Ok this isnt my official proposal cause im not going to write up the whole thing because there is one aspect I need to run pass you guys to see if you are all ok with it....also, I kinda need to establish some stuff about the planet (So tell me if you like the planet idea)
So the planet would be a far middle rim, or like outter rim planet, (kinda like people were mentioning in other thread). Now the major civilization part of it (or planet, depending how big it is) is run by a wise governing council of Royal families (like 4 families). Right now, the Empire hasnt really meddled here, and so the families maintain their autonomy of governing.
(this is where my character comes in).
She would be the daughter of one of the ruling families. A real manipulative girl, who's only goal in life is to gain power. The problem is, she has a wonderful and loved Older brother who, with his future wife, will eventually become head of her ruling house, which does not sit well with the mega bitch. So, when she gets to her late teens, she contacts the empire, and sets up the ruling families (hers, as well as the others, all or maybe like 3 of the 4) and accuses them of harboring Jedi's or whatnot, and going against Imperial law. ALl the families are arrested (including her own), and the empire consolidate those families power into this girl, leaving her as kinda ruler. The Empire doesnt directly take control because they dont want to seem TOO pushy at this point (it still during their rise) so they use her as a puppet in the area (she would also have to answer to the local Moff (IE Governor of the region). Once she comes to power, to the horror of the subjects, begins to consort with crime bosses, and other shady people, and now the city becomes a more dangerous place (and a more fun setting for the game IMO). Like yes there is law, and police people, but overall they are kinda corrupt, so you never know even if you're good what could happen to you.
ok so that was it for her. Now i know people might not want me, or any PC for that matter, to be in a position of power, but really, I wouldnt play it in a way to control game settings. The character would not make laws or anything, and I wouldnt be controlling huge armies. Being like Princess of the place would just allow her to interac with alot of characters (evil crime people, bounty hunters, freedom fighters, other politicians trying to take her place)
anyways thats it guys, let me know! :)
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A character proposal (kinda)
That's as best I can come to "thumbs up and run with it" - I particularly like her since she has a lot of potential to interact with people, especially the ones who have been mentioned so far, and ideas that most of us have. It looks like a fair number of us are going to less... ethical... persuits. :)
A character proposal (kinda)
Okay, let me see if I understand this...
Girl seeks power and does something really stupid. She contacts the empire. She realizes it is stupid, but is now ensnared in her own intrigue. So she starts to try to surgically undermine the empire in her kingdom by building the underground criminal element (did I mention she's stupid?)
The Rebels hate her, but a lot of them are working with the criminals.
The criminals love her but hate the empire so are careful. The hedge their bets by teaming up with the rebels.
The Empire knows what she is doing but lack the authority from the Emperor to remove her just now. They continue to hunt rebels and jedi while maintaining their position on the planet
The other Nobles warn her for playing with powers above her control (criminals and the Empire) but she has more balls than brains. So they try to control the situation behind her back hoping that when the empire takes her out that they will get to keep their slice of the pie
So you have a Moff and the Empire, a Princess and the Nobles, and the Crime Lord and the Rebels all in opposition.
And your character is the Princess.
Nope...It is a good idea on the whole, but the character still sounds more like an NPC. But it does make for a good name for the game. "Star Wars: Triad"
Of course a lot of that depends on whether the other PCs are in that Triad as well...Is someone playing a Moff? or The Crime Lord that Adam mentioned?
A character proposal (kinda)
Jumping on Adam's bandwagon here...I like it :D Especially 'cos it'll fit in so well with the char I have in mind (which I think you know about already heh)...everybody else, watch this space 8O
A character proposal (kinda)
I know something about Matt's character idea, who would fit in. And I'm trying to decide between my enforcer idea, or a bounter hunter idea of mine. Either one of them, however, would probably work with the Quarren's organisation.
A character proposal (kinda)
Ok Dave, what I read of Shaun's idea (Shaun, go ahead and correct me on this if i'm wrong) is this:
Girl wants power. She sees Empire as means of getting that power. So she dobs in the rest of the noble houses as 'Jedi-lovers'. Predictably, the Empire comes along and arrests the lot of them, probably chucking them in the Kessel Spice Mines as 'politicals'. Now, the Empire may or may not know that the whole thing is a ruse - whatever. The fact is the Empire 'rewards' this girl by appointing her ruler, with a cool title like 'Imperial Duchess' or whatever. The hope is this'll encourage similar actions on other worlds, helping the Empire by a) routing out Jedi and their associates and b) putting the fear of the Emperor in the same people or those considering throwing their lot in with the Jedi.
There's one problem: Imperial Duchess is a title and no more. There's no real power invested in it at all (other than that involved with the day-to-day running of the planet). Meaning if she wants an army of stormtroopers or fleet of Star Destroyers to show up, she has to go through the local Moff and the rest of the Imperial bureacracy, so it may or may not happen. Hell, even the local armed forces could be placed under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Army. The only power she'd have at all is political, being the Imperial-recognised Duchess, but that's about it.
To keep this scheming little girl under their heel, the Empire maybe 'rewards' her by returning a little bit of her power to her at a time every time she does something loyal. So she sees the only way to get full soveriengty over her world (like she wanted in the beginning) is to suck up to the Empire big time. Of course this probably won't happen at all. Moffs are, by and large, jealous and wouldn't like giving their power away one bit. So the Empire's basically holding a carrot out in front of her eyes.
So she's bascially a hood-winked power-hungry puppet. She's thrown her lot in with the Empire and is pretty happy with the decision, but wants more, so sticks with the Empire. Any rebels that rise up will be a threat to everything she's got so far, so she'd be pretty unhappy about them.
A character proposal (kinda)
that was basically it yeah. :)
A character proposal (kinda)
Score :D
A character proposal (kinda)
You know, seeing a character proposal with so much power makes me wonder if we shouldn't have assigned points limits first... It'd be nice, just for a change, to see something that doesn't add up to umpteen-hundred points when converted to GURPS. *sigh*
A character proposal (kinda)
The point I was getting at, though, and which I think Shaun was trying to make, is that she doesn't have any real power. She's just got a title, maybe a small palace or whatever, and that's it. She's a puppet, no more. Hell, even her bodyguard could be Imperial-appointed, which ultimately means they answer to the Emperor and not her.
All she can really do is tell people to do things. If they agree, everybody's happy. If they disagree, then there's a problem because she's got nothing to back-up her words with. For that, she'll have to go to the Imperial Moff, who may or may not want to listen to the squabbles of a little-known Mid/Outer Rim world.