![James_Connor's picture James_Connor's picture](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0525c960480b3ec2a897fd6f9dca73c2.jpg?d=monsterid&s=128&r=PG)
Character Name: Decado mkvenner
Alias: Vish Cle’var
Race: Genetically enhanced human
Gender: Male
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 9/7
Description: Vish is 5'11" with short brown hair cut to a style that would not have been uncommon in the noble houses of Rome. His eyes are a light greyish with a blue tint. He is darkly tanned from his time spent outside, his has a large tribal dragon tattoo covering his entire left arm and over his heart. This is a tradition for the warriors of his people
Home world: Caliscota
During the very first years of human exploration of the Unknown regions there were always tales of the ships that never made it; the ships that got lost among the asteroid belt, crushed by the gravity wells or suns, or worse; eaten by blood thirsty aliens. This was all on the minds of the crew and passengers of the hive ship “Saviour“ after being attacked by pirates and being forced to make a blind jump, which took them into the Unknown Regions. Their hopes had almost disappeared in the slim chance that they could find a new planet to call home. The ship was badly damaged and they were in need of medical aid, food and water when they came across a system yielding one small oxygen-bearing planet. They decided it was their last, best hope for survival and made an emergency landing on the planet. As they landed the entire aft section of the ship was lost, killing 35% of the crew and passengers. If it were not for the fact that the aft of the ship was destroyed the survivors might have only lived for a month or two at most, but with so many dead they almost doubled their survival time. This allowed them time to build structures, gather food and fresh water. If it were not for the fact that so many died none of the people on board the Saviour would have survived to build a new home for themselves.
Within 12 years the people aboard the Saviour had almost tripled in number. The planet seemed to give of the very essence of life itself to everyone and everything on it. But without power they couldn’t create heat or grow food, so they had to forage. As time went on the people devolved and became less civilised. Before long the once civilized people had became nothing more than nomads and scavengers and, like all things, in time forgot. They forgot who they were and where they came from. Their stories got destroyed. No longer did they crash from a great ship but they fell from the skies on the wings of a great bird or other such savage nonsense. For two and a half thousand years the people of Caliscota lived without a clue to their true origins. (To this day the less civilised of our people consider the crash site of the saviour a place of great holiness and every year thousands visit it and that is were we usually test them to see if they are genetically advanced enough to join our 10%).
Then the Sith came in almost the exact same fashion that they’re descendants did. The ion storm that ever encircled our planet had brought the fast Sith warship down. We can find several writings throughout our ancient teachings of the silver dragon with its great tail of fire landing on the top of the mountains, as we all know the Sith found the same problem that our descendants did when landing on our plant: no food, no water and obviously no way of getting off. Though the only thing that the sith had in their advantage is that their ship landed almost undamaged. They couldn’t get off the planet because the storm permanently encircling our planet. So they had to come up with a new way of getting off. As we all know they knew our planet had the resources but they didn’t have the manpower. That’s where the Sith saw our descendants as slaves.
They used us to build vast structures in their honour and mine deep to get at the badly needed minerals. They decided that we were not fit enough for the job that was needed doing, so they began to play with our DNA. Enhance us, make us faster, stronger and, for the few like me, smarter. For 300 years the Sith bred our people; enhancing, making us better but in doing so they greatly shortened our life spans. The oldest of our kind may live to 60 without genetic re-enhancements but I will touch upon this later.
As the Sith bred, our race built their temples, worked their foundries, they toiled creating a way to escape the planet and into the stars beyond. We all know the way the did this was by creating organic technology, building living sentient ships that are able to travel through ionic storms without any ill-due effects. For a long time the Sith knew that even if they broke through our atmosphere that the ships would be useless in the constant ionic storm.
So they found a way to keep their electric devices intact when the great ionic storms bombarded our planet, they hid they hid in the deepest caves were the devices could not be damaged. As you all know, we do this even to this day.
Before the Sith could launch their first organic ship into orbit our ancients attacked the immortal Sith Lords and slew them in their temples.
We became a free people - no longer slaves to the Sith and their dark ways. Then, in the way of all enslaved people, when we were free we used the master's weapons to our own benefit. We studied the ships, their technology. We advanced but this time to higher than we ever thought possible.
We did things with the ships the sith could never dream of. We made the living ships fly high into the stars and into the lowest depths of the ocean. We were now the masters of our own world, but alas it could not be for everyone. Only 10% of the populace is capable of withstanding the Sith teaching machines and the massive influx of knowledge it transfers to us.
We then came upon the problem that the greatest of our kind were dying every year. Their life spans had been shortened by the Sith’s tampering with our bodies, so a decision was made. We sent the great living ship to the stars to seek help of the greatest healers to cure our disease.
As the great living ship sailed thought the stars we met many races but before long we met those who were like us. They called our race humans. We found that the enhancements that the Sith had cursed us with were, in fact, a great gift. Though our life had been shortened we were faster, stronger, more resistant to harm than others. Our senses had been increased beyond normal human capacity. With this discoery, the great leader had the idea: as a people we have very little worth trading so we found it hard for healers to come to our aid but as warriors we excelled.
In return for our services we have since gained the technology to heal our failings so no longer do we die at a younge age. For the first time in 300 years a man, our great leader “Sven Raganr,” grew beyond the eldest of our kind: 61 years old. He is alive to this day, 900 years in the present. Granted he must be enhanced almost daily but the point remains.
As we sent out our great Sky dragons filled with our warriors we learned that no single enemy is alike. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. This is why as a race we have created so many weapons from the mag rifle to the plasma thrower, but I digress from the point. With our work as mercenaries, as the strange races called it, allowed us to build more living ships. In honour of our ancestors we named them the “Dragons.“
As we traded our services for equipment and technology we found ourselves in a middle of a massive war between two factions called “the Republic” and what they called “the Separatists.” We worked for both sides during this war but made most of our profit when fighting a special kind of warrior.
They called them Jedi. They were the most amazing masters at battle I have ever seen but our great lord Sven Ragnar said he had seen them once before, when he was a child. They were the sith. To us this was no longer just a way to get money, this was a way to fight our old masters, bite the hand that fed the like and us. We couldn’t have taken up the challenge more quickly.
Decado MkVenner
alias Vish Cle’var
As a boy Decado was a member of the cleaver can. His clan specialized in building great boats to traverse the greats seas of Caliscota. He spent his time as a child helping his father cut wood from the great trees. By the time he was 13, just becoming a man ,the great gods came down from their sky dragons and met with the village elder. Each man was to give some of his blood to the gods as a gift to see if they were able to become a god like them. Each man in the village willingly took their daggers in readiness to cut their palms but the gods refused and took out some strange device.
Though each man was tested only two were picked; Decado and another. When the gods took him away in their great Sky Dragons to the city of the gods they began to train him in the ways of war like no other. Instead of spear and axe they gave him weapons that spewed fire and lighting. Before long he would come to know these as blasters and slug throwers.
When his physical training was complete they strapped him to a chair and he was told that a small Dragon w0ould cover his head. This was the Sith teaching machine. When it was done he had become a fully fledged wevren – a low ranking solider in Caliscota’s mercenary army.
For years after, his training endured. He learned how to pilot the very dragons that awed him as a child. He fought on over 100 worlds before he was finally given the rank of dragoon – leadership of 12 men.
Time came for another world and another war. He heard the stories of beings called Jedi who shared the power of their ancient enemies the Sith. Every man in the Caliscotan army wanted a chance to fight against them but in the end, Decado’s squad was chosen.
At first he lost many men to the Jedi and their demonic fighting abilities but like all things in life, Decado learned the hard way and so did his men. Before long, his squad were the best Caliscotan Jedi hunters. Together they had killed over 23 Jedi and Decado personally killed 5 (in various means mostly through poison rocket attacks and one ship-to-ship battle). As the Clone War ended he had killed scores of troopers, pilots and any one else who worked for the Republic.
However, the Jedi were still loose and needed to be exterminated. This time by Caliscotan hands. The Caliscotans had seen what evil they were. They ordered their troops to hunt and kill the Jedi. As were the way with things, they were not good at killing the Jedi commanders. They called on Decado’s team again.
Decado's last mission took place while hunting down a band of Jedi who had managed to hole themselves up on Nar Shaddar. It had taken months to track them down, but finally he had pinned them down in a single room. His men peppered the room with grenades and the wailing of children could be heard over the sound of the explosions.
Decado and his squad patrolled the devastated room. They began to search for survivors among the dead bodies of the Jedi children. He watched as his men playfully kicked the explosively amputated arm of one of the children. For the first time in Decado's life of battle he could feel the contents of his stomach bubbling up and over into his mouth.
He quickly ripped his helmet off and emptied his guts into the floor bellow. The entire squad stopped and stared at their commander. Any sign of weakness – no matter how small – would mean a total loss of respect for there commanding officer. He turned to look his men in the eye – and it happened.
The Jedi knight they had been hunting all along exploded to life. Blood still pumped from his wounds. He ignited his lightsaber and lunched himself into the middle of the men – no longer caring whether he lived or died.
He swung right and left and men fell in a matter of seconds. The few men who were lucky enough to draw their chainblades found themselves facing an overly motivated enemy - possibly the worst kind ever! They franticly tried to drive the Jedi back. He simply tapped into his demonic powers and launched them across the room. The power in the magic even shattered some of his men's armour – killing the men entombed in it.
In a matter seconds the dying Jedi killed Decado's entire squad and now it was his turn to follow them. The Jedi launched himself at Decado and a short, violet battle erupted. Decado managed to draw his chainsword and began to parry the blows of the brutally mangled Jedi. With each deflected blow, the Jedi seemed to lose strength. A half-minute later the Jedi was on the floor. Decado's blade had not once touched the Jedi. The grenades had done the job.
The Jedi looked up into Decado's eyes and made a small motion with his hands. It hit him with all the strength of a bomb exploding – every death Decado had caused flashed before his eyes. He saw the pain he had caused others thorough his actions. The dead man's friends, family…everyone. Decado fell to his knees with blood flowing from his ears. He clutched at the dead Jedi and began to sob
Decado made his way back to his ship with a plan slowly formulating in his head. He would destroy the tracking device on board the ship and start a new life, no longer a warrior; no longer a killer. He wanted to help people, he began to cast his mind back to when he worked as a body guard for the Trade Federation to when he protected delegates on a planet called Vorgrell. He planned to set up a new life, change his name and help people the best he could. That day, Decado MkVenner died and Vish Cle’var was born
Craft: caliscotain mark II organic assault dragon
Type: Heavy fighter
Scale: Star fighter
Length: 29 metres
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: average, the ship pretty much looks after and fly’s itself
Passengers: 8
Cargo Capacity: 12 metric tonnes
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Backup Hyperdrive: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: fast attack ship
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: Semi-Organic
Shields: x1
Weapons: 6x heavy lazor cannons 2x photon torpedo luncher 2xion cannons 1x Organic clocking device
MAG Rifle: This weapon uses a 2cm magnetically accelerated armor piercing flechette as its primary mode. For direct or indirect fire, a magazine fed 30mm grenade launcher can be used. Sighting consists of standard optics, attached white light, and laser designator
Chain sword
Medical equipment
Caliscotan Dragon Armour (capable of defelcting most small arms, but cumbersome - roughly equivalent to Mandelorian armor)
Armed Hand-to-Hand Combat (chain sword and combat knife)
Basic Piloting (his ship does most of the work anyway.)
Ranged Weaponry (9 out of 10 times he will hit what he’s aiming at)
Tactical Planning (infiltrating and Demolition mostly)
First Aid
Unarmed Hand-to-Hand Combat. (He is extremely proficient in hand to hand combat years of fighting, training on his home world and action in the clone wars have made him an extremely proficient fighter )
Force Powers: None
Played by: George Clooney
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