\ Character:Persephone | unlimitedi.net
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15:40 "Balthazar and the Soothsayer"

Logan's picture

Bored, Logan spun the stir stick of his gin tonic as he gazed absentmindedly around the room. A mix of humans and demons littered the swanky establishment; a typical crowd for the Hellfire Lounge. Next to him, Balthazar was deep in conversation with his associate, laughing as he always did, a bit obnoxious and a lot too loud.

22:32 "Inside the Hellfire Lounge..."

Logan's picture

2021-05-10 22:32 - Monday
Inside the Hellfire Lounge...

By the time she got time to herself that night, Jasmin was already frustrated. It was a rare night when she dressed down, in a black dress with corset and lace shawl, and boots, her blonde hair hanging down straight. So she found herself, seated now in a booth in the lower lighting, listening to the music. Jasmin absently ran a finger over the rim of her glass, filled with blood that had a bit of green and black specs floating in it.


Logan's picture

Character Name:Persephone
Other Names:
Race: unknown. Appears human
Sex: Female
Birthdate / Location: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Operator of the Hell Fire Lounge


Persephone is played by Natalie Portman

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