\ On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms* | unlimitedi.net
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On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Mantheana's picture
Posted in

hello to all.

Tis I, the booj. 'The who?' I hear you cry. Well the Booj, that short girl thing who hasn't posted in what is probably at least a whole hamster's lifetime. Why? Because I suck. Toe. Or summing or nuffin.

*sigh* I've posted this kind of thing before. "EEEEK I NEVER EVEN POSTED OR NUFFIN PLEASE FORGIVE ME" and such. This is more or less the same lines.

Except really, its time i faced up to the shameful truth. It really is unlikely that I'm going to finish my Mantheana thing. This could be I just won't in the near future, this could be ever. my frame of writer's mind or whatever you call it has moved on to some other crazy places. Writing-ish places though, I'll have you know.

I just never seem to have to time for LABN anymore. I know that's a poor excuse. Well, its not even really an excuse, its just a reason for my lack of participation. Everything in my life seems to be moving quite fast at the moment. I'm in college doing brainy things (lmao... okay so I'm in college. procrastinating. and college, can you believe it? I was like 13 when i started at LABN, I'm 17 now o_O) And suddenly, I have exams when I'm almost sure I've learned absolutely nothing in my past months education to be examined on.

SOMEHOW, you guys make time in your hectic lives to post so much great stuff on here. DAMN YOU! I have enough trouble finding time for my own crazy little writing schemes, let alone huge big things like LABN.

I know I've let everyone down. And that feels worse than you can imagine, unless you too lost your favourite pair of socks in a tavern brawl in Zanzibar. Or you quit on your fave writing project. Or summing. This is the site that actually started me writing. And now writing is my passion, more than any other hobby of mine. And to tell the people that started it all that you suck and just don't have the perseverance *can't spell* to complete what you started just feels shite.

However, i'm probably giving myself a lot more credit than i deserve, as Manthy was pretty small fry in the scheme of things, and most of you have probably forgotten that she, myself or even the tall girl often confused as my alter ego, Aluss even existed. Well we still do. We're both still writing. Mantheana still exists in some eternal limbo, waiting or the day i get off my backside and write her some more. ah well *sighs in an angst filled manner*

The rambling continues. Over a year ago, I started writing a jrock fanfic. You can guess who started me on that one, the same cheeky madam who got me into LABN. Aluss. I've been writing the same fic for a year. A YEAR. MORE! Its the longest thing I've ever written. I was never aware that I actually had a attention span until now. But woo and whatever. That has been dominating my entire writing life for the past year, because I'm scared that if I try an write something else parallel to it, I'll lose interest and 168 pages will stop dead and never get finished.

I'm really sad to have to be saying its unlikely I will ever be a proper member of LABN again. It was SUCH a huge impact on my life. It started me on the most important thing. I will be dropping by, every now and then. I still like to find out what's going on every once in a while. Is the 2005 cast party still happening in England? I miss you guys and everything that LABN is, and I would certainly be interested in attending, I want so much to meet the faces behind the whole project and such. However, if as a lazypants who never ever posts or nuffin, I understand if the whole thing is off limits or what or things.

I dunno. I feel like I have so much more to say here, but I couldn't for the life of me tell you what it is. I've rambled enough as it is. What i really want to say is sorry for letting you all down, and thanks for giving me what you did. Feel free to beat me with my own arms now. I don't know how to end this post, so I'll just start mumbling and fade of into an incomprehensible muttergskldsnsdnjssdkjsn....

love Booj x

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Heather's picture

Booj, Booj, Booj. You and Alice are never far from our thoughts and hearts, I'll have you know, no matter how long you spend in your shoe boxes. And even if you feel you won't be writing here any more, it's heartening to think that LABN started you off on a path of continued obsession. :)

As for CP2005: yes, it is being held in England. And don't for one second think you and Alice wouldn't be welcome - hell, encouraged - to come. The official CP is over the weekend of Friday 29th July to Sunday 31st July in London. A bunch of us are staying at a B&B in Belgravia, with others planning to sort out separate accommodations closer to the date. For all the details, there's a thread in Members' Lounge titled CP2005 - England that has all the details.

I have plenty more words of encouragement, vows of lifelong friendship, etc, but we just made pizza for lunch and Dave is waving it under my nose... So I'm off to stuff my face instead. :)

Glad to see you haven't totally dropped off the face of the earth, at least.

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Meredith Bell's picture

I agree with everything Heather said. Life is all about change and there's no reason to feel bad because yours is hectic and you have no time for LABN right now - that's just life.

It's great that you're still writing, I was really starting to get hooked on Mantheana's story, it's sad that you probably won't be finishing it but I can always hope, hehe. That is in no way letting anyone down, keep going with what you love and maybe we'll see you published someday! :D

I hope that you still keep in touch with us even if it's just a message now and then to let us know how you're fairing in the Big-Bad-W and like Heather said you'd be totally welcome at the cast party, in fact it would be fantastic to see you there. (Bring Alice then we can see this weird height difference in reality ;) )

Keep in touch crazy shoo box gal!

Bye, Hannah

Sid's picture


On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

MrDave's picture

I would hope that despite not having all of the time in the world to write...

and being a poor student and up to your closer-to-the-ground-than-anyone else's armpits in schoolwork and exams...

And being as how it is always easier to do nothing than to do something...

that you would just write something every once in a while. Even if it is a WAG entry, or a "wow that was so cool" about another post.

Or a "beat me becasue I am not worthy" missive.

This isn't a job, you aren't being forced like some pathetic galley slave to participate, and there is no judgement ever levied for lack of participation (is there Jean? Sid? Nick?)

We take you in and nurture a talent and if you respond and grow then we love you even more.

You (AND Alice too!) are part of our little LABN garden. Grown from saplings into fine looking trees (or shrubs in your case, Booj) and we are always happy to see you flower here...or anywhere.

But you do have to let us know to be happy for you by sharing some. So just say "hi" once in a while a little more often and you will always be welcome!

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Sid's picture

Don't listen to him, Hannah! He's got me in a shoebox! Participation is mandatory! Call Interpol! Help!

Re: On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Disposable_Hero's picture

Mantheana wrote:

I just never seem to have to time for LABN anymore. I know that's a poor excuse. Well, its not even really an excuse, its just a reason for my lack of participation. Everything in my life seems to be moving quite fast at the moment. I'm in college doing brainy things (lmao... okay so I'm in college. procrastinating. and college, can you believe it? I was like 13 when i started at LABN, I'm 17 now o_O) And suddenly, I have exams when I'm almost sure I've learned absolutely nothing in my past months education to be examined on.

Welcome to my world - the 'wonderful' world of college. Coursework before xmas, exams after xmas, coursework after exams and a final batch of exams before summer...gah.

Apart from the starting-LABN-at-13 thing (wow! 8O Hats off to ya, you're a talented writer).

And, hey, I'm a second year (so, of course, I'm MUCH busier than you and I'm FAR more worse off than you :P ) and I manage to write...sometimes...well, occasionally...just about (heh).

Re: On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Allyana's picture

Kyle Ashton wrote:
Welcome to my world - the 'wonderful' world of college. Coursework before xmas, exams after xmas, coursework after exams and a final batch of exams before summer...gah.

:D I love to be on the other side of the process!! :D :D :D :D :twisted:

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Kaarin's picture

I actually have no exams this semester. :)

Just quizes.

Lots... and lots... of quizes... some worth twice as much.

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Logan's picture

And, hey, I'm a second year (so, of course, I'm MUCH busier than you and I'm FAR more worse off than you

Yeah, well im in 2nd year UNIVERSITY which is even MORE work than you guys, SO THERE HA!

*waits patiently for a PHD student to trump that*

(ps this is a joke, not trying to demean [did i spell that right] the fact that you are all busy)

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Kaarin's picture

I'm in fifth year university, working on a second Bachelor's degree. Studying Ancient Greek. Worse than that: I'm doing the Aorist.

I realise this means nothing to you, so if we're going to do the brain racking, keep in mind that there is 1st and 2nd Aorist. 1st is fairly regular:

add an augment to the stem. This is usually an epsilon, but if it starts with epsilon becomes an eta. And in compound verbs like apokteino, goes at the end of the prefix.

Now, at the end of the stem. You add a sigma. Contract-verbs cease contracting, and the contract letter lengthens.

Three letters, if before the sigma, become a psi.

Another three become that thing with three loops I can't spell (one more than xi).

Another FOUR drop before the sigma, including zeta. Unless zeta is preceeded by an iota; then it acts like an epsilon-contract.

The SECOND aorist is entirely irregular. Because everything undergoes stem changes, and has a DIFFERENT set of endings for the present and middle voice.

And the verb lego is special. Because it does have a regular form, but NOT in Attic Greek (which we're studying primarily).

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Hmm... I'm in the same predicament, except I'm still in the middle of high school :cry: However, I've still been shying away from Labn in order to good in school (SATS are next year).

On the bright side, I have been doing excellent in school and am off for the week, giving me time to work on a post :D

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Disposable_Hero's picture

You lost me at Aorist.

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Sid's picture

Matt, Adam loses me with his lexicon every time we talk. But I like listening anyway. :lol:

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Kaarin's picture

Kyle Ashton wrote:
You lost me at Aorist.

In all honesty, the entire class is lost right now. I mentioned to another professor I know that I was doing it, and he immediately crossed himself. Because it's a bitch.

In the indicative, it's simple past. But it sometimes has present translations with its own special nuances. Like how the infinitive (to x) in the future in Greek has a present construction in English, but carries a sense of intentionality.

(Incidentally, I just remembered that I thought zeta was xi)

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Disposable_Hero's picture

Does anybody else understand what he's talking about?

*Bows down before Adam's knowledge*

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Kaarin's picture

I don't even understand what I'm talking about, thanks to how complex the grammar is. This is a language for a masochist to study, really.... 8O

On how much toe I suck *beats self with own arms*

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Nikolai wrote:
I don't even understand what I'm talking about, thanks to how complex the grammar is. This is a language for a masochist to study, really.... 8O

God, Adam, everytime I read one of your posts, there's always mention of a mosochist. What the hell is going inside that mind of yours? You know what? I don't want to know :?

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