Louisa started this thing last season where we all filled out these questionaires. We rapidly had emailed all the ones we got and wrote to each other and it really brought us closer together. I am posting a "blank" questionaire and if you hilight it and press the QUOTE button it'll be copied into a fresh new post/reply for you to fill out.
1. What time is it?
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?
3. Nickname(s)?
4. Parents names?
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
6. Date that you regularly blow them out?
7. Pets?
8. Eye color?
9. Hair color?
10. Piercings?
11. Tattoos?
12. How much do you love your job?
13. Favourite colour?
14. Hometown?
15. Current Residence?
16. Favourite food?
17. Been to another continent?
18. Ever vandalized something?
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
20. Been in a car accident?
21. Croutons or bacon bits?
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)?
23. Favourite Movie?
24. Favorite Holiday?
25. Favorite day of the week?
26. Favorite word or phrase?
27. Favorite book?
28. Favorite Restaurant?
29. Favorite Flowers?
30. Favorite Drink?
31. Favorite sport to watch?
32. Preferred type of ice cream?
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character?
34. Disney or Warner Bros.?
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
36. When was your last hospital visit?
37. What color is your bedroom carpet?
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test?
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from?
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy?
42. What do you do most often when you are bored?
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest?
44. Most annoying thing people ask me?
45. Bedtime?
46. Who will respond next?
47. Who will be last to respond?
48. Time now?
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Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Re: ....
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 9:47pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Amanda amoungst others I wont mention :oops:
3. Nickname(s)? Meh, Az, Mandarine(call me that and die), Hey You, No!
4. Parents names? Lynne & Eric
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 18!!!
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? April 29
7. Pets? dog; polly, cat; pheiffer
8. Eye color? greeny bluey hazel
9. Hair color? Med-Dark Blonde
10. Piercings? Ears
11. Tattoos? No
12. How much do you love your job? I love to blow it up!
13. Favourite colour? Purple, sometimes blue, mayhap orange
14. Hometown? Melbourne
15. Current Residence? Melbourne
16. Favourite food? FOOD!
17. Been to another continent? Nope *twiddles thumbs*
18. Ever vandalized something? Of course not :wink:
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? *sigh* :cry:
20. Been in a car accident? Nope! I've only been driving a month...ask me tomorro :wink:
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons with bacon bits :)
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? The Sims
23. Favourite Movie? Matrix
24. Favorite Holiday? Anywhere sunny :D
25. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday
26. Favorite word or phrase? GIMMIE
27. Favorite book? Wheel Of Time Series "HOORAH" :D
28. Favorite Restaurant? Anywhere NOT mcdonalds
29. Favorite Flowers? Daisies
30. Favorite Drink? Baileys, no...HOT CHOCOLATE! :D
31. Favorite sport to watch? Sport watch?
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Vanilla
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? SNUFALUPAaaaeee forget how you spell it!
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: I have a favorite now?
36. When was your last hospital visit? 1 week before my 18th! Skateboarding accident!
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Crap Beige
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Once..."dodedoo :roll: "
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? Stalker (greg)
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Of course not! :twisted:
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? a DRAGON!!!
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Nothing! I'm bored!
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Who here lives the farthest from me?
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? Can you work Sunday?
45. Bedtime? 12am - 3am
46. Who will respond next? I don't know! Ask the next person
47. Who will be last to respond? ummm
48. Time now? 10:17pm...ooh buffy's on in 13!
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
OK, here goes again. It'll be interesting to see how much has changed for me since I did this a few months back. (And, Dave, it was actually me who introduced this to the board, but I'm not a terribly vindictive woman so you'll only be paying for that slip for a couple of years....)
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Ok, i am going to take my turn now. :P
1. What time is it? 10:25 am
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Kristen Marie Lindgren
3. Nickname(s)? Kris, Kiskin, Ya Ya
4. Parents names? Patricia and Donald
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 27
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? November 30
7. Pets? no, do kids count?
8. Eye color? Blue
9. Hair color? Red
10. Piercings? 4 in ears, 1 in eyebrow
11. Tattoos? not yet
12. How much do you love your job? It is the best and most rewarding thing anyone can ever do with their life.
13. Favourite colour? Green
14. Hometown? Plattsburgh, NY
15. Current Residence? Las Vegas, NV
16. Favourite food? Italian
17. Been to another continent? no
18. Ever vandalized something? no
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? too many times to count
20. Been in a car accident? no
21. Croutons or bacon bits? neither
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? hmm, scattegories and shadowrun
23. Favourite Movie? Grease, also LOTR and American Beauty
24. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday
26. Favorite word or phrase? Onomotopeia
27. Favorite book? The Princess Bride by William Goldman
28. Favorite Restaurant? Bucca de Beppo
29. Favorite Flowers? Mums (i am allergic though)
30. Favorite Drink? Water
31. Favorite sport to watch? Football and Wrestling
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Pistachio Almond
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Kermit the Frog
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Fatburger
36. When was your last hospital visit? October 2001 for my c-section
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? beige
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 2 :oops:
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? i think it was louisa
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no, i am a goody two shoes
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? a car
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? tv or read or labn
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? hmmm, jodie
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? "What are you doing?'
45. Bedtime? whenever i finish the day
46. Who will respond next? hmmm, maybe louisa
47. Who will be last to respond? probably robin
48. Time now? 10:32 am
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Ok just so I'm not last...
1. What time is it? 2:05
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Robin Michael Richards
3. Nickname(s)?
4. Parents names? Fred and Gillian
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 28
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? 14th July
7. Pets? None
8. Eye color? Blue
9. Hair color? Blonde
10. Piercings? None
11. Tattoos? None
12. How much do you love your job? It pays the mortgage
13. Favourite colour? Dark Blue
14. Hometown? Chesterfield, England
15. Current Residence? Stockport, England
16. Favourite food? Food
17. Been to another continent? Nope
18. Ever vandalized something? No
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
20. Been in a car accident? Yes
21. Croutons or bacon bits? either
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Right now? Final Fantasy X
23. Favourite Movie? The Abyss
24. Favorite Holiday? Any
25. Favorite day of the week? Depends when I'm off work
26. Favorite word or phrase? ...
27. Favorite book? Far too many to count but L. E Modesitt's Recluce...Steven Erickson's Malazan Books of the Fallen, Early Robert Jordan
28. Favorite Restaurant?
29. Favorite Flowers? Orchids
30. Favorite Drink? Milk
31. Favorite sport to watch? No favourites but I'll watch most sports
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Plain Vanilla
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? The Count
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Burger King
36. When was your last hospital visit? July 1995
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Maroon
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 8 and still counting...
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? April
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?No
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? If I had one? Laptop
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read, Play games
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Heather
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? Why are you still in that job?
45. Bedtime? 10 pm to 6am it varies a lot
46. Who will respond next? Not a clue
47. Who will be last to respond? Now? no idea....
48. Time now? 02:15
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? hm.. *tries to work out 24 hr clock* 4:16pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Hannah Louise Sauer
3. Nickname(s)? Booj, Boojy, bigmouth, the little one, the one-who-will-probably-hit-you-back, the sprog, the driedle, etc, etc.....
4. Parents names? Anne and Mojo (Maurice)
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 14 I think...
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? 14/01
7. Pets? and evil guinea pig who escapes like houdini incarnate
8. Eye color? one chestnut, one hazel.
9. Hair color? depends, it changes from top to bottom, time of year, location etc, but brown covers it i think.
10. Piercings? ears, and i'm getting my belly-button done soon...
11. Tattoos? none yet, but i can dream.
12. How much do you love your job? well.. my jobs at the mo are being a sprog, being boojy, being a dreidle, being insane and annoying all those who i think deserve it.... all be it karma form another life.. what can i say, i'm just one of those bad things that happens to good people...
so yeah, i think i do enjoy it...
13. Favourite colour? black/dark red
14. Hometown? Reading (as in the city, not the activity)
15. Current Residence? Woking
16. Favourite food? SUGAR!?!?!?!?! but if not, artificail colourings and flavourings... but in proper food, i guess most things carbohydratey
17. Been to another continent? yup... only once.. to the US of A
18. Ever vandalized something? hehe.. u promise u wont tell the cops....?
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? um... not to my recolection.....
20. Been in a car accident? nope
21. Croutons or bacon bits? well... i do love bacon.. mmm bacon..but one time, i had these bacon crountons at pizza hut.. now that is class....
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? that one where u have to make some one look at your fingers below their waist level, and if they look then you get to punch them.....
23. Favourite Movie? independace day (classy)
24. Favorite Holiday? mm i wanna either go to egypt or russia some time... but skiing is fun now.
25. Favorite day of the week? FRIDAY!!!!
26. Favorite word or phrase? at this precise moment: sprog/doodlebug.
27. Favorite book? um.. well.. i read so much.. possibly the hannibal lecter series.. or the his dark materials trilogy by phillip pullman... or discworld by terry pratchett... or.. oh! i can't decide....!
28. Favorite Restaurant? beefeater/bridge barn
29. Favorite Flowers? orchid
30. Favorite Drink? fizzy mineral water with lemon (soz.. but i love that drink) or cherry coke.
31. Favorite sport to watch? possibly soccer
32. Preferred type of ice cream? lemon!
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? well, it used to be elmo, but now he's gay (not his problem i know), but my faves are cookie monster adn the caterpillers that the dustbin green thing used to have..
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? disney.. they gave me fantasia...
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: McDonals
36. When was your last hospital visit?
yesterday.. i hate doctor newton......
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? sandy colour
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? havent taken it yet
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? um.. the peeps who say what your passwrod is so basicly dave....
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope.. but then again.. they never found the bodies......
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? um.. stephanie piun law's archangel portfolio...
or some decent gothy boots/clothes jewlry....
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? draw!!!
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? um.. possibly heather or greg or someone who lives in australia..
44. Most annoying thing people ask me?
where i hid the bodies.. when will they just learn to give it up....
45. Bedtime? depends on who is up with me....
46. Who will respond next?
i dunno.. i'm to ignorant.. some one who hasn't answered yet?
47. Who will be last to respond?
some one who still hasnt answered yet....
48. Time now? 4:47pm (phew!)
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 3:35 p.m.
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Sherlynn Adele Hicks
3. Nickname(s)? Sherl
4. Parents names? John and Chloe
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 45
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? October 27th
7. Pets? 2 cats
8. Eye color? Green
9. Hair color? Dark Brown
10. Piercings? 3 in one ear, 2 in the other
11. Tattoos? 1 on my back designed for me--I wanted something tribal/art deco--no swirls or butterflies--shaped like a chevron. It's what I got. And 1 on the front part of my hip that's an adinkra symbol for fearlessness.
12. How much do you love your job? I love my job.
13. Favourite colour? Blue
14. Hometown? Kankakee, Illinois
15. Current Residence? Reseda, California
16. Favourite food? Italian
17. Been to another continent? South America and Europe
18. Ever vandalized something? No
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Um, a couple of hundred times.
20. Been in a car accident? No
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Scrabble
23. Favourite Movie? Thelma & Louise
24. Favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving
25. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
26. Favorite word or phrase? Eyes on the Prize
27. Favorite book? Sula by Toni Morrison
28. Favorite Restaurant? Vicente, when I can afford it.
29. Favorite Flowers? Iris
30. Favorite Drink? Ivy Gimlet
31. Favorite sport to watch? Tennis
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Don't like sweets
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Kermit
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: El Pollo Loco
36. When was your last hospital visit? 3 yrs ago-poking around and repairing my bells and whistles
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? blue/grey
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Never
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? Brand new here, but Dave
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Vacation
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch TV, play guitar (badly)
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Gloria in NY
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? Are you mixed or what?
45. Bedtime? 11:30
46. Who will respond next? Don't know.
47. Who will be last to respond? Don't know.
48. Time now?3:45
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 2:05pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Saadia Shafeeq Uddin.
3. Nickname(s)? Sunny.
4. Parents names? Seemi (mom), Shafeeq (dad)
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17.
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? 20th November.
7. Pets? Had goldfishes but they all died. Had dogs too but they all died too. I think i am unlucky with pets. :(
8. Eye color? Dark Brown.
9. Hair color? Black.
10. Piercings? Only in the ears.
11. Tattoos? Non.
12. How much do you love your job? My job at the moment is to do nothing what so ever, and i really love it. :wink:
13. Favourite colour? Black, Green, White and most favorite is Purple.
14. Hometown? Karachi.
15. Current Residence? Kuwait.
16. Favourite food? Any junk food and boiled rice.
17. Been to another continent? Just been around Middle East, thats all.
18. Ever vandalized something? Nothing that I can remember.
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Oh yes and don't ask!
20. Been in a car accident? Not a major one, only a 14 year old boy scraped our car bumper.
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Non.
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Abe's Odessy and Exodus (Computer game).
23. Favourite Movie? Pretty Women and Erin Brochowich.
24. Favorite Holiday? Summer.
25. Favorite day of the week? Thursday.
26. Favorite word or phrase? "There is no one in this world that deserves your tears and the one who does won't make you cry."
27. Favorite book? If Tomorrow Comes.
28. Favorite Restaurant? Peacock.
29. Favorite Flowers? Roses and tulips.
30. Favorite Drink? Water.
31. Favorite sport to watch? Cricket.
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Chocolate, chocolate and chocolate. YUM!
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Emo (so cute)
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Jonny Rockets.
36. When was your last hospital visit? Don't remeber, really.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Grey.
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Haven't taken one yet, will take one in December.
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? Sid (I think).
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Non.
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Artificial jewelry and books.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Day dream or read.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Hmmmm... I don't really know!
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? Nothing that has annoyed me too much, yet.
45. Bedtime? Anywhere between 10 pm and 1 am
46. Who will respond next?Not too sure.
47. Who will be last to respond? Not sure of that either (I am a very unsure person).
48. Time now? 2:35pm
1. What time is it? 5:41 am
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Benjamin Joseph Pulliam
3. Nickname(s)? Ben, Ben Franklin, Karate boy, Ben Dover, Dumbass(my younger brother), Scotty Don't(younger bro again), various others
4. Parents names? Not telling. Something about it doesn't seem right.
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 20
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? August 31
7. Pets? Had a cat. Big, dog chaser. Died near on five years ago. Got a dog now. Black Shepherd, Bloodhound, Lab, who knows what, name is Gizmo
8. Eye color? Brown
9. Hair color? Brown
10. Piercings? No
11. Tattoos? Uh-uh I'm too boring.
12. How much do you love your job? If I had one, I would hate it. I just know it.
13. Favourite colour? Navy Blue
14. Hometown? Dear Lord. Prolly San Jose. If not, it's an Army base in Boston
15. Current Residence? San Jose, California
16. Favourite food? Varies. From Pizza, to CHicken Parmigiana(I know I misspelled that), to a good hamburger. For a short time, it was Cauliflower.
17. Been to another continent? Lived on one, when I was a bitty Army brat. Germany is cold.
18. Ever vandalized something? Uh......though about it plenty of times.
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Can't say I have
20. Been in a car accident? Depends. I stopped safely, avoiding one, then this jack*** swerves into me and takes a 3 inch sqaure outta my bumper. That count?
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Both, but no dressing.
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Prolly Metal Gear Solid 2
23. Favourite Movie? Too many to list, but if I had to pick one, it'd be Way of the Gun, starring Ryan Phillipe and Benicio Del Toro. Followed closely by Two Towers
24. Favorite Holiday? Veterans Day
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday
26. Favorite word or phrase? Got a few:
"lights INSERT NAME on fire"
"He who forgets will be destined to remember"
and so many more
27. Favorite book? Brain says All three Lord of the Rings, rest says Watcher by Dean Koontz
28. Favorite Restaurant? Dunno
29. Favorite Flowers? Dunno
30. Favorite Drink? Dunno
31. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Cookie Dough
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? The one in the trashcan, Oscar the Grouch I think it was.
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Carl's Junior
36. When was your last hospital visit? I don't remember
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Tan
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Which part, written or wheel?
Written it was trice. Behind the wheel, I think five. I got passed out of pity.
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? The thing that tells you you have a new private message
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No. I'm too boring
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? A car.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Write, read, TV, the usual
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? A guy in Kansas named Jerry
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? "Are you Mexican?" I look Mexican. I'm not Mexican, but everyone thinks I am. Except my family, and my little brother thought I was adopted for a little while. Worse yet, is when I answer no, they say I'm lying. Worse yet, when I explain, they say I'm adopted. Worse yet, they accuse me of having no pride in my heritage.
45. Bedtime? Whenever. It depends on what day of the week. I have some kind of sleeping disorder.
46. Who will respond next? Got me.
47. Who will be last to respond? I got a good shot, for the time being.
48. Time now? 6:00am
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? : 1:03 pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Shaun (my last name is something with hockey, so as not to incite canadian hockey jokes, ill leave it at that :)
3. Nickname(s)? Shaunzy, Shauns, Shauny-boy
4. Parents names? Richard and Louise
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 19
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? Feb 22
7. Pets? 2 dog, a black lab named Tommy, Rotweiler named Keyla
8. Eye color? Brown or like this rotten green depending what I wear
9. Hair color? Brown
10. Piercings? none
11. Tattoos? none
12. How much do you love your job? I am currently unemployed, but I did recently work at an underwear boutique which was pretty easy
13. Favourite colour? Green
14. Hometown? Rosemere, Quebec
15. Current Residence? Rosemere
16. Favourite food? I love everything that does NOT have the words "Roast of .....) in it
17. Been to another continent? I dont think so
18. Ever vandalized something? Probably
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? No not really
20. Been in a car accident? Yes (but never me driving)
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? I miss Everquest, Smashbrothers on Gamecube
23. Favourite Movie? Practical Magic, Cruel Intentions, The Craft, Studio 54 (I coulnt pick one)
24. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday night
26. Favorite word or phrase? I guess i say OMG alot
27. Favorite book? The Crimson Shadow Trilogy, Anna Karenin
28. Favorite Restaurant? Le Vieu Dulutte
29. Favorite Flowers? Orchids (why not)
30. Favorite Drink? Water
31. Favorite sport to watch? Wrestling (does that count)
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Cheese cake icecream (yes it is a flavor)
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Cookie Monster, Snuffleufagus
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: La Belle Province, Harvays
36. When was your last hospital visit? I had some bloodtests like 7 months ago but thats about the only time ive ever been to a hospital (besides being born)
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? once (i bumped a car while parallel parking 8O
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? April
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? My Spike human faced figure off of Ebay
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Surf the Net
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? My sweety Jillian (about 20 mins drive)
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? I dont get annoyed fast
45. Bedtime? 12-2 am anytime between then
46. Who will respond next? Im like the last person lol
47. Who will be last to respond? see above
48. Time now? 1;16 pm
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
The lazy bugger finally responds!
1. What time is it? 1:40pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?
Adam Spier
3. Nickname(s)?
Bubba Newt, Bubba, C.J., Adam Christopher Allouicious
4. Parents names?
Ed and Lori
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
6. Date that you regularly blow them out?
8 August
7. Pets?
5 dogs - Sally, Jake, Rachel, Elwood, Abe.
My lizard, Pepe, has gone to the great belt factory in the sky. :(
8. Eye color?
Um... I don't know. Either green or brown.
9. Hair color?
Dark. Sort of a brownish.
10. Piercings?
11. Tattoos?
12. How much do you love your job?
Just let me research!
13. Favourite colour?
14. Hometown?
15. Current Residence?
16. Favourite food?
STEAK. Or Shrimp Creole.
17. Been to another continent?
Only in dreams. :oops:
18. Ever vandalized something?
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
Um... yes... :oops:
20. Been in a car accident?
No. Bus accident, once. The idiot broke the windshield on the pole that has been there for years.
21. Croutons or bacon bits?
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)?
23. Favourite Movie?
The Majestic, Patton, My Dinner With Andre, The Godfather
24. Favorite Holiday?
25. Favorite day of the week?
26. Favorite word or phrase?
Lick here! (You may be one of the lucky 25)
The Enlightened take things lightly
27. Favorite book?
The Illuminatus! Trilogy (Wilson and Shea)
The Symposium (Plato)
Epistle Morales ad Lucilium (Seneca the Younger)
De Officiis (Cicero)
28. Favorite Restaurant?
Marathon Deli or English Teahouse
29. Favorite Flowers?
30. Favorite Drink?
Coke/Stoley's Vanilla Vodka
31. Favorite sport to watch?
Sports? What are these things, 'sports'?
32. Preferred type of ice cream?
Death by chocholate
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character?
Count von Count
34. Disney or Warner Bros.?
Warner Bros
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
36. When was your last hospital visit?
About 5 years ago. Tilt table test.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet?
Half of it is grey, the other half is green.
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test?
Almost once. Then the Cardiologist said I wasn't allowed to take it.
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from?
Don't remember.
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy?
42. What do you do most often when you are bored?
Books. Games.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest?
Heather? *scratches head* I don't know.
44. Most annoying thing people ask me?
"Are you a grad student?" - good lord. Just because I hang out with the faculty all the time does not mean I'm a grad student. Neither does the quasi-suit look.
45. Bedtime?
48. Time now? 200pm
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 11:26 pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Jean Marie Brennan
3. Nicknames: Red, Jeanie, Jeanie~Beanie, Pumpkin
4. Parents' names: Thomas Joseph and Gloria Marie
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:
6. Date that you regularly blow them out: I was suppose to be a Halloween baby, but I kung-fu(ed) out three days early
7. Pets: Not including my roommates, we have two cats: Church and Nikita
8. Eye color: Hazel
9. Hair color: Reddish Blondish Brown (Calico anyone?)
10. Piercings: 3 in each ear
11. Tattoos: not yet
12. How much do you love your job: I adore dealing with 'pricks' in the cactus garden.
13. Favourite colours: Yellow, Magenta, Orange, and Burgundy
14. Hometown: Born in Lafayette, Louisiana, but raised in Sanford, Florida
15. Current Residence: The insufferable desert of Las Vegas
16. Favourite food: Carbs and dairy... I think that covers it all
17. Been to another continent: No, but hoping to visit Europe soon.
18. Ever vandalized something: I plead the 5th. Mainly cuz I don't remember.
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Unfortunately, I have shed too many tears, and all in vain.
20. Been in a car accident: Two, and I was an uninjured passenger in both.
21. Croutons or bacon bits: depends on my mood
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!): uh, er, hmm, oh! VH1's Pop Up Video, closely followed by Monopoly and Uno. Oh, and I adored the original Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo.
23. Favourite Movies: The Hairdresser's Husband, Run Lola Run, As Good As It Gets, Brotherhood of the Wolf
24. Favorite Holidays: The ones where I get a week-long break from school... but esp Halloween and Christmas
25. Favorite day of the week? Thursday, hands down
26. Favorite word or phrase? 'how fun' and the f-word
27. Favorite book: That is too difficult. I worship books.
28. Favorite Restaurants: Olive Garden, Coco's, Lone Star, Sweet Tomatoes
29. Favorite Flowers: Roses and Lillies
30. Favorite Drinks: Vanilla Coke, Amaretto Sour, or slightly chilled blush wine
31. Favorite sport to watch: In person I enjoy watching my cat Church fetch. (Ask me about this, I swear it's true!) As a spectator, I am a NASCAR fiend and a devoted Cheesehead.
32. Preferred type of ice cream: The cold kind, in my belly. Hehe. Godiva White Chocolate Raspberry or Haagen Daaz original Vanilla.
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Snuffle-Up-A-Gis (spelling?)
34. Disney or Warner Bros: Gossamer is my Warner Brothers' fave, but Disney's Cheshire Cat and Stitch win hands down.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurants: Quizno's, and Baja Fresh
36. When was your last hospital visit: February 2003 when my best friend's appendix was removed.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet: Beige
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test: The $20 I slipped the instructor assured my license the first time around. wink wink
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? My Adam :D
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: not yet
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy: Not an item persay, but rather a store I would love to shop in for the rest of my life: Border's Book Shoppe
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Who has time to be bored? I would kill to find time to read. Esp enough time to read all 6000 pages of back-logged story on LABN.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest: Peter - but Robin promises to hand deliver future packages, right? :wink:
44. Most annoying thing people ask me: "What's wrong?" sometimes peeps just like to enjoy their own quiet moods
45. Bedtime: Whenever exhaustion strikes
46. Who will respond next: Could be me. I enjoyed this survey so much, I may answer it again!
47. Who will be last to respond: Whoever gets bumped from 'guest' to 'member' after moi. HEHE. Thanks, Dave!
48. Time now: 12:05 am ... ooops, I got distracted watching "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 12:49 AM (Montreal time)
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Ricardo Michele Giannuzzi
3. Nickname(s)? Ricky Rick, Gonzo
4. Parents names? Michele and Anna
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 22
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? May 12...taurus baby, yeah 8)
7. Pets? umm, no!!!
8. Eye color? blue
9. Hair color? light brown
10. Piercings? no
11. Tattoos? i wish :twisted:
12. How much do you love your job? i wouldnt wish it on the person i hated the most
13. Favourite colour? blue, gray (its always tough to pick between the 2)
14. Hometown? Boisbriand, Quebec
15. Current Residence? Boisbriand
16. Favourite food? anything made by mia mamma
17. Been to another continent? no... :cry: ...next year
18. Ever vandalized something? yes, im such a rebel 8O
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? ewww...love
20. Been in a car accident? no (makes sign of the cross)
21. Croutons or bacon bits? neither
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? DC Heroclix
23. Favourite Movie? depends on my mood...LOTR, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Good Will Hunting
24. Favorite Holiday? x-mas
25. Favorite day of the week? saturday...cartoons :D
26. Favorite word or phrase? "omg, guy, did u see that?"
27. Favorite book? obviously, LOTR by tolkien...the maltese falcon by dashiell hammett...and any cookbooks (as u can see, i have a hard time making choices :oops: )
28. Favorite Restaurant? thai express
29. Favorite Flowers? not that kind of guy
30. Favorite Drink? hehe...vodka and jack :twisted:
31. Favorite sport to watch? wrestling (yes, its a sport people...+ entertainment)
32. Preferred type of ice cream? chunky monkey
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? cookie monster or the count
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? warner bros. (come on...they own the rights to bats and supes)
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: dont like that
36. When was your last hospital visit? three years ago...cut my wrist sliding to keep the ball inbounds playing soccer...and my team lost :(
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? i got wood
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? refuse to answer for the protection of my manliness
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? shaun
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? :evil:
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? a complete new bedroom set from ikea
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? draw or color with pastels
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? the world is my friend
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? hey ricky, wheres lucy?...if somebody on this board ever asks me that, i swear, i will seriously commit murder :twisted:
45. Bedtime? 12 AM to 1 AM
46. Who will respond next? im probably the last to do so
47. Who will be last to respond? whoevers next
48. Time now? 1:07 AM (montreal time)
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Guess I should do this, what with being new and all.
1. What time is it?
8:48 pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?
Matthew Peter Robert Byrne
3. Nickname(s)?
Matt, Matty, BatMat (don't ask)
4. Parents names?
Peter and June
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
6. Date that you regularly blow them out?
June 29
7. Pets?
Nope. Had a dog. It died. Had a rabbit. It died. I'm over it.
8. Eye color?
9. Hair color?
10. Piercings?
11. Tattoos?
12. How much do you love your job?
Don't have one but as for school, be glad when it's over!
13. Favourite colour?
14. Hometown?
Southamton, UK
15. Current Residence?
Eastleigh, UK
16. Favourite food?
Prawns. Mmmm....prawns. Huh? What? Oh right, questionnaire.
17. Been to another continent?
Yeah, America twice (3rd time this July) and, of course, Europe.
18. Ever vandalized something?
Errm...not that I remeber
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
No. I'm so young and ignorant... :cry:
20. Been in a car accident?
21. Croutons or bacon bits?
ooh...definately bacon.
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)?
23. Favourite Movie?
Many, many, many. Lord of the Rings, Matrix, the original Star Wars trilogy, Blade, etc. Anything sci-fi/fantasy and/or has vampires in it.
24. Favorite Holiday?
Anywhere in the US with a Theme Park. So, LA, Orlando, etc
25. Favorite day of the week?
26. Favorite word or phrase?
Dodge this...Though I don't use that a lot. Probably 'bugger' than. That's usually every other word.
27. Favorite book?
Hmm...probably LOTR but I've read loads of books I like. For example, a few Star Wars books, Dawn of the Vampire...same as movies really.
28. Favorite Restaurant?
Rainforest Cafe. I love that place!
29. Favorite Flowers?
Hmm...go with the good old fashioned roses.
30. Favorite Drink?
Tropical Tango.
31. Favorite sport to watch?
Don't like any.
32. Preferred type of ice cream?
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character?
Good God. Haven't watched that in years. Errm...the dude that lived in the trash can. What was his name? He rocked!
34. Disney or Warner Bros.?
Warner Bros.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
Burger King.
36. When was your last hospital visit?
Last week. Orthodentist. My teeth are all funny.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet?
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test?
Haven't taken it yet, but if GTA:III is any indication, then it'll probably be many times! (I have to change a car every 30 seconds in that game!)
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from?
Uhh...admin@latenightgames.com. Just came through right now! Oh, somebody's replied to one of my posts...
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
No. Yet. lol.
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy?
If I had one...probably Disney World.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored?
Go on line.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest?
Errm...I've got friends all over the place. USA, Australia...
44. Most annoying thing people ask me?
'Are you alright' when you are most clearly not.
45. Bedtime?
Whenever the 'net crashes.
46. Who will respond next?
Er...the next person to join?
47. Who will be last to respond?
The last person to join?
48. Time now?
9:00 pm
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 5pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?
jamie mcpherson
3. Nickname(s)?
wombat hover jaws
4. Parents names?
david and wilma
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
6. Date that you regularly blow them out?
marc 18
7. Pets?
8. Eye color?
9. Hair color?
10. Piercings?
prince albert
11. Tattoos?
12. How much do you love your job?
i hope it burns to the ground
13. Favourite colour?
black and red
14. Hometown?
15. Current Residence?
16. Favourite food?
17. Been to another continent?
18. Ever vandalized something?
half of my hometown
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
yes puppey love sucks
20. Been in a car accident?
i belave so but i wa ot young to rember
21. Croutons or bacon bits?
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)?
vampire the masqurade
23. Favourite Movie?
any mel brooks film
24. Favorite Holiday?
any bank holiday
25. Favorite day of the week?
dont have one they all suck
26. Favorite word or phrase?
27. Favorite book?
dont have a fav i just love books in genral
28. Favorite Restaurant?
dont have one
29. Favorite Flowers?
30. Favorite Drink?
coca cola
31. Favorite sport to watch?
32. Preferred type of ice cream?
toffey/ strawberrey
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character?
the one with aids
34. Disney or Warner Bros.?
warner all teh way MEEP MEEP
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
kfc o many tumors in mc d's
36. When was your last hospital visit?
when my dad drilled throuuh his hand that was a funney funney day
37. What color is your bedroom carpet?
its wood
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test?
i suck to bad to get a test
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from?
the aussie
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
*shifety eyes* you will never know
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy?
dont have one
42. What do you do most often when you are bored?
masterbate duh
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest?
boykey chou he lives in china now
44. Most annoying thing people ask me?
am i a goth
45. Bedtime?
when ever i fall asleep
46. Who will respond next?
no frekin idea
47. Who will be last to respond?
no frekin idea
48. Time now? 4.52pm
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
I think its interesting that Jamie ended his quiz before he started it...and his favorite board-time activity is a lot like mine (well used to be ;) )
and Ana says she does not know what croutons are but she loves “milanesas”
Croutons are little squares of seasoned toast that are thrown on a salad.
Whats a “milanesa”?
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Maybe it's a small slice of Milan? :)
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
"milanesas" are slices of beef that are passed first through beaten eggs and then through flour or breadcrumbs and fried until they are golden and delicious. You put lemon on them too. My mouth waters thinking about them, I missed lunch today! :roll: They supposedly come from Milan, in my country we have a strong Italian heritage and our cooking shows it.
thanks about the croutons hint, Victor!! I believe I prefer croutons :D
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
on the topic of local foods, please tell me someone out there knows what a "Poutine" is.
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Kristen will know for sure. She has a direct connection to Emeril. BAM!
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Uhm...no, I actually had to look this one up...
And I wish I had a direct line to Emeril. That would totally rock!
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
*ding ding* Moderator alert. Language. Sexual material. Pg-13. You have been warned.
This thread was expunged becasue of excessive silliness and crudity.
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Going to see how much I have changed...
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 8:54 pm April 2nd
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Shaun Alexander Hatrick
3. Nickname(s)? Shaunzy, Shauny, Shauns, Hatty, Hatty Mc Hatterson, Hatrick
4. Parents names? Richard and Louise
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 21
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? Feb 22nd
7. Pets? 2 dogs. Rotweiller named Keyla, and Newfoundlander name Tommy
8. Eye color? Brown/green they change
9. Hair color? Brown
10. Piercings? None
11. Tattoos? Nada
12. How much do you love your job? Really not alot...I hate retail...what am i still doing there?
13. Favourite colour? light green
14. Hometown? Rosemere (outside of Montreal)
15. Current Residence? Blainville (Outside of Montreal)
16. Favourite food? Pizza
17. Been to another continent? Continent..alas no, but end of this month that will change :)
18. Ever vandalized something? Probably, nothing i can remember
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Loved someone SO much, but they havent made me cry (yet anyways ;)
20. Been in a car accident? 2, neither of them I was driving
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Both
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Smash Brothers on Gamecube, Final Fantasy 2 and 3 on SNES
23. Favourite Movie? Practical Magic, Zoolander, KillBill 1, Cruel Intentions
24. Favorite Holiday? Christmas. I love to buy people stuff, and hey, i love to recieve things also ;)
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday. The weekend is just beginning, and everyone is in the mood to party.
26. Favorite word or phrase? "Thats Hot" or "You love it" in reference to something stupid/gross/vulgar/annoying i just did/said
27. Favorite book? The Outsiders, Anna Karenin, and "Crimson Shadow Trilogy"
28. Favorite Restaurant? Oister Pub in Daytona Beach..omg so good
29. Favorite Flowers? Lilacs. They remind me of my old house, and smell so good
30. Favorite Drink? Brown Cows
31. Favorite sport to watch? Live: Wrestling..is that a sport hehe
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Cookies and Cream
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character?Snuffleufagus
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? WB cause they have all the awsome shows and all the cool cartoons (ala Batman and Superman)
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Harvays (which people outside of Canada unfortunately dont have)
36. When was your last hospital visit? ummm. Ive never needed to go to the hospital so knock on wood.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? I have hard wood floors
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Once. I bumped a car while parallel parking hehe
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? I think Mat who answered my Market Research survey (PS thanks everyone who did)
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope im a good boy
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Nothing. I hate using my credit card...annoying answer...maybe ill say clothes
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Internet MSN addicted
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? All you LABNers over on the other side of the world...
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? "So how did you KNOW you're gay?...." Answer "Well how do you KNOW you're straight?"
45. Bedtime? Between 12am and 1am school nights...usually 2:30-3:00 am weekends
46. Who will respond next? Heather unless she beat me to this
47. Who will be last to respond? I'm going to say Robin
48. Time now? 9:20 PM
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 8:20pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Nicklaus Patrick Conn
3. Nickname(s)? Hank (in relation to king of the hill)
4. Parents names? Sheri and Brian
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 19
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? Jan 16
7. Pets? Champ, Dog, Black, Old
8. Eye color? Brown
9. Hair color? Brown
10. Piercings? no
11. Tattoos? no
12. How much do you love your job? I hate it
13. Favourite colour? Red
14. Hometown? Edmonton
15. Current Residence? Edmonton
16. Favourite food? Pizza
17. Been to another continent? Yup
18. Ever vandalized something? Yup
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Nope
20. Been in a car accident? 2
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Bits
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Counter Strike Source, or Hockey
23. Favourite Movie? Goodfellas
24. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday
26. Favorite word or phrase? Fuck
27. Favorite book? Im illiterate
28. Favorite Restaurant? Swiss Chalet
29. Favorite Flowers? Dasies
30. Favorite Drink? Water
31. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Vanilla
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Oscar the grouch
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? They both suck
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Wendys
36. When was your last hospital visit? Birth
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Steel grey
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? Dave
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Car
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Computer games
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Ashley, Calgary
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? Are you bored?
45. Bedtime? Never
46. Who will respond next? Dont care
47. Who will be last to respond? Dunno
48. Time now? 8:28pm
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 10:25 pm on April 2nd
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Meghan Rae Henderson
3. Nickname(s)? Meg, Megs, Megola, Meguela, Meg-a-Cola, Hop-Along-Meghan, Gloom and Doom
4. Parents names? Ray and Barbara
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17 (there was an extra one for good luck-- I was turning 16)
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? June 28th
7. Pets? None, my parents hate animals.
8. Eye color? Green.
9. Hair color? Dark brown.
10. Piercings? One in each year, but I want more.
11. Tattoos? None yet.
12. How much do you love your job? I don't have a job, though I'm planning to apply at Shop Rite.
13. Favourite colour? Black or burgendy.
14. Hometown? Staten Island, NY
15. Current Residence? Franklin, NJ
16. Favourite food? Sunflower seeds
17. Been to another continent? I wish.
18. Ever vandalized something? Uh, I wrote "Wallkill [my school] sucks" with invisible marker near the chorus room :oops:
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Uh, no.
20. Been in a car accident? Nope.
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Neither.
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Dance Dance Revolution and Kingdom Hearts.
23. Favourite Movie? "Nightmare Before Christmas"
24. Favorite Holiday? Halloween. Then I get to dress up :D
25. Favorite day of the week? Friday. Then I get to look forward to two days off.
26. Favorite word or phrase? "Oh baby, oh baby".
27. Favorite book? "Innocence" by Jane Mendelsohn.
28. Favorite Restaurant? ... I don't like going out to eat.
29. Favorite Flowers? Lillies.
30. Favorite Drink? Diet Dr. Pepper.
31. Favorite sport to watch? Dance Dance Revolution
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Cookies and Cream.
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? The Count. What a badass.
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Disney. Why, you ask? Two words: Disney Princesses.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy's!
36. When was your last hospital visit? When my brother had an asthma attack like five years ago.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue.
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Oh God, I didn't even get my permit (I failed that twice).
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? Myself. I sent a pic.
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Not yet.
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Uh... I use my parents', and I have to beg to use them.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Listen to music.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? The Labn people.... :cry:
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? "Why do you listen to forgein music?"
45. Bedtime? School nights: 10- 11pm. Any other time: 2 am.
46. Who will respond next? Who knows.
47. Who will be last to respond? Who do you think I am, Miss Cleo?
48. Time now? 10:40 PM
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
What the heck?
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 11.54 am
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Jamie archieballed Mcpherson
3. Nickname(s)? J pronced (JI) or j mac
4. Parents names? willma and david
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 19
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? march 18 throu this year it was 19th before i blew them out
7. Pets? pit bull called ballie
8. Eye color? Blue
9. Hair color? Brown
10. Piercings? no
11. Tattoos? no
12. How much do you love your job? I hate it
13. Favourite colour? Blue
14. Hometown? Glasgow
15. Current Residence? Eastend of said city
16. Favourite food? bolanise
17. Been to another continent? im from an island isnet realy hard but um bene to spain crete cypress
18. Ever vandalized something? Yea um like last week we throug a keg opf beer thought a pub window and ran over cars
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? um yea
20. Been in a car accident? 3 fell out of a car when i was younger was my first one
21. Croutons or bacon bits? hmmmm bacon
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? ey spilnter cell
23. Favourite Movie? the life of brian
24. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
25. Favorite day of the week? like the sun says easy like sunday morning
26. Favorite word or phrase? "awwww fuck " so much can be derived form such a simpel phrase
27. Favorite book? battelfield earth
28. Favorite Restaurant? dont have one
29. Favorite Flowers? lillys
30. Favorite Drink? Beer!
31. Favorite sport to watch? football
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Vanilla starwberry
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? the gay lovers bert and ernie
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? disney im old school in that respect
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: kfc
36. When was your last hospital visit? visting my friend with blood posioning
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? its wooden floor
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None yet to sit it
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? fuck knows
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope twice chraged through
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? iron mans armour
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? masterbate
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? owwww at the moment that would be my mate bam she lived like 60 miles away
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? arw you ok but i always end up asking people that myself so ya know
45. Bedtime? whenever i drop
46. Who will respond next? an oldie
47. Who will be last to respond? and oldie
48. Time now? 12.06
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 12:20pm April 03 2005
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Matthew Peter Robert Byrne (Don't laugh)
3. Nickname(s)? Matt, Matty, Batmat, Ghandi (Don't ask, couldn't tell ya)
4. Parents names? Peter and June
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? June 29th
7. Pets? None
8. Eye color? Blue
9. Hair color? Fairish
10. Piercings? None
11. Tattoos? Nope
12. How much do you love your job? About as much as I love stabbing myself in the eye with a pencil.
13. Favourite colour? Black/Red
14. Hometown? Southampton (South of England)
15. Current Residence? Eastleigh (Outside Southampton)
16. Favourite food? Ummm...err...too difficult to answer...roast dinner, no prawns, no wait-
17. Been to another continent? Yeah, America
18. Ever vandalized something? Umm...I imagine so. At least once. Couldn't tell unless somebody reminded me about it tho... :oops:
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Nope
20. Been in a car accident? Nope
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Dude...gross
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Uhhh...Civ2 no, Goldeneye, no Spellcross, no Dawn of War, no I mean...damnit! Too difficult.
23. Favourite Movie? Uhhh...Way, WAY too difficult to answer this one.
24. Favorite Holiday? No real preference.
25. Favorite day of the week? Again, no real preference.
26. Favorite word or phrase? Don't really have a 'favourite' word or phrase...
27. Favorite book? LOTR. Easy that one.
28. Favorite Restaurant? No real preference.
29. Favorite Flowers? Pretty ones :P
30. Favorite Drink? Dr. Pepper
31. Favorite sport to watch? Ummm...if I HAVE to pick something...It'd probably be wrestling too lol.
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Chocolate!
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? The dude that lives in the trash can. Can't rememebr his name.
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? WB
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Burger King.
36. When was your last hospital visit? Sometime last year. Went to see me granddad.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue.
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Havent taken it yet. Hopefully none!
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? admin@latenightgames.com :P (Before that it was Dave I think)
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Not *yet*
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Ummm...nothing really.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? MSN
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Ditto on the LABN people.
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? "Are you ok?" when you clearly are not OR "You wear contact lenses?" after seeing me take them out/put them in. No shit Sherlock...
45. Bedtime? Usually about 12ish on a school night, probly a bit earlier and later on weekends.
46. Who will respond next? Ummm...Ally!
47. Who will be last to respond? Booj! :P
48. Time now? 12:38 PM (It didn'y just take me 20mins to do this, honest, i've been doing other things at the same time)
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Well, time once again to go through this questionnaire I see. Should be interesting to see what differences there are between 2002 and now. :)
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Ok, i'll try to do this again too. Let's see if it has changed much
1. What time is it? 9:06 pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Ana Laura López Cazarré
3. Nickname(s)? All my online friends call me Ally.
4. Parents names? José López (Pepe) and Olga Cazarré
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 36 (two years already!! Wow!!)
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? October 12th
7. Pets? One dog: Nico and two kittens: Candy and Willow
8. Eye color? Light Brown
9. Hair color? Dark Brown
10. Piercings? Only the earring ones
11. Tattoos? nope
12. How much do you love your job? There’s nothing better in the world. I love teaching.
13. Favourite colour? Green
14. Hometown? Montevideo, Uruguay
15. Current Residence? Piriápolis (a sea resort) Uruguay
16. Favourite food? French Fries and “milanesas” (steak passed through beaten eggs and breadcrumbs and then fried till they are golden and crunchy)
17. Been to another continent? nope
18. Ever vandalized something? NOPE
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? My kids, my husband.
20. Been in a car accident? Fortunately no.
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Since Dave explained what those are, croutons.
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Does Tolkien On Line count?
23. Favourite Movie? Star Wars
24. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
25. Favorite day of the week? Sunday
26. Favorite word or phrase? Tomorrow will be another day.
27. Favorite book? The Lord of the Rings.
28. Favorite Restaurant? Can’t afford having a favourite
29. Favorite Flowers? Jasmin
30. Favorite Drink? Piña colada
31. Favorite sport to watch? Don’t watch sports.
32. Preferred type of ice cream? Bitter chocolate
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Big Bird.
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Disney
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s
36. When was your last hospital visit? When I had my youngest daughter, almost 4 years ago.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? light blue
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? none, i passed first time too, Heather :D
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? Dave, telling me of the PC fund relief :D:D:D
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No, I have never commited one either.
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? Books.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read and chat with my online friends.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Fanny.
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? When are you going to lose weight?
45. Bedtime? Around 10 pm
46. Who will respond next? Probably somebody else who wants to know how much he/she's changed too.
47. Who will be last to respond? A newby?
48. Time now? 9:12 pm
Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
1. What time is it? 1:46 pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Kristen Marie Lindgren
3. Nickname(s)?Kris (just y'all use this one, btwA), Ya ya
4. Parents names? Patricia Ann White (deceased) and Donald Lindgren (deceased)
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 30 (*groan* I so do not feel that old. I'm still 17, I swear.)
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? November 30 (every damn year)
7. Pets? Two adorably stupid dogs, Jax and Shadow
8. Eye color? Blue
9. Hair color? Currently reddish brown, but don't get used to it
10. Piercings? one in each ear and one in my eyebrow
11. Tattoos? nope
12. How much do you love your job? It's pretty cool, but it's not absolutely right for me.
13. Favourite colour? Green
14. Hometown? Plattsburgh, New York (but Vegas feels like home)
15. Current Residence? Las Vegas, Nevada, baby...
16. Favourite food? mmmm...something loaded with carbs, i'm sure
17. Been to another continent? nope
18. Ever vandalized something? NOPE
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? goddess, yes, too many times to count...
20. Been in a car accident? Fortunately no.
21. Croutons or bacon bits? i'd rather my salad go au natural thank you very much
22. Favorite Game (not LABN!)? Despite the violent tendencies, Shout about the Movies
23. Favourite Movie? Grease
24. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
25. Favorite day of the week? Sunday
26. Favorite word or phrase?Life's not fair, it's just fairer than death, that's all. and "Suck...as in this sucks, I suck, you suck...etc..."
27. Favorite book? The Princess Bride
28. Favorite Restaurant? Carrabas
29. Favorite Flowers? Mums (but they make me sneeze) I really like daffodils too...and daisies...and uhm... anything bright and spring like...not roses, though...they're so...i dunno, not me...(sorry, baby)
30. Favorite Drink? Piña colada
31. Favorite sport to watch? Gridiron football, ice hockey
32. Preferred type of ice cream? hmmm...this is hard...butter pecan or pistachio almond...or Chunky Monkey
33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Grover
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros.
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Fatburger
36. When was your last hospital visit? 3 years ago when I had Dom
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 2
39. Who is the last person on the board you got e-mail from? hmmmm...not sure...Robin, I think...
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no, I'm so white bread and straight laced it's actually nauseating.
41. Which item would you max out your credit card to buy? A plane ticket...guess where to...
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? I have no time to be bored...although I've taken up long distance phone calls as a hobby.
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest? Amanda
44. Most annoying thing people ask me? Are you younger or older than your sister?
45. Bedtime? nowadays, usually around midnight....
46. Who will respond next? dunno, who's left that hasn't done this again....Robin or hmmmm...maybe Lou?
47. Who will be last to respond? my money's on saadia or amanda.
48. Time now? 2:00 pm
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Re: Getting to Know You...Getting to know all about you....
Since I have yet to fill one of these out...