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From: Kristen Lindgren
To: Admin@latenightgames.com
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 03:08:00 +0000
Subject: my fantastic legends character proposal

Fantastic Legends Character Proposal

True Name: Soleil Munroe

Hero Name: Sundance

Character Description:

Soleil is an All-American girl from the Midwest, recently transplanted to
San Diego, California. She is 5’8 and weighs 120 lbs. Her body is leanly
muscled from hours and hours of dance and martial arts training. Soleil is
cute, with her big blue eyes and long, straight blonde hair. She dresses
casually for the most part, preferring jeans and brightly colored tops.
Soleil does wear a pendant around her neck, consisting of a pretty, sturdy
gold chain with a pendant of some golden brown polished stone dangling from

Soleil is friendly and open. She is only 18, and has recently moved to San
Diego from a small Nebraska town called Utopia. She is very trusting and
more than a little naïve. Soleil has spent her life up to this point living
a very sheltered life in Utopia.

Character History:

A man named Mitchell Munroe and a woman named Celia Reynolds worked together
for a scientific research firm in San Francisco in the late 70’s. This man
and woman also happened to be romantically involved. They also happened to
be growing further disgruntled with the direction the United States was
heading in morally and intellectually. Mitch and Celia were both certified
geniuses who worked together on a combined genetics and chemistry project.
They were charged with uncovering a way for the research firm to capitalize
on the rise of “superhumans” in the world. The company hoped to design a
more perfect human and then sell that design to the military.

When Mitch and Celia realized their experiments were going to be used by the
military for warfare purposes, they were very upset. Both had grown tired
of the problems facing America as a whole, and Mitch, who studied social and
behavioral science as well, had a theory. He believed it was possible to
isolate a small community filled with the best and brightest and create a
new, better America. Finally, when they realized what their work was going
to be used for, Mitch and Celia decided to put his theory into practice.
They rounded up 50 couples, among them artists, writers, chefs, and the
like. These couples all chipped in funds, and Mitch and Celia purchased the
town of Wilkins, Nebraska. They promptly renamed the town Utopia and
proceeded to make it one.

Utopia is a cross between a commune and the perfect planned community.
There is a generated force fence surrounding Utopia, Nebraska, and those
wishing to enter the town limits must submit a request to do so through the
local sheriff’s office. The town itself is very much like any other Midwest
town. There is a single, large farm to the south of the town proper and all
members of the Utopia citizenry are required to put in a set amount of time
each month working the fields. Otherwise, the people in Utopia are like
people in any other small town. There’s the diner and the ice cream shop,
the mechanic’s and the newspaper office. And of course, there’s a high

Utopia’s form of government is recognized by the United States Federal
Government, and consists of a town council, led by the town’s duly appointed
mayor. Everyone in the town is required to serve on both the council and as
mayor, although the latter office changes hands only every 2 years barring
any unforeseen complications. Utopia does not get any monetary assistance
from the United States, and is considered by most to be its own sovereign

Aside from the sociological aspects of Utopia, Celia Reynolds, who was a
biologist and a medical doctor, also experimented with the food and water
produced in Utopia until she had created a more perfect source of nutrients.
The food and water in the town tastes great, and it contains elements
which promote the perfect health of all of Utopia’s residents. Celia did
not stop there, though. She and Mitch were married soon after the founding
of Utopia, and began to immediately plan for a family. There first child,
their son Randy, was born not long after. Randy was a pretty healthy child
for the most part, and he was happy. Then when Randy was almost 8 years
old, he came down with a mysterious malady. After much research, it was
revealed that Randy suffered from a degenerative nerve disorder which was
caused by a genetic abnormality. Randy spent the next 4 years dying a slow
and agonizing death.

Following the tragic loss of their son, Celia and Mitchell were devastated.
She decided she would no longer allow nature to run rampant in her life.
When a few years later, the couple decided to try again to have a child,
Celia manipulated the genetic material, utilizing the work she had done
during her days researching for the company she had worked for. Celia
created a “perfect” child through chemistry and genetics, a daughter. The
only thing was, there was a side effect to this manipulation.

At the time of her birth, the Munroe’s daughter exhibited unusual physical
characteristics. Her skin turned a deep, golden tan in the sunlight, and
she seemed to grow stronger and more active whenever she was exposed to it.
Celia was concerned that once again something was going wrong, so she began
to run tests. In a few days time it became apparent that rather than being
the peak of humanity, the child was actually more than human. From Celia’s
research, they were able to ascertain that their daughter was able to absorb
energy from the sun. Her very cells stored this solar energy and then
channeled it, making her strong, fast, and durable. As long as she was
exposed to the sun, she was never sick, never weak. Celia was delighted.
They named their special little girl Soleil.

Celia and Mitchell decided it would be best to inform the entire population
of Utopia about Soleil’s special abilities. She grew up surrounded by an
extended family, the community, all of who knew what she was capable of and
determined to protect her. Soleil had a fairly normal childhood. She
discovered early on a love of dance, and began studying at the age of four,
taking lessons from a once prima ballerina who had retired to the town after
wearying of the life she led in New York City. Because it made her a
stronger dancer, Soleil took up martial arts at 6 years of age. She
continued to study both for the rest of her life.

Soleil was popular with the other children in Utopia. She was a natural
leader, and joined the cheer squad when she went into high school. Cheer
was actually a point of pride for the students and parents of Utopia. The
Utopia High Cheer Squad went to nationals all four years Soleil was on the
squad, and her senior year, when she was team captain, they took second
place. This competition marked a change in Soleil’s life, for it was here
that the recruiter from UC San Diego saw the young girl for the first time.
He pursued her, even back to Utopia, and in the end, Soleil couldn’t resist
the lure of California, such a different and exciting place compared to her
small hometown.

Soleil went to UC San Diego on a cheer scholarship when she graduated from
Utopia High. She is studying Education, and plans to return to Utopia
someday to teach the kids there. Before she does that, though, she harbors
a dream she shares with no one, a dream of dancing professionally somewhere


Soleil can absorb energy from the sun, not unlike a solar cell. Her body
stores this energy and converts it in her cellular structure, increasing her
body’s natural abilities.

Physical strength is increased beyond the level of a normal human being,
enabling her to lift incredibly heavy objects. As she ages, the amount she
can lift, carry, throw, etc. increases. Currently, at 18 years of age, she
can lift approximately 500 pounds. She can throw ¾ of that amount a
distance of 10 feet, and she can carry half that amount.

Physical endurance is increased beyond the level of a normal human being,
enabling her to carry on taxing activities for long periods of time. As she
ages, her body’s durability will grow. At this point, she can withstand
damage equal to that inflicted by a prizefighter’s punch or the impact of a
car traveling at 30 miles per hour without being hurt.

Physical prowess is increased beyond the level of a normal human being,
enabling her to perform precise or difficult physical tasks with great
finesse. This ability will probably not increase with age. At this point,
Soleil exhibits an uncanny grace.

When exposed to the sun and allowed to rest, Soleil’s body will heal damage
inflicted on it at a rate approximately 4 times that of a normal human

Soleil can create an aura of plasma energy centered on her hands and use
this energy to increase the damage she inflicts with blows. This stunt can
only be performed in times of great threat to her.

Character Items:

Soleil generally carries a backpack with textbooks, papers, pens, and the
like. She usually has her laptop computer with her too. Soleil has an
apartment off campus which her parents pay for, and she has a job assisting
at a dojo which specializes in teaching children. She gets her spending
money from this part time job. It is also how she trains. Soleil has a
used Toyota Camry that her parents gave her as a graduation present.

Other notes:

At the beginning of the game, Soleil has not used her powers or abilities in
a heroic way. She has used them in the past to help out her friends and
family back home, but the notion of being a “superhero” hasn’t really
occurred to her. Thus, she has no arch nemesis, or special equipment. She
doesn’t even have her “superhero identity” although I already know who she
will be.

Me, the player:
Most of you already know me. My name is Kristen, and I play Daye on the
LABN board. I have been reading and collecting comics off and on for over a
decade. I have played (and still play) lots of tabletop games, including
Shadowrun, D & D, and Heroes Unlimited. I have a husband, two beautiful
sons, and my job is to stay at home and take care of all of them, plus my
sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. My
favorite comics are the Marvel X-books.

Kristen Lindgren

Soleil "Sundance" Monroe

Firefly's picture

Oh, I forgot to put in my proposal that Soleil is played by Nicole Eggert.

Soleil "Sundance" Monroe

MrDave's picture

I like the smalltown girl in the big city feel of this character. Sort of "Felicity in the City" meets "Smallville". Cute.

Should make for some interesting tales.

Soleil "Sundance" Monroe

Meredith Bell's picture

Great character Kristen (I think you have a thing for these clean-living gals ;)) I assume that the character's weakness also lies in her strenght, being the sun. With the sun she is strong but without it she grows weak.

BTW Who is Nicole Eggert?

Soleil "Sundance" Monroe

Kieran's picture

yes :D ...felicity...smallville... :D two of the best shows ever!!!!!!!!!

Soleil "Sundance" Monroe

Firefly's picture

Yes, I meant to include that in the character proposal. Her body is very literally like a solar battery. She can absorb a set amount of solar energy, but after a certain time must be recharged. Therefore, after say 12 hours or so (the limit may be lower, I haven't quite decided) her powers would become unaccessable because her "battery" would be out of juice.

As for Nicole Eggert, she was on Charles in Charge and Baywatch. I will have some pics on her to use later.

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