Submitted by MrDave on Fri, 02/18/2005 - 12:09
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Dear Dave
I was very surprised to read about the fictive person Rosa di Ricagnoli.
Her life assembles a lot of that of my grandmother (although she isn't a
vampire). She has always been very secretive about her life, when she
was young. I even don't know people with the same lastname! Is this
just a coincidence or did you get the idea of her story elsewere? I'm
very curious. Excuse me for my bad English, but I live in the Netherlands.
I''m looking forward to your answer.
Graziella Ricagnoli
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That is very strange, Graziella, but i assure you it's just coincidence. The character's story is completely fictional, I just wanted somebody with the flamboyance of an Opera performer but with a dark past at the same time. I decided to make her Italian because I have some Italian ancestors, and my husband is Italian, and i know a little (very little) Italian, but enough to try and make her sound authentic.
About the name, well, actually i used my grandmother's surname, eerie coincidence, right? My grandmother's name was Paola Ricagni. I wanted the character to have her surname so i used 'Di Ricagnoli' as Rosa's real name that she changes to Ricagni after leaving her family. In the same way she changes Rosa for Roxana.
Another coincidence is your name, did you notice? The prostitute who saves Roxana's life and becomes her companion is called Graciella. 8O
Again, eery.
A reader question...
We have just entered. . .
the LABN zone.
A reader question...
Are there any Twiglets in the LABN Zone?
A reader question...
Why sure there are! You bet. Absolutely.
(Psst. What's a Twiglet?)
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Definitely eerie. Though I'm wondering if Graziella will be reading the Public Lounge or whether she's waiting for an e-mail response. If you haven't already sent her one, Ally, it might be an idea for you to copy your answer to her in an e-mail (best if it comes from you, since Roxanne was your NPC :wink:).
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Uh oh, I mistakenly thought Twiglets were universal. They are, a crunchy, low fat wheat snack made by the Jacobs company and... here's the biggie, MARMITE flavoured! (well at least the originals are) They're shaped kind a weird like a uh, twig (yeah I guess that's where the name comes from). Often served as finger food at crap parties, they taste... not fantastic, but are nevertheless kind of addictive. The reason I mentioned it was because there used to be a big marketing campain for them where people would have one Twiglet and suddenly be unable to control themselves from having more, MORE, MORE I TELL YA! Er, ahem, they called it The Twiglet Zone.
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See? I told you there would be Twiglets.
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...Woah. Talk about a mind fuck.
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You said it, Jersey Girl. (They sure look yummy, though.)
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All those snacks are yummy, damn them!!
And yes, Heather, I sent Graziella an e-mail as well, but i wanted Labners to read my response too. I hope she gets to answer it too. :D
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Have you ever tasted Marmite? Ewwww.
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I knew I should never have mentioned the 'M' word :evil:
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Gotta tell you, I wouldn't mind trying. In my best Cookie Monster impression:
Now what starts with the letter M?
Marmite starts with M
Let's think of other things
That starts with M
Oh, who cares about the other things?
"M" is for "Marmite"
That's good enough for me!
"M" is for "Marmite"
That's good enough for me!
"M" is for "Marmite"
That's good enough for me!
Oh, Marmite, Marmite, Marmite starts with M
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You used to say that about Vegemite too but you eat it now. Mind you, I've also tasted Marmite and despite growing up with Vegemite I couldn't stand the taste of Marmite, either. I dunno what the Brits do to it, but it's yuk compared with Vegemite. Hmm, come to think of it, Marmite is yuk compared with, say, industrial goo. :)
We're happy little Vegemites,
As bright as bright can be
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch and tea.
Our mummy says we're growing stronger every single week
Because we love our Vegemite,
We all enoy our Vegemite,
It puts a rose in every cheek!
A reader question...
Marmite? Vegemite?
Looks up in confusion, sudden images of Soylent Green invading her mind...
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Haha, I had vegemite when I was younger was. I thought it was nasty :P Then again, I guess it's the same way with ketchup (whom I do love :D )
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hehe, this reminds me of Phil of Mind class. My prof was the new department chair, and came to us from Oxford. One remark:
"And how do you describe the taste of Marmite to someone who's never tried it other than, 'mmmm, yum'?"
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Hot toast with Marmite.
Mmm. Yum! :wink:
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A "Philosophy of Mind" class? Is it possible to have a philosophy of other than the mind? Maybe it is. Sounds weird to me, and strangely erotic.
So, how's vegemite, marmite, and soylent green work during sex?
MMMM. Vegie-marm-soyl sex sandwich.
A reader question...
Hot toast with Vegemite...
Yummy in my tummy. :)
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...and I can't say I've ever tried Vegemite with sex. Yummy as it is, it doesn't really translate to eroticism - for me, anyway. There may be some die-hard Aussies out there who... but no, if they're that die-hard they only know one sexual position and it doesn't involve any aids other than velcro gloves to get a better grip on the wool. :wink:
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I'm gonna go with sticky, messy and kinda gross :P
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You just spelled Sid's middle name.