\ WTF?!?!?!? | unlimitedi.net
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Kieran's picture
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Fine, Dick Grayson stepped down from the mantle of Robin because he wanted to be his own man...so DC gave us Nightwing, one of the greater DC characters...Dick grew as a person, fighter, and detective...

OK, Jason Todd was killed, namely cuz fans voted for that, but that proved to be Batman's life-long, unforgettable failure...

so then we get Tim Drake...the wunderkid...the computer whiz who figured out that Bruce and Bats were one and the same...this kid still had stuff to look forward to, some family and school...but excelled as Robin...

NOW WHY IN GOD'S NAME IS DC GETTING RID OF HIM FOR.........................................................

Spoiler aka Stephanie Brown...she is the world's most annoying pest, someone Batman actually finds unworthy to fight crime...arrrrrrrrrggggggggg, i understand these guys have to use marketing ploys, but for crissakes, its robin man, he's number three...this guy doesn't have the tragic past that the other two have...and tim is so much a part of the batfamily to let go...all for a female robin...above all, a character everyone hates...(btw, im not against female characters, but the batfamily is chock full of them)

anyways, my two cents...i know this will interest only Mike :wink:


Mike's picture

Yeah, I read that Robin was going to be a girl (although I didn't know it was Spoiler), and I can't figure this out. Tim is a very popular character...why would they take him out for a character that is disliked by many? And one that Batman doesn't think should even be fighting crime?

Grrrr...there better be something that I'm missing here or else this makes no sense.

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