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Kaarin's picture
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Trying to do research for this, I came across an interesting site y'all might be interested in.


Seems to have both previews and reviews, along with news and looking at transitions from comic book to movies. A while ago, I also found a site with LOTS of info containing things like rumours on many of the new movies (including the possibility of X3 not only planned, but having collossus). Will post that one if ever relocated.

Comics 2 Film

Kieran's picture

i heard somewhere that halle berry wasnt interested in reprising her role as Storm...and apparently that character wasnt even going to be planned for the third film...

now, if only DC/WB would make up their minds and cast a frigging superman (its been over a year and still nobody :evil: )

crossing my fingers that one day the PTB will make an Azrael film....only wishes :wink:

Comics 2 Film

Mike's picture

I was pretty pissed when I heard Halle didn't want to do Storm for the third movie, because I thought she did such a good job on the first to. She said something to the effect of the role had been dimished, or somthing similar to that, but I don't get how she can say that if she hasn't read the script yet.

Comics 2 Film

Firefly's picture

Let's be honest here. The woman won an Oscar and got uppity. She feels she's above the role now, and wants to be paid a shitload to appear in X3. That's my opinion anyway.

Comics 2 Film

Soulless Zombie's picture

Heh, i reckon you'd be pretty acurate there.

What i can't wait is for them to bring in bloody Gambit already! i think he's supposed to be in the next movie... better be. I got really excited when i saw his miniscule, indirect cameo appearence in the second film... but it unfortunately didn't lead into an ACTUAL appearance by him later in the movie... grr.

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