i'm sorry... i can't help it... that line's stuck in my head... i could barely make my order with a straight face today...
Natasha Brookes: Anger management issues :wink:
Derek Park: :x
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)
Catherine Wiccham: The Ocean back in the 1980s? she played a cameo role of the lead actress's best friend / sidekick? heh... she looked awful! all teeth and mousy, frizzy brown hair! ick!oh... and lou? yes, it's quite a kick. :P
Daye: Bob Dylan
Natasha Brookes: House of the Rising Sun
Catherine Wiccham: East is East
Natasha Brookes: Profound :roll:
Jadyn: deep
Catherine Wiccham: The Ocean
Natasha Brookes: Freedom
Daye: Geprge Michael
Victor: WANKER
Natasha Brookes: Jeff KennettOK, bit of a long story to this one, which the non-Victorians won't know. Jeff Kennett was the Victorian premier a while back who had some unpoplular policies. Some guy spat on him and called him a "fucking wanker". The guy was fined for spitting in public, but the judge ruled that calling Jeff Kennett a fucking wanker was fair social comment. :D
Catherine Wiccham: Topical
Jadyn: suntan lotionok, so the brand for that one is TROPICAL, not topical, but since it's the first thing that came to mind... *shrugs and grins sheepishly*
Catherine Wiccham: Dumb Vampires remember that plot thread last season? :roll: funny!
Jadyn: harmonylou - how could any of us forget? heheh... that's another comical scene that should go down in history... *grin* :lol:
Victor: "Love at First Bite"
Daye: George Hamilton
Victor: The Man of Bronze
Jadyn: sculpture
Stalker: :evil: Hard Work (aaarrrggghhh)
Natasha Brookes: Chain gang
Jadyn: the pretenders
Victor: Fakirs
Natasha Brookes: Circus
Catherine Wiccham: Acrobatics
Galen Eldridge: Circ du Solei
Jadyn: lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Catherine Wiccham: Dorothy
Jadyn: totoerrrm... that's the correct way to spell her dog's name, right? tito was the jackson 5 chappie, wasn't he? :? heheheh...by the way, in singapore, "toto" (pronounced toe-toe) happens to be a type of lottery ticket. *grin*
Victor: Kansas
Catherine Wiccham: No Place Like Home
Galen Eldridge: Wizards
Victor: Ralph Bakshi
Natasha Brookes: Lord of the Rings
Victor: Epic
Natasha Brookes: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Catherine Wiccham: "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink..."
Victor: "Office honester, I only had mar twotinis and I'm not as drink as thinkle peep I am!"
Natasha Brookes: Galen
Victor: Charlie Brown
Natasha Brookes: Snoopy's happy dance
Catherine Wiccham: Woodstock
Daye: Free Love
Anonymous: hippy movement
Natasha Brookes: Pelvic thrust...'cause that moves your hips... OK, sad I know, but :P
Jadyn: gym workout
Derek Park: 24 hour fitness
Jadyn: k-marti remember going with friends to the 24 hour k-mart in melbourne at 1 in the morning and shopping till almost 4! sheesh... we went home with something like $500 worth of underwear between the 3 of us girls.
Sam Aubrey: S-Mart. (Shop Smart...shop S-Mart.)
Jadyn: smart aleck*mutters* shop s-mart? doh... *smacks forehead*
Sam Aubrey: Little Alex
Derek Park: Hmm.... Kid??
Natasha Brookes: Alice's Restaurant
Sam Aubrey: Arlo Guthrie(By the way, Heather, nice leap of thoughts there....I totally dig that song...and I totally know what you were thinking when Drew wrote "kid.")
Natasha Brookes: This time with four-part harmony and feeling... Hehe, I was so hoping someone would recognise the reference.
Sam Aubrey: Courtroom
Sorrow: :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x Twelve Angry Men
Jadyn: robin posted! :o
Catherine Wiccham: SHOCK HORROR!!
Jadyn: i know what you did last summer
Natasha Brookes: Hmm, summer holidays.
Jadyn: the sun, the sand, the sea...
Catherine Wiccham: Oh geez come on i'll say it... Sex
Stalker: :twisted: Yes Please!!! (aaarrrggghhh)
Catherine Wiccham: Acceptance
Natasha Brookes: Capitulation
Jadyn: decapitation :twisted:
Daye: French Guillotine
Catherine Wiccham: Children of the Revolution
Daye: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
Jadyn: :D d.i.s.c.o :D
Galen Eldridge: colored flashing lights
Catherine Wiccham: Traffic Lights
Anonymous: Go!
Victor: "Do not pass GO do not collect $200"
Jadyn: trafalgar squaremy favourite part of the game board... wonder if it has anything to do with the colour... :P
Natasha Brookes: Pigeons
Catherine Wiccham: Dirty Bird
Natasha Brookes: Foul fowl. *groan*
Jadyn: referee
Sam Aubrey: Reverie
Daye: Quiet Contemplation (might be the avatar speaking)
Natasha Brookes: Bushland hideaway
Daye: White Sand Beach
Catherine Wiccham: Paradise
Daye: A comfy couch, and a good book
Natasha Brookes: ...and someone to snuggle up to.
Catherine Wiccham: Lovers
Natasha Brookes: A sense of belonging
Daye: Family
Jadyn: friends
Natasha Brookes: Party
Jadyn: alcohol :wink:
Natasha Brookes: Barrel of monkeys. :D Don't ask, it's a long story...
Catherine Wiccham: Toy Story
Victor: Computer Animation
Daye: Pixar
Natasha Brookes: Desk lamp
Derek Park: Light bulb
Daye: Idea
Catherine Wiccham: "I have a cunning plan...." :D
Galen Eldridge: "Wait! A brilliant idea....""Yes?""That's what we need, a brilliant idea."
Victor: "I love it when a plan comes together"
Derek Park: "Let's go kick some butt, since we know what to do w/ our plans"
Jadyn: sore ass
Stalker: :evil: Injured Donkey (aaarrrggghhh)
Sam Aubrey: Eddie Murphy
Daye: Raw
Derek Park: Meat
Natasha Brookes: Barbeque
Catherine Wiccham: Open Fire
Daye: Sam Hain
Sam Aubrey: Sam Haines(Sam Aubrey + Jeffrey Haines = Sam Haines. Except, tecnically, Samhain is pronounced more like SAW-WEEN)
Natasha Brookes: Alter ego
Catherine Wiccham: Secret Identity
Galen Eldridge: Austin Powers (no idea how that came to mind, but it did)
Sam Aubrey: SsssssssCHWiiiiiiiiiiing
Daye: Wayne's World
Sam Aubrey: Bruce Wayne.
Catherine Wiccham: Batman
Derek Park: Joker
Jadyn: the penguin - danny devitougliest mutha i've seen in a long time! anyone as cracked up as i am about his 15 second appearance in the new austin powers movie yet? :lol:
Derek Park: Catwoman
Catherine Wiccham: Miaow!!! - and oh yeah April that was hillarious, Danny De Vito as Mini Me... but then i also loved Kevin Spacy as Dr Evil!! Great Stuff :D
Jadyn: sharp claws
Derek Park: Cat
Sam Aubrey: That kitty I dreamt I had sex with when I was 21 years old.
Catherine Wiccham: Fetish
Sam Aubrey: Little girls.
Natasha Brookes: Sugar and spice and everything nice. Hmm, I must have missed out on that lot... I only got the spice. :)
Sorrow: Melange
Jadyn: odds and endswooohooo, robin posted again... watch out guys, this might just become a habit! :P
Catherine Wiccham: Jumble
Natasha Brookes: Garage sale
Jadyn: vintage clothing
Natasha Brookes: Second-hand Rose
Catherine Wiccham: Hand-me-downs
Galen Eldridge: Pick-me-ups
Jadyn: coffee (god bless caffiene!)
Galen Eldridge: The Pope's Blessings :D
Jadyn: catholic confessions
Catherine Wiccham: Sinners
Victor: Repentant
Jadyn: turning over a new leaf
Catherine Wiccham: Gardening
Jadyn: flowers and weeds
Catherine Wiccham: The Birds and the Bees :D
Jadyn: teenager talk :?
Stalker: :twisted: Nothing but Sex! (aaarrrggghhh)
Parasol: Late Night Bordello
Victor: LA By Night :wink:
Natasha Brookes: Life altering
Stalker: :evil: Death
Parasol: Scared!
Derek Park: Horror
Natasha Brookes: Fear
Derek Park: Bunnies. :lol:
Reanna Kossinton: Wascally Wabbits :twisted:
Jadyn: elmur fudd
Natasha Brookes: Duck season!
Catherine Wiccham: Hunter
Reanna Kossinton: Prey :twisted:
Jadyn: praying mantis
Catherine Wiccham: Natalie French now there's a reason to fear substitute teachers... :D
Jadyn: baguettesorry... i know the link between natalie french and bread is a little off, but it just so happens that i'm munching on a slice as i type this... :oops:
Galen Eldridge: The Excorcist (especially substitute teachers whose heads can spin around)
Natasha Brookes: Pea & Ham soup
Jadyn: legumes
Daye: Healthy
Derek Park: Calcium
Daye: Spinach
Victor: Popeye (and I am having a Word Association game Deja Vu)
Sam Aubrey: Robin Williams
Victor: Wildman
Catherine Wiccham: Loose Cannon
Galen Eldridge: Anti-Establishment
Victor: Long Haired Hippie
Catherine Wiccham: *groans* not hippies again! Now I'M getting a double W.A.G deja vu! okay, what about Alternative Life Style
Victor: Gays and Lesbians
Jadyn: mardi gras
Reanna Kossinton: Bob Downe :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Good News Week
Catherine Wiccham: Tabloid
Jadyn: the national enquirer
Galen Eldridge: Secret Vatican Prophies revealed! The Second Great Depression, social strife, and more inside.
Jadyn: nonsense
Catherine Wiccham: Gibberish
Jadyn: oompa loompassorry, i'm into this whole charlie and the chocolate factory phase... i'm going on a cocoa bean craze i think. :oops:
Daye: freaky little men
Catherine Wiccham: Politicians
Galen Eldridge: Corruption
Victor: Rust
Jadyn: icky brown stuff
Daye: Junkyard
Sam Aubrey: Fat Albert's Junkyard Band
Jadyn: weight watchers
Natasha Brookes: Reinventing yourself
Stalker: acting
Jadyn: theatre
Natasha Brookes: Broadway :)
Jadyn: starlight express
Catherine Wiccham: Songs on Skates
Natasha Brookes: Torvill and Dean
Catherine Wiccham: The Bolero
Victor: Bo Derek
Natasha Brookes: Dudley Moore
Catherine Wiccham: 10
Galen Eldridge: ....9....8....7.....6....5....4....
Catherine Wiccham: Countdown
Daye: Blast Off
Galen Eldridge: Space
Sam Aubrey: Case
Jadyn: consumer association of singapore :roll:
Galen Eldridge: Alphabet Soup agencies
Jadyn: f.b.i :wink:*drowns adam in a vat of chocolate sauce*
Daye: X Files
Galen Eldridge: UFO Research
Catherine Wiccham: Area 51
Sam Aubrey: My underpants
Reanna Kossinton: Skidmarks :twisted:
Jadyn: laundry time! :?
Victor: which in my case is...ALL THE TIME
Jadyn: busy bee 8)
Sam Aubrey: Whispers of betrayal.
Jadyn: deception
Natasha Brookes: Guilt
Reanna Kossinton: Hurt
Catherine Wiccham: Injury
Daye: Wound
Natasha Brookes: Cut to the quick
Victor: The Quick and the Dead
Catherine Wiccham: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Natasha Brookes: Spagetti Westerns
Victor: Garlic Bread
Natasha Brookes: Perfect with fresh seafood. :)
Victor: I am almost embarrased to say the first thing that comes to mind...but heck its no secret...PEACHFISH!
Daye: :?
Jadyn: smilies :D :) :lol: :P :twisted: :wink: :D :) :lol: :P :twisted: :wink:
Catherine Wiccham: Emotive
Jadyn: locomotiveif anyone starts singing "the locomotion" by kylie minogue, i'm gonna have a hissy fit. *glares around at the gang* don't even think about it! :P
Natasha Brookes: Na na naaa, na na na na naaa, na na naaa, na na na na naaa,Na na naaa, na na na na naaa, na na naaa, na na na na naaa,Can't get you outta my head! :) Well, it wasn't 'Locomotion' 8)
Daye: Obsession
Galen Eldridge: Things that sound like they should be perfume names
Jadyn: nice blue shirt...just in case adam changes his avatar in the future, i was referring to his shirt. or rather... galen's shirt... or rather... david duchovny's shirt... :?oh... one more thing. *thwaps heather on the head with a dusty tom jones cd* :P
Catherine Wiccham: Babbling hehehe, sorry April... :D
Reanna Kossinton: My conversation skills :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Right up there with Dave's typing skills...
Victor: Btie MeHe sais with no samll measure of scarcasm
Natasha Brookes: Anytime darling! Said with no sarcasm whatsoever. 8)
Victor: Feed Me!
Natasha Brookes: Hmm, let's see - feed you what? Peachfish again? :wink:
Daye: don't go there
Natasha Brookes: Impossible destination
Daye: The Gamma Quadrant
Natasha Brookes: wormhole
Jadyn: mousehole
Daye: The Borrowers
Natasha Brookes: Granny Weatherwax
Catherine Wiccham: Relatives
Natasha Brookes: Noisy, fun family Christmas :D
Galen Eldridge: Futile attempts at controlling chaos
Catherine Wiccham: World Domination
Galen Eldridge: "Evil does not wear a bonnet!"(For those who don't get it, that's a quote from the villain in Cats & Dogs)
Daye: Mr. Tinkles
Catherine Wiccham: Kitty
Galen Eldridge: Cat woman
Daye: "I feel so much yummier" (I love that line. :lol: )
Victor: Latex
Catherine Wiccham: Second Skin
Natasha Brookes: Shedding
Galen Eldridge: Lizards!
Catherine Wiccham: Sunning Themselves on Rocks
Natasha Brookes: Harry Turtledove - World at War .. an excellent series - if you haven't read it, go find it. :) It's an alternative history of World War Two - what if aliens (who look like lizards) chose to invade Earth in 1941?
Galen Eldridge: GINGER!(Ohhh! I LOVE the World War Series! The sequel series - Colonization - is also rather interesting)
Natasha Brookes: Hmm, luscious Ballantyne chocolate gingers. Hehe, which those poor Americans don't get... :)
Victor: Toothache orBellyache
Mantheana: achey-breaky-something-or-other
Natasha Brookes: Song lyrics that should never have seen the light of day.
Derek Park: Buffy the Musical a.k.a Once More With Feeling
Natasha Brookes: Now we're partyin', that's what it's all about.
Mantheana: indeed.
Derek Park: Kaientai (WWE Japanese wrestlers)
Reanna Kossinton: Sumo :twisted:
Derek Park: Wrestling
Catherine Wiccham: Choreography
Natasha Brookes: "Keep it gay, keep it gay, keep it gay!!" From 'The Producers', in case you're wondering.
Reanna Kossinton: Birdcage :twisted:
Mantheana: Ribcage
Natasha Brookes: Serratus Anterior Sorry guys, just got back from the wetlab and that's the first thing that came to mind, since I'd just been prodding some dead guy's chest muscles...
Catherine Wiccham: Autopsy
Mantheana: forensic pathologisti know long words.
Jadyn: crime scene investigation
Catherine Wiccham: "Concentraite on what cannot lie - the evidence"
Natasha Brookes: 27 8x10 colour glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one to be used as evidence against you.
Jadyn: :? *blink* :?
Catherine Wiccham: Dazzled
Jadyn: 8) diamonds are a girl's best friend! 8)
Mantheana: Shiney!
Daye: Happy People
Derek Park: Gays 8O
Victor: Alternative life...uh...wait thats circular isn't it? How about:Partners
Jadyn: business ventures
Victor: Entrepreneurs
Derek Park: Enterprise
Natasha Brookes: Jean-Luc Picard
Jadyn: fancy frenchmen
Catherine Wiccham: Artisan
Natasha Brookes: Creative genius
Mantheana: Leonardo da Vinci
Catherine Wiccham: Leonardo Di Caprio
Daye: Booo...Hiss....(throws rotten fruit)Hack
Victor: Slash
Parasol: Guitar
Sam Aubrey: Man
Derek Park: Woman
Reanna Kossinton: Child :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham: Innocence
Stalker: :twisted: Lost (aaarrrggghhh)
Jadyn: maze
Natasha Brookes: Someone moved my cheese!
Galen Eldridge: lab rat (not in a vat)
Catherine Wiccham: Guina Pig
Daye: Blockbuster (do you all have that commercial?)
Jadyn: *~*~*~*~* H.B.O *~*~*~*~*
Catherine Wiccham: 'Sex & the City' and oooh doesn't someone get a kick from indulging their colour palate? :D
Jadyn: sarah jessica parkerdoes anybody else remember her from
Galen Eldridge: Hocus Pocus
Victor: Out of Focus
Parasol: Blurry
Victor: Furry
Derek Park: fur
Natasha Brookes: Soft
Victor: Baby's Bottom
Jadyn: nappies
Natasha Brookes: stinky
Derek Park: fart
Jadyn: skid marksick ick ick! :roll:
Mantheana: Burnt Rubber
Jadyn: screeching tyres
Catherine Wiccham: The Grand Prix no laughing now!
Jadyn: :lol: :lol: :lol: *rotflmao* :lol: :lol: :lol:
Daye: hysteria
Natasha Brookes: Mob rule
Catherine Wiccham: Riot
Galen Eldridge: Tin soldiers in Nixon's Army....
Daye: Tricky Dick
Reanna Kossinton: Dick Tracy :twisted:
Victor: Comic Strip
Natasha Brookes: Calvin & Hobbs
Jadyn: rude little boy
Victor: Dennis the Menace
Natasha Brookes: Troublemaker
Derek Park: Prank
Jadyn: a spanking! a spanking!
Galen Eldridge: wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!
Natasha Brookes: Is your wife a sport, eh?
Daye: Swingers
Jadyn: austin powersyeaaaaaaaaah baaaaby! :wink:
Sam Aubrey: mini Sid.
Catherine Wiccham: Send in the Clones!! :D
Natasha Brookes: Paranoia module Great game - I once lost 3 clones in half an hour of game play. :oops:
Parasol: SUV
Victor: SUX2000 (the car from Robo Cop? Anyone remember that ad?)
Jadyn: 8) audi tt 8) *sighs wistfully* my dream car...
Catherine Wiccham: Va Va Voom!!! :D
Galen Eldridge: drag racing
Mantheana: Car go Boom!
Natasha Brookes: No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There is always a boom tomorrow. (pause) What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here. Sooner or later - BOOM!
Galen Eldridge: [paraphrase] "Ivanova is always right. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will rip your lungs out!"
Mantheana: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I'm about to rip your lungs out.
Natasha Brookes: Violent tendencies.
Daye: Berserker Rage
Natasha Brookes: Storm Bull (only people who have ever played RuneQuest will get that one).
Daye: Game Specific Terminology
Catherine Wiccham: Jargon
Daye: The thingamabob that goes in the doohickey
Galen Eldridge: Technical term
Catherine Wiccham: 'Insert bracket A into bracket 7D while turning pivot 11G into Bracket B"
Galen Eldridge: Income tax forms 8O
Victor: Incomprehensible
Catherine Wiccham: The Enigma Code
Victor: Whirlwind(the first computer which broke the Enigma Code in WWII)
Galen Eldridge: Idiotic Blunders(This needs some explanation. The way the story of capturing the first naval enigma machine from a U-Boat, if I remember correctly, goes something like this: the boat was sinking, the captains all had orders to destroy the machine and code book. Only problem was, this captain (whose name escapes me) forgot to do so when his boat was sunk. Royal Navy saw him swimming back, figured there had to be something important on board, and later salvaged the device)
Catherine Wiccham: Can of Worms because that's what I feel like I have opened by writing my last W.A.G entry... :D
Daye: Bait
Victor: Hook, Line and Sinker
Jadyn: fishie wishies
Reanna Kossinton: "Oh, I wish, I wish I had not killed that fish" :twisted:
Derek Park: Rhyme
Sam Aubrey: Okay, Drew, how's this?Time.You did just tell me to rhyme didn't you? (*ZING* Ya-cha-cha-cha!)
Derek Park: Dime.
Natasha Brookes: Weird looking American money. :wink: (Do you know all their notes are the same size and colour? How boring....)
Derek Park: $$$$$$$$$$
Mantheana: repetative
Jadyn: the funk phenomenon
Mantheana: Slam dunk the funk...wheres that from?
Daye: George Clinton
Mantheana: Bill Clinton
Catherine Wiccham: Impeachment
Galen Eldridge: Nixon (not impeached, but should have been)
Sam Aubrey: Nixon Nixon Bo Bixon Banana Fana Fo Fixon Me Mi Mo Mixon Nixon!
Word Association Game (ARCHIVE)
Galen Eldridge: the name game today... :? when does one cross the line from being an
to ?!?!? i might be quibbling here but i'm only 24, does that qualify me for status?! *grumbles* Der holle rache kocht in meinem herzen. Doh! Got pipped at the post while I was checking the spelling... Still, it kinda fits, though I find this particular aria anything but boring. Just bloody difficult to sing. :scrambleup:
Victor: The BLAME game
Daye: Personal Responsibility
Jadyn: personal job scope by the way, hannah... the "slam dunk the funk" bit came from a song i think... by this disbanded boy group called 5ive? *grin* :)
Daye: Opportunities
Jadyn: pet shop boys "i've got the brains... u've got the looks... let's make lotsa money!" :wink:
Daye: West End Girls
Sam Aubrey: West End Games
Natasha Brookes: TSR (Sadly, now swallowed by the monolith that is WOTC.)
Catherine Wiccham: Hostile Takeover
Galen Eldridge: Buisness
Sam Aubrey: Deal.
Mantheana: With It
Sam Aubrey: With It With It Bo Bith It Me Mi MO--- Oh forget it. The name game can only go so far.....
Catherine Wiccham: Flogging a Dead Horse
Daye: Hours of Fun
Jadyn: monopoly! :P
Sam Aubrey: Illegal.
Galen Eldridge: "But that is a woman, Colonel Hogan! This time you have gone too far. I must report you to the commandant.... What am I talking about? I know nutzing.... NUTZING!"
Daye: Schuuultz!!!
Sam Aubrey: Charles M. ______________.
Daye: Mysanthrope
Sam Aubrey: Lots of dope.
Catherine Wiccham: Mr Rhyming Dictionary :D
Sam Aubrey: Miss Naked Pictionary
Catherine Wiccham: From Bad to Verse
Galen Eldridge: Puns
Sam Aubrey: Toasted Hamburger Puns
Victor: Deep Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich (Elvis' Favorite)
Sam Aubrey: Grossness
Jadyn: 8O 8O 8O definition of gross - having sex with a pregnant woman and realising that the foetus is giving u a blow job. 8O 8O 8O i know, i know! ewwwwwwwww... don't freak out on me people! i didn't come up with that! it was something told to me yonks ago by a schoolmate... traumatised me and my other friends totally... the words have remained stuck in my head all this time! :?
Daye: Completely, unbelievably nasty
Derek Park: Things that comes out of your mouth when barfing.
Daye: 8O
Derek Park: :twisted:
Reanna Kossinton: Devious :twisted:
Daye: Dastardly
Sam Aubrey: Dick and Muttly
Catherine Wiccham: Whacky Races!!
Galen Eldridge: A small town in the United States whose mayor is a Dog, and the challenger in the last election was a cat.
Daye: Election Reform
Catherine Wiccham: "...And that's how a Bill becomes a Law!"
Daye: Schoolhouse Rock!!!!
Sam Aubrey: School House Rock Rocks.
Victor: Saturday Morning Cartoons
Natasha Brookes: Daryl & Ossie (OK, not only showing my country of origin, but also my age with that one.)
Jadyn: hall & oates
Natasha Brookes: Your kiss is on my list. ( :roll: Now I'm really showing my age!)
Jadyn: retro music
Natasha Brookes: Disco (shudder)
Jessica Travers: European dance (possibly the worst ‘music’ about)
Catherine Wiccham: "You're a tree!! Be a tree! Now you're the embodiment of love, now pain! Do pain! Make me believe you're pain!..." okay, lots of bad repressed memories of drama/movement class there! :?
Sam Aubrey: Fame.
Natasha Brookes: Overrated
Sam Aubrey: Elongated TV series.
Victor: Plastic Man Okay he's an elongated super hero, but it was the first thing I thought of....
Daye: Mr. Fantastic
Catherine Wiccham: Fantastic Mr Fox!
Daye: Wind in the Willows
Sam Aubrey: Moll.
Natasha Brookes: Whore
Victor: Mangina If you haven't see it "Deuce Bigalo Male Gigelo" is hilarious. The Mangina is the name given to the man-whore's package.
Daye: Fish Tank
Sam Aubrey: Sid Cichlid (Tha name of my dead fish where ol' Siddy Siclid got his name)
Jadyn: seafood
Natasha Brookes: Tasmania (Best seafood ever! Well, Maryland now comes a close 2nd...)
Derek Park: Tazmanian devil (??)
Sam Aubrey: overrated
Natasha Brookes: Titanic It was OK, but geez, it was hardly worth all the hype. :?
Mantheana: Celine Diongood lord what has happened to that woman's face?
Natasha Brookes: Canadians
Reanna Kossinton: Terrance & PhillipAsses of fire :twisted:
Catherine Wiccham: Bad, Bad, BAD cartoon!! did i say how bad it is?
Natasha Brookes: Wings of Honneamise
Victor: Ghost in the Shell (From bad Anime to good Anime...quite a leap)
Derek Park: Cartoon w/ violence, and little bit of nudity(??)
Reanna Kossinton: :twisted: MANGA :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Sex and violence, or violence and supernatural entities, or sex, violence and supernatural entities. But you can't have sex and supernatural entities without the violence. Violence is mandatory.
Mantheana: Long Answers!I think you may be obsessed amanda!
Catherine Wiccham: Multiple Choice Questions
Galen Eldridge: "C" is the correct answer
Victor: Vitamin C
Natasha Brookes: Vitality Actually, Hannah, that was me with the long answer - Amanda plays Reah, Tash is me (Heather). :)
Jadyn: the result of a long, relaxed vacation...
Victor: Brief Visit (18 days is just not long enough...)
Jadyn: men's underwear
Natasha Brookes: Opening presents And no, 18 days wasn't nearly enough...:(
Victor: Comforting Presence
Natasha Brookes: Companionable silences.
Sam Aubrey: Fashionable Appliances.
Jadyn: well-dressed washing machines? :?
Sam Aubrey: Understandable questions.
Victor: Forty-two (aka Incomprehensible Answers)
Natasha Brookes: Don't Panic!!
Daye: Calm in the Eye of the Storm
Natasha Brookes: Brief moments of bliss.
Jadyn: the little death *ah hem* :wink:
Natasha Brookes: Sharing a bond.
Jadyn: sibling rivalry *blinks* did i spell that right? i think i've been working too hard... i'm starting to see typos and spelling errors where there are none... :oops:
Catherine Wiccham: Competative Streak
Sam Aubrey: Streaking! (A forgotten American fad that never should have left the scene.)
Mantheana: Tennis
Jadyn: furry yellow balls
Natasha Brookes: Fuzzy dice
Sam Aubrey: Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear Fuzzy Wuzzy Had no Hair Fuzzy Wuzzy Wasn't Fuzzy Was He? ("Fuck Fuzzy Wuzzy bullshit, that little cocksucker"--perhaps said by Andrew Dice Clay")
Catherine Wiccham: Goldilocks you know, bears...? Well it's Adam's fault really - but then it so frequently is! :D
Galen Eldridge: Politically correct fairytales (Of course it's my fault. The Laws of Nature are clear: when a woman and a man can be assigned the blame, blame always defaults to the man.)
Catherine Wiccham: "I'm not blind I am Visually Challenged!" *rolls eyes* PC terms Bite Ass! & not in a good way ;)
Jadyn: colour blind...
Victor: Dog Vision
Jadyn: a dog's life
Derek Park: Catching freesby(Spelling?) from owners...(??)
Jadyn: beach games
Reanna Kossinton: Cricket
Galen Eldridge: Slowly being turned English :lol:
Catherine Wiccham: Loss of Identity
Jadyn: amnesia
Catherine Wiccham: Anastasia
Natasha Brookes: Regicide
Mantheana: Burning Bob Marleyreggaecide?
Natasha Brookes: Dreadlocks
Jadyn: no woman no cry...
Sam Aubrey: no room with a pie in your eye
Natasha Brookes: Pie in the Sky
Reanna Kossinton: Pigs Fly :twisted:
Jadyn: never gonna happen!
Natasha Brookes: Pessimist
Catherine Wiccham: Infestation
Sam Aubrey: Pregnancy
Natasha Brookes: Not on your life!
Catherine Wiccham: "....Will I EVER do that with you! No i don't care if it IS your birthday!"
Jadyn: blow out the candles
Mantheana: Annoying un-blow-outable candles
Daye: lame tricks
Catherine Wiccham: Dog Training
Natasha Brookes: Easier than training men. :lol:
Sam Aubrey: All Men Go To Heaven.
Galen Eldridge: All dogs go to heaven
Catherine Wiccham: Same Difference :P
Sam Aubrey: MMMMrrrrrrrOOOOOOrrrrrrrrrrrr! Fisssss Fissssss :lol:
Daye: Cat fight
Galen Eldridge: cat calls
Catherine Wiccham: House of Cats
Victor: Whorehouse
Parasol: Moneymaker
Natasha Brookes: Breadwinner
Jadyn: french loafs
Victor: Penny Loafers
Parasol: Thom McCann
Catherine Wiccham: Dr Who as in Paul McGann... :roll:
Daye: Dr. Dolittle
Sam Aubrey: Eddie Murphy
Reanna Kossinton: Delirious :twisted:
Galen Eldridge: Delusional
Catherine Wiccham: Visionary
Parasol: Asimov Thom McCann is a line of shoes, rather run of the mill but serviceable (if they're still in business. I just remember them from when I was a girl.)
Victor: Purple This is going to take way too long to explain but trust me, it works.
Jadyn: drag queens
Natasha Brookes: Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras
Jadyn: the birdcage!
Catherine Wiccham: "We're Here! We're Queer! Get Used to It!"
Galen Eldridge: Bad jokes
Natasha Brookes: John Howard Actually, he's more of a sad joke...
Daye: Clint Howard (a bad joke somehow turned good)
Mantheana: Names meaningless to a 14 year old...
Galen Eldridge: Tony Bennett :D
Catherine Wiccham: Crooners
Jadyn: nat king cole
Sam Aubrey: BIG FINE FOR GETTING PULLED OVER AND NOT HAVING REGISTRATION (that's not a viable word association....but it's the only thing on my mind right now!) :evil:
Victor: Dad Sherman set the wayback machine for the 50's... My father was going into the military and entrusted his ENTIRE Nat King Cole record collection to his sister who promptly disposed of it as soon as he left. He never forgave her for that. And Sid...smile, pay the fine, and move on. It rarely if ever pays to fight (or bitch) about it.
Stalker: Sad :cry:
Victor: "...devotion to that ancient religion."
Sam Aubrey: MOM. (Here's the thing, Dave. I've driven without registration for five months. Casually, in conversation, I mentioned it to my mother. She went off on me! She made me feel like a wee little mouse. Then, when I was driving, THE VERY DAY MY MOTHER BITCHED ME OUT, I got pulled over. After five months! Figure that shit out. I got pulled over. Now I'm fucked beyond belief. I have no car. So when I show all of you the picture of my car, realize that I can't drive it anymore!!!!!!) Okay, Dave, I'm better. My word association for Dad is Mom. I just checked my message and see that others have posted since you posted DAD. But I still keep my post! Dammit, I say MOM, that evil wench.
Derek Park: aunt. (She's currently taking care of me now, and my parents are living in Korea. I am lucky that I am in America, I hate it over there. Though, America has more violence, Korea's got too many people who wants to be a gangster. Anyways, finally there's something easy.)
Natasha Brookes: Great aunt. OK, not much of a leap, but I recently became a great aunt. God, do you guys have any idea how OLD that makes me feel???? :? :?
Jadyn: geriatric this 12 year old girl just called me
Tarix Conny: Grandmama! I just love my grandmama!
Mantheana: What big teeth you have...
Natasha Brookes: Freeway And April, I first became an Auntie when I was 10 years old... so no, 24 isn't an issue. By the time I was 24 I was an Auntie six times over!
Mantheana: Spaghetti Juctionteeth to freeway? I totally get that :?
Natasha Brookes: Fettucine marinara - yummmm And Freeway is a film with a very strong 'Red Riding Hood' theme - hence the association... :)
Mantheana: Brian!is one of my friends' dads (<<
Tarix Conny: Brian Adams.
Daye: Cuts Like a Knife
Galen Eldridge: Ginsu
Catherine Wiccham: Gesundheit! :D - and boy what the hell happened last night? Big mad family debate or what? Feel like i'm in an episode of Tricia! - Ricki Lake for you non-brits :P
Daye: Praise be to your ancestors. (It's an inside family joke, sorry.)
Mantheana: Respect your Elders (of course this only applies to people younger than me...)
Catherine Wiccham: "That's the problem with Adults they have no respect for the younger generation" I LOVE Oscar Wilde, he's the coolest. :lol!:
Tarix Conny: Generation Gap
Jadyn: pepsi - generation max
Galen Eldridge: bloody annoying comercials
Jadyn: waaaaaaazzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppp :lol:
Catherine Wiccham: True.
Sam Aubrey: Untrue.
Victor: Unreal
Galen Eldridge: Nonexistant
Natasha Brookes: Figment of your imagination.
Sam Aubrey: Life
Natasha Brookes: Joy and pain in equal measure.
Tarix Conny: "Desperate times call for desperate measures!"
Galen Eldridge: Rationalizing vicious behavior
Mantheana: Maggot Moments, When two worms are friendly...(erm.. i got this from mosquito love some how.... shutting up...
Sam Aubrey: Larval Lasagna
Jadyn: inedible!
Catherine Wiccham: Things nailed down or on fire
Daye: Pretty dancing flames
Galen Eldridge: *buzzes in* What do some people create when granted access to a chemistry lab? Oh, wait, this isn't Jeapordy....
Natasha Brookes: The money or the box?
Jadyn: :roll: lame game show on radio :roll:
Derek Park: Lame game show on TV (Finally, why always the hard ones? :( )
Jadyn: jerry springer ok, i know his isn't a game show, but it's the crappiest, lamest, dumbest whatever-else-that-means-bad-and-lousy-est program i've seen on television. *makes a face*
Tarix Conny: Ridiculous
Stalker: My Life
Sam Aubrey: No..... MY life.
Mantheana: Its Now or Never!
Daye: Carpe Diem
Mantheana: Carpe Juguluma book title... but rather spiffy for LA By Night I think :vamp:
Galen Eldridge: Pluck the Neck? :?
Sam Aubrey: Thanksgiving.
Catherine Wiccham: Pumpkin Pie why do i know so much about bloody American holidays? How many of you know what Bonfire Night is about? Let me tell you probably none! Yes! None! And that would be typical wouldn't it? Yes it would! It would! Okay, *stops talking to herself* rant over :D
Sam Aubrey: Whipped Cream!!!!! (Oh, behave!)
Galen Eldridge: Ice Cream (Geez, Lou, no need to blow a gasket over us not know that y'all celebrate your most notorious traitor on Nov 5).
Catherine Wiccham: Cone well there you go! My point proved! We don't celebrate the MAN we celebrate the fact that he FAILED in his attempt at blowing up the Houses of Parlament! That's like me saying thanksgiving is a celebration of turkey :P
Galen Eldridge: Strange waffle looking things (Well, what else do you expect from a half-tired quick attempt at research? :D )
Catherine Wiccham: Strange waffley things...Waffles? :D Do i have to kick your arse now Adam? :D
Daye: Belgian
Parasol: Hercule Poirot
Derek Park: Jane Marple (I think that's the name of the other detective of Agatha Christie's mystery novel...)
Tarix Conny: Waxed Mostaches (as in mostaches that have wax on them to make them stright not mostaches removed by the means of waxing)
Reanna Kossinton: Dipper :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Jacko For those of you who are confused, Amanda and I are onto the nicknames of Aussie Rules football players...
Reanna Kossinton: Schwarz :twisted:
Natasha Brookes: Dark Helmet
Jadyn: motorcycle helmet
Natasha Brookes: banks
Galen Eldridge: money
Jadyn: $ $ $ dollar signs $ $ $
Natasha Brookes: Capitalism
Reanna Kossinton: Accounting 8O
Natasha Brookes: Revolting job that I'm really glad I got out of.
Catherine Wiccham: Crew Member at Maccies
Galen Eldridge: sale
Reanna Kossinton: Shut up and shut up now :evil:
Daye: Silence!
Victor: Stifled
Natasha Brookes: "Help, help, I'm being repressed!"
Daye: therapy
Victor: Sometimes Worse than the Cure
Daye: modern medicine
Catherine Wiccham: Holistic Remedy
Mantheana: Herbal remedy... oh and Adam, Carpe diem is seize the day, so Carpe Jugulum is 'sieze the neck' not pluck, this being the word on thevampire cote of arms
Catherine Wiccham: Aromatherapyactually a literal translation IS 'pluck the day' although we interpret it as 'seize the day'
Galen Eldridge: Pagan things (carpe is literally 'pluck' - or at least that's what the people with PhDs in Latin tell me)
Mantheana: Pantheistswe just did that in RS... I dont like my teacher... nearly started an argument with him... he doesnt know the first thing about RS
Galen Eldridge: Marcus Aurelius (okay, technically not sure if he qualifies as a Pantheist or not)
Victor: Hail, Caesar!
Daye: Et Tu, Brute?
Victor: Betrayal
Sam Aubrey: Heart-wrenching.
Derek Park: Melodrama(?)
Daye: Hamming it up
Natasha Brookes: Flying pigs Get it? Ham? Up? Ok, ok, it was lame, I know... but gimme a break. I was up til 4am writing a collab....
Jadyn: dancing cows i don't know why but this was the first thing that came to my head. :roll:
Natasha Brookes: Raining hippopotami. :lol:
Derek Park: earthquake...
Jadyn: it ain't over till the fat lady sings...
Tarix Conny: A really boring Opera
Natasha Brookes:
Tarix Conny: Failing latin (came into me mind for some reason!)
Catherine Wiccham: Greek Heros
Natasha Brookes: Not quite sure how we got from a German opera to Latin, to Greek heroes, but never mind.... Achilles
Galen Eldridge: Rage
Natasha Brookes: Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Catherine Wiccham: Michael J Fox as in Teen Wolf just in case you couldn't see the link :infinity:
Natasha Brookes: Parkinson's
Sam Aubrey: Peter Parkinson's..... 8)
Catherine Wiccham: Spiderman!!! Yeah! Oh, that's Peter ParkER, oh well
Sam Aubrey: Sticky.
Galen Eldridge: Gooey
Catherine Wiccham: Goober I just love that word... :D
Sam Aubrey: Floyd (from Andy Griffith).
Reanna Kossinton: Pink :twisted:
Victor: {self censored what came to mind first} Lemonade
Derek Park: Orange
Reanna Kossinton: Really painful missiles 8O
Sam Aubrey: Hemmorhoids.
Natasha Brookes: Eeewwwwww Sid, that conjured up images of your bum, and I really didn't want to go there.... :crazyeyes:
Derek Park: stinkin' smells
Natasha Brookes: Abbatoirs
Sam Aubrey: Abbatoir 5 by Kurt Vonnegat. (sort of....)
Galen Eldridge: Very punny
Daye: Peirs Anthony Xanth series :silly:
Victor: The Neverending Story
Catherine Wiccham: Big white flying dog - looks like a cloud :angel:
Galen Eldridge: Using a bit of chaos to give birth to a star
Natasha Brookes: Labour pains.
Catherine Wiccham: Tony Blair
Sam Aubrey: Linda Blair
Natasha Brookes: Neck stretches.
Sam Aubrey: Seeing a car accident as you are drving by.
Natasha Brookes: In the middle of the next accident 'cause of all the other rubberneckers.
Mantheana: Pile Up
Catherine Wiccham: Fender Bender just to get the game away from Sid's haemorrhoids :?
Galen Eldridge: "I'll sue every last one of you!"
Sam Aubrey: A Country Named Sue.
Mantheana: And her neighbouring country Jill.well what the heck else was i supposed to get from that?
Tarix Conny: Jack and Jill....
Natasha Brookes: Clumsy people
Galen Eldridge: Mr Green
Catherine Wiccham: Resevoir Dogs
Natasha Brookes: Tarantino
Catherine Wiccham: From Dusk Till Dawn
Natasha Brookes: Two movies in one. Hehe, great movie... :)
Galen Eldridge: DVDs you must remember to flip over
Sam Aubrey: Fear (of scratching one or both sides)
Derek Park: Bunnies. :P
Natasha Brookes: Anya
Derek Park: Former Vengeance Demon.
Tarix Conny: Women's Lib
Mantheana: Liberation
Catherine Wiccham: Liberace
Galen Eldridge: "Yeah, and did you know that Liberace was gay? Didn't see that one comming."
Mantheana: Invisible Foe
Sam Aubrey: Hot, wet, silent, steamy fart.
Mantheana: Silent but Violent... I was this close to writing fat bastard from austin powers....
Galen Eldridge: Luca Brasi
Victor: The Unknown Soldier
Catherine Wiccham: Saving Private Ryan
Tarix Conny: "War is hell!"
Parasol: Hell is for Children
Tarix Conny: Seasame Street
Parasol: Big Bird
Tarix Conny: "Birds of a feather flock together"
Reanna Kossinton: Leaves of four, eat some more :twisted:
Mantheana: how many leafy bits on a canabis leaf?
Daye: Hemp
Parasol: Rope
Catherine Wiccham: ...A Dope
Galen Eldridge: Foolish
Jadyn: ashanti
Derek Park: singer
Tarix Conny: Broken Glass Windows
Reanna Kossinton: Cricket ball :twisted:
Jadyn: i'm borrrrrrrrrrrred! :evil:
Natasha Brookes: The morning after the night before.
Galen Eldridge: "It all started the day before today. I remember it like it was yesterday."
Sam Aubrey: Redundancy.
Galen Eldridge: The Department of Redundancy Department :)
Daye: tongue in cheek
Tarix Conny: To blush as red as blood
Catherine Wiccham: Flushed
Tarix Conny: Down the drain
Sam Aubrey: Cap to the Toothpaste.
Catherine Wiccham: Not Just a Pretty Paste
Sam Aubrey: Hahahahhahhahahah! (Sorry. That's the first word to come to mind. Is "hahahahhahhahahah" a word? I guess it must be.)
Victor: Mirth I like the sound of that word...it has a good feel in my mouth. Miiiiiirrrrrrthhhh
Natasha Brookes: Hmm, things that feel good in your mouth... :wink:
Catherine Wiccham: BAD GIRLS
Natasha Brookes: I'm not bad - I'm just drawn that way.
Catherine Wiccham: Rabbit!!! you know I can't let the opportunity pass... just sit back and relax it will be over soon... "Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes. They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses. And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?? Bunnies! Bunnies! It MUST be BUNNIES!!!" Thankyou for your patience :D
Sam Aubrey: my Favorite song on the buffy musical.
Jadyn: where do we go from here?
Tarix Conny: "Somewhere over the rainbow....la dee da daaaaaaa"
Reanna Kossinton: "If I only had a brain...do de doodly do" :mrgreen:
Catherine Wiccham: Scarecrow
Natasha Brookes: Worzel Gummidge
Victor: British Television
Sam Aubrey: The Spanish Channel
Victor: The Spinach Channel - Its what I first thought of. In fact I though Sid had written that. Didn't know why, but it seemed to fit.
Natasha Brookes: Popeye
Jadyn: pipe
Daye: Super Mario Bros.
Jadyn: mario & luigi
Natasha Brookes: Foot-is-cray. I'm sorry, but Amanda is the only one who will possibly get this one - and she's away. :P Tough.
Sam Aubrey: Elmer Fudd-is-Gay
Natasha Brookes: Noddy and BigEars :wink:
Jadyn: toyland! heather - what was that about footscray? :? *blinks*
Natasha Brookes: Toys R Us April, there was an ad on telly for years about a furniture place run by a guy with a thick Italian accent... and it was in Footscray, but he always pronounced it 'Foot-is-cray'. Quite mundane really, but very, very local... even Greg wouldn't have got that one.
Parasol: Chucky Cheese Don't know if these maniacs are just a U.S. company or they've managed to snake their "wild screaming children run amok, don't worry, it'll be fun" tendrils into world domination.
Sam Aubrey: [quote:1e79dee161="Parasol"]Chucky Cheese Don't know if these maniacs are just a U.S. company or they've managed to snake their "wild screaming children run amok, don't worry, it'll be fun" tendrils into world domination.
Mantheana: Got Milk?sher, when i last went to the USA, it ws like 10 years ago, but i did go to a chucky cheeses.... it seemed fun, but i was four at the time...
Sam Aubrey: Got goat?
Stalker: no
Sam Aubrey: Music starts: No is no No is always no If they say no it means a thousand times no! No + No Equals No May I stay, should I go? No, no, no! Fingers pointing, eyebrows low Mouth in the shape of the letter "o" etc
Daye: Musical Interlude
Mantheana: Song with extremely negative vibes coming from them...
Daye: Short People
Tarix Conny: Umpa Lumpa's
Sam Aubrey: Short people got no reason Short people got no reason Short people got no reason to live
Catherine Wiccham: Are really tall people standing in deep holes
Natasha Brookes: Timmy's down the well!
Sam Aubrey: "Get the gimp."
Victor: "Zed's Dead"
Daye: General Zod
Sam Aubrey: Superman II too many.
Jadyn: journalist
Tarix Conny: "Think before you write"