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Name: Nicola Reynolds

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Position: Intern, Senator Douglass’ Office

Age: 24


Nicola Reynolds is an attractive red haired young woman of serious demeanour. She is quiet and reserved except in company she knows well but even there, there is always a hint of distance

Nicola Reynolds is played by Alicia Witt.

Nicola Reynolds was born 17th June 1979 in Boston to conservative upper middle class parents. Nicola had a settled and relatively normal childhood throughout her early years though her elder brother – John garnered the majority of her family’s attention leaving her to ‘suffer’ a sort of benign neglect.

It was in early adolescence though when Nicola’s burgeoning sexuality forced the first differences between her and her a family. Parents who were staunchly conservative with a central belief in a nuclear family and a brother just joining the military left her with no one to talk to about the changes in her life.

High School was hell for Nicola, originally outgoing the pressures of dealing with her attraction to her own sex in an environment harshly critical of any variations from the norm left her shy and withdrawn

Nonetheless Nicola did well academically and she entered Boston University. College was almost a revelation for Nicola, exposed to new people and ideas she blossomed in many ways.

Nicola graduated from Boston University with a degree in Political Science in 2002. She met her closest friend, Melissa Hartson while they were both attending the school. They were roommates through all four years at the University and grew to be exceptionally close.

Nic knows that the closeness she shares with Mel is due to the fact that Nic harbors a deep love and attraction for the other woman, but she has never acted on her feelings. Nic’s homosexuality could be a considerable liability in her line of work, and she is very ambitious. She won’t jeopardize her chance at political office for any reason. Therefore, above all else, Nicola values her privacy. She doesn’t talk about her personal life with anyone.

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