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Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Mike's picture
Posted in

Um...just out of curiosity, how many posts to we need to get a SUPER COOL customized name like the one Adam has (I.E. Paranoid Android, for Sara)? Heather's at 400, and she still doesn't have one which means i have a while to go...but i was just wondering.

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

MrDave's picture

Everyone gets a rank based on the number of posts they have made. It is possbile to give people a special rank that does not change. And I am willing to put one on your character if you want. Adam probably had Lou do it for him.

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Meredith Bell's picture

Actually Adam didn't ask for the customised name, it came about from a joke we were having at the time only I never changed it back afterwards. :D It's not that difficult to create a special rank for your character if you want one (these small admin tasks I can handle hehe).

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Mike's picture


Um...but I don't know what it should be yet :oops:

Any ideas people?

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

MrDave's picture

"Permanant Pain in the Ass" maybe? :twisted:

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Mike's picture

"Permanant Pain in the Ass" maybe?

May your wife leave you for another man, followed by your spontaneous combustion


Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Kaarin's picture

hehe, yeah, it was a joke - one that Lou had to explain to me as well. :) Initially the title was something different, don't remember what, but it was just a sudden thing.

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Heather's picture

Sara wrote:
hehe, yeah, it was a joke - one that Lou had to explain to me as well. :)

8O Adam, there are many, many things that it's surprised me when you've said you haven't heard of them. But really, this one was Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for cryin' out loud!! One of these days we're going to have to sit you down in front of a tv with a huge stack of dvd's... and we have the dvd for Hitchhiker's, too. :wink: After that will come Blake's Seven and then the entire collection of Dr Who (yes, I have them all... well, all the ones that still exist).

*begins to contemplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything, and spontaneously combusts*

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Allyana's picture

Heather, if i ever get to visit you, you'll have to hide all those DVDs you have or we wont even get to talk.

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Mike's picture

I think I would like it to say "Shining Light" under my character name. One, because Spectrum makes shining lights, and two, because I am a shining light in the world and better than everyone else!!!!





Well, Just make it say "Shining Light" for now please. At least until I change my mind (dreams of the admin running around like little Cinderella's, while he laughs maniaclly...ah...)

Special Names under our chracter names...or something...

Meredith Bell's picture

There you go, Oh effulgent one ;)

Just remember, you don't want to annoy the Admin too much... they do bite after all. :twisted:

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