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i was just curious as to what titles (if any) people might be reading over here...seeing that im a lowly student, i cant all the titles i want (hehehe, that would seriously break my bank :cry: )
anywho, here's what i read, in no order of preference, except for batman (#1), 'Tec (#2) and Daredevil (#3)...
Detective Comics
Birds of Prey
Sleeper (a really really good series by Ed Brubaker, who, IMHO, is the best freaking writer out there)
Gotham Central
The Flash
Aquaman (why is this guy consistently getting a beating on the DC boards :? )
not to mention the countless Batman mini-series that never seem to stop coming out...Death and the Maidens is really really good
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If it's just comics, I have to confess to mostly being a webcomic or Sundays guy - I rely on everyone else to keep me in line. :)
Current Comics:
Sam and Max: Freelance Police
8-Bit Theatre
Sluggy Freelance
Piled Higher and Deeper
Dilbert - I like this one, but haven't read it in a while
Wizard of Id - I like this one, but haven't read it in a while
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what's 8-Bit Theater...it sounds cool?
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8-bit Theatre is totally addictive and when Adam introduced me to it I spent three days just reading ALL of the previous comics to catch up. Check it out - and I strongly advise that you do so at a time when you have a couple of hours to spare 'cause if you start at #1 you won't want to stop.
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I just hope I don't leave any out.. hmm..
Penny Arcade
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Captain America
The Darkness
New X-Men
X- Treme X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Bob and George
Amazing Spider-Man
Ultimate X-men
I think that about covers it.. at least I hope so.. geez I'm an addict..
By the way, I remember when 8-Bit Theatre started.. good stuff..
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he... this is embarrasing...
Because I don't have a comic shop that is conviniently located, I only read two title's monthely (Batman and Detective Comics). I susbscribe to those two. Come this fall though, I'll probably subscribe to Catwoman also cause I heard it was good (as you can probably tell, the Batman Universe is my favorite)
Oh, and Ric, how is Birds of Prey? I know sombody new came on and I heard it was good, so what's your opinion?
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it was ok for a bit (since the end of the murderer/fugitive crossover) but has kicked total ass since the new creative team of gail simone and ed benes took over (issue 56 - )...it really focuses on the girls and how they interact with one another, not to mention they get into the action
black canary really shines now 8)
the storyline focuses around a new villain Savant (who is actually, get this, a whiz almost on equal footing as Oracle 8O )...really really good, and huntress is back :P !!!!! i was actually surprised at how good it was, considering it was like in the middle of my reading list, its now in the top 4
btw, Catwoman is a solid solid title....pick it up if u have the chance, brubaker is hands down simply the best writer out there (sorry bendis lovers :twisted: )
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Ok, it's time to fess up my ignorance. I don't read ANY comics regularly (well, apart from 8-bit online, if that counts...). I used to read a bit of Spiderman many, many years ago, but these days I tend to read occasional 'graphic novels' - collected stories from comics that have been bound into a single book. I've read some Dark Knight stuff (hehe, Batman when he's getting old - if they ever made a live show out of it they should have Clint Eastwood play him). I've also read some Judge Dredd - and a really cool Mega City/Gotham crossover they did once. Judge Death in Gotham City was just too freaky for words.
Most of my other comic knowledge actually comes from tv cartoons. I've watched X-Men (the original, not Evolution - saw an ep or two of that recently and it sucks big time), the Tick (obviously, from my first Who Am I question), and a fair bit of Manga.
But apart from that, my comic knowledge is sadly lacking.
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:oops: Hey... I like evolution... :oops:
Allright, the first season sucked, and the second season was okay, but things really got focused in the third season (the 4th starts this fall). They are showing left over 3rd season episodes now about... APOCOLYPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO-HOO!
okay, sorry about that. At any rate, it is infinitely better than that terrible Teen Titans show and I am now sorry I made a topic about it.
Oh, and I took your advice and started reading 8-bit theatre (only the first 50 thus far) and I love it :D !
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Maybe I just saw bad eps of X-Men Evolution, I dunno. But I was finding it hard to get past the 'teenage' aspect of the show... I preferred my X-Men when they were mostly adults. :D
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I think that's probably why most people don't watch it, because they are teenagers and that's different from the comics. Oh well... I guess you can't please everybody (My complaint with the show is that they practically never show Storm, who is my all time favorite X-man... er... X-woman. :evil: )
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ooh ooh, Dark Knight Returns by Miller was soo fantastic, it was simply the shit...altho i was really really REALLY disappointed with his Dark Knight Strikes Again, the biggest disappointment this side of Milli Vannili coming out as lip-synchers
btw, Heather, if u get the chance, check out the graphic novel Batman & Dracula: Red Rain, its that damn good...and once it hits the shops, get the collected TPB of Hush, it's surprisingly a really good mystery with tons of cameos from the Batverse
and i CAN'T WAIT for the new Justice League season to debut in Canada...its been 4ever, i can only watch each episode so many times :?
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Silly me - I forgot to mention the comic I've actually read in comic form just recently. Adam has issue #8 for us waiting for the next time we have a Farscape weekend. Dave has the first 7 issues of "Fray" which I've read avidly. For those of you who are Buffy fans (and I know everyone who also belongs to LABN is), it's a superlative read.
And, of course, I've also read the comic that used to appear in the 'small pale' magazine many years ago - but I'm not mentioning its name just yet. :wink:
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Another recomendation. I just found out that the author of 8-Bit theatre has also written a book, which is currently going through editing phases. The humour is probably much the same - from doing that book is where he learend to do the 8-bit humour. Title is Nuklear Age.
Basically, it's about a group of superheroes who aren't very good at what they do. Much like 8-Bit is about a group of fantasy heroes who aren't good at what they do. Just reading the FAQ, which I will excerpt a bit of here, it looks like a blast.
Q: Okay, so who are the characters?
A: The main characters are Nuklear Man, the primary "Superman" style hero, and his sidekick Atomik Lad who is also known as Sparky, much to his chagrin. The supporting cast consists of Rachel the non-stereotypical love interest, Mighty Metallic Magno Man, Angus the Iron Scotsman, Hoshi the Tetsu Samurai, The Minimum Wage Warriors, Dr. Genius, and more. Against them are villains such as The Socially Maladjusted Overvillains Without a Name, Superion, and the nefarious arch-fiend Dr. Menace just to name a few.
Q: And what do all these people do?
A: Well, Nuklear Man and Atomik Lad live in the Silo of Solitude--which is much more crowded than the name implies--which is located outside of the city, Metroville, which is constantly in the grip of peril and/or danger by acts of villainy and the cosmos. Nuke and Sparky, with the help of their buddies, defend Metroville against everything from giant monsters to giant corporate plots to incompetent drive thru window workers. It's a lot like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with superheroes instead of Sci-Fi.
Ok, shutting up now. I for one am going to give in to my evil, materialistic impulses and order a copy when it's out. :)
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I'm in the same boat as Heather, I don't read any comics at all, and unlike Heather I never have :oops: (except 8-bit of course and occassionally the Buffy e-comic over on the BBC Cult page.) I'm more of a tv superhero fan, Batman, Wonderwoman, Spiderman you name it, I probably watched it, I also recall spending too many TV hours watching The Hulk (question: why does Banner's shirt rip to shreds but his pants still fit, albeit very snugly? ;) ). Oh and I also used to watch the x-men cartoon, when it was on, though I don't catch many cartoons anymore they're on at weird times in the morning - too early for me hehehe.
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Just a PhD comic that is fairly appropriate for at least some of this group. :)
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Well, I'm glad to see he has his priorities straight :lol:
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Hehehehe :lol:
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Coming in here a bit late with a comment :oops: but i don't mind x-men evo...partially because i have S1-3 on VCD :D but i agree, they definately get better as they go along
side note: cyclops is SUCH a pansy do gooder, tehe. EVERYTHING just proves it
'nother side note (more of a confession really): i actually barely read or watched ANYTHING. batman occassionally, only because they used to have it on tv when i got home from high school. but as far as everything goes: x-men evo is probs the ONLY thing i've really seen...and i haven't finished it all yet
but am trying to get my hands on the original x-men series :) i've always loved em, even though i never had much involvement with them :oops: i know, i'm ashamed
ps. nightcrawlers just plain funky, AND he has a crush on a girl called amanda, hehe.... (my opinion here is not at ALL biased)
>>>here endeth my mindless babble<<<
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Cyclops rules, Wolverine sucks. Wolverine fans are all sheep who follow the opinion of the masses.
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LOL! i didn't even have to MENTION wolverine that time :D in fact, i believe it was nightcrawler i raved over in that last post (though my love for Logan will never die :wink: mmm...)
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grrrr, such a comic book junkie i am...add Teen Titans, Outsiders, Amazing Spiderman, Superman/Batman
btw...JLA/Avengers is really really solid stuff by Kurt Busiek and George Pérez (who did marvelous work on Wonder Woman back in the day)...every single member to appear in the JLA and the Avengers will @ least have a cameo in this 4-part mini-series...the story is really solid (unlike the DC vs. Marvel cross-over)...
AND...normally, i wouldnt rave about a Marvel mini-series (actually never, this is the first aside from any Daredevil minis that i buy), but 1602 by Neil Gaiman, an 8-parter is really solid as well...the art by Andy Kubert is fantastic...the location is England, c. 1602, the Queen is very ill and close to pushing daisies (question is whether its natural or aided), and her right-hand man Sir Nicholas Fury and his protege Peter Pawkwah are trying to identify any potential threats...there are really cool takes on classic marvel characters, not to be biased, but the take on Daredevil is really really cool, and Stephen Strange as well...its cool, trying to figure out who's represented by who...check it out, i highly recommend it
maybe i'm just intensely stupid.........
(don't mind me, jus havin a look....)
am i being really stupid or has noone mentioned sandman by neil gaiman? ace, read it.........
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Hmm, Sandman. Indeed, I did read it many years ago. A friend of mine had a copy. Would love to get my hands on another and read it again (that friend is now half a world away). Absolutely brilliant story.
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And an appropriate Sluggy Freelance. Done by a guest comic which is why is says PartiallySluggy
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Have you people ever read any Argentinian comics? I dont even know if they had been translated into english, but most of my comics knowledge come from there. There are a lot of really interesting characters there, very different from your American ones (I'm not saying better, just different)
My all time favorite was called "Nippur de Lagash" (that means Nippur (name) from Lagash (city) :wink: and it was set in the old Babylon (not Babylon 5, the real one). He fell in love with an Egiptian princess (whose love was fobidden :cry: ) and got to meet Teseo, kill the Minotaur and many other adventures. He was great!!
And "Gilgamesh the immortal". This one was great too, it took the legendary character of Gilgamesh the immortal and brought you from his origins in the old Mesopotamia (sp?) to the present and future, telling parts of his neverending life set in different moments of history and different famous characters (Anibal, Hitler, etc). It was a dark comic, the immortal tired of immortality and looking for death, but not finding it, he even gets to be the only man alive after a nuclear apocalipsis, and takes upon his shoulders to start anew in another planet (with a group of tube babies he found in a lab. :wink: )
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Naw, can't say I've read much Argentinian stuff :P
However, i HAVE started getting (*cough* downloading *cough*) Ultimate X-men. 'Tis pretty Ok.
And what I saw of X-men Evolution was alright. Yeah, Cyclops is a do=gooder. Nightcrawlers cool, so is Wolverine, but I'm not a fan of Spyke...The only problem is it's on at stupid times, so I have to catch it when I can (*cough* download *cough*)
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justice league my friends, the only killer cartoon on the tube...hehehe, of course the fact that batman single-handedly carries the team doesn't play a factor :roll:
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I love that show (can't wait for the third season...when is it coming?). Now, I don't read much Wonder Woman, but it seems like she should be more noble and outgoing than she is in the show. Her VA is so monotone its ridiculous.
I like Hawkgirl, even though she doesn't bring all that much to the team (Seriously, the one power she has that nobody else has is the ability to talk to birds and they have never used it), but I missed the two Hawkgirl episodes, including the season finisher with Hawkman :cry:
Oh, and you guys should also check out the GN "Kingdom Come" (I think thats the name...). Its an elseworlds but it was great. I really liked WW in it (I may ever start reading her after that...)
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I currently collect the following:
New X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Exiles (really good, elseworlds kind of book that I highly recommend0
Wolverine (what an awesome book. wolvie is the man! {right behind Havok, that is})
Green Arrow (started this when Kevin Smith wrote it and it was my first and, at this point, only DC book)
Ultimate X-Men
X-Men Unlimited
I also read these titles that my brother-in-law collects
The Ultimates (wow, is this ever a great version of The Avengers)
Captain Marvel
I am also thinking about getting into the Superman titles, but my husband seems to think I won't be able to pick up the storyline at this point. I'm not sure about that.
I am about to read 1602, which I've heard some really great things about. Also, have you all read The League of Extroardinary Gentlemen, cause the book was way better than the movie (which I still liked a lot.) My brother-in-law just bought the second one in hard cover, so when he finishes it, I will read it. And my husband wants me to read this Spiderman TPB he just got that collects a Green Goblin story, so I probably will read that too.
I also recommend to anyone who has not read them, the Starman books with the later incarnation of Starman. Not the classic character, but the modern one. And if you haven't read it, pick up Garth Ennis Preacher series, because it was great.
Looking back on this long post, I realize I am a total geek. *Sigh*
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grrrrrrrrrrrr, an X fan....i think me and mike may be friends now...
btw, mike, wonder woman is a real solid read, i have that on my list...rucka is writing it...since he took over with ish 195, diana has already been more involved as an ambassador to the UN and there's more story with the gods, like Ares (hehehe, gotta love the god of war :P )
aww, don't feel bad kristen, i have quite a few titles also...btw, now is the perfect time to pick up superman (next month, april)...new creative teams...
on superman...written by Brian Azzarello (this guy is one of my top 3...he promises to use lex luthor a lot) and pencilled by Jim Freaking Lee (who did amazingly last year on Batman)
Adventures of SUperman will be written by Rucka (who, i think, has about 6 ishes left on Wolverine cuz he signed an exclusive contract with DC)...i forget the artist, hes a promising up and comer...their focus will be on Lois Lane, not to mention they're going to deal with what it's like to be married to the man of steel
Action Comics will be written by Chuck Austen (who also signed an exclusive agreement with DC...an X veteran)...and their focus is on lana lang...
heh, here are my titles...the first 4 in order of preference
Detective Comics
Gotham Central
Birds of Prey
Wonder Woman
Amazing Spiderman
Sojourn (man, people really gotta check this out...its simply fantastic)
and the following minis
Batman: Death and the Maidens
Demon: Driven Out
1602 (actually a really cool title)
JLA/Avengers (hehe, JLA is too strong)
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I started Collecting two titles!!!!!
The New Silver Surfer Series
WOHOOOO I feel proud to have series that i follow
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hehe, my god! i started snooping around Melbourne! There's sooo many comic book stores and what not, deviously tucked away, i had no idea! and they don't cost the earth!
SQWEEEEELLIONS of comics i have found! some titles i've ne'r even heard of!
but anywhos, i've started reading Uncanny X-Men. but there shall be more. oooh yes, there shall be more *rubs hands together*
Re-starting the thread
Current crop of comics, reviews if needed, are
Books of Magic: Life during Wartime
John Constantine: Hellblazer
Hellboy (when it restarts soonly!)
Red Sonja
THB (when it's released)
Damn Nation
Waiting for the trade of "Samurai"
Clive Barker's Thief of Always
awaiting Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere
Ultimate Iron Man (Orson Scott Card!!!!)
Toe Tags Presents:George Romero: The Death of Death
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Good picks :)
I just decided that James Jean is my idol.
He does the wonderful covers for Fables (my favorite book), and also Batgirl and Green Arrow.
Best. Artist. Ever.
Re: Re-starting the thread
OOh, they're doing a comic book adaptation of Neverwhere? Awesome. :D
I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for it.
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This month's Fable had a preview of Neverwhere. Glen Fabry's on interiors! Once Toe Tags ends, (provided I don't get sucked into some IDW horror serial) I'm thinking of picking up the first Fable trade, or possibly Star Wars: Empire. I've heard good things.
I haven't read anything Star Wars beyond SW Tales since Darth Maul. Anyone got suggestions?
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Hold on...A comic book of Neverwhere? I definitely have to get some of that. I can't help in terms of SW, unless you haven't read Heir to the Empire or anything else by Timothy Zahn. If you haven't read anything by him, do so with all speed. I'm currently reading William Gibson's Virtual Light and I'm gonna start Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins.
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Oops. Just saw that remark thanks to Last Gentleman.
The Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) has got to be, hands-down, the best group of Star Wars novels in existence. Aside from that, I also enjoyed the three Jedi Academy books.
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For comic books, my monthly stash usually consists of Green Lantern, Conan and Astonishing X-Men, but I just dropped X-Men and added the new Alan Moore series Albion in its place. I also picked up the first two issues of the General Grievous mini-series from DH, but it's boring as hell, so I won't be getting the remaining two.
For "real" books, I just finished So Long and Thanks for All the Fish. I'm also a third of the way through a book on the hisotry of witchcraft and while on a break from essay-writing today, I read the first two chapters of Shake Hands with the Devil. Even just reading that little bit it's disturbing.
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I SO envy you, guys!!!
Damn third world.
(PS: welcome Last Gentleman, what's your name? You can call me Ally :D )
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I've just finished reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. It was a fascinating read - looking at what might happen to the Old Country gods that are brought to the New World only to find they're no longer needed and are all but forgotten.
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Yeah, I read that one when it first came out (well, in paperback -- I'm too cheap to buy hardcovers :lol:). Really interesting read.
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I've been reading a bunch of manga I recently bought-- several titles include
+"Ayashi no Ceres" by Yu Watase
+"X/1999" by CLAMP
+"Hellsing" by Kohta Hirano
+"Alice 19th" by Yu Watase
For novels, I'm currently finishing Gaston Leroux's "Phantom of the Opera".
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Aaahhh! I've been reading TONS recently! (not comics since I don't get them) mostly horror novels as Adam will attest (cos I've been freaking him out with a summary of the plots mwhahaha). I think my favourite so far has to be 'Hideaway' by Dean Koontz which was just FANTASTIC, really scary but the ending made it worth while - it was a surprise twist ending too which I totally wasn't expecting.
I've also been trying to get my hands on the Jim Rook series by Graham Masterton. Over here Masterton's books are like gold dust I'm telling you! I've only found two on a second-hand book stall (Snowman and The Terror) but I'd reccomend him if you like a good scary story with lots of graphic blood and gore (seriously some of the descriptions will make you shudder).
I recently finished 'Ritual' which was particularly chug-some concidering it was all about a secret sect of religious cannibals! Oh! And I JUST finished reading 'Tengu' which was also really cool with excellent characterisations for what is basically a plot-driven novel.
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For those interested in the comic book adaptation of Neverwhere, here's a little taste of what to expect. I definitely recommend clicking on the 'view interior art' link. Very cool.
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Just picked up Neverwhere #1 last week. I have to say that it's certainly a different visual interpretation.
Door isn't really that different, just definitely young and more outlandish in clothing
Richard is, well, Richard.
Croup and Vandemar are quite interesting. Croup is a small, thin, Artful Dodger lookalike, and Vandemar looks like a muscle-bound Texan.
The biggest shift, from both Gaiman and the BBC is the good Marquis. He's dressed entirely in powder-grey finery, wearing a powdered wig, and is black. Not as in African-American, but solid coal pitch black. Rather interesting, that.